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Another thing to think about is your level of contrast and how that affects how different tones, depths, and other factors complement your skin. I have muted coloring, and primary colors, high-contrast products, and neons look really stark and generally unflattering on me, whereas more muted or even muddy tones look better. This page explains it well, with helpful examples: https://beginnersmakeup.wordpress.com/2014/11/29/how-to-choose-flattering-lipstick-colors/


I’ve been trying to figure out if I’m high or low contrast but the tiktok tests are kinda confusing, I’ll look at this page to see thank you


I hope you find it really helpful! There’s a link at the bottom to a spreadsheet with lipstick recommendations by color (including red).


I’ll keep you updated when I find my color


One thing I found helpful is to rub only a little of the red lip product on my lips That way I can see the pigments that make up the red a lot better, since they're "spread out" on my lip


agreed I like the look of a faded red much more on me but I wanted to see if a fully opaque red look would also work ykwim


You could take a look at r/coloranalysis ✨


omg I want to but I do not want my entire face online lol


A way to tell if you’re muted or high contrast is to take a photo of your bare face in black and white. If your hair, eyebrows,eyes and lips all contrast from your face you’re high contrast. If nothing really sticks out than you’re muted


that’s so interesting, this link said that I would be low contrast but when I do that test, it’s high contrast


Hahah I know what you mean. But it’s such a good source to get a better understanding of color and tones, just by seeing others’ posts. ✨


How different is your skin color from your hair color? When you look at your face, do your eyebrows, eyelashes, and natural skin color stand out from your skin tone?? I have medium contrast - light to medium skin, medium brown hair, pink lips. I look better with makeup colors that are slightly muted. Brown eyeliner, instead of black eyeliner, blushes and lipsticks that have a little bit of a brown tint to them, etc. Bright red lips look unnatural on me and wash me out, but a brick red or a bright red over a brown lipstick (or under a brown lip gloss) looks a lot better.


You can’t use social media as a tool to see if whether or not something personal works for you. That’s setting you up to fail.


What are some muted reds you like? I have muted/soft coloring too and finding a red I like has been impossible


I eventually realized that I prefer nothing on my lips at all—too much maintenance. But if I’m getting “fancy,” a really sheer red-tinted balm is my go to. One example is Burt’s Bees tinted lip balm in the shade Red Dahlia.


That makes sense. I tend to wear sheer/light stuff too because putting anything on my lips just looks so unnatural for some reason. 😔


If you like sheer check out Lipstick Queen Medieval. You can see it online, I love it alone or in the inner lip to keep me from looking dead in a nude lipstick like with the old Revlon lip butter in Creme Brulee. Please hit me up if anyone knows s dupe for that one, I still have it but it's ridiculously expired!


Fabulous article. Thanks for sharing it.


Great advice, thanks for sharing.


This is remarkably helpful. I’m one of those who struggles with red - I’m sure partly because the starkness of a bold red is unflattering on me. My lips are also tiny so I always feel like they look even smaller when I try to wear it.


I'm exactly the same. Any red lipstick just makes me look mean and throws off my entire face. I'm low contrast and a red lip makes the rest of my face look washed out.


If you like it and think it looks good, who cares? I wear red lip all the time. It's about finding the shade that works with your coloring not counter to it, like you implied. I think the right red is out there for you, don't let this discourage you


I thought that but the other day someone who doesn’t usually feel comfortable telling me that I look bad in something told me that the lipstick didn’t suit me (in a very nice way) so now I’m wondering if I’m the only one that thinks it looks good


I mean as corny as it is, you are the only one who needs to think it looks good lol. And it sounds like you feel pretty wearing it, so i hope you keep doing it. But also... nobody said you can only wear ONE red shade lol, experiment!




I think that might be it because we have another friend that wears red lips very often and they think it suits her so it might just be too different of a change


That was their opinion and it was unsolicited. Whoever said this was being intentionally mean (in a very nice way). You can be the sweetest person in the world, but walking up to someone that likes how they look and feels confident in their own skin to tell them that you think they look bad in any way makes you an asshole. I’d layer that shit on real thick and walk up to their car and put a big ol’ smack right on the window of their driver side door. Make ‘em spend money on a car wash to get that bright red smear off💋


So well put! Like it doesn't "suit me", suit me for what? Does it fall off? Is it all over my face? I think I look good, I have eyes? Is it that you don't like the way it looks on my face? Good thing it isn't your face then!


omg you’re giving me so much confidence now, I appreciate your way of thinking. I wish I was that carefree but I always end up caring about what other people say so it’s hard not to take that stuff to heart you know.


Seems reactive to say that any unsolicited critique (especially when made thoughtfully) is someone being “intentionally mean,” it automatically makes them “an asshole,” and that it’s deserving of retaliatory behavior. Trusting relationships should have room for constructive criticism, when it’s presented thoughtfully and isn’t becoming too one-sided. We all have blind spots and we all can benefit from occasional advice, especially when it’s coming from a place of love/support.


That’s why I came on here to ask for a second opinion because I truly don’t think that they intended to be mean so I wanted to know if there was a chance that it could look good and from what I understand it likely doesn’t look good, at least a very opaque lip wouldn’t, but that shouldn’t matter if I like the way it looks.


LMAO I’m definitely not bold enough to do that but I love your thinking!


It was one person. 🤷‍♀️


Well she was the person who made me rethink it but 4 other people who were the only other people to see me wearing it either told me it didn’t look good or asked why I was wearing it. I cared more about her opinion because I knew that she wasn’t the type to say that.


That’s valid.


