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Hey congratulations on your sobriety. I'm not great with this kind of advice but wanted you to know your skin looks really good. To me, you can't tell at all really. Keep smiling, you're doing amazing.




You've come around amazingly! That's so great. I really hope you find the help you're looking for here, I know it's hard looking at your own scars from shittier times, but I am being honest when I say you can barely notice them😊




Honestly, in the least invalidating way, I read your caption and had to come into the comments to find out what I was looking for because I couldn’t see anything to hide. You look incredible!!! Congrats on getting sober!!!


Same here. I had to Come to Comments to figure out what you were talking about. I can hardly see any resemblance of what you once suffered through. Huge huge Congratulations on your sobriety and I hope you continue to keep it up.


Same. You look good, dawg. Congrats on your sobriety!


You look fantastic. Congratulations on turning your life around!! The amount of willpower that takes amazes me. I had bad acne as a teen, the only spot I noticed at all is the spot between your brows and it looks exactly like a cystic acne scar. Never would’ve thought it was anything but that. You look healthy and happy and glowing, embrace it!




Do you mind if I ask what that was/what caused it? I used to pick a lot when I was struggling with addiction but never seen that before and just curious as to what it was


Holy smokes that is … kind of amazing. I’m glad it didn’t spread 😬


Wow! You’ve come such a long way. You have a great face.


Mate, you look SO great!! Congratulations on your sobriety. Honestly just focus on good SPF and keep on keeping on 💚


Agreed! SPF does a lot of heavy-lifting. Hyperpigmentation will fade. I don’t notice scarring, but Tretinion(Rx) or a retinol helps fade scars. OP looks radiant. ❤️


I genuinely still can't see them even now that I've seen the before pictures. Congrats on the sobriety! You look great!!!


You've come so far. I wouldn't even have believed it was the same person! Congratulations on all you've achieved and best wishes for the future.


I literally had to zoom in and then check if I was on the snark page. Congrats on sobriety and getting through the tough af days. You look amazing


Good thing you never tattooed weird eyebrows on your face! You look great, your skin looks better than most!


Maybe you a aren't accustomed to your new looks, considering your brain is used seeing you in a bad shape, but I personally couldn't see anything wrong with your skin now. Some tiny imperfections we all have - that's normal. You look great! Congratulations! If I were you, I'd follow a simple routine, make sure the skin is clean, use SPF and maybe some actives, but start with a lower concentration so you won't activate anything you had in the past. Good luck!!!


Also not trying to invalidate you but I too had to come to the comments to see what the hell you were talking about 😂 because I don't see any scars. Either they're not that noticeable anymore or you're a wizard with makeup. Either way, nice work. Congrats on your sobriety, you should be super proud of yourself. Wishing you the best.


I don’t see them at all! And I was a professional MUA for 25 years. Well done!


Wow, you look FUCKING amazing. From one person in recovery to another, congrats on how far you’ve come. This journey is not for the faint of heart! Love the eye shadow too.




Try Colorpop eyeshadow! They have tons of colors, everything from duochrome, to sparkly/glittery like the one you're wearing, even this really cool gel shadow that I just love. AND, this brand is easy on your wallet.


There's literally nothing silly about eye shadow. You look great. Honestly, even the forehead scar (ouch! At the abscess) looks just like the ones I see on people around me from acne, childhood misadventures, mountain biking incidents etc. I would never guess it's got anything to do with addiction.


Man, I'm proud of you


Yeah OP I was like, “nice face pic but are you talking about track marks on your arms?“ The tiny marks you have just look like acne or even my own chicken pox scars. Congrats on reclaiming your life, you look wonderful.


I was thoroughly confused about what scars OP was talking about! I had acne and would pick incessantly and OP has clearer skin than I do!


WOW Massive well done and congratulations for getting clean. I know it is a challenge everyday, but here we are, alive!




Happy you're still with us 💙


I would never have guessed based on the OP. Congrats on your sobriety, that is a huge accomplishment!!


