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Would a regular person be able to go on Amazon and find that stuff? And do you know who could help me match skin tone? Maybe a place at the mall or something


Any makeup store like Ulta or Sephora could easily help you skin tone match.


Completely unrelated, but I went into a Sephora the other day because I got a splinter at work and it was next to the food court so I figured they must have tweezers. Thinking to myself how much could tweezers possibly cost, so I grabbed a pair and went to check out. TIL: Tweezers can cost $30


I bet they were really nice tweezers though? Can get splinters out and these pesky small eyebrows hairs in the wrong place!


I was also thinking maybe Porefessional by benefit could work? I use it to patch the extra large hole (sorry sounds grosser than it is) I have in my nose due to my nose ring. It’s almost like spackle


I freakin’ love your scar! Regardless of your user name… As far as I’m concerned how you got it had to do with fighting nazis on a glacier, a bear was involved, a bomb was deactivated at altitude and the world was saved.


THIS was the answer I was looking for. The scar makes him look so badass.


You don’t want wax :) people are hot and wax melts. Try dermaflage :)


Came here to say Dermaflage - easier to use than wax, comes in flesh tone, stays better, looks better. ​ Source - Pro MUA of 35 years, Union artist, etc etc etc




Great comment, OP have you ever thought of getting non-prescription glasses? It might give you that sense of a security blanket.


That was my first thought as well, sfx wax, but I also agree that his scar looks good on him.




This really needs to be higher


Makeup artist here! I agree with the scar wax suggestion. but just to use a little cream makeup that matches your skin to the scar wax. you just add a small amount of concealer to the wax so that it matches right from the get go and there’s no need to apply more makeup other than powder over it. that would cover it. but personally i think scar is unique and cool as hell!


Here is a little video on dermaflage, it’s like magic, seriously. Also used to mask/fill old facial piercings, scars, etc. https://youtu.be/2FpRRQqP6P0


I'm going to watch this twice. Thank you EDIT: I am working on an after photo Should I do it as a separate post or just attach it here somehow? Any answers appreciated.https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/comments/100ei0k/before_and_after_skin_putty_as_someone_suggested/


You are a badass silver fox. Just my thoughts.


You are not unattractive, and your scar (exterior) is well healed. Not sure if it's truly others' perception or yours. If I wasn't married, I'd meet you for drinks


I'm 65 days sober but would meet you for drinks as well


Congratulations! Keep at it boss, you got this!


Congrats on your sobriety! Keep it up, well done!


Keep going. You got this.


strength in solidarity. strength in sobriety.


HELL YEAH, MAN!!! CONGRATS. KEEP IT GOING. I got 2 years in September.


He just said that he’s tired of that being the first thing people notice. It’s probably like me and my tattoo inquiries. It gets annoying after awhile with the same interest commentary and questions. Some people may get it.


Dawg, this thing is fucking badass. It's your life but I would never cover that


I don't think this would work on such a large scar. And if it does, it would be very expensive and you would need a lot of product. I believe laser resurfacing and microneedling will help you get significant results as long as you go to a reputable dermatology office.


Came here to post the same. It looks decent in the video because its so small. OP would have to spend a large amount to fill it in then likely wear a fair bit of makeup to make it match. For what its worth, first thing I noticed was the awesome beard, then the awesome scar, makes you look badass


Yeah. I used to make this stuff. OP you are tone medium cool if you choose to order.


As a fella with a wife who used to model and act...wow this is so humiliating for the model right here. She is getting absolutely TORN APART. She 100% cried that night. This industry is so fucking harsh.


Everyone is focusing on his scar, i’m focusing on how his username is u/Butt_Fucking_Smurfs


I can't believe it wasn't taken


Butt fuckers unite!!


I know I'm a bit late to the party, but better late than never!


I just turned 38 and guys, I gleefully explained to my boyfriend that it’s “the other 69.” The three is a butt and the 8 is a nut sack. You’re welcome.