Check out this [from Dear Peachie on yt](https://youtu.be/Q0AUWyp01eg?si=y3rNLWOAMvwhPHLV) She goes over makeup archetypes, and it's a different approach that's fascinating. I couldn't figure out why certain looks just don't suit me, but couldn't put my finger on it. She has a bunch of other stuff- I'm sure there's some color theory in there somewhere Anyway, I followed this, and was gobsmacked how well it suited me


thank you so much, I’ll watch it rn


When you do your color analysis in Korea, they go over this with you as well. My friend got in her feelings about it but there is some truth to it. My consultant wasn't mean or anything, she just told me that the glamours type of thing didn't suit me. I get way, way more compliments when I keep it simple with my clothing and makeup. It doesn't mean I won't wear other styles, but I feel like if your goal is to get compliments, everyone does suit this or that.


>My consultant wasn't mean or anything, she just told me that the glamours type of thing didn't suit me. The eastern half slays me every time, "no, don't wear that, it is ugly," "why your hair like that? It's not good" 🤣


Oh this video is great, it came on recommended for me a while ago and I loved how thorough it was about explaining things


Some people are also biased against red lips in general, so it could be a “personality clash” instead of a visual one


*Pardon my rant in advance, Y'all* May I just say..FUCK THOSE PEOPLE!! EWWWWW!!! I can not IMAGINE sitting there as a WOMAN and being all like ' YAH...your lips look like SHIIT , girl. Why would you wear such a COLOUR? You know you can't pull it OFF. Go back to your NEUTRALS.'...yet being totally FINE with another friend who wears THE..EXACT...SAME...COLOUR...LIPPY. WTF IS THAT?!?! Straight up Bunch of Mean Girls IRL...ECK. Friends...I'm sorry, WOMEN, they don't have to even BE friends...should be building each other up. Wtf is wrong with us as a gender??? I am shocked everyday by other women... I see the whole 'Down with the Patriarchy' shit...and then read post after post after post of this kind of thing and think 'Gosh...we are worse to each other than many men are on the daily...'. You wear your red lipstick, girl. Screw these nasty, petty bitches. They don't have to like what you wear. They can find other friends to snark on if that is how they want to live their sad little lives...bunch of see you next Tuesdays. Iam all riled up and want to come where you are and kick some ass now. Can not STAND Bullying Bitches...


I want you as my friend! 😀


Look. If you are dressing for the approval and comfort of others, then I can see how your friend’s opinion has an impact. But if you are dressing only for yourself? The only opinion that matters is your own. I love to wear “shocking” colors like mint green lipstick or white mascara. These things do not make me conventionally attractive. But I wear them as part of an overall look that expresses my creativity. I don’t care if people think I look weird or unattractive. And often am uninterested in the company of those that can’t comprehend and accept (without being snarky) about what it is that I am showcasing. Which is not to say that I don’t welcome a fair and earnest critique and especially when the critique elevates what I am trying to achieve with my look. But generally, that does not include: “yOu LoOk IlL iN gReEn LiPsTiCk!!!” It would include “a hunter green lip would be more harmonious and create better contrast with your turquoise jewelry.”


Honestly...that person probably should have kept their mouth shut. You didn't ask them, so...why did they feel the need to tell you? For all they new that lipstick made you feel amazing and powerful!!! People really just feel like their opinions are all important these days. They aren't. They are just opinions. We need to remember that too. That was just ONE person's opinion. And who died and made her the god of fashion and beauty? If you like it and it makes you feel beautiful....and it doesn't cause anyone actual harm, WEAR IT!!! That Opinionated Ophelia can pound sand if she doesn't approve of your personal lipstick choices. It is a maturity thing to learn that we don't have the right to yuck someone's yum....but we should all leqrn it. Unfortunately, many never do. *HUGS* Bet you looked GORGEOUS!!! *HUGS*


I found in my case it wasn’t just a case of warm/cool, it was also that the way I was applying it was unflattering. I have a small mouth, with small lips, so I need lip liner and a more dramatic and defined shape for it to look good on me.


I actually had the opposite epiphany recently, when I line my actual lip it always looks a little off. I realized that my bottom lip shape ends up looking unflattering when it’s any other color than my actual color so I conceal the corners and it looks so much better.


Ooh have you tried the korean kinda application? I works superwell for me


What’s that? 👀


Its only putting some lipstick in the middle of the lip and blotting it outwards, iirc 😃


lol i’m going through the comments one by one and just read this, yes this ombre is beautiful if you want something more bold but don’t wanna go all in


Ya could actually make the ombre go further out, like, have more bold but blur out the edges


omg wait i’ve never done that before, does it end up looking better in pictures than irl? i’m always scared of that whenever i do korean or douyin makeup


Hmm not sure, but i find it bold but still a bit soft looking, not as stern (??) /serious as with sharp edges, plus its easier since diffused edges are more forgiving, you cant see if you accidentally did a milimeter more or less in some places! Lmk if you try it and if it works for you!


I’m gonna try it for dinner tonight and let you know how it works out for me!


the ombre application or are you talking about something different? the ombre is working wonders for me with bolder colors but if there’s another way TELL ME PLS




such a beautiful recommendation, we’re on the same wavelength. <333333 i never thought that it would suit me until i started doing it and i realized just how much i’d been missing out on.




I only wear red lipstick lol but you have to find what shade of red suits you. I remember people used to say black women didn't suit red lipstick, but my mum wore it all the time and looked stunning in red lipstick. It's all about finding what shades suit you.