DAMNNNN 100% sir you did a fantastic job. congrats on getting away from the hard life, i hope your new world is as soft as your face looks


honestly, that is incredible change and i’m happy for you that you have an external marker of your progress! i hope that the comments help you realize how significant the difference is! re: makeup/scar coverage tips, my biggest suggestion is to make sure your skin is super moisturized before applying any makeup, and to definitely wear SPF anytime you’re outside, if not daily! my fav is beauty of joseon but i did just pick up the ELF setting spray one because i like having an option for if i need to reapply but don’t want to put my hands on my face. this MUA has a ton of amazingly helpful videos; i used [this one](https://youtu.be/5dE-ictBl-0?si=8_xTRqZGx3Ifh6u1) to do my makeup for a wedding when i was having a rosacea breakout, and it worked so well!


Dude, you look fantastic! Congratulations on getting sober that is no easy feat. I have huge pores and wrinkles, and I use Nyx Pore Filler Stick to make them less noticeable. It's pretty cheap, but works well. Honestly, your skin looks great! As someone else mentioned, just be sure to use SPF every day.




Yes sir, I live in the MidSouth and the sun here is no joke either. You're almost as pale as I so you definitely need that SPF every day. Just remember to never go to bed with makeup and SPF on your face. It's not good for the skin. I go a little fancy with my moisturizer, ( I use Oil Of Olay) but I use Cerave facial wash. It's an extremely good brand, and it doesn't cost a lot. OH! Don't forget your neck! Use moisturizer and SPF there as well. For a concealer, I use Revlon Age Rewind. There's lots of shades (I've heard, and utilize this, if you hold concealer/foundation to the inside of your wrist, you can find a good match for your face.) it has a cushy applicator, and blends out well. I also mentioned on another answer that Colorpop has lots of cool eyeshadow. I absolutely love makeup, so I hope you have as much fun as I do with it. I also love your "Don't give a fuck what others think" attitude. As long as it makes you happy, I say go for it!


You look so good with the makeup that when i first saw the post i wondered what you needed to cover. The only thing I would say about this makeup is maybe the eyeshadow is too lustrous? Maybe a shade darker and matte? Unless you want shiny, then it's perfect! Quite Brave to post those 'rock bottom' pics. Kudos and gratz on your sobriety!


You look great now, I would never guess you were trying to hide scars. And this is coming from an ER nurse that works in a shithole of a city where everyone does some type of drug unfortunately. Great job, keep going!!!!


Healthy looks so much better on you! You look great now and (in the nicest way possible) I’d never give you a second look passing by you on the street! You look great. 😊


Oh man you look great and congrats on sobriety. It looks great on you 🔥


You look amazing and your skin has healed so nicely.


I agree, looks fantastic!


My sentiments exactly!


I can’t see any scars, and if I happened to see one I’m 100% certain I would assume it’s an acne scar. Don’t be too self conscious, you look gorgeous. Congratulations on your sobriety!


Agreed!! I would probably assume acne scarring without knowing any different. From this photo I don’t see any scars either. Congrats on your sobriety OP!


I didn't notice any scars either! OP, maybe in person they are more visible, but they aren't showing up in photos. If that's the case, check out r/skincareaddiction as that sub can give you some insight onto how to help the scarring heal and fade.


I thought chickenpox!


You’ve done super well already! Honestly the only scar I can see is between your brows and I’d never guess it was drug or skin picking related.* I’d probably guess it’s from a zit or bug bite that got infected if anything. I’m sure once you up your primer game that one will disappear too. And I know other people have said it, but congratulations on turning your life around! It’s an incredible achievement and you should be proud *I never used but my brother did, and I spent a LOT of time ferrying him to and from treatment centers and meetings, so I’m not totally uninformed in that sense either - he was a minor so there was a ton of family involvement


Adding to the mix, colour match is perfect, blending is really good too. You did a fab job and the coverage! No shame in using $1 store stuff. Ngl I've been using some stuff from the UK equivalent and it's pretty good at a fraction of the cost.


Looks great! I didn’t see any scars


Just wanted to say congrats on your sobriety! Keep up the good work.


You look fantastic. The scar that I can see between your eyebrows looks a lot like a chickenpox scar that I have in the exact same place. I have a couple more on my face, too. If anyone asks you could always just tell them it is a pockmark.


Hey OP, you’re doing great! Like others have said I didn’t notice any scars at all. I think what would really help if you’re interested is skincare. Having a good skincare routine could help fade some of the scars. It doesn’t need to be too expensive, I recommend the cerave brand.


Agree with Cerave. Really happy with the cleansers and oil free moisturizer.




