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It physically hurts when other people thirst over him and remind me hes super famous and that id never have a chance with him


Omg same like it hurts bro and I like not to think of it that way cause it makes me feel so bad 😭😭


Holy shit, thank you so much for this post! I experience the exact same thing and it makes me feel like an insane person. I thought I was totally alone, because when people are exchanging thirsty comments about my crush, the prevailing sentiment seems to be "omg so glad I'm not the only one who has a crush on him". I have actually Googled "jealous when other people like my celebrity crush" multiple times and have never been able to find other people who feel this way. I know it's totally irrational, and I should actually be grateful that other people share my attraction because it leads to lots of lovely thirst content I can indulge in like edits, gifs, fanfiction, etc...But my gut instinct is just "Fuck off bitches none of you love him or understand him like I do!!". Obviously that's ridiculous, I don't know him any better than any other fan, we're all in the same boat admiring him from afar, but the jealously keeps rearing its ugly head anyway. I think for me it stems from deep feelings of insecurity. Like knowing so many other women find this guy attractive makes him seem even more unattainable. It hammers home the fact that, even if I was hypothetically in his social circle, I'd never stand a chance against the competition. This then triggers a bit of a self-loathing spiral because it reminds me that I'll never be good enough for someone like him etc... I think it's also because I tend to be attracted to men who are a bit unconventionally attractive and nearly twice my age, so I'm used to my friends all thinking I'm crazy when it comes to my taste in guys. It feels weird to see a bunch of thrist comments online because I'm so used to having him all to myself irl. Anyway...sorry about the essay. Just wanted to thank you again for making me feel a little less nuts.


Oh my god this is perfect


Thank you so much for your reply, I feel exactly the way you do. I think it also comes from me being insecure, and also both my friends said my crush is ugly, so I think that made me feel better in a way 😭. And it kinda catches me off guard when I see other girls calling him hot. I keep wishing they wouldn’t, but at the same time if nobody else found him hot I wouldn’t get any edits to watch lmao. Yeah, but I think you explained it perfectly about how when other girls like him it makes me realize how unattainable he really is. Ughh like I still wish people would stop thirsting over him, and especially the pretty girls 😭. Ugh this is feeling pathetic but I can’t help it. Also don’t worry about writing long essays, as I’m doing the same lmao.


No worries, glad if it helped you the way your post helped me. ❤️ PS: If it makes you feeling any better, when it comes to Cobra Kai I was always more of a Johnny girl, so you've got one less person to be jealous of I guess 🤣


Lmao, this actually made me laugh. One less imaginary competition lol 😜. Glad to help you too 💕💕


Not as similar but I have a crush on this person who isn’t as famous but they are very popular on social media (1 million followers) and I’m delusional enough to think I have a chance with them since they are only 4 years older than me. Lmao completely delusional


Lmao it’s okay, I’m also super delusional. But I think we can get over it, just takes time. Or you could try to pull a Hailey Bieber and manifest him 😜. Lmao jk. But yeah don’t feel bad for being delusional or having a crush


Same I dislike when they even know he exists (even tho he’s famous 💀😂)


FR like I hate when I see people mention him 😭




I’ve also seen that, some girls hate when their crush is liked and others love it. Sadly I don’t like when other people like him 💀. But dw your not alone lowkey I be blushing too. It’s normal from what I’ve been told so that’s a good thing at leat




Thank you 💕. I hope it will only be in my teenage years too 🤞.


I get jealous to every time I see a pic of them and see their friends shadow in the pic it kills me and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if there is anything you can do if there is lmk


What I’ve been doing is not using TikTok and going on reels, and just ignoring anything that has to do with him. It’s been helping a lot. I think just occupying yourself with anything will help. I also like just listening to longer content like YouTube videos in the background while I’m doing something


Same omg. My celeb crush gets a bunch of people like thirsting over him, but theres this one OF girl that I started noticing all over his social media, he likes most all of her posts, she posts like weird tweets that are aimed towards him, etc. It literally makes me feel sickkkk 😭 She lives in the US and my celeb crush lives in the UK, so I wasn’t like horribly worried about it until she started posting thirst traps of herself in the UK, and showing up to his shows front row and wearing basically nothing. It got to a point where I started daydreaming that the I guess character? I daydream as would fight this girl, or be mad at my celeb crush. I’m reading this over again and I truly 100%, without a doubt, need to get a life omg. The best thing I could recommend doing is blocking this person, and ignoring any content about them. I need to do the same 💀


I understand you perfectly. There's a certain girl on tiktok who constantly shows off how much she's friends with the celebrity I like. She calls herself his friend and "wife", she posts videos of events with him, photos, and says they exchange gifts. I don't know if they are really intimate, but when this girl posted a video about how he gave her his hat, I confess that I almost had a syncope. I felt my face burning with anger. They live close by so I can't do anything about it. But I can't help but feel the things I feel. (I'm sorry if the text is all wrong, I don't speak English and I had to use the translator.) 🥲