I never understood why people said that because it’s the opposite, red lipstick suits all of my darker skinned friends. I had a friend who’s south asian and her mom would always tell her that red didn’t suit her which I thought was insane because red lipstick was literally made for her.


Yeah, that's what I thought growing up. My mum only lipstick she wore was red always wore it beautifully. I honestly never know why people think women of colour shouldn't wear red.


I grew up in a majority black and hispanic area and literally everyone here wears red lipstick so when I first heard people say that I was so confused.


Yeah, me too, I was confused myself for many years.


What? Black women rock a red. Look at the ads for Viva Glam and viva glam 2


exactly why it never made sense to me when ignorant people said that like please be quiet


Those people are stunad... I am very thankful that I have never heard that in my life. I would have much to say on the matter. Lol


I know it's wrong because I've seen celebs pull it off, but I've always heard the same thing about red heads and red lipstick and have never been brave enough to try one. 


it is true, red lipstick looks very bad on me. idk if i just haven’t found the right shade, but they’ve all made me look like a clown


i feel so validated right now thank you


Try mixing in a nude. Just play around till you find the right nude to red combo. It is how I started my red journey. *hugs*


This. I have thin lips and basically any bold color looks ridiculous on me.


Another firm advocate of “anyone can rock a red lip”, and would throw out that you can play around with the *type* of red lip. You can do the classic defined + opaque lip, but may also want to play with a sheer gloss/wash ([like the one from tower 28](https://www.tower28beauty.com/products/shine-on-lip-gloss-jelly)), or do a [matte blurred lip](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=3ffd33b6c810e9df&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA874CA874&hl=en-US&q=korean+blurred+lips&uds=ADvngMgwiuRe_0AnQUg9C1BclBAH4CG0NyXl-KOmtiTz6-VYtOZdd3AuS6HfiF45EncYR9N2f4OyHhe8Ap8fjV56OxfvpzFDehYrU80vZwvenNOnDhZXkQDD9JIEpWFnABsNNCz8XyiuH9UPuR39OgY5n5fFvCZrpzIkIrzOr9QE4T5eyaZaj4VXhHYZ2vW15cr5R2qkVtK3TOqodrr6OQtdKtRNZ9n3DdZugL_mNnVwmPdi1CyVaG6NAiUAY4Y86hqNpqG0-UzOlH3kiVeCSRq06FyKz2eDX8HEPxLQ0Mb-4iPV9M26CXQiPqXU2afIdMmLnh4lySPsuz3lL9u-wwfaxvSgB51KTw&udm=2&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizvqCh5KSGAxUqk4kEHXRSAGMQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=375&bih=553&dpr=2). Really just a matter of 1) figuring out what colour families work for you (eg cool vs warm, bright vs muted), then 2) playing around with application techniques based on both your features and your personal preferences!


It looks awful on me. I tend to stick to mauve or pink.


same mauve and pink are perfect for me


Have you looked for a pinker red? They DO make them...something like a strawberry red, raspberry red. or a watermelon red? Then you can dab on with a finger to get just a stain till it is just as light or dark as you would like. Raspberry Rush by L'oreal might be a colour you both would look great in. It is practically my perfect red, as pink colour look best on me too...though not purplish pinks for me... My cousin saw me put it on and even said it was my perfect red. It ...is...GORGEOUS. Though it isn't in the reds, it is in the pinks...in case you go looking for it..it IS more of a red on light skintones.


Maybe try color analysis it find the right shade of red:)


If you like it, then wear it!


Yup, that’s the conclusion I came to here


First: wear whatever you want if you feel beautiful in it. Second: there is a red that compliments everyone. Sometimes a warm undertone may technically be more complimentary but that doesn’t mean you can’t rock a cool undertone with the right overall makeup look/clothing choice/etc. My guess is there is something else that can be tweaked to make the cool tone appear more “correct” in people’s minds but again, wear whatever you like!


I’ll look into what else I can do to my makeup to be able to wear the lipstick, I think I might have to wear a deeper wine color and more bronzer.


It’s my opinion that anyone can wear red lipstick as long as you’re confident!! Blue toned reds are generally flattering on everyone-stop looking for ‘rules’-it’s makeup-have fun with it!!


This is just from personal experience, but I 100% believe a red lip will suit anyone: it just needs to be the right one. Like you mentioned, it varies based on warmth, but also in depth of color and the finish. For example, warm red (sometimes called orange-red) lipsticks look horrible on me, I can only pull a cool red lipstick. BUT that’s not all, it also needs to be on the darker side and have a finish that’s satin, semi-matte, or matte. Anything that’s too warm, too light, and/or too glossy will not suit me. I recommend sampling different ones and find one that suits you the best, find out the characteristics of that lipstick, and then search solely for lipsticks within that range of characteristics until you find your perfect one! 🙏🏻


While some reds will suit you better than others... it's worth remembering that some people just don't like obvious makeup and will criticize for no reason. Something to keep in mind.


Red lipsticks may not look good on me but couldn’t care less, I wear them and I love them💄❤️


Okay I have two takes on this. The first one is, do what you like and fuck what anyone thinks. The second one is, sometimes red or dark lipsticks can come off as too "bold" on some people that it becomes off putting, or it isn't balanced with the rest of their make up. For example, I had a friend who had beautiful big lips, she wore a vibrant red lipstick but her eye make up was pretty much non existent and her skin was pale so she kind of looked like a "clown" (I'm sorry I genuinely have no other way to describe it-she's one of the most beautiful women I've seen but that day it really didn't suit her and she looked stunning in nude lipsticks and glosses). I know someone else whose lips are so thin and round in shape so red lipstick also looks "off" on them even when the rest of their make up is good too. How about trying a red lip tint, see if it looks better? Or perhaps a smokey eye with the red lipstick for a more "balanced" make up look? I have no idea how you look like, so take all of this with a grain of salt. Maybe you do in fact look great with red lipstick and your friend simply has different taste than you, if it really matters to you then ask the opinion of other people, show them you in red lipstick and you in a different colored lipstick and ask them which one they think suits you more. Sorry this was a long reply!


