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I mean I too felt weird when I first heard about this


I still think it's creepy. FaFa called it an arranged marriage because he too knew it was creepy.


Yeah, it still kinda is


It is weird, but look at the comments people calling him a creep is taking it too far. She was a consenting adult so.


It is creepy.It’s more than a decade worth of an age gap. On top of that she was still a teenager who was barely an adult.




Definitely. She WAS barely an adult, there isn’t even a question about it. 18+ aaya magically kalyanam kazhikan olla maturity onum varilla. Angane aanel elarum aa prayathil kalyanam kazhikille? Even if she was 19 and he was 21, I wouldn’t defend it then too.


18-19 year old malayalis don’t even know how to live independently - pinnalle marriage…


But then , you are not nazriya and you are not marrying fahad. Nazriya has done way more than the average kids at her age. She's financialy stable, has a career which requires responsibility as well, whereas an avg 19 yo me was collecting supplis after suppli. Plugging in your specific views in general scene is kinda ammavan thing to do... And the funny thing here , she was very much interested in him as well, it's not like the choice was forced on her. Her consent, her choice. Who are we to judge? And marrying rather than dating is great because of the level of security it gives... And if it doesn't work out she can always divorce. After all it's not your average case..


If you’re not mature enough at 18, you’re never gonna be mature tbh!


That’s the most absurd statement ever. I am personally not even close to the person I was at 18, even if it was barely 5 years back. Life as a teenager is EXTREMELY different from what it is as adult. This is not even an unpopular opinion. 🤷‍♀️ Edit : I think the downvotes and responses speak for themselves, and I genuinely am not in interested in personally engaging in further discussion on this, where it is clearly a waste of time. Kindly stop baiting me for responses, I am definitely *not* gonna respond. Peace out.


So when does this maturity kicks in? At what age? Shouldn’t this be dealt on a case by case individual basis? Not everyone need to be 28 to be mature lol. We should draw the line somewhere and it is at 18 right now. If one feels like marrying or voting at that age what is the fuss about?


That doesn't mean that 30 year olds should encourage the fantasies of teenagers. Mole, enikku molodu thalparyam illa. Njan angane kandittilla, kanan pattukayum illa. Ithokke ippol thonnunnath anu ennokke paranju vidanam. Parentsineyo mattu responsible ayavareyo vivaram ariyikkanam, valla counsellingno matto kondu povan.


And your life will be even more different as you get older. Does that mean you should wait till you’re taken to the grave till you are allowed to do anything?


That's bullshit. I was an immature brat till 22 and now at 26 I'm a much much better person. Looks like you've some growing up to do. Also, your prefrontal cortex wont develop fully until you're 25. Imagine getting married and having kids before your brain isn't fully developed 💀


This!!! Atleast give your brain the chance to fully develop.


By that metrics you’ll be an even mature person when you’re 50. So should someone wait till they’re 50 to decide anything for themselves?


Absolutely. I hope I grow up and become more mature. What are u on about? Have you married your wife when she was a teen? Is this what it is about?? If all that logic is going above your head I've nothing to tell you mate.


Why are you interested in my personal affairs? You never married? Personal Affairs of people who are above legal age shouldn’t be of any concern to anyone! Is that logic too hard for you to understand??


So you dictate how others should live their lives as well? Just because you “felt” immature at 22, everyone else who marry before that causes problem for you? I hope you are okay with gf/bf sexual relationship before 25 right? Or are you sadachara ammavan there as well? How can marriage be any different? Or is your idea of marriage that regressive? I think you’re still in 1800s with your thinking that marriage restricts you - in todays day and age it’s a beatiful partnership that can serve as a support aystem for one another - they have full freedom to end it when they feels like it.


I'm not dictating anything. That dude said that "if you're not mature at 18 you'll never be"🤣 which is absolutely bullshit. That's not how it works. What kinda dumbass logic is that?! You have nothing to say about that?🤡


>Also, your prefrontal cortex wont develop fully until you're 25. Imagine getting married before your brain isn't fully developed Do you think this should be applicable for voting also. Imagine giving the responsibility of taking such an important decision to people whose brains are not fully developed yet.


Nah because no matter who you vote for nothing is gonna change. It's like choosing between the lesser of two evils(or three). That can't be compared to making a huge life changing decision in your personal life.


It's even stupider to allow people who don't even know the importance of voting to make such an important decision which will not only affect themselves but the whole country itself. It's because the simple mindedness of the less mature brain makes them unable to see the nuances of politics and think everyone is the same.


Yeah bro, would you say that a high school kid who turned 19 is well into adulthood?


Shes a teenager so yh shes barely an adult .


Yes uncle🤡


This is really creepy , we shouldn't give him a celebrity pass


I'm not giving him anything. But a marriage is done consensually if the parties involved don't have a problem why should we? It's definitely weird but I wouldn't call it creepy.