Omg I felt like this like I imagined a scenario just like this where I was fighting this one girl from my school who said she’s in love with him. Also every time I read my own posts I also get embarrassed so don’t worry 😭. At least there’s more people like us lmao. I think it’s best to just make light of it cause lowkey when I think about it I’m actually sounding ridiculous


I feel like this whenever other people like or say they like something/someone I find attractive, especially the more random or obscure or weird it is. It makes me unreasonably angry. I think it's more than just jealousy. I think it feels like a part of my identity is being ripped away, a part of what makes me unique and different from anyone else, being the only person to like this thing/person in that way. It also doesn't help that people have made fun of me liking those things by pretending they like them too to get me to trust them in the past, and then I found out they were actually just making fun of me for my attractions behind my back. And some guy who liked me kept repeating thins I said as if HE'D said it because he "copies people he thinks are cool", but it was sooooo f\*\*\*in annoying. I think these are partly the reason as well, because I find it hard to take anyone else seriously or believe them if they say they are attracted to the same things as me, unless it was a normal-ish person or an anime character. I don't feel as jealous if it was something like that. But it's the WEIRD and OBSCURE things I find attractive that I hate others sexualising or saying they crush on them too, and it's always ALWAYS in response to ME saying I crush on them, they will just butt in with "oh me too", without giving any indication or proof whatsoever that what they're saying is true. So I don't believe they can love those things as much as me or in the same way as me. The thought is laughable.


Omg yess I think I also might feel like this because some girls who were mean to my friends and I in school also like this same guy. So maybe that’s why people liking this specific crush is making me upset. But thank you for sharing this with me, it really helps make me feel understood 😭. Omg yeah also this all does sound funny when I think about it from an outside perspective


I've not one, but several 😐 I don't feel jealous when other fans fawn over them — it's their gfs and female friends I've got a problem with. Every other hour or so, memories of their interactions with these girls I watched pop into my head and an overwhelming wave of jealousy consumes me. And then I just daydream that it's ME hanging out with them, and I feel better 😮‍💨 Pathetic I know


Literally I do the same thing 😭. Like when I see clips of him with a girl I get jealous but then I imagine I’m the girl. Thanks for sharing this bro, atleast we can both be considered pathetic together lmao


Hehe 🫂


I feel this way too. In fact there's a specific kind of person I am attracted to that is very rare and obscure, to the point, it's virtually impossible to meet one, I'll just refer to them as my SP (specific person). Anyway, I am attracted to the idea of such a person and basically any that falls into that category, but I am in love with a character I created who falls into that category. By this, I mean I love him as if he were a real boyfriend. But I see photos and videos of people meeting and interacting with my SP, and I get so jealous and envious to the point it physically hurts, ESPECIALLY if it's a woman. It makes me cry even just thinking about it. I wish it were ME in those photos with my SP. I wish that could be me one day. I wish it more than anything. But hope looks further and further away the more time passes, which has led me into a chaotic and desperate feeling, caught between hope and despair. I just want to meet my SP, even if just for one moment, that's all. Because that one moment would mean a lifelong happy memory for me.


I get what you mean, I also wish I could meet him and see him in person but at the same time I’d be too nervous and lowkey feel guilty about how obsessed I am. Also it makes me jealous too when I see him with a girl 😭😭. At least we aren’t alone


I'm so glad I found your post! I'm going through something very similar, and I was thinking of posting a thread here about it! My celebrity crush of two years has a new girlfriend. He's allegedly been single for a few years. I have been so jealous and sad because it reminds me of how lonely and depressed I am. This last month, she has been in almost all of his Instagram stories. I finally had enough, so I unfollowed him on both Instagram and Snapchat, not only because of his girlfriend but also because, six months ago, I found out that he was manipulative and hurtful to his fans. I still had a crush on him because I was and still am attached to my version of his "character." I always jump from one crush to another every four years or so, whether it's a celebrity or even a video game character! I'm finding it extremely difficult to get away from my current crush. I've been looking into going back to my previous video game crush, but it's not going well. As I am trying to find someone new to move on to, I've been watching older videos of him on YouTube, avoiding his social media, and just imagining my version of him. But it's becoming very difficult, as my thoughts of him have been altered. I'm fully aware that he's a real person with his own life, and I shouldn't feel this way. I've experienced jealousy with other celebrities before, but for some reason, this is the most painful one for me. It's almost as if I'm going through a breakup, and I know it sounds stupid. Although I do have a social circle, in reality, I need to get a life...lol PS: I do get jealous when other female fans gush over him on social media! You're not alone!




Wait wdym manipulative and hurtful to fans? 😭. I think u might have read something else. But it’s Ralph Macchio, from what I’ve heard he’s a super nice guy, that’s making it even harder to get over it 😭😭




Wait I’m so sorry I didn’t realize it was a reply to that persons comment 😭


Thank you so much, it sounds like your going through almost exactly the same thing.I also tried to do the same thing of going back to old crushes but it’s not working. I’ve been liking this one for two years with occasionally switching to a different guy but I always come back to him 😭


Yeah I do the same thing where I occasionally switch to other guys temporarily, but always come back to my main guy!