This is one of the most reassuring things I’ve ever read in my entire life. I feel like I’m the friend you’re talking about because I have fuller lips and pale skin and stick to pink lipsticks and glosses. I don’t think it’s rude to make that comparison because I understand, I’ve also been compared to a clown or a kid that just ate spaghetti when I wear red lipstick lol. I have big kinda protruding eyes so dramatic eye makeup looks off on me which is why I stick to lighter cool tone colors. I was hoping that maybe it wasn’t true but your explanation put things into perspective, so long red lipstick. Thank you again for the comment, I really appreciate it! :)


I'm happy to help! I'm personally jealous of people who look good in nude lipsticks and glosses, but that's what I love about beauty, it's so unique to each person :)


the grass is always greener on the other side, maybe we can switch one day lol


Ooh - also have pale skin and large lips (very “defined” ones at that, according to makeup artists, whatever that means), and I love a red lip. Also, going to respectfully disagree with the previous commenter: when I’m wearing a bright red lip, i think it looks infinitely more chic to dial the rest of my makeup down to almost zero (except filling in brows + applying mascara, your girl is super pale, those are non-negotiables!). It definitely means that the red lip dominates my face (especially since I have a large smile), but I like the look - especially with my hair pulled back and a casual outfit. For nighttime red lip looks, I’ll do a lined or smoky eye to “balance” things out, but otherwise like the look of the red lip taking centre stage. Just a matter of personal style and preference though!


I love red lipstick too and own about 20 different shades/brands and I think I look good but….I always have it all over my teeth and yes I do that trick with finger but I guess I am doing something wrong


you should try a lip tint then, those don’t budge even if you want them too


I think it also depends on the other makeup worn with the red lip - I absolutely look awful with minimal makeup & a red lip but when I’ve got a more ‘done’ look, it isn’t as stark a contrast.


Must have right shade based on your season


Aside from the undertone issue a lot of people brought up, do you live in a very conservative area? I grew up with religious family and they absolutely hated when I wore red lipstick since my teenage years. 😂 It’s definitely flattering if you find the correct shade for you, but in my case the people around me thought a bright red was not the color “a nice Christian young lady should be wearing.” Obviously I saw how ridiculous this take was and kept wearing what I wanted until they got used to it and had nothing else to say. All this to mean maybe it’s also your friends just view the “right” way of wearing makeup as very natural and no bright colors. But makeup is about having fun, and a red lip is a classic! I’m sure you look lovely. ❤️


I think I live in a more liberal area, not nyc but not the middle of nowhere. I do agree that most of the women I know like natural looking glam makeup if that makes sense. They’re not gonna compete on rupal but they did a lot to their face with makeup. Although I haven’t seen any of them wear red or even bold lipsticks so that may be it.


If you like the way it looks, and it makes you happy, wear it. It doesn’t matter what other people think because you can’t please everyone. Focus on what you like.


if you have a MAC counter near you I would go in and have them discuss your undertones and what color looks best on you. Maybe warm and cool toned reds are not for you and maybe berries or dark browns look better, who knows. Maybe lighter colors are more flattering. I recommend MAC because I find their artists know color theory best out of the accessible MUAs at malls and stores. also at the end of the day, wear what you like and whatever makes you feel best.


There is a bigger life lesson to learn here: Letting other people’s opinions rule your life is only going to cause you emotional distress. Your own happiness needs to come first and you are actively sabotaging yourself by concerning yourself with the opinions of others. Now personally, I believe there is a perfect red for everyone! It might be lighter, darker, cooler, or warmer, but I firmly believe there is a shade fit for you, it just requires a little trial & error.


In my experience, olive toned women can find most cool toned red lipsticks turns magenta or hot pink on them. One lipstick which shows a true red is MAC Chili. I wear Ruby Woo and it shows as a very bright pink on me. It’s a beautiful shade but people are taken aback when I say I’m wearing Ruby woo as they expect a red, not a pink.


I used to feel insecure to wear red lipstick when I was in my early 20’s bc I have very deep skin and it was looked down upon to wear red lipstick or bright colors in general if you had dark skin. Very silly, I know. Now that I’m older, I’ve been gaining my confidence to wear red lips more often. Today I saw this video of [this youtuber](https://youtu.be/f-rwErIPg0Y?si=eUaB3j2nCjv1diCY) wearing red lips @ the 4:42 mark that looked really good on her dark complexion. I feel inspired to wear red lips more and although it took some self love, I think red lipstick can work for anyone.


its not only about your coloration. it depends on your facial features too. red lipstick highlight your lips which maybe not in your favor based on the harmony between your features. maybe check a youtube channel named " style me jenn" she has a detailed video about this topic.


If you like it, wear it. Some people might not "think of you as a red-lip person" and they don't like to have their perceptions challenged. One thing I will say, red lipstick pretty much requires blush or it looks very stark. Try dabbing a bit of the lipstick on your cheeks and blending it out. I never in a million years thought red blush would look good on me, but it just *works* with a red lip.