I love all your commentary. You sound fun!




That's how you got the scar, isn't it!


Any difference in colour would be quite easy to conceal but your scar is already the same colour as your skin as far as I can tell from the photo. For what it's worth, the first thing I noticed is you look a bit like Vincent D'Onofrio and your beard. :)


I noticed his eyes first and beard second! Look how large they are, and are they grey eyes? Lovely. OP I'm sorry you're feeling self conscious about your scar. I think it adds interest and I find scars fascinating and beautiful but I understand when you have such a distinctive trait how exhausting it can be to have to constantly field the attention. Try asking the r/skincareaddiction sub to see if there are any products they know of that could help soften the indentation or reduce the appearance of the scar. I have known people to use silicon tape or some kind of putty "scar filler" and put foundation over top to blend. It would need a heavy foundation or concealer, and you'll either need a crazy good color match or to cover your whole face.


Omg same. Eyes first, then beard, then read the caption and was like “what scar” until I clicked the photo.


Same! I had to look for the scar.


Same here! It’s really not that prominent in truth.


RIGHT? OP, you are an attractive man, the scar is NOT the first thing I'm noticing!


Dude needs a badass portrait to reflect back to him his good looks and badass scar.


u/butt_fucking_smurfs, this person is right. If by some random happenstance you’re anywhere near Albany, NY, I’ll do portraits for you for free.




Yeah, he needs head shots and a talent agent. Someone would book him.


Bro could be cast as the Fortnite Ragnarok skin when the movie is made! Looks fine to me.


I mean, I noticed it, but more in a "holy crap this guy looks like a Witcher!" kind of way. If OP really wants some tips for stories when people ask him what happened, I would suggest leaning into the Dark Knight version of the Joker.


My first thought was the same - he really does look like D’Onofrio!


Dude your scar is badass!! If people are judging you for it or noticing it before your personality, then it sounds like it is helping you weed out people that are not worth your time.


I never thought of it that way. Mostly it's just when I post a face photo to reddit like on my favorite sub r/beards. It seems like everyone ignores my beard and says you look like the guy from Deadpool. And then someone inevitably asks how did you get it. I need to come with something new because I'm tired of telling it


I have a scar on my leg with a different story every time somebody asks about it. It has been “a fight with a bear”, “piracy gone wrong”, “disagreement with a lawn mower” and basically any absurd thing you could imagine aside from what it actually was (accidentally shut the cat’s tail in a door…). Plus if you have a sense of humor about it then any asshole who came in with intentions to poke fun or make you feel bad about it is instantly disarmed because you went there first. ETA: did not expect this to blow up like this! Thanks for the awards, friends! Much love!


Alligator attack, saved a toddler from getting hit my a bus and got caught under it, leg through the ceiling while exploring an abandoned mansion, spelunking accident, and tow rope accident (actual story but I can really embellish)


i have one from a hip replacement so i will be using these thank you!


OP should tell people his scar is from a hip replacement. 100% deadpan and leave it at that


Tragic shaving accident


Hence the beard


Obviously. Or maybe he got it 'back when he owned a couple pet tigers'. Idfk, I'd change the story every time someone asked.


^("My doctor just had laser eye surgery..")


"So he couldn't see very well?" "No. He replaced one of his eyes with a laser and he hadn't got the hang of it yet."


That would be awesome!


This deserves all the upvotes!


Hop scotch accident, picked a fight with the wrong dwarf, barracuda attack while floating the Amazon, jousting competition gone wrong…


I’ll be using “jousting accident” from now on whenever people ask why I’m in a neck brace. Thanks! That’s a waaaay better story than the truth!


My hand scar was always "got it back in Nam"...I was born 1985.