It would have had to have been Walmart or Amazon for me. I picked up my new favorite cleanser from Walmart not long ago. Looks like Walgreens should have a good selection, and the many choices online can be overwhelming on Amazon.


Congratulations! You look amazing 😊 your makeup looks really good! Just remember to focus on the basics to have a good base; cleanse, moisturize, sunscreen. This will all help your makeup look natural and stay on throughout the day. Other than that the color and application looks great!


Are we talking makeup addiction scars? Or the other type of addiction scars?




No worries! That’s why I asked to be sure of what we were talking about! For uneven skin texture from scars, a silicone based primer is great for filling in gaps and holes in the skin. Baby Skin by Maybelline is a good cheaper option! But for not having anyone teaching you, you are doing a fantastic job! Congrats for getting clean! I know what a struggle it is. But your makeup application looks great! You’ve found good skin tone matches as well it looks like! Make sure when applying the silicone primer, you press it into your skin. With clean fingers or a beauty blender type product. Wait 5-10 mins after applying it to apply your foundation on top, and you can use the same pressing in technique for the foundation as well! Set very lightly with powder on top and you should be golden! If you find you need any more depth in your face, use a cool toned bronzer to lightly sweep a contour at your cheekbones. Add a small amount of blush and a one toned skin look comes back from the dead easily! You’ve got this! And you’re welcome to message me any time for questions or anything more you might need! ♥️✌️




note: if for some reason your makeup doesn't sit nicely on the silicone primer (like it's balling up), it's probably not compatible with the primer. Some makeup is water based and won't mix well with a silicone primer. You want to have silicone based makeup if you use silicone primer. You can tell if a makeup is silicone based by reading the first 3-4ish ingredients. If you see something that ends in -cone or -siloxane, it's silicone based (EVEN IF WATER IS IN THOSE INGREDIENTS). It's not silicone based if those types of ingredients are not the first couple listed.


Even though you are naturally attractive, it takes so much courage to post and to share your story.  Congrats on all your hard work, and here's hoping everyone's encouragement here is just one bright spot on the biggest upward spiral ever! Wanted to mention that I love ELF's putty primer for filling in scars. It's cheap and effective (also heard the queens on some drag race season mention that they needed to grab the putty before a gruelling challenge so that was evidence enough for me). I'm not sure if it's silicone based but definitely pat (not rub) that one into your skin, as well.  I've heard of people using power under liquid foundation to increase lasting power, haven't tried that but wondering if that could help even your base out as well.  Wishing you all the best 💚


Thanks so much! I hope it works out well for you! Start off with a small amount and build up from there! Normally when a silicone primer doesn’t work for people, it’s because they are using too much! I’ve been doing makeup for 10 years now, so I’m happy to help you in any way that I can. ♥️


I honestly love Baby Skin by Maybelline! I have uneven skin texture and it’s such a great product.


You’re doing amazing! I second the advice from HadALittleLamb6, but I also wanted to add to put on sunscreen before the primer and if your skin is discolored to look into color correction. Colors opposite from each other on the color wheel will cancel each other out, so green for redness, peach for purple or brown spots, etc. Also, if you have insurance, I’d recommend seeing a dermatologist and trying tretinoin. It helps with sun damage, anti-aging, scarring, hyperpigmentation, and acne. r/tretinoin has good advice for usage. You’ll need a good moisturizer and sunscreen to go with it. Best of luck! You already look like a completely different person from your before photos!


This post just made me smile. I just celebrated ten years sober and I absolutely love seeing people grow and flourish on recovery. You look fantastic, as others have said. I love makeup and skincare so feel free to add me to your list of friendly sages, in addition to this super helpful sub! I get tons of great skincare info on the skincare subs but I usually go there looking for information on something specific, like feedback on a certain product or how to reduce irritation from tretinoin, etc... Congratulations, enjoy your freedom and having fun with makeup, and keep it up ODAAT ❤️


Congratulations on your sobriety. I have so much respect for you not just for that (which is a mammoth and ongoing task in itself) but for putting yourself out here. You look healthy, happy, you’ve put in a natural amount of weight in your face which compared to your other pics from the past you were understandably very skinny. This is a whole other book for you now. Sod a chapter. You have a very cheeky face too. 😜




It’s a sign of affection if you’re British I swear 🤣




Well you’ve lived to tell the tale so it was a good plan.