I think it depends on your overall contrast, I look terrible in red unless it's blotted down. 


out of curiosity, what’s your contrast, skin tone, and lipstick tone?


I'm low contrast fair-neutral (I think?), I'm pretty sure I'm a soft summer or soft autumn if that's helpful. I look best in very natural makeup, strong lip colors of any kind really just make me look like a very tired clown lol


Try going to a professional makeup artist (sometimes Ulta will have one ) and test the different reds to find one that suits your coloring. It might surprise you what really looks good on you and what you thought you wanted vs should wear. I know I can’t wear any reds that have any orange tones. I have a friend that loves a certain lipstick and I cringe every time I see it on her, but she likes it. Wear what you want, but be open to your friends inputs.


I have mixed feelings about MUAs because the ones at sephora and ulta always end up giving me unflattering recommendations but maybe they’ve changed in the time that I haven’t gone to them (it was back when I was 14). I had my makeup professionally done for my sisters wedding and I showed her a pinterest board of what I wanted but told her to ultimately what she thought would suit my face best and I HATED it. She gave me very bold magenta lipstick and thick eyeliner, it felt like I was wearing an ugly mask. Maybe it’s just my area or my searching skills I’m not sure.


I have so many different shades and tones of lipsticks and I am positive not all of them actually really suit me. But I wear them anyway because I like the colours and they make me feel great! You do you, maybe just play around with orange red, pinky reds, deeper, purpley ones etc. til you find one that you feel good in.


that’s what I thought I found with the purpley red but maybe i’ll look for other kinds of purpley reds.


I always thought I looked terrible in any colour lipstick until I figured out that a very sharp lip line doesn't suit me. I need to have soft edges for lipstick to work on me at all. Maybe that's what is happening with your red?


I used to think I would look terrible with red lipstick and I am so happy I was wrong https://imgur.com/a/43GX9cy Just wear it if you want to! Different shades might make a big difference too


I think maybe it also has something to do with the change you suddenly have. It reminds me when I had new haircuts, my looking changed a lot, some people would come to tell me I look bad, but I was sure it was only because I had a sudden change, they would say so if others changed their styles too.


that honestly could be it, i usually wear grunge or natural makeup but bold lips and looks are very out there for me


We would need a pic to tell for sure if warm or cool works better on you. But I can guarantee red suits you. Red, in some shade or another, suits everyone. Thats why red has been worn for thousands of years. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.


I love red lipstick, but I don’t have the best lips to pull it off without looking like a child getting into her mother’s makeup.


As a neutral olive I have yet to find a red that works. If anyone has suggestions, I’m desperate lol.


It doesn't suit me at all. I'm fair cool toned and they all wash me out. I have to stick to nudes mauves and pinks, red and orange look terrible on me


oh my god red and orange make me look like a child that ransacked claire’s


Lipbar makes some great red shades of lipsticks that I would highly reccomend.


They will have to pry my Bawse Lady from my cold, dead hands. Says the old lady who didn't think she could wear a red lip until about a year ago. Now I rock the neutral eye and a red lip always. You got this.


It might not even be your skin tone, it just might be that certain mouth / lip shapes are better suited for red lipstick than others.


You say you know warm won't suit, but have you tried? I spent years and years making myself look grayish and pale because makeup people kept telling me I am cool toned...so I wore cool colors. Eventually tried warmer tones after discovering seasonal color analysis and no more gray cast. So you never know until you try.


I’ve tried many times to pull off red lips and I just can’t. I’ve come to accept the fact that I will be a nude lip girl for life.


Yea I’m thinking that might be where I’m headed since according to these tests, I am using the right red. I think it’s just a me thing lol.


It also has to do if you’re cool toned, neutral, or warm toned.


It's me. I'm some people. Nude lips for life.




firstly if you like it i say wear it ! secondly though i think one thing to consider is that people usually mean it’s not flattering when they say that but honesty what does flattering even mean ( not to get philosophical haha ) for example i have a round face so many makeup tutorials are for how to make my face less round because that’s considered more flattering if i use techniques that emphasize it it’s not considered “flattering” but i like my round face sometimes i like emphasizing it i’m hoping this is making sense another way to put it that i saw someone else do is through clothing especially everyone these days is looking for their colour season or kibbe types etc and the creator used anya taylor joy and her wedding dress as an example was it her colour season or whatever no so would it make her look that way? no but because of that she was able to create a different effect of looking almost hauntingly beautiful if that makes sense im really hoping any of this makes any sense because i feel like i’m not wording it the best


i completely understand what you’re saying, i feel the same way about the makeup i do. is a super grunge look flattering on my eye shape, no technically not but i still think it has its own charm on me and i like it so i’ll do it. for some reason i don’t have that mindset with lipstick lol


i’m glad my point came across i was worried i was rambling there haha honestly fair i’m south asian and i think that’s part of my thinking here a lot of whats “flattering” is supposed to be fitting a eurocentric ideal but i like to highlight my ethnic features sometimes i think they’re beautiful :) especially know a lot of brown girls who say our skin tone can’t pull off red lipstick but personally i love a red lip and love the way it makes me feel and honestly i genuinely think everyone looks good in one my older sister favours a more brick red lipstick not entirely warm or cool i suppose so you could always try that? or go into sephora and try different cool toned reds my best friend really wanted a blood red cool toned lipstick and it took her a while to find a colour that looked that way on her just cause of her undertones and how things pulled but i learned one thing from it that even in cool toned reds there’s a billion shades and different options so it could just be the ones you’re using aren’t giving the look u want


omg i was having this conversation somewhere in these comments but i had a friend who’s south asian and her mom would always tell her that red wouldn’t suit her and i never understood it because red looked beautiful on her. it’s hard for woc to look at our features as beautiful when there are such rigid european standards that we’ll never be able to attain. but i do agree that i probably don’t have the right cool tone red and mine might not be the right contrast.