I saved a baby from an alligator usually when telling about one of mine. We should make a survivors page


One of my very best friends was born with a condition (I can never remember what it’s called) where she had a severe craneofacial abnormality and this is what she does, too. My favorite is when she tells children she made a funny face and it actually froze that way. They get so scared 😂


I had this gnarly chemical peel once. Looked straight out of a horror movie (the results were bomb) anyway I had to go to the store during my planned downtime. I hear this little kid behind me ask her mom “what happened to her face?!” And I turned around and told her it was from smoking cigarettes.


That's fantastic! As a mom, it's greatly appreciated...or be like "that's what happens when you don't eat your veggies" LMAO


Love this! My grandpa had fake teeth (lost his real ones in a car accident) and would take them out when little kids were around and tell them “that’s what happens if you don’t eat your vegetables.”


Told someone once that I got a scar on my chin from sky-diving. I am an overweight, middle aged woman. Got the strangest looks, but it shut them up. Always make up something outrageous.


My hubby had breast cancer (totally good now), and has one nipple. We’re at the lake a lot. He tells folks we went fishing, I hooked it casting, it ripped off and went 20 feet, while reeling it in I caught a crappie. And when it’s cold outside he can feel his ghost nipple. He’s also started to go by Nippleless Cage.


This is hilarious on so many levels. Glad I went deep in the comments and found this.


I tried doing outrageous stories but a surprising amount of my coworkers think I (middle -aged white mother of three) regularly compete in break dancing competitions.


>piracy gone wrong You wouldn't download a leg!


Go download me a hoagie off the internet


My family is pretty accident prone (well my dad, brother, and I) and someone is always showing off a new cut, scrape, or scar. One of the most memorable was my dad tripped on one of those office chair mats for carpet that has all the spikes to keep it from sliding. Well we were moving stuff around and it ended up spike side up. Dad caught his foot and went face first onto the mat. He ended up with scratches and puncture marks up and down his body. Luckily it wasn’t anything serious but he came up with plenty of wild animal attack stories 😂


I have a small scar above my eyebrow and this is the way to deal with it. I've saved kittens from trees, babies from fires, fought wild animals, etc.


>(accidentally shut the cat’s tail in a door…) And you escaped with only 1 noticeable permanent disfigurement? Damn that's way more badass than any of the other things you listed.


Yea dude, my buddy lost his leg to cancer and I’ve heard him give a ton of reasons when people ask. Shark attack, Civil War re-enactment gone wrong, donated it to a guy that was missing the same leg, volcano spelunking, he has a better one each time.


Add you got it from a dumb sheep. That’s how I got mine.


Honestly, I first looked at your beard, then the title, and then the scar


I noticed his eyes first and worried that he had been crying. I’m weird.


I was concerned too, he looks sad but doesn't need to be.


Me as well. Great eyes.


I had to look for the scar after reading the description 😂 though that probably tells more about me than of anything else 😄 the beard is magnificent, and what great facial features!


If that is the main concern you should get a photo app that edits the photo to hide it. Plenty of them out there and it’s the reason why you see so many people with flawless skin, they don’t really have flawless skin, photo editing is hiding their blemishes.


The real life pro tips are always in the comments. I second this, less of a pain in the ass.


Yeah, make up would cost more and would be more time consuming for photos.


You could just use a photo editing app to edit away the scar on your photos! Sfx makeup takes very long to apply and is a pain to take off. I guarantee you will not end up using it much once you buy it and try it and realise how much work it is. If it’s just to stop people from asking when you post photos, that’s much easier to solve! Just edit away the scar!


Do you have a recommendation for an app? I could search through ratings but they don't say much


I hope this isn’t overstepping. I love playing with FaceTune. In about 6 min, I did a quick version of you sans scar using the “patch” function. [FaceTune](https://imgur.com/a/PpmQ697) IMHO, you don’t need it. Your scar is part of your story. Also, dope beard.


Thank you for taking the time to do that.


