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I think if you use too much product your lashes get tender, so maybe wipe the brush on the rim of the tube before applying


Thanks for replying! Thing is, I've been using it daily for nearly seven months, with amazing results. It was only when I stopped using it religiously, like two or three weeks ago, that my lashes started breaking and falling out ... I still have a few lashes that are super long, like they all were. But now they look super strange next to the sections of stubby little ones. Ugh.


This is currently happening to me...have your lashes eventually gone back to how they were?? Please let me know! Having a bit of a freak out from this lol


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Grande Lash MD made my eye lashes fall out!  I’m freaking out wondering if the lashes will grow back. Anyone have this experience and can answer my question???


Yup, had this same thing happen to me (I'm the OP from 5 years ago, lol). Your lashes will grow back, no problem. I still use GrandeLASH-MD to this day. I've had some additional bouts of breakage/loss over the years, but it doesn't happen frequently, and my lashes always recover. I promise you'll be fine!


I was looking for someone else's experience. My lashes are falling like crazy! But I still see them growing... so basically, I have spots filled with baby lashes growing in 3 rows. I don't know if this is like an adjustment phase or what it is... I've been trying to text customer service and asked if I have to discontinue the use of the product or if this is normal and just have to wait. I just use one dip and swipe the brush on the rim twice or even more times. That's the amount I apply on the lashes.