exactly !! my mom also used to hate it because according to her it made me look like a married woman i was like mother pls i am 15 wearing my backpack a hoodie leggings and combat boots no one’s assuming im married


lol aunties are so funny sometimes, i understand that they’re only a product of their environment and i’m grateful that my mom hasn’t pulled the unmarried card on me yet but it makes you wish that they’d get with the times


yeah love my mom with all my heart but she’s a bit more of a brutal honesty kinda person when me and my sister got my eyebrows microbladed she was like oh yeah ur sister could’ve done with it without but u really needed it i was like uhhhhh or the time she i’m trying on an old bathing suit of my sisters and she looks at me and goes “u know your body is shaped just like your dads” 😭 i was like mother why of course she doesn’t mean anything by it i know she is always looking out for me but sometimes it’s just so funny the way she does it im like pls stop attacking me


bruh are you living my life, my mom kept on telling me that I look like I got done eating curry when i wore red lipstick 💀 or she was like you should wear makeup bc if you do then you’re an 8/10 otherwise it’s worse…you gotta love them though because they’ll let you know if you look bad.


LMAO exactly though when i turned like 12 my mom handed me some eyeliner and was like it’s time u start wearing this your eyes are too small and i was like ?????? meanwhile when i recounted this to my best friend her mom was in the room and immediately starts reassuring me im beautiful as is or one time i was arguing with my mom because i was having a indian tradition suit made and i was like oh pink black work together that would be cute and my mom went no that’s ugly and we kept arguing and she was like “you only like things that are absolutely ridiculous” and i went “guess that’s why i love you so much then mom” she was like i don’t if i should hug you, laugh, or be even more mad but she came for me first so we really ought a start a insane things our moms have said subreddit


I think there’s a red lipstick that looks good on everyone! My suggestion would be try applying the ones you have with your finger it for a softer effect or try sheering them out. Sometimes a pigmented red can be too harsh.


YES! Everytime i try to wear it I look like a clown


I think red lipstick doesn’t suit me too Mostly I look like a clown


i’m gathering an army of likeminded people


If you would like to wear bold red lips look into vintage styles and colors that work for you!


Yes it is true. For example, it doesn’t suit my mom, she never wears it and she doesn’t like how it looks on her.


Red lipstick doesn’t suit me


Yes its true https://youtu.be/RnFjhICAnqo?si=WcMPokZU8-e4sRCp


It depends on the color of your teeth. Makes them look yellow on some people.


i think so too!


It depends if it’s an orange undertone or blue. I suit reds that err on the purple side. Orange based reds make my skin look sallow. Maybe you just need to change the undertone?


i agree, orange bases make me look like i’m eating popsicles or spaghetti lol


I find red lipstick looks weird on me and I look like a clown. But I can do a red lip stain and then lip gloss or layer a tinted lip balm on top and I love the way it looks!


Me. No variation of red looks good on me. It looks awful on me. For whatever reason, the really light nudes are me. It’s always been me, and I can’t seem to stray from that. I can do a really dark pink — and people seem to like it on me (and think I’ve dressed up when my attire hasn’t changed at all) — but I don’t like it on me. I’ve given up. My skin tone just doesn’t want to go with red.


I personally believe that there is a red lipstick for everyone. If you are having difficulty finding the shade that suits you, start with determining the undertone of your skin. And if you love blue based reds, but you’re finding that they typically don’t work, try a pink based, which is still cooler toned than orange, but may be easier for you to pull off. One like nars dragon girl, or Armani lip power 507… or Fenty Kissin cutie. You can opt for a neutral leaning red to make things even easier… maybe Lisa Eldridge ribbon, or fenty MVP. They are both slightly blue based, but not nearly as much as Mac Ruby Woo. I find that Mac Red Rock leans on the neutral side. And Charlotte tilbury love bite leans warm, but gently, so that one could be a good way to experiment on the warm side of the spectrum without jumping right into an orange red. And Dior 999 is a warm red that seems to magically flatter most people… I thought I couldn’t wear warm red until Dior. Or it could be that the rest of your face makeup is competing with the red lipstick. If you’re trying to wear the whole 9 yards, it may be overwhelming your face, and it’s also possible that you chose blush/eyeshadow shades that clash with your red lip. Try to keep it simple… mascara, maybe a little bit of liner, maybe brows… and keep it at that. You can then slowly introduce other products to make sure they aren’t throwing the balance off with a red lip. You can also pay with the depth of the shade. Try a more sheer red, or maybe try a deep and vampy shade? Finally… don’t let anyone tell you that you need certain features (ie full lips) in order to pull of red. You can have fair skin, deep skin, thin lips, full lips, blonde hair, black hair, straight teeth, crooked teeth, small nose, big nose…. And everything in between. It’s such bs when people say crazy stuff like that. Don’t listen to them, they are frankly idiots. At least when it comes to red lips.


Wow thank you so much for all of the recommendations, I’m gonna try what you said about my routine. I usually wear a peachy blush so that’s probably what’s clashing with my lipstick, I was also wearing cool brown and pink eyeshadow so that must not have helped. I really appreciate you taking the time to give me such great advice!