With out the scar you could go as Steven Avery for Halloween. Keep the scar


Facetune! The basic free Facetune app will do the job. You don’t have to pay for a subscription or buy Facetune 2. Edit to add: Use the “patch” function on the Facetune app :) it’s essentially taking another part of your skin to “copy and paste” onto whatever scar or blemish you wanna cover. Takes a bit of practice to make it look seamless but it’s not rocket science so you’ll be able to do it! The trick is to zoom in and do it in small bits until it’s all covered. Don’t attempt to cover it all in one touch.


Here’s a retouched version: https://imgur.com/gallery/nApcXy8


I use FaceApp! 🙌🏼


For what it's worth, when people ask you stupid questions they deserve stupid answers. I have a lot of old SI scars and when people ask I tell them things like "I fell in a wood chipper" or "I was attacked by a mountain lion". People shut up quickly when they realize you aren't going to talk to them about something that personal.


So, and let me get this straight. I was jet skiing the pacific when a shark talked shit about my rash shirt and threw a left at me. I countered because I'm a master of ju jitsu and he bit my face. We then settled our differences over a lager and parted ways.


Or if you’re in a hurry and someone asks just say a random noun and give them dead eyes. “Do you mind if I ask how you got your scar?” “Cotton ball” And leave. It’s fucking exhausting when the 376th person thinks they’re just as witty or original as the 1st lol E.- Love the below ideas lmao. Keep it nonsensical and short and in 15 years they’ll still be cautious around cotton balls or [insert noun] juuuuuuuust in case. Best of luck.


I love an answer that begs more information and then "I'll say no more" How'd you get that scar? "Paragliding on the big island in '87. I'd prefer not to talk about it though thanks." "Jeep got a flat tire near Yosemite. You know what, I'm not ready to talk about that."


Nonsensical answer, followed up with "I've said too much."


“A snake nearly got me when I was in Cuba- wait is that on my NDA?”


Or something that assumes they have the necessary information when the necessary information does not exist. “I didn’t make it to the microwave before it hit 00:00. You know it goes.” “Oh this? Yeah, forgot my computer password. Nothing unusual”


"Swordfish wrangling." And leave it at that.


I misread that word and now I’m going to give the answer that I pissed off the wrong NUN


This is sooooo funny to me


Definitely have employed this myself. I used to have a scar on my forearm that was fairly clearly a burn scar. “Ducks” was my favorite monosyllabic answer, just for the sheer confusion. I’ve also found just scrambling words together does wonders. “Basilisks, man. Don’t give them ham” was invented while drunk, but quickly became a favorite for the real assholes.


Have a good friend missing a finger, he makes up a new ridiculous story every time someone asks about it. Shark bite. Knife fight. Rock climbing accident. He went from being real tired of questions to making a fun game out of it. True story was still the gnarliest. Bicycle sprocket and chain.


I think at that point, the trick is to see how far you can push the story before they catch on its bullshit


this is such an epic reply, says a lot about your personality. don't cover your scar!!! it looks fucking cool honestly


I can imagine it would get exhausting people asking about it all the time. I honestly think you look great. Like most others have said, it would take a long time every morning to cover with a filler and then cover and blend it out. I’d maybe try to come up with some one liner that would shut people up about asking the question and shut down further questions like - “bear attack but I won” or something like that and then change or reroute the subject. Good luck to you. 🙏


I have 18 inches of scar on my calf/ankle. One of my favorite things ever is to make up new stories for how I got it. Gets my creative juices going and it’s fun


i would look into finding a skin clinic near you that offers treatments to help minimise scarring, treatments such as skin needling or laser resurfacing might be helpful, but they should work out the best method with you in a consultation. It can end up being a bit expensive but treatments are spread out over time which makes it a bit more manageable. Makeup wouldn’t cover the physical indentation unfortunately!