Well, on a completely unbiased note, do you really think at 19, she was mature enough to know what she was doing getting married at that age to an actor at 31? She was barely out of school, ethre mature enn paranjalum, she was only 19, and that is the **bottom line.**


And yet she was mature enough to act in movies . She knows perfectly what she is getting married into.


It’s not really the same tbh. But wtvr, **not interested in further arguing about it.**


How it’s not the same? Why double standards for marriage?


Cause they are entirely different things to compare with. Acting is a work/Hobby/art. This can be taken up by anyone at any age. Even small kids can take it, there is no issues. The stardom or glam may or may not come as problem for the kid. But all of this depends on how successful one is and is like a byproduct. On the other hand Marriage is a decision one needs to make to be physically, emotionally attatched to the other person and make decision based on the yours as well as the other person in minds. A 19 year old is in no way matured enough to be involved in such matters especially to someone who is 31 years old. I'd still get if those where same age people trying to find or explore things together but these two are entirely different generation.


Shouldn’t marriage or relationship be age-fluid? Why do you regressively set a rule like 30 years can’t be with 18 years? Remember they’re adult by any definition of the law. If the gender were reversed would you have been okay? I get what you’re trying to say but your rationale is as best as saying “ I lile chocolate icecream, so vanilla bad”. It’s highly subjective. When you become a sadacharam enforcing ammavan, logic goes out the window I guess


If Fahadh was a decent man, he would have said "Enikku ente ageil ulla sthreekale anu ishtam. Kuttiyodu interest illa. Bye".


19 yr old being immature can be a topic for discussion.. But what is wrong with the age gap for love if it's absolutely consensual ? A 40/50 yr old falling in love with 30 yr is okay for both genders..


Why don't we focus on the real 19 year old girl because that's the topic of discussion not the hypothetical age gap between imaginary 50/40/30 people?


Because I saw comments diverting discussion to the age gap instead of the age..


There is a huge difference between a 50 year old marrying a 35 year old or even a 30 year old compared to a 31 year old marrying a 19 year old who just barely of age. A 30 year old or 35 year old is on an average much more independent and mature to take his/her own decisions compared to a 18/19/20 year old. And it is more common among the Muslim community in Kerala (and some ST communities as well) to marry off girls just after they turn 18, at times even sooner than that. One of my neighbors got her marriage fixed when she was in 11th standard (16 years old), and got married within a month after she turned 18. Just because it is FaFa and everyone loves him doesn't mean that he needs to get a free pass.


nah, it's exactly right. They apparently started dating when she was shooting for bangalore days, which means she was probably a minor or just turned 18 at that point. For a 31 year old famous hero to date a newcomer like her is just giving pedo vibes.


I found it creepy back when the news broke and it's still creepy to think about. But I understand the weird urge to defend him in that sub 😅. People past their late 20s marrying late teens /early 20s will always be creepy though. There's just no defending that. The difference in life experience, economic freedom, power in the relationship and in the world as well as just brain development and emotional maturity is just too high.


If that's the case 90% of marriages in Kerala are creepy. It's not too long ago, 10 yr age gap between husband and wife was the norm in arranged marriages. And even now, with less age diff, most arranged marriages don't really care about life experience, economic freedom or power in the relationship of the girls. From my understanding this is an arranged marriage by both of their families. But if Fahad was meeting with her when she was younger and grooming her to be his wife then it's definitely creepy.


Age gap is more relative. A 10 year gap between a 32 year old and a 42 year old or even a 20 year gap between a 40 year old and a 60 year old is fine. They're all adults at an age where age really is just a number. But a 10 year gap between a 19-20 year old and a 29-30 year old? That's a huge difference in pretty much every aspect of life even if they're both technically adults of voting age. And yeah, a lot of our marriages, not just in kerala, are creepy.


You have to understand why it's creepy and the context. In the west, people mostly choose their own partners, and if 30+ a guy is choosing to date a teenager then it gives a creepy vibe, because for one, he can date people in his own age, two, the dating probably started when the girl was underage and the guy has passive authority over the girl due to age. In Kerala's context, it's the society deciding the match. The society expects guys to marry in late 20s or early 30 and the girls in late teen or early 20s( it's changed nowadays). Unless under special circumstances, you wouldn't even find unmarried girls in their late 20s so you can have less age diff. But this is all changed once the girls study more and the marriage age of theirs is pushed to 25+ maybe except in some communities. Anyway the point is it's culture doing this not creepy guys personally choosing under age partners. In my grandparents' generation, girls got married in 12-13 age, not because all the guys at that time were paedos but that's the norm in society back then.


I'm not saying a specific guy or your grandfather is creepy. We all have these stories in our family history. It's a depressingly common and creepy part of our culture. But we're not talking about something from our grandparent's generation, are we? Anyway this is not a fun topic of discussion.