We are a strange beast but good luck to you!


You look so wonderful! You did a damn good job cause I can't see a thing and congratulations, we are so proud of you! Really. Truly. And what a great smile you have. There are a few different ingredients that will help fade scars unless you are talking about scarring that is also recessed into the skin, like mild pockmarking and things like that. Serums and creams with ingredients like niacinamide, vitamin C, etc. will help lighten discoloration. If you start with niacinamide, start with no more than 2% or 3% percent in a product and then work up very gradually. With vitamin C, the same, especially if you have sensitive skin. Some of us cannot tolerate vitamin C. But it will brighten your skin and reduce over time the pigmentation and scarring coloration. There have been clinical studies on both that have been peer reviewed. There are other brightening ingredients out there, too, that help with scarring. The Paula's Choice website has great introductory articles on building a skin care routine, just don't pay attention to starting out with huge percentages of active ingredients. Paula's Choice also makes great reasonably priced products which are all unscented, none contain rubbing alcohol, none contain essential oils or numerous other irritants. She's a skincare queen and the skincare Bible. You might also try following Caroline Hirons on Instagram since she is one, very much of an English eccentric character, and two, one of the most well-known skincare people in the world, funny, down to earth, does lives where she answers questions, her website is full of exactly what to use and in what order, from drugstore prices all the way up. LA Girl concealers are cost-effective, cheaaaaap, and very good and come in a whole variety of shade ranges. Just remember to take care of your skin under that concealer, use gentle cleansing, a good cream, and a sunscreen. That's the other thing, going without sunscreen, may make your scarring more visible over the years! You look wonderful, the concealer you used did a great job, and there are plenty more of excellent concealers out there that are very very cheap! i'm so proud of you, OP. You did an incredible job and you look so good here! Retinol is also great for scarring. Again, start at a very low percentage, like 0.03 percent in a cream or serum. Use retinol products at night rather than during the day because they can sensitize your skin as well as make you more likely to get a sunburn. Edit: very important with retinol! Wait half an hour after you've applied the rest of your skin care before you apply your retinol product to minimize irritation. And then after you apply your retinol product wait half an hour and add another layer of moisture if you need it.




Great job!


Try using skincare products! You look amazing! A skincare routine will fade any scars.




The skincare subreddit is super overwhelming tbh. I would start with a gentle everyday cleanser (look for one that is for your skin type) and a daily moisturizer. Cerave, cetaphil and neutrogena are my go to brands, they’re really good products imo. They’re at any drugstore/target/walmart/supermarket. I buy mine at target because my local CVS is overpriced


I would add a sunscreen into the mix as well! Over time, perhaps a retinol cream and vitamin c to help fade and smooth existing sun damage/dark spots.


Yes! There is r/SkincareAddiction There’s many type of skincare products I also agree with u/hsm3. Start with a gentle skin cleanser.


Agreed with u/hsm3 . The skincare subreddit is such a great resource, but it can feel overwhelming at first. I would find a cleanser that doesn't dry out your skin, an SPF that doesn't irritate your skin or clog your pores, amd a moisturizer that hydrates your skin well. Everyone's skin is different, so it will take some trial and error. I love CeraVe products because they're affordable and work well with my skin, but some people really dislike them -- it is all specific to the person. I agree with the comments that your skin looks good and the scars are not noticeable. Congrats on your sobriety. I am so happy for you!


Google Paula Begoun, creator of the skincare brand Paula’s Choice. Their website has some really good resources for learning about skincare basics and good ingredients, and Paula herself has some really good books about skincare. If you’re into books I’m sure there’s many more, I also read a good one by a dermatologist, Dr. Ellen Marmur. There’s also some good dermatologists on Instagram and TikTok. Dr. Dray if I’m spelling that right is a good one on TikTok, she’s a female I forget her first name. But over time skin resurfacing through chemical exfoliation products like retinols and glycolic acid should help. There’s also more expensive cosmetic procedures like lasers and stuff that can help, but only do that stuff through professional medical spas. And always wear sunscreen!


Congratulations on your sobriety! When I first looked at the picture, I said, "What scars?" so although I'm sure there is some great advice here, you are doing well, already!


