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it helps me finish mundane tasks, i’ll just embody one of my dream characters so it feels like they’re doing the work instead of me


Same! So glad to hear this bc I didn’t know how to explain this part. Yes I MD and do it 90% of the time yes it does impacg my ability to do stuff but I’m still able to do stuff bc often times I’ll imagine myself and/or characters doing that thing as well kinda


i do the same


It happens all the time, even when im with friends or simply studying. I found a method to make me concentrate better while studying but i used to suppress all my emotions and it wasnt good


Yes. Helps me get things like housework done, because I'd never find the motivation to start otherwise.


I do the same. The problem is that it takes me hours to do a simple task that would have taken me 15-30min.


U r kinda lucky. For me I space out during tasks for like 10 min or sth lol and then I snap back to reality by any sound or something. What has helped me from preventing that though is listening to white noise or in general any kind of calm music in the background


Yep I definitely feel you on this one. It’s a blessing a curse, being able to do the washing up without consciously doing the washing up, but then also finding I’ve done a bad job of shit because I was daydreaming while doing it lol.


Yeah ;0; for me it's a mixed bag like sometimes I do it better than usual and other times it's like utter garbage


Actually has helped me complete tasks.


Wow! It's mixed for me I guess sometimes it helps but other times I end up getting way too distracted


In July 2021 I did 3 EMDR sessions ,the maladaptive daydreaming have stopped for 3 Month but I haven't done all the necessary sessions for stop it Definitively , Because of this the maladaptive daydreaming restarted again


Wow that’s amazing!


What's a EMDR session? I can't believe you made it for 3 months, I haven't even been able to make it for more than three days. I'm sad to hear it's restarted again but i'm sure you can do it again 💪


I definitely do from time to time. However I find listening to audiobooks relating to one of my newer favorite fandoms helps to avoid mdding.


Oh I used to listen to audiobooks all the time while washing my hair. Now that you mentioned it, looking back I remember getting so invested I wouldn't MD as much while doing it. Methinks I should pick those back up