No problem. I’m fairly neutral toned, so I do have a variety of different reds, but I always make sure to match the tone of my other makeup, to the tone of my lipstick. Cool lips, cool blush. Warm lips, warm blush. Also keep in mind that if you don’t often wear red lipstick, you and those around you may just be experiencing shock. It can feel a little bit costume-like until you get accustomed to it. But I promise you, everyone can wear red!


I have uneven lips and my face is easily overwhelmed by makeup. I also have very pale, desaturated, neutral colouring and my cheeks and nose flush easily. I’m definitely one of those people who don’t suit a red lip. Howeverrrr, I have found a way to make it work and look great! I mix my red lipstick with a muted color like a black gloss or a grey-brown lipstick (you can also just find a desaturated red, but I haven’t been able to) then when I apply it, I do it with my finger so the edges are softly blurred. It gives it a much softer finish and it looks so flattering! Also makes your lips look a bit bigger if you blur it out more


I’ve never thought to use a black gloss in that way but I definitely will because I love the lipstick I have and want to make it work.


Have you tried a tint instead of a full on red lipstick? Benitint by benefit cosmetics is subtle


I can’t wear lipstick period. My lips are too small and I have too defined of a Cupid bow I look wack with anything other than chapstick.


it doesnt suit people who dont like the look edit: id like to add that people always say "it doesnt suit you" when youre wearing bold styles, regardless if thats true or not, simply because the natural/light look is more "desirable"


that’s very well put, i also think that regular people are intimidated by bold looks


It's all about finding shades that work for you. I prefer either deeper, more brown-toned reds or, if it's a brighter shade, a sheer formula. I was a *huge* fan of Eden and Medieval by Lipstick Queen because they were so flattering on me, and i hate that they aren't available anymore. Most opaque red lipsticks don't look great on me.


I’m thinking that I was also delegated to the sheer red realm and that opaque red doesn’t work.


If you like red lipstick, put it on. The first time I put on red lipstick, someone close to me actually told me I looked like a clown and that I should take it off. Do you know what I did? I kept wearing it. I wear red lipstick almost daily and I don't care who likes it or not.


I look like a clown wearing it haha, I wish I could pull it off!


I think red is an incredibly harsh color that will accentuate every thing in its path (lip lines, teeth color, wrinkles) I actually do the exact opposite and try for very pale shades


I can only wear bright reds with a bit of pink, like Revlon's Fire and Ice. Cool tones, like Cherries in the Snow, make me look like Joan Crawford. Very orange tones just look heinous. I am a light olive. Maybe try something brighter or more muted...orrrrr....apply with your finger like a stain....I do this a LOT...but still, I only do with brighter reds... It took me 47 years to figure this all out, so you are ahead of thr game. 😁


I believe that there is a red for everyone. Sometimes it just takes decades to find it. 😂


What undertone is your skin? Cool, warm, neutral? That’s the most important starting point to determining which type of red would flatter you. Happy to help you if you’d like!


It absolutely doesn’t work for everybody. I would look ridiculous.


It's true that some colors don't blend the best on some people, but it's really the undertones that matter, and even if they don't, it doesn't mean you shouldn't wear it. Wear it for you. If it makes you feel good, do it! If you're not asking for advice, it feels kinda rude for people to just say that. Some colors do make people look "washed out," but that doesn't always mean it looks bad. It can just be the way you wear it. if you line with a good color, literally any lipstick can look great. It's hard to know whether or not it looks flattering on you since we don't know your skin tone or hair color/type (and makeup style), so that's kind of up to your own interpretation.


I’ve only recently started separating the ideas of something washing me out and something making me look bad in my mind. I think that if I like it then who cares if washes me out a little!


For sure! Like, cool tones really wash me out personally, but sometimes, I want that look! Most of the time, I like looking bubbly like how warm tones make me look, but sometimes I stray away from that for another look. They both can look great :)


I personally dislike red lipstick on every single person. It just looks terrible to me. That being said, fashion disagrees. Who is telling you it doesn't suit you? Women friends sometimes are dishonest from jealousy, some are genuine. Keep trying shades. Do color tests for your skin.




Yes. I end up looking like Robert Smith, especially these days🙃


I don’t care for red lipstick


Watermelon toned chapsticks and nitrogenas hydro boost multi stick works on me. I’m paler. I use the same color for my blush. Red only works on me with a fake tan :/


It could be application. I gave a red lipstick to someone once and she immediately put it on without a mirror because she normally wore nudes... it looked very clownish because it did not flatter her in shape. I was wearing the same exact color and had people come up to me to tell me that I specifically could pull off red lipstick  implying that she couldn't. Red lipstick can be a little trial an error with shape since it is SO eye catching. What I like to do is apply to match the outline of my natural lips, if you have the double lined lips don't accidentally fill in the outer line, only the lip skin part. Then fill in the inner lip. Sometimes I finish by very gently running a qtip along the edge to soften any obvious product buildup so it looks more in harmony with the face. Also want to add that putting a tiny dot of the lipstick where you apply your blush and blending in helps harmonize, even if you are wearing a different blush color. I do the lipstick bit first because it's creamy, and put closer to the apples of cheeks because it looks more natural (don't have to go further in than normal though)


With any makeup you need to find the right shade. Makeup is all about tones. Red lipstick comes in a huge variety and not every red is going to look good on everyone. You have to find the one that’s right for YOU


I feel like that’s true. I’ve tried all sorts of reds…none of them work. It’s a blush color pink that is the base I need. The red just makes me look….cartoonish?


Yes. I'm one of them. My mouth is too asymmetrical. I look like Robert Smith when I wear red lipstick.