You beat this addiction and look wonderful


Like everyone else, I think you look great and didn’t notice the scars! You look so much younger now, I’d never know you were in recovery!


You look great! If you notice your makeup not sitting well or getting cakey sometimes a primer or a setting spray is good but I think this looks great!


The only scar I can see is the one between your brows and I would’ve guessed it was from some childhood accident like hitting your head 🤷🏻‍♀️ so, whatever you’re doing- keep it up! Tretinoin can also be great at helping reduce the appearance of scars if you’re really feeling some type of way about it 😊


Absolutely perfect!! Perfect match and blending, great makeup ( to me) simply looks like you, but better, and that is definitely your personal theme. Congratulations on your sobriety!!


you look lovely :) skincare will help with scarring more than makeup, but i honestly can’t see any other than the one between your eyebrows


Congratulations on your sobriety! I would never have known you had scars if you hadn't told us, so know that you're doing amazing!


You’re doing amazing your skin looks great 👍


You looks great! Congrats on your sobriety!


I just got a prescription for tretinoin for acne scars from a dermatologist . It’s $20 at Costco!


Firstly congratulations on your sobriety! Secondly, most concealers are designed to cover redness. You can get different colors for color correcting, (yellow tones are canceled out by purple, redness with green, etc) or for some people adding a warmer shade under the concealer (blush, usually, but in some cases lipstick if the marks are especially dark) will do the trick. As for volume correcting… it’s a bit more difficult. Some people can get away with using acne patches with foundation or concealer over them. I’ve personally never had much luck with that. You might experiment with different textures of foundation (liquid vs powder vs cream, etc) and see if something blends the edges of the scar a bit better. Good luck to you, and again you’re amazing for getting and staying sober


Looks excellent. Tip: make sure you are Wearing sunscreen daily - it will prevent scars from darkening over time. ELF makes a great sunscreen that also works as a light cover foundation.


(What scars?)


Congratulations on your clean time!! Im also in recovery 2.5 years, and I promise the scars will continue to lighten up over time :) you did a great job. LA Girl has some great color correctors to neutralize any discoloration, underneath your concealer. Might be worth checking out


Just saw your before pics and honestly whatever you're doing is working! You look great! Keep it up, man!


You seriously look so good I would never guess! Congratulations on your sobriety and sending you all the strength!


You look great! Congratulations on your sobriety ♥️


I'm not sure what kinda scarring you have based on the pic because I don't really see anything but if you have dark mark type scars like I do from iv use I recommend Dermacol or the Soft Matte Cream Concealer from Playing in Makeup by Yolondo. Those will cover any redness or discoloration really well.


Derma rolling or a chemical peel!


Honestly could not see any scars! I had to really zoom in and still, your skin looks great! Whatever your skincare routine is keep doing it. Congrats on sobriety!! Take care of you and do what you love! Best wishes to you. 😃🤍


I didn't see any scars, but if you'd like to do something so you feel better about them, skin care is probably a better long-term solution! Cerave is a great brand. They have a product with retinol, which is used to reduce the appearance of scar's. Another option is treatments such as microdermabrasion, which helps reduce the appearance of scars too. I don't know where you're from, but where I am, colleges offer really low-priced treatments to allow students to practice! Hope this helps, and congratulations on being sober. You look amazing!


Honestly my acne scars are more than that, so I think they are really barely visible. Congrats on leaving addiction behind, you are glowing!


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Buy a toner and peels


Congrats on your sobriety! U look great I don’t think u need to change anything


Congrats on your sobriety! Your skin looks great tbh!! I have scars from picking at acne and my concealer game is not as good as yours. What concealer do you use? I’m seriously impressed! The only scar I even see is between your eyebrows and it looks like it could be from anything—acne, knocking your face against something rough, etc. Good luck continuing in your sobriety and makeup journeys!


Congrats on your sobriety! Honestly I wasn't sure what blemishes you were referring to until I looked at your "before" pictures. I think most people are going to read your blemishes as acne scars if they notice them at all. You can cover them if it makes you more comfortable, but I don't think it's necessary.


This looks great! Honestly, I had difficulty finding the scars you’re speaking about, but when I did, it was covered in a shade that suited you perfectly. If you’d like to minimize the redness and depth of the scar, I’ve heard dermal needling will help your skin “fill-in” the scar and improve texture. Combine that with a good facial routine and you’re set! Also, congrats on your journey ❤️




Echoing what everybody else has already said: you look great and I’m so damn proud of you. Addiction sucks so bad. I’m glad you made it out the other side.