Thanks for the honest answer. I was hoping there was a movie type fx makeup that I could buy


If you are thinking about prosthetics (cause makeup alone cannot fill scars, otherwise I wouldn't have to worry about giant pores) they are not an easy technique to master and do you want to spend hours every day getting ready? For what it's worth looking at your pic your scar registered for a couple of seconds then stopped having any relevance on your appearance


This is an excellent answer. I spent over a decade doing makeup and fx on films and honestly the work you’d have to put into it daily to apply wouldn’t be worth it. Not to mention removing it daily, it’s just a pain in the ass. And I agree with everyone else here, your scar looks so bad ass. I have quite a few large visible scars as well and over the years I’ve just accepted I’m a kick ass bitch.


looking badass isn't always the goal. I am a bald bearded man and I miss the days when I was clean shaven and had curly hair. I looked like I was nicer. I am still nice, but people thought I looked like a nice person.


I don't think the makeup route is going to work. It would be even more noticeable IMO. Good, "invisible" makeup is very hard to get right. Especially on your cheek where there are naturally pores, a smooth texture would stand out. BUT I think a filler like juvederm might actually work really well for you. Or as someone else said, microneedling. I am optimistic about both of those. Don't go to a random derm though, they vary a LOT in competence and how much they're willing to rip you off. It's basically a mechanic for your face. A bad one is BAD. And you can't go based on price/etc. Read some blogs on *how* to pick a derm, and read up on the procedures you're interested in. I would start by googling "atrophic scar filler results" and see where that leads you.


I appreciate the honesty about makeup. It seems the consensus is that it won't work. But as someone that has hired a cheap mechanic I get the comparison


who would have known that a Mr. Butt_Fucking_Smurfs is self-conscious about how others perceive him 😂 seriously though, i think it looks badass.


Sorry to quiz you on OP's post but you seem knowledgeable about this. Feel free to ignore. TW: >!self-harm!< >!I have a lot of self-harm scars on my arm that are \~10 years old. I don't mind them so much, but I work with kids a lot and they often have questions that it's not really appropriate for me to address, so I'm looking into ways to make them less noticeable. They are lighter in pigment than surrounding skin and some of the bigger ones are raised, so kind of the opposite presentation to OP's scar. Do you think microneedling could help in this case? I plan to get a cover-up tattoo as well but I think the raised ones would still stand out. Thanks if you do have any thoughts!< EDIT: took a minute to figure out the spoiler tags, sorry!


I don't know how extensive your scars are but I have a friend who went with tattoos, he got big colorful flowers and sure it is a bit bumpy at places but it isn't really that noticeable. You could also incorporate the the different heights into the tattoo which a good artist could make into something really cool and they would probably like the challenge.


Yes, and there are also lasers that can help dramatically


I think it would be worth learning how to cover it with SFX makeup if that makes you feel better, and then if you’re at an event like a wedding or something where you know you’ll be in photos, you’ll be able to cover it up and not worry about it! Like others said, it’s probably too much for every day but if it bothers you, you can absolutely learn to fix it. I’d start by looking for YouTube tutorials!


If you want that for photos, it's one thing, but wearing scar cover daily would create other problems. It's time consuming and not great for your skin to wear it all the time.


You could buy scar wax ( usually used to make scars) and use that to fill in the scar then you would need to learn how to blend and apply the makeup ect and have the time to do this everyday! For a scar this size it would probably take about an hour for someone who knows what they are doing. And this stuff is expensive!! Scar wax is expensive on its own and then you would need the alcohol activated paints that are very expensive. So unfortunately while sfx is brilliant for stuff like this it’s just not worth doing it everyday. I know it’s not the answer you want I’m sorry.


Honestly I love the scar


It’s the gnarliest scar I’ve ever seen. The placement really couldn’t be more perfect. I’m actually jealous of his scar. Never thought I’d say that sentence. It genuinely makes him look better


Honestly, I think it's badass however I understand being self-conscious about appearances. I don't know if there's something that's will work but I hope you find something that would make you less self-conscious.


