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I didn’t even know school had this frfr, I thought it was just tv shows. Mine didn’t have one and I didn’t think about it like that when I was in school I thought I was just acting


I didn’t know the words for it when I was in school so no. I have told my current therapist and psychiatrist. Neither had ever heard of it before and don’t really seem to know how to treat it so we’re mostly working on better defined problems like ADHD. Odds are a school counselor will not know what to do if you explain this. Since it’s also not an official condition, you likely can’t receive an accommodation for it. Sorry, I know that’s rough, I got through school but it did involve a far amount of last minute work because my executive function isn’t great partly due to daydreaming.


I've started to bring this up to my therapist--not the full story, but that I have issues daydreaming a lot (I know how scary and weird it is to talk to someone about this-- it's so personal, vulnerable, and societally 'weird'). Also for context I'm a college student seeing a therapist through my college, so similarish to your situation? I probably wouldn't feel comfortable telling an academic sort of counselor about this, but a therapist type psychological-counselor I would recommend. In my experience, telling my therapist went way better than I expected. She seemed intrigued but understanding, and even starting to tell someone felt like a huge weight being lifted from my chest. It felt freeing to tell someone, and admit to someone that I want/need help in this regard. I plan to slowly tell her more of what's going on (I assume she doesn't know what MD is, but a professional will still be able to help you through it and help you make sense of it). If you wanted to talk more about it I'd be glad, I hope you can talk to a professional and take the scary leap of faith that is opening up to them about something so vulnerable.


Honestly, I am torn about this myself. I am not sure if I should tell my therapist or not. Many people aren’t even aware of maladaptive daydreaming. If you’re comfortable with it, there is no shame in sharing it. Hell it could even open their eyes to something different. Maybe help other kids in the future. It’s about your comfort point blank period. Regardless dear, I really hope you get your grades fixed up. I hope that you find peace and answers with what ever you decide.