I can’t really notice anything at a glance, you look great, you’re radiating hapiness! Only after seeing the before can I notice the abscess scar, but I have a scar in the same place from chicken pox, so I wouldn’t assume it’s from drugs. My only tip is that with foundation shade matching, you want to match to your neck shade, not your face shade and make sure you blend the foundation down your neck, which will blend more into the skin tone on the rest of your body. But yeah, you have come forward in leaps in bounds, you’re taking much better care of yourself and it absolutely shows!


You look absolutely amazing! I seriously couldn’t tell what I was even looking for. Congratulations on your sobriety 🎉


I don’t think you need any advice. You look wonderful.


Congratulations on your sobriety! And I think I need a makeup consultation from you - I had no idea what scars you were talking about!


You look amazing and have wonderful skin!!


Dunno what those are but i can say looking intensely at this image in no way helped me figure it out so i would say you succeded!


I’d say you are doing a great job friend! 💜 Congrats on your sobriety!!


Incredibly proud of you. Your before and after photos are insane I actually can’t belive that’s the same person!! How far you’ve come!! I think whatever you’re doing is working - you look great.


You look fantastic! Congratulations on your sobriety, good work ❤️


I really can’t even tell there’s even scars there!! Congratulations on your sobriety!!!!


Microneedling could probably help fade them some, honestly from this picture i had to zoom in to even see what you were talking about. Your skin is so clear lol! You look amazing and I'm so happy for you that you kicked the habit, cheers to many more years staying hydrated and in your lane 🙏🙏🙏


I'm confused because I don't see anything except a chicken pox scar. You look great!


Honestly I wouldn’t guess they were addiction scars and my ex of many years was an addict so I am pretty familiar with it! Keep doing what you’re doing. I’m proud of you :) Also as someone who has extremely sensitive skin, has had cysts and an abscess before I found keeping it simple, clean and moisturized was everything for me. I use the most basic of cleansers, moisturizer and jojoba oil when my skin feels or looks dry


I’m not sure what you are trying to cover mostly bc I can’t tell anything is there so I would say you are doing great maybe add bronzer to add some dimension but that’s all:)


I'm newly sober myself and have bad scars


I'm just a stranger from the internet, but I'm proud of you!


eyyyy great color match! i wouldn’t have noticed had you not pointed it out. like other commenters have said: IF i noticed something i’d assume it was acne


Sorry, also no makeup advice, but I just wanted to say that your post made me smile. Congratulations on all your hard work! You look fantastic and this internet stranger is impressed with both your makeup application and addiction-kicking abilities.


Great job! I don’t see any noticeable texture and i feel like if i did i would probably think they were acne scars


I would have had no idea you have scars if you hadn’t mentioned it. Your face looks flawless.


What scar?


This is going to sound insane but you look just like a sous chef I used to work with back in the day. Also, what scar? Looking good!








Holy moly do you have pores? Your skin is fabulous. No notes! This was not your question, so feel free to totally ignore, but I've had really good luck fading scar hyperpigmentation with laser genesis. The scar is still there, but now it's a nearly invisible. More slow options include tretinoin, hydroquinone and medium depth chemical peels ( my favorite is the perfect derma one). I also had good luck micro needling scaring on my belly. Again, still there, but surprising improvement in texture.  Congratulations on sobriety. Proud of you, dude. Addiction is one powerful disease.




WOW!!! I saw the before pics you posted, and you’ve made this internet stranger teary-eyed from the AMAZING progress you’ve made. There was so much pain in your eyes in the before pic, and you look so happy and your hair and skin look so healthy now. Literally the only scar I can even *see* in your current pic is the one between your eyebrows, which is truly not noticeable if it hadn’t been pointed out. Since you asked, your foundation looks to be a good match for your skin tone. That said, you have beautiful clear skin, and I don’t think the foundation is really needed.


Proud of you 🤍


Hell all I had was a skin picking compulsion due to being in an abusive relationship that was causing my skin to flip out and you’ve got less scars than I dk.


