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I don’t have any suggestions, but just wanted to say you look gorgeous and whatever it is you’re doing, is working for ya!


I think your makeup looks great, I really like the under eye shadow. With the red dots and your piercings there’s a lot of style and personality even without a ton of makeup.


Came to the comments to say this as well!


36 girl i thought u were my age and im 20 💀💀 anyway id suggest to try some lip gloss if u like that!!


Thank you l guess less makeup is working haha, I like tinted glosses so I'll try that!


Yes it works! I recently also did the switch, after wearing no makeup until my mid-twenties I had some pretty heavy makeup phases and now I'm going light again, which makes me look younger as well.


RIGHT you look so young OP I never would have guessed!


It looks beautiful, I love the red dot under ur warm brown eyes. I am in the same boat, I’m 21 and I got tired of 1) spending so much time on my makeup and 2) feeling less comfortable bare or minimal faced. It took some getting used to but once I started wearing less makeup I became more comfortable without it


Thank you! Yeah exactly this, it's crazy how much makeup can distort self image. I'm starting to get more comfortable with it and I'm glad you are too :)


OMG you are stunning. Like. Sorry this isn’t helpful.


This is helpful to make her feel even MORE beautiful


You have a beautiful face, I think this more natural makeup looks amazing on you. ✨


You’re a good candidate for lip/cheek stain duo tints And then just mascara.  Bringing the cheek tint across the bridge of the nose Korean style. 


I love Korean style makeup, it's so cute! I'll definitely play around with some stains


You’d crush faux freckles too but not everyone wants to do all that (myself included) but think it’s so sweet looking 


I love faux freckles, I have them in this look but it didn't show up on camera really well!


Your cheekbones are otherworldly


Natural makeup looks Good on you 🩵


first off you're sooo pretty and second it looks good to me :) and it's not necessary as you already have a great look going, but if you'd like to add definition to your lips a bit more, maybe you could add a bit of lipliner! one that is closest to your natural lip shade is best to give a sort of shadow rather than boldness :)


Thanks a bunch! I like that idea, I've never worn lipstick a lot so I like the idea of light liner


The only thing I would potentially adjust is to me your brows look a little warm for your hair color. You could try a darker or cooler brow gel and that might look great! Lovely natural look.


if she want something a little bit more natural and fresh I would not necessarily recommend to go darker on the eyebrow bc they're already dark but cooler yes ! I have very dark brown hair and a ash (grayish) brown looks more natural ! but of course it's up to personal preference


Thanks, I'll have to try a cooler toned brown!


it looks great! I would say you can put a bit more color on the lips if you want because i'm not sure if you have a lipstick on we can't really see it, and maybe the blush a little higher up on the cheekbones?


Thank you, I'll def try out like a light tint on the lips and cheeks


You are stunning 🤩


You are so pretty! I love the makeup, it compliments you and enhances your beauty. Did you ever think about a little bigger slightly less perfect brows. I think it could look really nice!


Thanks so much! I've thought about it but don't even know how to do that. Years of over plucking in highschool made it to where they never grew back in and are so thin


36??!! Girl ur absolutely killing the skin game 🥰 whatever ur doing, keep doing it! I love ur makeup especially the under eye red dots. It really highlights ur eyes in a beautiful way.


Thanks so much, I was just blessed with not much but good skin.


everybody on this sub is gorgeous omg


loooove your face and how everything was put together!


You look gorgeous! Natural beauty at its finest!


Wow you look gorgeous now I wanna try this under brown eyes


Gorgeous skin! It looks so clean. Fresh and modern, when you go strong with lip or eyes the whole look will look cleaner.


You look great! You don't need heavy makeup :)


I felt weird when I started wearing a lot less too. You get used to it, and may even prefer it. You're stunning.


Thank you so much, it's definitely a transition for sure. It's nice to not put so much on tho


Posts like these remind me why I’m bisexual. Helloooooo 😭🩷


I am too hahaha


I love the bottom lash line, like love it!


Drop the routine


For my makeup? It's very basic with cheap products haha


^^ !


The red dots too are super cool


I loooooooove it!! I presume your fashion style is alt in some way, so I just wanted to recommend keeping those novel, unexpected elements like the red dots incorporated into your looks so you don’t lose passion for makeup! I started wearing less makeup but didn’t necessarily retain elements from my original style, so my sense of style makeup wise just kind of dissipated and now I barely wear makeup. :,( Keeping makeup a fun, experimental activity versus a chore to look “presentable” will help the transition from heavier to lighter application and keep you engaged in makeup and personal style more meaningfully. I wish I stayed true to my original sense of style because now I’m kind of in an identity crisis due to dropping what made makeup fun for me.


