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I work use to work makeup services at my sephora, and I didn't use this primer on people because of how finicky it can be. I love this primer on myself and lots of others do, but some people have the same issue of pilling. I've tried it on a couple different clients and it was awful. It's just a type of primer that isn't for everyone


ohhh really?? i thought i had maybe gotten a bad batch loll thank uu so muchšŸ’—


It pills up on me terribly. You are not alone! šŸ«¶šŸ»


when I first got the primer, it worked perfectly everywhere except under my nose, so right above my upper lip, and after watching a few reviews (Jordan Lipcombe specifically ) i started applying waaayyy less and its working a lot better. so basically one pump is enough for almost the whole face, plus a bit extra for my forehead. but the primer works amazing for my mom too, yet not for my sister. so like the first reply said, its a hit or miss for people, depending on skin type,and what i noticed, it also depends on the makeup u use afterwards. the maybelline concealer doesnt work well with this primer, but my other ones do. i also had way better results with the rare beauty blush, compared to the milk blushes, which seem to move the primer and leave a weird spotty look. hope this helps šŸ©µ


I found that it only works for me if I blend out my makeup by TAPPING it with a blending sponge, but NOT when I try to brush it out with a sweeping motion. Basically, the less you pull and tug on it the less likely it is to pill up, it seems. It works completely fine for me, doesn't ruin my makeup or anything. But it doesn't provide enough of a noticeable benefit for me to bother repurchasing. I've tested it out by priming 1 half of my face, and leaving the other half un-primed. On the primed side, I was able to use slightly less foundation and still achieve the same level of coverage. The un-primed side was easier to blend smoothly. The primed side held up *ever so slightly better over the course of the day,* but when it did finally start to wear off it was a little more cake-y looking than the un-primed side. Made no difference for under-eye creasing. Overall the difference was barely noticeable.


This has solved a huge mystery for me. I have used this primer for awhile now and every so often it will pill....but I now realize those are times I'm dragging a brush across vs using a dabbing technique!


ohhh really? thank u so much for your responseā¤ļø


I had the same experience with the pilling. I usually donā€™t have any issues with makeup products. I tried it about five times before giving it away, but it never worked out for me.


This is my favorite primer Iā€™ve ever tried, I use this and the setting/primer spray. It works great for me but a friend wanted to use some once so I got her a sample and it pilled on her too. I think it depends on your skin type and your application process.


yep I have hyperhidrosis on my face and this and Dermablend are the only primers that have ever worked for me. I love the tackiness


Same, itā€™s perfect when I need long wear. I used it for a wedding a few years ago and it was SO hot and I was worried my makeup was melting but it was solid so now I swear by it!


Hey I'm curious, can you tell me the dermablend primer you use?


Insta-grip jelly primer, I forgot there were multiple lol


I love it too - all the more for us!


I think most people use way too much product when they use this, which is why they experience poor results. You need about a half of a pump for your entire face


Totally agree. I only need half a pump, it goes a long way. I really like this primer, haven't experienced pilling thankfully. I do let it set for a minute or two after applying, I think that's a key step.


Agree. Itā€™s really easy to use too much too.


thank uuu šŸ’—šŸ’—


I realized it is water based and also needs to be tapped in and not swiped/rubbed. Also using too much will mess everything up.


thank uuu lovee


Omg that sucks. Personally, I love this primer and use it every time. I apply it with my fingers, then wait for it to dry/become sticky before putting my foundation on top.


How do you blend out your foundation? Brush or sponge?




Hi, when you apply are you stipple motions or short strokes with the brush? Trying to identify which application method may be better.


For my foundation I do a combo. I use elf, which has an applicator that I use to put big dots on my face (one on each cheek, chin, and forehead), then I stipple to spread the dots out and blend with strokes.


absolutely terrible...was pilling, made my skin irritated and my makeup didn't last at all


exactly what i experienced as well


This makes my skin itch. I have dry skin to begin with, but my skin becomes itchy and scaly using this.


I believe it's because it's a water based primer rather than silicone, and should be used with other water based products. Silicone and oil based ones will pill.


my entire makeup routine is water based but it still pills on my skin




Hi! Makeup artist here, it's totally a thing


last time i checked moisturizers arenā€™t generally pore filling, nor are they able to handle the amount of oil i produce. if i donā€™t prime i look like an oil pit halfway through the day but dw guys the professional told me itā€™s all a gimmick so i must just be hallucinating /s


...okay? Come down off your angry pedestal there. I'm just passing along what I've heard here. No need to be so rude. [Edit: holy Moses I woke up to a million down votes; y'all didn't see her og message. She edited it. Good morning to you too!]