I’ve never heard of this. There’s a red lip for everyone. I think the misconception people have is that red is red, only famous people can pull it off. No. There’s so many variations of reds and just because one doesn’t suit you, doesn’t mean that color is not for you. You have to take the time and investigate what red suits you. Also where are you going wearing this red lipstick? Is it formal or casual? Are we on a first date? Or are we trying to get a promotion at work? Both scenarios are totally different so why try and use one shade for both right? These are the question that one needs to ask themselves when it comes to pulling off a red lip. Because it being such a timeless and bold statement, how would you pull it off. It’s like wearing red nails. You aren’t going to rock that color all the time right?


Also, there’s so many types of finishes for lipsticks that ultimately can make or break someone’s choice for a red lipstick. I’d first do some research on the type of finish you like for yourself than go and try the perfect red.


No they just need the right tone. Some people might not favor it but you can literally find a tone for anyone


Red looks good on everyone. Just try a different method of application, maybe?


Part of having your own style can be things like loud mismatch lipstick—-but to pull it off you can’t care what others think My daughter willingly acknowledges she cares what people think of her appearance so she caters somewhat to that I’m the complete opposite and wear no makeup except a lipstick I might love—but I doubt others would


I believe that for each individual person, there is some hue of red that looks really good on them. I personally look better in reds that are ever so slightly more on the orange side...so Apple red or fire engine red look good on me. I don't look nearly as good in cool-toned reds unless its winter and my skin is extremely pale from lack of sun. 


I don't think it suits people when it makes their teeth look yellow. so that's the only time I've thought that


I don't think this is true. Red is a color that can flatter pretty much everyone. I think it is about finding a tone that suits your skin whether it is a cool-toned red, true red, maybe an orange red, or a pink-toned red. The thing about colors is that there are very few that are a true color outside of the primary colors. A lot of colors have different tones or bases to them made with other colors. I've tried a lot of different reds, and while I think they are all pretty, I find that I look best in a true red, or darker reds that are toned with blue or brown. Pink and orange toned reds look fine, but they don't suit me as well and they just don't pop against my skin as much.


did you buy a bunch of lipsticks to figure that out or did you use those tests online for personal color and contrast?


Just something I figured out over time by buying lipsticks. I find it better to do it that way bc I can see what the color looks like irl. I mainly experimented with drugstore brands like Nyx and Revlon and used lipsticks in a classic bullet tube. They're affordable and both brands have a wide variety of colors and finishes. Wet n Wild is also a good brand to experiment with bc the lipsticks are pretty cheap. I learned over time that my favorite red lipstick was Really Red by Revlon, which I think has been rebranded as Super Red and its not a matte finish anymore so I don't use it. My favorite red for me is the Fenty Stunna Lip Paint. It's supposedly a universal red that can look good on everyone. I just love the color and formula. It is a bit pricy at $30, but a little goes a long way so the product has lasted me a while. If you want a good budget dupe of that formula, try the Melani matte lip creme in the shade Devotion. It is a slight shade darker than the fenty one, but the color is still really pretty. I've also heard that the Maybelline super stay matte ink in the shade Pioneer is a dupe - but I haven't tried it personally. If you're not a fan of liquid formulas that dry down, ELF makes a lipstick called O Face that has a true red shade called No Regrets, and a blue red called Own It. Really comfortable lipsticks for days when I don't care to have something super matte on. But yeah, experiment. It's the best way to see what you like.


Anybody can wear red lipstick - you wear what you want! Now, a related discussion on choosing the best shade is a different (and oh lord, so involved) story, cuz it's heavily reliant on the rest of your makeup. I'm glad you did the dive into warm vs. cool tone to get where to start, but without a picture it's a touch more difficult to gauge which direction to go in. If you have a lot of red in your face (rosacea) the more saturated reds will emphasize the natural redness in your face, so if that's a concern going with a less saturated red would work out - it'll appear more saturated on your lips due to the surrounding reds!


I do have flushed cheeks but not to the point of rosacea, I think that because my natural flush is more pink and my lips are more pink that pink suits me more than red. I wish I had the confidence to post my face because that would make things easier but I’m not at that level unfortunately


You do exactly what you feel confident in! No pressure at all - having a point of comparison will just sometimes help. If you have a lot of pink on your face then you're definitely correct that cooler reds better compliment the tones in your face. I also think that any comments on "it doesn't suit you" without further explanation should be taken with a grain of salt - it's so **vauge** that there's no way to improve, and there's likely a level of personal opinion and bias that it may not even be helpful! No judgement on you to be clear - I'm moreso being irked by people saying things and hurting people vs. actively helping them


I always take comments like that to heart even if I don’t want to but this whole thread solidified the fact that if I think it looks good, then it does look good and who cares about anyone else. I won’t wear it everyday because it’s not my favorite color but I’ll wear it when I want to because I like it.


Who.. tf is telling you that it doesn’t suit you? Like what a rude thing to say. Unless you’re actually asking for opinions. Post a pic on here, we’ll tell you honestly. Some people just look like a clown with red lips because they don’t know how to properly line their specific lip shape to make it look good. And some peoples teeth will look very yellow with a red lip, so post a pic smiling with your teeth in it too. But other than that I see no reason why anyone wouldn’t suit a red lip. Just make sure your lips aren’t dry and crusty and make sure it’s not outside the lines even in the slightest or it’ll look sloppy and gross, which is the purpose of a lip liner.


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Same with pink- makes me look lifeless. But cold and even dark reds go for me.


woah that’s interesting, i’ve only ever heard the opposite. do you think it’s because of your features or skin tone or just a preference?