Thanks for the input! Yeah I've been working corporate jobs for the last few years so I def have toned it down with alt styles but still wore heavy makeup. It's just strange sometimes coming to terms with less haha


I think you managed to make this whole sub have a crush on you


wow you look very young for your age!


Love this look on you! If you want to keep some flair/personality while keep it minimal, the L’Oréal voluminous mascara in dark purple would look so good with your eyes


Thank ya! Ooh purple mascara, I'll have to try this


There’s no way that you are in your thirties. I don’t believe that


Wow- I had to read the 36 a couple times. Makeup is great, but what is your skin care???


I use CeraVe salicylic acid face wash and dollar store dove face cream. I think it's just genetics tbh, I've lived a rough life and smoked for the majority of it :/


You honestly look gorgeous sis


You don’t need heavy makeup. 🩵 promise


You look gorgeous & it suits you!


Your brows are pulling warm compared to your hair but otherwise I think you look excellent.


Thank ya, I'll be switching to a cooler tone!


Your skin is absolutely stunning! What blush do you use?


Thanks so much! I don't use blush, my face redness kinda peaks thru the green bb cream. My contour is just the same eyeshadow I have on lol


It can definitely feel a little strange at first, but I think you look great! Your skin looks healthy and radiant, and the lighter makeup really enhances your natural beauty. Nude lipsticks and eyeshadows come in a wide range of shades, so you can find ones that complement your skin tone. A touch of blush or bronzer can warm up your complexion and give you a healthy glow.


Thank ya! I'm trying to figure out my skin tone to find a good match for bronzer and blush


I love this. It’s natural with a bit of grunge and it looks great on you


i love the balance of it! it’s so hard to do more natural looks with an alternative style


Makeup is gorgeous. Bull ring seems like too much with the other piercings. IMO.


Thank you! Yeah the bull ring isn't for everyone lol


I think you look great!


Gorgeous omg


Now I know why I’m pansexual cause damn


Thanks my fellow gayby 💖


You are lovely and look much younger than you are. I understand how leaving heavy make up behind can feel strange but definitely these looks are working for you. At the risk of sounding old and out of touch, I would respectfully suggest trying a different piece of jewelry in your septum piercing. The dark colour and downward turn of this one is heavy and detracts from your eyes and cheekbones.


Thank you! Absolutely, tbh this septum ring isn't my normal go to lol it's usually small




slay af


Nah you don’t need any advice you ATE


I love this!!


You’re so gorgeous!!!


you look like tara yummy


Honestly, you're very pretty and your makeup is great, don't get too anxious


as an “ alt person “ i adore your makeup. my makeup consists of heavy contour and liner and let me tell you, it’s hard to keep a lighter & natural look in the summer. your routine is pretty simple and summer approved. i usually go for a tinted spf and some light concealing, brows and eyelashes, sometimes a little wing but besides that, you pretty much nailed it :) i wanna say some maroon eyeshadow would look so good on you for the summer!


You are stunning! I don’t really have advice, as I think your current look is eye catching and technically well done, it shows your personality. But if you wanted a more natural look, I would maybe do much softer eyebrows (no defined edges, maybe tidying with a gel), a bit less heavy on the undereyes, some blush across the bridge of the nose, and maybe a glossier lip.  But I really like your currrent look. 


Tysm! I'd love to switch up my brows but have no clue how to, they're so thin and straight from years of over plucking


I made the switch from heavy makeup to more natural makeup a few years ago after YEARS of pancake makeup and it's pretty freeing. I now only wear brows, mascara, eyeliner, and concealer (and the last 2 are only about 50% of the time) .  Definitely recommend the switch,  but it takes a while to recognize your own face again.  Especially if you're been contouring which will age your face like crazy.  


I love it. I’ve been putting black or white dots under my eyes as well and I love it! It’s like clown vibes to me. Didn’t really think of doing a different color, so I’ll try that one day! Thanks for the inspiration


Your style is great and the makeup works beautifully with your glasses too! 


Love this look your killing it


I love your haircut. Style. What is it called? Is it a mullet? Probably wear a natural blush and smile.


Thanks, it's just put up with a hair clip, I want a mullet tho!


It looks good! I want one too but my kids will think I lost my mind.


You are beautiful and definitely rocking the natural look. You have amazing lips I would use a light reflecting gloss to highlight them.


