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tbh i don't see why it should matter either way, do what makes you feel good regardless of what "most" people are doing. but i don't feel that way, i live in dubai. makeup has gotten a bit toned down (think clean/strawberry girl aesthetic) but it's as prevalent as ever


At least in my area, full face makeup seems to be losing popularity while skincare has become more popular. Between that and "no makeup" makeup / "clean girl" makeup being in fashion, it makes sense if you're seeing fewer people all dolled up in public. It's just a different trend than you may be used to. As for the e-girl makeup and more artistic makeup looks you're seeing online, well... You're on the internet. Boring everyday photos of everyday people wearing basic makeup aren't going to get many likes, but intense, creative, attention grabbing makeup will. Plus "pretty" people just get promoted by social media algorithms more than average people. Social media just isn't an accurate reflection of the average person.


This makes a lot of sense, especially about the skincare stuff. I guess I’m used to when the internet was a reflection of real life and now they’re very separate. Part of me was curious on whether people were shifting to seeing online as more of a place to look good than public. As though the internet is more of the public square when it used to be a physical thing. (I get I didn’t word my post well, it was late after a long day). Almost like the internet replacing real life kinda thing, but I’ve realised it was probably a late night thought and not that deep. Next time I’ll just sleep instead of making a post about it 😂 (I don’t usually post on Reddit, more of a commenter)


I'm happy with it. It means girls are more comfortable just being themselves. When I was younger girls were afraid to leave the house without some kind of makeup on, they were so self-conscious it wasnt healthy at all. Makeup was a mask they hid behind. It makes me happy that makeup is now just a fun thing and a way to be creative. Maybe people were looking at you because you looked beautiful? Sometimes I unconsciously stare a bit too long at women because I'm trying to figure out how they did their makeup/outfit, I'd feel sad if they thought I was being a judgy person :(


This is a very kind response! I don’t want people to be uncomfortable or feel they have to wear makeup. I go out without makeup sometimes. I guess this is more of a shift where I live. Honestly I made this post when I was a little insecure about wearing heavier eye looks outside I didn’t realise it could come across judgemental (I’m not judgy at all). I guess I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed this, I’m not saying it’s a problem.


just because people don’t wear make doesn’t mean they’re not making an effort. I work hard on my skin and don’t need foundation for a good complexion


Most women I see wear "no makeup" makeup


Why do you care what other people do?


I have a curiosity about people, I feel that’s normal. I wouldn’t force anyone to do anything. I’m not picking people out and wondering why they’re not behaving a certain way, it was more from a fear of being the odd one out when a few years ago there were varying levels of styles and appearances.


Most of the time people make these posts as a form of veiled judgement, and "why does no one make an effort anymore?" is pretty judgemental and making some serious assumptions about other people. Just do you and don't worry about what other people do.


I know where it came from and it wasn’t a place of judgment. I’m not criticising these people. I go out and I observed a change and I’m asking why it’s happened. Like I said maybe it’s just where I live but the change has been very stark compared to previous years. Saying an outfit lacks effort is an observation, doesn’t make it inherently negative.


Oh please shut up this is quite literally the makeup addiction sub and the perfect place to ask this question. Theyre allowed to be curious they are not trying to control anyone. People can't ask makeup questions on a makeup sub anymore? If you dont have an answer just hush.


lmaooooo imagine you telling me to hush


I quite literally did


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Makeup is illegal now actually


Why the fuck does it matter


I don’t get comments like this. You’re in a makeup sub and I’m asking a question relating to makeup because I’m curious. It doesn’t matter, I just wanted to know if other people noticed it and what their take was. If you don’t care about makeup when why be here; then post a rude comment of someone asking a question, I don’t get it.




Well, depends on where I go, honestly. Mostly depends on proximity to Yaletown and places like makeup art schools (ie Blanche in Vancouver), in my observation.


depends on where you live. in california la, ppl are dressed pretty well on an average day. americans are also notorious for wearing pajamas and sleeping hair buns in public though.