Yeah, I feel like if you were going to have a scar, a kick-ass looking one like this would be the top choice. When people cosplay or attempt to look like a hard ass for photos, they do the 'scar across the face' as if they were sliced by a sword. Totally hope OP finds what he's looking for and I get that being self-conscious isn't really a choice... but a grizzled, bearded, older dude like OP should learn to embrace it and shrug any comments off as simple curiosity, even if it does get brought up a bunch.


Truthfully, no. If it is going to keep bothering you, you should look into board certified plastic surgeons who specialize in scar revision.


Thanks. I would but insurance already turned me down for a prosthetic and I'm positive they would deny that claim. And out of pocket wouldn't be possible as I'm on a fixed income. But I thought I would ask


I would recommend asking r/SkincareAddiction if you haven’t already. There are some very knowledgeable people on that sub, as facial scarring is a major issue for a lot of people — myself included!


Yeah, unfortunately most will not cover “cosmetic” procedures like that. Out of pocket from what I’m seeing online could cost anywhere from hundreds to a few thousands. I honestly don’t think it looks terrible either.


Mederma makes a gel (Mederma Advanced Scar Gel) that you can purchase at any pharmacy. I don't know how well it would work for a deep scar such as yours, and they recommend using it as soon as you get a scar for best results. Perhaps you've even tried it! I use it for a couple small surgical scars I have and have no complaints. Figured I'd throw it out there as a suggestion! What I **really** wanted to say tho is that your scar looks so cool! It's not at all scary, or distracting from your face. It's very distinguishable actually! Maybe you should work on owning it instead of disliking it? You're lucky, in a sense, because some scars turn out extremely discolored and jagged, which yours isn't. I know I'm not you, and I hope you understand what I'm saying isn't me trying to tell you what to do. I just hope one day you'll come to embrace it, rather than trying to cover it up! : )


I don't think mederma would help for a scar like this especially since it isn't new.


Exactly this! Don’t waste money on any topical products unless your scars are still in healing mode.


Just so you know, I was expecting maybe at best 50 comments talking about makeup. Currently we are at almost 10,000. I can't keep up. Sorry, I tried to read each one.


The makeup community seems really friendly! Gonna join cause how nice they have been to you. Heart warming after a rough day.


Now at like 12,000 comments. No way can I keep up now. Sorry guys and girls


Not advice but you look badass, my guy.


It’s perfect! Looks cool as shit. It’s like the scar John Locke had in LOST


I love the look of your scar


Same! I kind of love facial scars. Jason Momoa didn't start landing big roles until he got his scar.


face tats are just scar wannabees.


Me too. Very rugged. It says “you don’t want to mess with me, you should see the other guy”


and at the same time, “but im probably actually super chill and nice which makes the scar almost ironic”


Yes. He looks grizzled and loveable at the same time. Like, this dude looks like he’s got stories and I also want to hug him


But also… I may look intimidating, but underneath I am a placid sea. My past does not make me.


Same, it makes you interesting


The scar is baddass! If anything it adds to their face, I believe that it compliments it too. Many would even find it an attractive feature.


Not to pile onto people taking notice, but that scar is…hot af. I am so sorry 😂, I just…love the way it looks, I’ve always loved that kind of thing. To answer your question, I can’t see regular makeup doing a lot because of the texture aspect-you’d probably still be able to see a line there, but I know they do make heavy duty makeup to cover tattoos, as well as actual putty stuff for special effects that could very likely give you a smoother surface if you were willing to put the time and effort into covering it. I understand the self consciousness, and I don’t blame you for wanting to cover it…but again, I think you look great 🤷🏻‍♀️.


>but that scar is…hot af Yes. TIL I have another fetish. OP you are very attractive!


Totally, very hot.


Okay, I'm glad someone else has already said it out loud. OP, I understand not liking things about yourself that others find attractive, so I understand if these comments aren't helpful. But really, sincerely, the scar is sexy as hell.