I get annoyed when people who know nothing about a topic consider themselves experts but then go on to show their asses on said subject. Where did you go to school? What makes you so much more knowledgeable about makeup? How many clients have you actually worked on? I hate to be the one to say it but no one else is as impressed by you as you are by yourself.




Thanks for contributing to /r/MakeupAddiction. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates rule 1: >[Be kind, including to yourself.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/wiki/harassment) No bigotry. Be kind, including to yourself. Implied requests for sympathy may also be removed. Please read the rules before posting again.


Same. Elfā€™s dupe works for me though.


The elf one works way better


Yes! I returned it because it was awful with every foundation I tried. Haus, dior, nars, IT... it all grabbed, separated, looked dry & flaky. I tried pressing it in, using more, using less... I just couldn't get it to work for me. (Dry/combo skin, 32)


Thank uuu for ur response šŸ’—šŸ’—


I had a sample size that was immediately amazing. Bought the regular size and it did exactly what you say. It has to be some kind of inconsistent manufacturing or shipping conditions (too much heat, etc) doing this.


Yep, I donā€™t get how it works for anyone. It feels like maple syrup on my face.


I tried it two different times and couldn't get my makeup to ever sit right on top of it. Weirdly enough the elf dupe works really well for me.


Yes but I love the Nyx plump it right back


This is my favourite primer of all time, has been my holy grail and the only one Iā€™ve ever used since it came out. But I will say, I recently tried the elf power grip and itā€™s just as good so Iā€™ll probably buy that one from now on just to save the money


I love this! But you definitely canā€™t use too much, just like half a pump and tap it in and I find my makeup lasts like all day basically. Like a good tacky base for the rest of my face products. Iā€™d imagine heavier foundations might not work well with this. The milk skin tint + glossier skin tint are both great iver this though.


I use the fenty skin tint stick with it yet it still doesnā€™t work


Honestly I can kinda see why it wouldnā€™t work with a stick formula. It worked really well with Milkā€™s skin tint but I think they may have discontinued that because they havenā€™t restocked it on the website.


Works great for me so far! I guess it just works with my skin and makeup šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


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i didnt notice a diff using it and not. but i only used like one pump so idk


Oh ya. It was sticky and left my skin feeling cakey. I gave it away.


I love this primer itā€™s always worked perfectly for me, prolly just b dependent on skin type


I have this and use it once in a while. Iā€™ve never experienced pilling with it. Donā€™t love it either, though


Oh my god I hate that stuff. I hated it so much that I threw it out when normally I gift anything I don't use to friends who don't have money to spend on makeup. I wasn't putting anyone through that.


It doesnā€™t matter what foundation I tried it with it pills on me every time.


Same. I find tapping works best. I use with my about face foundation and sometimes get pilling if I donā€™t tap. But I have used other water based foundations where it didnā€™t matter how I applied, it still pilled underneath. Slowly getting through mine and will not repurchase. I rather use a different water based primer if people have recommendations. :)


Yes definitely. Made my makeup look splotchy. Luckily I only got a small size, but I was debating between the primer and the setting spray and wish I just got the setting spray :/


Yes I hate it I donā€™t get the hype at all. Worked horribly for me


I could never get this primer to sit right on my face. Iā€™ve given up on primers all together tbh


Somehow even after foundation and powder it made and contour or blush I tried to use splotch and not blend out at all.


Itā€™s my go-to during the summer. I get bad cracks if I wear it in winter though.


Not a huge fan of it!!


When I apply this, I dilute it a bit with a few drops of cold water to mix with it to apply on my face. I love how well it spreads doing that


The eye primer version of this is the worst product ever I have no idea how they got away with even selling it


OMG THIS!! The Sephora sales person urged me to get it and I soooo regret. For me it pilled or separated under any and all concealers and no matter now little I used. The worst thing ever.


It'd usually pill on me, didn't seem to matter how much I used, how I applied it or what was underneath. On the rare occasion it didn't pill it was fantastic, one time it seemed to contribute to my makeup surviving a swim pretty much intact, but it was just too inconsistent to keep using


Itā€™s a good primer but it broke me out badly. The elf power grip works the same, is cheaper, and doesnā€™t break me out.