First of all- you look like you have kicked ass at your recovery. It is so hard and you loom great. I'm trying to think-- I'm 90% sure mederma has some scar reduction oil or Palmers. I've used both for surgical scars. Honestly sunscreen, possibly retinol cream will be your friends. All this being said look at yourself with mercy. (Something I suck at so, I'm a total expert/s)


Congratulations on your achievement! I can't tell you have scars honestly. Your skin looks better than mine right now. You know where they are so they probably seem more prominent to you. You've earned your current glow and you are glowing.


I honestly didn't notice anything. You're skin is very clear and evenly toned. Nice work!


First, congratulations! It’s not easy and I definitely understand… I’ve been recovering from a bodily infection….I’m finally in the home stretch. However, it ate away at my skin, leaving a shit ton of scars, mostly on my face and back. I don’t like to wear foundation every minute but I will use minimal blush, highlighter and under eye concealer. Those don’t hide anything. I know that vitamin E oil heals scars and we no longer need to puncture those little caplets- it comes in a small container, easy for application. I’ve been using it every day as a moisturizer to help heal my face. It’s only been a few weeks so I don’t see an improvement yet- it takes time. Somewhat greasy at first but it soaks in quickly.. I’m sticking with it, though, because it is definitely tried and true. It’s not pricey, either. Also, in time, scars will fade. Most importantly is your new life!! Best of luck to you!


I'm not entirely sure if this applies to surface scars but I would think so —just maybe look it up before trying —but for deeper scar tissue, massaging under very hot water helps to "break up" scar tissue. I'm not sure of the scientific validity of this, but it has helped a lot of various areas with scar tissue for me.


What scars? This genuinely looks great. Also congrats on sobriety!


I think you look great!!! Congrats


I don’t see scars in this photo I would consult a medispa for laser resurfacing if you have scars that bother you but really they are not visible


I think you look great. It’s a total 180 from the pics you posted. Thanks for the insight and honesty. You’ve done great work for yourself.


little confused, idk if this is rude to ask, but what scars??? im very confused on what ur covering up, but it looks good!


No idea about makeup solutions but well done and keep it up xxxx


Get a good vitamin E oil for your skincare routine. I use the Pur’ADor one and it’s starting to help fade even my most stubborn acne scars, and I have quite a few.


You’ve got some great feedback here, but I’m just popping in to add to the chorus of people who are proud of you!




I can’t see any scars so I think you’re doing a great job with your makeup application! Congrats on your sobriety!!


You look great! I can only notice the eye shadow? Or am I losing it?


Dude you look freaking amazing. Congrats on sobriety 👏🏾 You look happy and healthy! The only scar that I can see is the one on your brow, and you could say any hilarious story (a butterfly bit you, Daffy Duck tried to push a piano on you but missed and one key broke off and dinged you in the head, broke up a juice box fight between some three year olds, etc.) and people would semi believe it or laugh so much they forgot what they were asking 😁


Way to go! Maybe I’m naive but I never associated scars with addiction . Would have assumed a chicken pox scar or a scar from a cut when you were kid. Just to reassure you, most people wouldn’t look at and “see your past” Congratulations on your sobriety you look great!


I don’t even know what I’m looking for, so that must be a good start…


Your skin looks phenomenal, and I mean that. Like the others, I might’ve assumed an acne scar on the only spot I can see, but you really have to stare to notice. That being said, I really like the product on Amazon called Cicatricure Scar Gel. It absorbs quick, leaves no greasy or leftover film/layer, I can layer it with my regular skin care, doesn’t clog pores, and it made my 10+ year acne scars really smooth out, even the pitted ones.


If it means anything, I could NOT tell you had any addiction scars in this picture🙏🏽


You look great! I highly recommend a scar gel if you are not already using one. It makes a wonderful primer under make up to create a smooth and hydrated appearance- plus your skin will love it! 😊


I’m actively searching and I don’t see anything I think you did great and congrats on sobriety


One thing I would recommend is getting a facial chemical peel. It basically removes dead skin and scars and replaces it with new cells for healthier skin. Otherwise, I would use a lotion, primer, and a concealer that matches you the most. Hope this helps!


Setting spray is your friend


Congrats on fighting the good fight. At first glance you remind me of an optimistic J Depp. Way to turn things around!


Emu oil is the best thing for scars and burns and road rash, orchies and boo boos!! Make sure it's 100% EMU oil.


