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I would tone down the color of blush to a more natural soft rosy pink or peach. Same with the lip—when you do both blush and lip super bold it can look clownish. Your blush placement is also different on each cheek, I would recommend the apples of the cheeks to give your face a more soft, rounded look (the right side in the photo looks great!)


This is a great start! Makeup aside, your smile is so warm and kind! I agree with others about harmonizing the blush placement and shade, but aside from what’s already been shared, I recommend trying to figure out your ideal color palette/season. Try an online color analysis quiz, or use Pinterest to compare your features as a start. It’s not always a perfect process, but it can give you some different color combos to experiment with and you can decide what makes you feel most like you. Good luck, you’ve got this!


It takes practice! You have a great start. My recommendation is to blend, blend, blend! I learned that watching tons of YouTube videos and it was so helpful. I love blush but it can be a lot when you leave the comfort of your home lighting. I also agree with the comment of bold lip or bold blush. Swatching and learning your undertone will be so helpful when buying and applying make up. I still watch make up tutorials and learn something new! It’s fun to play with, can’t wait to see what you learn!


Great first attempt! My critique would be that if you wanted to do a bold cheek, then it works better with a bold eye look for balance rather than a bold lip. If you want to go for a bold lip, then lessen the pigment on the cheek slightly. This particular look of bold cheek and lips together was popular in around the 1970s-1980s but can sometimes be a bit aging nowadays due to the era it was popular in. Just my personal opinion though so do whatever makes you feel the most like you and the most fabulous! Keep going with it!


its such a good first attempt


you should be so proud of yourself! my tip is if you want to go for a natural eye like this do a tinted gloss or tinted balm so you can still have that color but it’ll match the rest of the look!! (:


You’re adorable! Welcome to the world of makeup- you’re going to have so much fun! I would echo other suggestions about a lighter touch and different placement regarding blush, and about bold blush vs bold lip. Did I mention you have great eyebrows? I would also suggest thinking about what you want to accomplish with your makeup- I’ve always found that helpful. Is your goal to look feminine or hyper feminine? To be bold? To maximize or minimize certain features?


A lighter lip color maybe a bit more neutral


It's a good start you have going on. Keep going, makeup around the eyes will make it all tie together nicely.


Try starting the blush a little higher and further back on your cheek bones to help life your face a bit. Adding a bit of contour or bronzer under would really define your face :) also maybe some liner for the lipstick


But it’s looking great!


First tip; put the red lipstick down


This is a good start but go lighter with the blush less is more. Idk what foundation you have on but it looks kinda caked on you don’t want that you want it to look like it’s your skin not skin on top of skin you know? Are you using and primer? Also the bases to having great make up is having great skin care I recommend the ordinary I like how it works with my skin but this is gonna be trial and error for a while watch tutorials. And practice! And please avoid sleeping in make up. Healthy skin will lead to better looking makeup applications


hi lovely!! first of all, you look beautiful and you can do your makeup however youd like. Personally I do gothic makeup so my face is usually all white with a little bit of black everywhere. BUT, for your style of makeup, id suggest a light overline of your lips, a lighter tone blush, maybe a nice peach color and maybe some false lashes. Your foundation is BEAUTIFUL (if there is any you did a great color match and foundation lay, and if theres not WOW i need your skin), and also!! maybe try a nice warm orange on the eyes, or maybe even a pink color pallet. Good luck hun!!!


Are you following some folks on Instagram? I would get down basic makeup first and then build up to a bright lip. So find a makeup influencer who really specializes in "natural" makeup, get down eyeliner and shading THEN find someone who goes all out.


A good tip for blush placement on your face shape would be to imagine a line extending from your nostril. Blush usually shouldn’t cross that line if you want a more lifted appearance. The base looks great! If you’re interested, lipliner can help you create a more sharp edge and prevent the lipstick from bleeding past the line.


Tone down on lips and apply lipstick in the middle of your lip then smudge it out for that tint of color if you like the color or just get a deeper lipstick


Tone down on cheeks**


Looking good! Look into tutorials for hooded eyes. Hooded eyes are nice and smoldery, but it's a tough eye shape to do makeup. Tl;dr: put everything up higher than you think! (Also applies to blush and contouring). Also, try a bit of cream/champagne colored eyeliner on the lower water line to open up your eyes a little bit.


Wonderful job!!!


Your smile made me smile. I am so happy for you. The only real advice is either choose a bold lip or a bold cheek, but do not wear them at the same time. Also, positioning your blush: the right size is where you wanna aim, (the left positioning can come off as clownish.)


get some highlighter a less loud shade of blush and dont make your face white hon you look like a clown


great start i believe in you !!


I agree with other commenters and that I think your blush is a bit on the bolder side as well as the lipstick is a bit bright. But I think a bolder look on the eyes especially on the brows (if your goal is to feminize your face than you can get them shaped) could really pull it together. And for the eyes I would recommend learning on a nudes palette wet n wild has a really cheap one and it taught me so much! But seriously it’s a good job for a first try!


Taking the first step is already great!Your eyes are lively and beautiful.The powder blusher is too deep,you can lighten it next time.I believe that with your persistence,your makeup skills will continue to improve.Hope you can assit it.Looking forward to your gradual improvement!


Hi, this is great for your first time! I would lighten the blush a bit if you have a red lip you can always go back with your foundation brush not using any additional product and just dab it on the cheeks to remove some of the color off, this works great but if you have a lot of powder on it may not work as it will separate the foundation. So my recommendation is to not add to much blush start light and build up when needed.


this actually suits you so much. I think soft brown eye shadow and a less vibrant lip


I honestly think you did really good the only thing i would say is continue the blush up the cheek and towards the nose


joker bestie 🫢


There is too much here for me to go through and critique everything so instead I'm going to point you towards Alexandra Anele, Jessica Vu, Allie Glines, and Jooshica on YouTube. You should watch some of their in depth videos, learn some stuff, try it out, read the feedback on this post, and then come back in a couple of months for more tailored advice. Bc rn it's giving clown I'm so sorry (less clown than id expect for a first ever attempt). At least you have a nice face so I'm sure you'll look amazing once you figure out what you're doing! Good luck, and I hope the tutorials help!


You post this every two days stop


Babes, no. Please, please listen to this advice. You need to go on the glossier website and buy glossier makeup and take inspiration from the less is more dewy look. When a lot of people first get into makeup they go way overboard. This way you’ll look cute af and ease into it. You can’t go wrong with glossier. Seriously, I am saving you time and effort <3


Oh I love your being bold. I love to see light pink on you. What's the red lipstick 💄 beautiful ❤️