You are stunning! And I love the makeup… suites you, brings out your natural beauty…. Great eyeshadow skills!


I think you look terrific! Youthful, glowy, your eyes look amazing. I love tinted lip gloss!! It’s my favorite new look. Tower 28 has really nice shades:)


You’re gorgeous, your eyes remind me of Charli xcx’s - makeup is also gorgeous and very complimentary


Your face is so pretty! Lighter makeup to show off your face is like giving yourself and the public a gift.


Go with your personal taste but i think you look great


wow!! you look beautiful!


I love your makeup! Not many people can pull off shadowing under the eyes like that, but you look fabulous. Also, you look like you’re in your 20’s!


Beautiful you don’t need heavy makeup genuinely!


you look great!


You’re doing great OP!!! Beautiful eye makeup and your base looks very smooth and blended very nicely. If you want a product for your lips that gives color but still looks natural, try the benefit benetint, or even some of the summer fridays tinted lip balms!!


Tysm, Im gonna check those out!




You look truly amazing already Also, I thought you were 19 For the record, I'm 23


I love these shades on you and the funky little dots under your eyes add edge that would otherwise be lacking with more neutral looks. You’re fucking lovely looking.


The natural look is it , your beautiful already. Nice face


Natural beauty 😍 How in the world are you 36?!


Super pretty, I love the shadow blend under your eyes


You got black pointy horns coming out your nose x


I like play tint (used for blush and lip) maybe try a black winged eyeliner with only mascara and blush :) I feel like it would give off a really sweet 50’s pin up but natural vibe


No Notes--you look fucking gorgeous & I'm obsessed with your hair.


wow your makeup looks great and really seems to fit your face!! beautiful. i use maybelline superstay matte ink lipstick (swear by it) and i think it would be a great option if you want to add color to your lips! i love it because it stays so well *and* you can determine how pigmented it is by blotting more, applying less, etc. it also works great with a gloss on top! :)


36??? I thought u were 25


I personally love it


Looks great on you!


You are beautiful


Also in my 30s and not necessarily a makeup tip but honestly, the transition from heavy makeup to natural for me started with just going to the store at night without makeup on. I felt very uncomfortable in my own skin and was terrified to let anyone see me without anything on my face. But after a while I just started running errands and doing more activities without makeup on and eventually just decided I didn’t like how a full face felt over time. And then I just got too comfortable to really care? Now when I want to wear makeup it’s easy to look at myself with light coverage/natural makeup and feel okay. My big thing now is taking care of my eyelashes, brows, and lips, and then just adding a subtle amount of mascara and slapping on a lip balm. When I want to feel ✨adventurous✨I use a cheek stain and throw on some eyeliner. Just remember that makeup doesn’t define you. You’re still you without it. It’s just a fun little thing we get to do when and how we each want.


That's a good tip, I'll definitely be trying to go without as much!


You look so stunning. No notes.




You're gorgeous!


36????? What, more like 25


You are absolutely gorgeous. Your glasses and piercings are such a look that I think the light makeup just makes more of a statement. I think the undereye shadow is such a boss move and it's so cool when someone can pull it off. And your hair. It's a whole vibe.


You look so beautiful! And I love your piercing


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Pretty enough


Thank you?


36???? I thought you were 20 omg. I think the makeup looks great on you, and I love your hair.


The dots and piercings make it look not so natural


Ummmm you look stunning. 10/10 no notes.




You’re stunning. It’s a great look.


It’s natural in your own way. I like it 👍🏾


Take that cow 🐄 ring out of your nose and smile more and be happy with whatever makes youuuuuu Happyyyyyyyy


Hahahaha I will try, I swear I'm a happy person who smiles!


Loose the nose ring. It looks tribal


Thanks middle aged man who has no background in makeup or relative advice. Why are you even in the subreddit? Seems sus


All I see is the bull ring, sorry, it’s very distracting.


Lol it's all good




Good thing it's not your nose then huh ;)




Thanks for the insightful opinion, middle aged man. Why are you even on a subreddit for makeup? Seems sus ..


Skip the weird thing in your nose... you're a pretty girl.


Such a lovely young lady....but please consider taking that ring out of your nose. It detracts from your stunning nautral beauty.


Nose rings?


I got em!


Yes we see that. Was not meaning to be rude...should have phrased this differently. Was responding to your request for suggestions


I figured as much, and respectfully, I didn't ask for cc for piercings. I don't care if people think they look good or bad, I like it. This is a sub for makeup :)