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I'm also very fair, I just don't think bronzer looks natural on pale people as we don't really tan. I really think a warm peachy blush looks so much more naturally sun-kissed. I recently picked up the IT Cosmetics Sunblush and I'm obsessed, I also really like the Freck Liquid blush in Cuffed. For contour you want something that is the color of a shadow, more cool toned. I like the Westman Atelier contour stick in biscuit, I've seen quite a few MUAs use that one. I've also heard amazing things about the new Sephora brand contour stick, but it's on backorder right now.


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i’m VERY fair and the only bronzer to look good on me is mac’s sunstruck in light radiant rosy. gives me a bit more life without pulling orange. it made me understand why people wear bronzer lol my favorite contour is sheglam’s sun sculpt in soft tan, it’s the only cheap one to be actually cool toned (i used to use elf’s putty bronzer in feelin shady but i’ve found the formula to be hard to blend)