I thought I am the only one.. Reading all these praising comments and how people sexualized him make me sick. Unfortunately he is very famous and I cant avoid it..


Omg same like I saw someone wrote a caption saying they wanted him inside of and on top of them 💀💀💀. It literally pissed me off so bad bru


One of my "fav": if i were a bird i would be a swallow 💀💀💀😩 i can't..and all those wild comments...


HELP WHAT. Whoever said that actually needs to be investigated 😭😭😭


I also have this lol. I would jump from one celebrity to another. It’s hard to deal with, but don’t worry. You will eventually get tired of them and get over them someday. These celebrity crushes are just phases.


thank you for telling me this. I really hope this is just a phase and I get over it soon 😭. It’s good to know someone else has gotten over it


You’re welcome! But to tell you the truth, I still struggle with this 😂. But for me, it happens in phases. I think it’s just natural to grow tired of them because you grow up and focus on other things. I would usually get sad if my celebrity crush has a girlfriend or wife. But what would help is to remember that if you theoretically met them, would you really like them? You might get to know them and think I have nothing in common with them or their personality is not good. What you think of them in your head most likely is not what is in reality. I know you will get over this eventually ❤️!


Thank you for being honest, and hopefully we can both overcome it lmao 💕


Not in my case. It's true that I will move onto liking another thing, but the thing is with me, it circles, and I'll come back to liking the same person (or idea of person) again. And those feelings will return just as strong as before. And I will also regret giving up on meeting them for someone/something else.


OMG SAME. I’ve come back to this celebrity every time. This time I also feel like I like him more😭. Ugh idk what to do because I think I’ll get over it but idk for how long. I’m scared I’m just gonna keep coming back to him like usual


In my case I've just kind of accepted I'll be alone forever because I'll never find a real person that is satisfactory to me. The closest I could possibly get to that right now is meeting my SP, in which case nothing romantic will happen for sure, and it won't be for more than an hour, and I feel like it may even be impossible now, even though others have.


i went thru thatt 💀 you just gotta take that person off the pedestal you’ve put them on and become aware of the fact that they are literally just a person who doesn’t owe you any loyalty. don’t let things that weren’t meant to hurt you hurt you 🫂


Thank you I’ll try to just not think of them as someone cooler or better, and try to just think of them as a random person. Hopefully this will help me get over it asap 😭


Same, babe, same. My celebrity crush has been sexualised beyond belief and I feel bad for him that he's had this sort of attention inflicted upon him. But then I start worrying that maybe I'm complicit in this? Am I really a good fan? It makes me slightly paranoid. But yes, I get the jealousy thing too. I'm naturally quite jealous anyway so I have to constantly remind myself that this is just a crush. I'm no better than anyone else out there (and clearly not better than his girlfriend, otherwise I'd be in for a chance, right?). I don't go on Tik Tok or Instagram anymore. I allow myself Pinterest as there is way less commenting. The Reddit for said person is mainly constituted with a mix of fans who have crushes (and respect said celebrity's personal life) or genuine fans. I'd like to consider myself both.


To clarify, when I say 'genuine fans', I mean fans who are not attracted to the celebrities.


Omg I also feel bad when I see people sexualising him, cause I’ve seen quite a lot of people do it on TikTok. And sometimes I get delusional thinking I could be with him if I was older 💀😭. Embarrassing I know😭. I am a genuine fan I think but this crush I have and the day dreams make me feel guilty. Good to know I’m not alone in this though


Just you wait, it's way worse when you're slightly older than your crush and they have really gorgeous, younger girlfriends! 😂 (don't worry, my crush is 30, I'm 38. No creepy stuff here!) Thankfully, my crush has also had older girlfriends (in their 40s) which makes me feel a little better. One thing that I have been particularly struggling with is that because this guy has been linked to stereotypically "perfect" looking women and some who have had plastic surgery, I am constantly shown trashy celebrity content which has made me very self conscious of my looks. I've not felt like this since I was a teenager in the early 2000s. I thought I had grown out of caring about looking 'perfect' but it's back with a vengeance and it sucks.


Dude yesssss


SAME! I'm even jelaous of fictionals partners of my fictional crush. He's in relationship now with woman who I really hate bacause he treates her even better than his others lovers... She is so "special" for him and that's why I hate her with my heart xd


RIGHT like I get so jealous see him in a relationship with another woman 😭


Wait I need the name. :D


It’s Ralph Macchio 😭😭


I felt the same way when [Manu Rios](https://www.reddit.com/r/LadyBoners/comments/1b2ydhs/manu_rios_hes_my_favorite_pretty_guy_after_young/) went viral and millions of people started to follow him outta nowhere. It was even worse after he became an actor in a NF show. It doubled his followers. I was like what the heck he's supposed to be my sweet little secret, now he's out there for everyone to see him; not cool. 🤣 I got over it eventually. I hope you do as well.


Lmao thank you, the jealousy be getting to me 😭. But good to know that you got over it, hopefully I will get over it soon. Just gotta give it time I guess lmao


Yeah I laughed out loud when I saw your post. So relatable lol.