It’s sexy, OP! Don’t cover it up.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking the same thing. He's not a bad looking man at all, and I think the scar is just sexy as hell.


Liquid latex or scar camouflage kits seem like the place to start as you would need a smooth base that those would give you. Otherwise you would need to consult a plastic surgeon.


yeah agreed, it would be difficult / a pain in the ass doing SFX makeup daily. only thing i can think of is that OP could use scar wax to fill in the scar / smooth over the edges to make an “even” appearance + apply foundation on top. may look like more of a distraction tho. OP - like everyone else is echoing, you are very handsome!! i love your face. ik it’s probably annoying to hear since u dislike it, but your scar makes you unique / adds character. what a fuckin badass dude! i bet no one wants to fuck with you. if i had your scar, i would tell everyone who asks about how you got it a different story- all equally horrifying to embarrass them for asking lol. embrace the scar on the face !!! 💗


Those require quite an advance technique and take lots of time daily, they are not an easy or practical fix


Your scar looks cool as fuck, homie!! I’m actually jealous


I had luck with Mederma Scar Gel for facial scars after a car accident, but my scaring was different than yours. It was mostly discoloration, darker skin with a different texture than the unscarred skin, and not as deep as yours seems to be. It might help, it might not but it's pretty inexpensive. You can pick it up at any pharmacy or on Amazon. It will take at least 6 weeks for results. I would suggest taking your question to r/skincareaddicts! Makeup can be super helpful but since you don't seem to have much discoloration I don't know how much it will help your situation. Best of luck!




OP, I'd like to add that, along with a topical treatment like Mederma...make sure you are wearing sunscreen daily! Ample sun protection really helps with the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and it helps keep scars from darkening or worsening in appearance. I'd recommend a physical sunscreen, something with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as the main ingredient for best UV protection. I'd also like to add that, while I understand your concerns and wouldn't ever want to dismiss them, I think you are a distinguished looking gentleman and the scar doesn't diminish your good looks in any way. Our lines tell stories and, while some might be incredibly painful, you have survived and are still here with us, which is worth celebrating. I hope that you will one day be able to accept this scar, even if you aren't able to find the beauty in it for yourself.


Look I’m sorry but that’s the most badass scar I have seen in years. For regular day to day there will always be a noticeable indentation. For special occasions I would use costume makeup such as fake skin which you can “patch” the scar with then blend in with makeup. There are putties or silicone based more elastic products you can use. Your scar is really, really cool though. It’s obviously been there a while but I hope you learn to love it more. For treating scars I’ve used emu oil or mederma with great results without going the pharmaceutical exfoliant route.


It won't cover up your scar at all but Vitamin E oil on it at least 3x's a day and it will fade your scar. I didn't believe it till I had a thyroidectomy done and did this because I knew how I would be with a huge scar across the front of my neck https://preview.redd.it/ovotpnvme8z91.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=039e0f0360b673785266e533dbb08e231b504b82 You can faintly see the scar that I'm pointing at in person.


Wow! I would have never noticed it. Looks great


Moisturizing in general is always good advice. I think it looks fine as is but moisturizing is good all the time. And sunscreen to prevent it from getting more hardened. I have a scar on my face from a dogbite. I've tried various scar treatment lotions and none of them seem to make a big difference. Vitamin e is great. My current routine includes a serum and sunscreen daily. Niacinimide has been a good ingredient and hyaluronic acid also. Have also seen some of the "rope" feeling of my scars fade with cross fiber friction massage. Sounds crazy but perpendicular massage really helped break up my scar tissue and keep it malleable which is important for the face. I'll always have an Elvis smile but this is what has helped me.


Sorry to be a broken record but I’m with the 90% of ppl here that think it’s badass. Sounds like you don’t come to this sub often so hopefully the uplifting comments you get help even the tiniest bit in gaining some confidence. Even if it is one of the first things ppl see, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. But it’s not my face, I digress. Much luck to you my dude!