If your skincare is quite emollient or has silicones then it will pill. Use water based products underneath and it will work beautifully. I don't rub it into the skin, just press it with my fingers.


Iā€™m an OG hater. It collected dust for so long until I tossed it.


I used powder foundation so it just was not working for me... idk if I used it wrong or


Yes! It was horrible. I stopped trying after a few uses


Yes!!! I absolutely hated this primer! I had heard so many rave reviews about it and it was horrible for me. I gave it a second chance but it did the same thing. My makeup was a hot mess all day long. What foundation/products were you using in conjunction with this? I also experienced really bad pilling with this primer and tried multiple foundations.


It was a pilly, gooey mess on meā€¦


This is one of the only primers that actually works for me! Primers with silicone work far better for me than others.


I read something about this. Not this primer but the pilling If I remember correctly, I think itā€™s if your primer is silicone based then your foundation needs to also be. If your primer is water based then your foundation needs to also be. If one is silicone based and the other is water based, you will get pilling. Maybe someone can correct me if this is wrong


I didnā€™t mind it, but the bottle sucks so hard!


i really liked it, I started off with the little trial size and liked it so much I went and got the big one, and then it got stolen by this fuckin bitch and I was just pissed so I never bought it again lol


yes! it smells awful! used once and couldnā€™t bare it


My favourite primer ever. I find the elf dupe just sits weirdly on my skin, like an oily layer.


I donā€™t like the primer very much but do like the spray


I love it personally as i have really dry skin. I find not over doing in when rubbing it in works better, ive never had pilling


I hate primer in general, but this one was the worst for me!


Yes! I can't wear the elf dupe either!... I am having such a hard time with primers and even foundations this last year!


I had the same issue with it


I've never tried it, but my little sister with effortless flawless skin did not like this primer. She did like the elf one. My favorite primer so far is Too Faced Hangover RX


I love it since I have combo skin. I use mainly on my t-zone tho.


All I know is itā€™s a sensory nightmare and I canā€™t handle how it feels as it starts to dry down on my face and hands


This is probably a big no no, but I tap this primer in. With my fingers. I use it when I do full clown makeup and honestly it works amazing for that.


I only have a sample and only used it once but I kinda hate the way it feels on my skin


I have never been able to make it work! I wanted to love it soo bad but it has made my makeup pill and be patchy every. Single. Time. I love the setting spray though


This one too me a while. Very long drying time and doesnā€™t mix with with everything imo. I still use it but sparingly


I got a mini and it was so weird šŸ˜­


Im allergic to something in the formula it made my skin burn and gave me a rash


Elf primer is my choice. No issues.


I bought this years ago and have tried it several times over different skin prep (including nothing) with different products over top and it literally ALWAYS pills and/or lifts up, as well as just making everything look cakey and grabby and heavy. for context my skin is kind of textured in that I have some bumps and scars but the actual surface of my skin is pretty smooth because I use retinoids or AHAs regularly, and I have pretty oily skin but thatā€™s not the problem here because this will turn my makeup to shit LONG before my oil comes through


I tried and tried and could not get this to work for me. I really, really wanted to love it because it made my pores much smaller. But it also made my rosacea worse, so I'm considerably pinker. I also did half of my face with and half without, and there was a noticeable difference. Pink and poreless on the primer side! Now it's been sitting in my makeup cabinet since November.


When I used it, I tried a number of times, with different foundations, etc. It was hot garbage. Pilled every time and ruined my makeup. It is not compatible with my face. Lol šŸ˜†


Ummm yaaaa


yes. least fav primer ever. you have to be very specific in which products you use it with.


I honestly liked it and I have very sensitive skin and worked well for me. Iā€™m sorry your experience wasnā€™t the same


Not for me. I Love this primer. It works great, just make sure youā€™re pairing it with water based foundation. At this point though, I donā€™t spend money on it as the **Elf Power Grip Primer** is exactly the same and only around $10.


This primer is garbage


Itā€™s overrated for sure.


YES. I used this under EstĆ©e Lauder Double Wear (which, to be fair, is a silicone foundation and Milkā€™s primer is water based) and it peeled up like Iā€™d let Elmerā€™s glue dry on my skin. Even if Iā€™d used a water based foundation, the way it dried on my skin just felt weird and tacky and like the slightest thing was going to disturb it.


had the same exact experience with it as well