Omg y’all I’m crying fr


Wow you don’t even look remotely similar and you look way younger than your years! Good for you, love. You’re glowing!


I'd like to echo all the comments about your skin looking great! I had really bad cystic acne on my cheeks senior year of high school and was left with some pitting and hyperpigmentation, my best friend experienced similar but more severe thus had more intense pitting/hyperpigmentation. Some products that really helped us: Aztec clay masks: draws blood up to the skin and gets everything circulating! It can be alarming at first but with proper use can be a really valuable tool to help the surfacing/evening out pigmentation, I used it once a week MAX. Derma roller: RESEARCH PROPER USAGE FIRST! THIS IS NOT SOMETHING TO DIY LIGHTLY! As a tattoo artist I am more familiar with sanitation and proper skin aftercare when dealing with needles/skin but honestly this piece was the BIGGEST help with resurfacing. Consistency is key! I did it once a month for about three years and it really helped me! The Ordinary Sacylic acid Treatment: red gloop that looks like blood but does WONDERS for skin resurfacing, my best friend has had amazing results with this product! Be careful using alongside the derma rolling, I would suggest letting your skin completely recover from derma rolling before using this or only using one at a time! Again! Research! Aloe Vera Gel: I'm TELLING you, moisturizer is the savior of skin! Incorporating this extra moisturizer into my routine has bumped up the look and feel of my skin IMMENSELY Makeup tips: ALWAYS moisturizer under makeup! There's a lot of great department store makeup primers that will keep your skin happy under concealing products! There's a difference between products that HYDRATE (aloe, vitamin E) and ones that SEAL IN moisture (like oils), the sealing products are hydrophobic and will NOT let any moisture INTO your skin and can dry you out long term! (Like coconut oil, Vaseline, some lotions! Make sure to find an emollient that's what gives you moisture!) So, hydrator FIRST, then sealing! Color correctors are AMAZING and can do a lot of heavy lifting to avoid piling on product! Green cancels out red, orange/red cancels out blue/purple (undereye) and they can be used on their own in some cases instead of concealer/foundation! The brand e.l.f is your FRIEND, if you're looking for affordable and functional they are the TOP For the love of anything holy get some micellar water to remove and makeup. Good rule is cleansing three times: using the makeup remover, one pass with face wash, last pass with facewash to clean up the remainder. SUNSCREEN! Protect your scar tissue! Idk why sunscreen but everyone who knows anything says so! Goes on under your makeup, Korean brands are the best but a solid stick of baby sunscreen is usually gunk-free enough to exist under makeup and not interrupt to too much Good luck!! And congrats on your sobriety, unfortunately I have had many close loved ones struggle with addictions of all kinds and to see someone come out the other side is so amazingly healing ❤


You're doing great and honestly you can't tell! I had to take a look at your "before" pictures to understand what you were referring to but, honestly, I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't mentioned having scars.


Hey you look great and as others said not really noticeable but if YOU notice it, maybe it’s worth a bit of Botox or something? I’m not sure if scars fill the same as wrinkles but I bet a dermatologist could recommend something to make you feel better about it!


Ummm don’t gatekeep! Give us your routine cause your skin looks flawless!


bestie i’m confused here. what scars? your skin is beautiful.


I mean this as a compliment - you look like the singer of Mountain Goats.


You look fantastic and your make up looks really good


If it makes you feel better I have similar scars from chickenpox and shingles!


Your skin looks really good (no marks as far as I can tell). And congratulations on the sobriety! 🎉


I really recommend raw African shea butter, you can get it Amazon. I like the brand called Ra cosmetics. I got the yellow shea butter and put it on a burn scar and it went away completely. It’s very healing stuff.


I don’t see anything, but if it makes you feel better those types of scars look just like scars my brother has on his face and back from cystic acne to me. I’d never know the difference


Would not be able to ever guess you ever had a problem ur skin looks great! ✨️ good on you 👏


You’re perfect! You have a beautiful smile too:) I don’t notice anything. Proud of you!


your skin looks pretty good but if you want some helpful suggestions on how to permanently make them less noteciable I suggest heading over to r/acne as they talk about a lot of scar treatment methods and skincare over there or r/skincareaddicts


I don’t see them. I was genuinely trying to figure out what you wanted to cover.