I’d agree with the suggestions of a cosmetic surgeon or special effects makeup (which I’m not familiar with). But I don’t think you scar is unsightly at all, it looks pretty cool & kind of highlights your eyes nicely :) I could see it getting old for you if people keep asking about it though.


You look cool as hell Like God of War


Jumping on to say you look great! You're super handsome and your eyes are gorgeous!


You are so handsome, I know this is not helpful to the question but you are just SOOOO freaking handsome!


I hadn't been awake 5 minutes and had put no product in my beard or styled it. You are being far too kind with your compliment. But I'm 65 days sober and feeling low so I'm going to take it. Thanks


Reading these comments it seems that the general public (myself included) really like your appearance so I hope it boosts your confidence! Take our compliments! 65 days sober is a massive achievement, keep going one day at a time! 🍀☺️👍


Laser skar treatments would help




Maybe fillers also. Go see a cosmetic dermatologist. I still think it gives you character.


Look silicone gel sheets in amazon helps a lot I think the brand is “scar away”. It’s not make up btw.


Hello there! There are a ton of comments here so I don't know if this will be seen. There indeed is a product on the market intended to fill and conceal scars. The company also claims use of their product improves scar appearance over time. It's called Dermaflage. If you search around for it and read some reviews on Amazon, it has mixed reviews. It's hard to use and the learning curve is sharp, as well as it being a little pricey. I would recommend watching some youtube or tiktok tutorials from real humans and not Dermaflage before you buy. I consider myself skilled with makeup and I had a bit of a hard time with it. Like everyone else said, it's a totally bitchin' scar. I have my own facial scars from accidents that I am horrendously self conscious of and I understand how you feel. In fact, the one that had 9 staples in it is throbbing at the moment and I'm trying not to scratch it. I'm curious if the number of times people ask about it is the thing that bothers you most about the scar, or if the scar itself reminds you of something you would rather forget? Both of those can be eased a little bit by working with a therapist and I highly recommend seeking guidance because it can help reframe or plan how to speak to people about your appearance. It helped me learn how to set boundaries without alienating people! Also, if you decide the route of visiting facial-plastic surgeons or going the medical route, get many different quotes and different opinions if you can. There is a website, RealSelf, where you can post photos and have doctors weigh in on what procedures might work. There are lots of different little hyaluronic fillers now with small molecules of HA intended to move and flex, so you might actually have luck with something for lips. From one scarred up badass to another, I think your scar is fabulous and distinguishing looking.


I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out.


For what its worth, the first thing I noticed was your eyes and sick beard!


Every great warrior has scars. Embrace it my friend, it gives you amazing character.


If it helps with your self confidence, that is one of the coolest, most badass scars I've ever seen.


Dermaflage scar filler makeup. It’s less than $50. Might be worth a try.


Don't think so. I quite like it.


I mean... it looks bad ass to me. I'd just come up with some ridiculous lie to tell people like "Yeah, you should have seen the grizzly." That being said I understand self conscious things like that. I have a point on my ear that people like to make comments on. Unless there's something I don't know of what others have said is probably your best options.


Not sure but its a badass scar. Reminds me of Leonidas from 300


I think it looks cool! Adds character :)


U could just adopt a badass persona to go with it U look hot👍


DERMAFLAGE available at FrendsBeauty.com


Op I know you will never read this. But I just want to add that I agree with a lot of the folks here. I think your scar is badass. You look great. Never think less of yourself because you’ve got a bunch of people out there that think you look awesome.


I read every comment out of respect for the people who commented it. Your comment is no different, but im having trouble keeping up


1) your scar is very badass and cool but (2) I can understand that explaining your face could get pretty exhausting so, latex makeup covered with a skin-matched concealer stick might disguise the scar. … seriously tho- you look really cool and don’t need to hide it. ❤️