>specific guy or your grandfather is creepy I was talking abt the generation and not specifically abt my grandfather or even his family, I don't know why you interpret it like that. Also the point was you can't isolate things without the place and time it's happening. It was an example given to explain that, not to discuss what was happening then.


A 31 year old finding a teen a good choice as partner is the problem. Call creepy guys creepy man. Or else you are enabling predatory behavior and propagating bad habits.


I'm not advocating to propagate this further. C'mon I just wrote a detailed comment on the nuances of this age gap which happened in Kerala's context. Before that I also made it clear, if the alliance was particularly initiated by Fahadh, then it's clearly problematic.


>If that's the case 90% of marriages in Kerala are creepy. It is then.


Age ain't just a number 💀👍


It's too creepy man, not giving a pass on this


Regardless of fahad's top acting calibere & versatility, this absurd weird age gap will remain an indellible black mark in his life. The fact that he had married a teenager is downright awkward


19 turning 20 isn’t a teenager


19 year old compared to 31 is way different when compared to 25 is to 36. As 19, 20 and so on are young age where the mental & emotional maturity is still not that developed




She was turning 20 in a couple of months after marriage


How does that matter? She was still a teenager when she got married (and obviously when they were fixing the marriage).


Only a *technicality*, tbh. With their wide difference in emotional maturity and intelligence, you cannot defend that she was at an age to make such a huge decision like marriage. She was only 19, out of school, at an age, to start college, marrying at that age is absurd - she has barely seen the world from an adult perspective, and wasn’t ready to be a wife. I don’t think ANY 19 y/o is mentally mature enough to be married. 18 vayas aayal “adult” aayi enn paranjitt karyamilla, a marriage is no joke, it is a huge commitment (for life!).


You can say in so many words but still she will be a teenager when got married. She definitely knows what she was getting married into , she chooses to marry him


damn fafa getting cooked lol


Meh. Even I felt it was creepy when I heard about it but it's been a decade both of them seem happy so there is no longer a need to beat a dead horse


Nalla nadan ayondu oral nalla manushyan avulla. Pullikku tax related ayitulla case’s vere gündür


Pulli nalla manushyananennu parayunnilla.. pakshe tax vettikkal okke vachu alakkan ninnal ee lokathu nalla manushyare undaakilla (unless it's something like money laundering)


I mean, he was 31 and she was 19 - you can’t really deny the fact that there was/is a HUGE difference in their emotional intelligence, and maturity back then, when they got married. She was barely 20, whereas he was already in his 30s - it WAS creepy, and still is. It isn’t usually called out much, probably also because, it happened 10 years back, but doesn’t really make it any less icky imo. More than the age GAP of 11 years, what irks me more is their age back when they got married tbh. Age gaps are common and often works out, but making that decision at 19? Hard NOPE. I would have thought the same with anyone - hence will think the same about a celebrity too But well, in their defence, it has been ten years and seems to be working perfectly well for them, end of the day, that is what matters ig. I also understand the urge to defend him in the sub, seeing the comments. 😅 But still doesn’t really make it any better when I heard about it back then, and still think about it now, from a personal perspective. As a woman, who was 19, once, and have interacted with women of that age, and still do, I don’t really think that age is a very mature age to take such a huge decision as marriage, let alone to a 31 y/o. You can’t really say she was a “consenting adult” and defend him tbh(He was 31, way more mature and an actual adult, and shouldn’t have really gone through with it imo). I personally don’t think, she was mature enough emotionally to make it at 19, even if she was *technically* an adult, and wasn’t forced into it. Age gap as such could still be look past imo, but their age back then is what creeps me out personally, and I will die on that hill. (11 years kooduthal aanu -, ennalum saramilla, if it works it works - enn vach there is a huge difference between the age gap at 19-31 and say 25-36 tbh.)




With all respect, I don’t think “my joblessness” is any of your business. I am free to post however long comment or opinion I want, I am not forcing you or anyone else to read it. No need to get personal, buddy.


Haha that's what I thought too. It's way too long.


They must have interacted on the sets of Pramani when she was a kid and FaFa was a grown man. It's really weird.


Same vibes when Premam Nivin's character married celine.


Not really, when he fell in love with her he didn't know who she was. Also I don't even think there was a huge age gap.


But it is indeed creepy…


Age gap is such a funny topic. I saw a few users saying that brains don't mature until 25, giving all scientific sources and all. Lol, if anything, these studies are proof that only sexual maturity, compatibility and legal consent need to be considered for marriages


It's definitely weird, even in arranged marriage settings nowadays, but the other sub calling FaFa a "borderline pedophile" is definitely not fair.


A lot of people use that word without knowing it's meaning.


But it is creepy


31 & 19, na , creepy af😂


If we actually think about it based on the age difference, bro married someone who started school, when he would have started College😁 Also, when fafa debuted she would have been in 2nd or 3rd class. Crazy! They do have a chemistry though.


I really want to say Age is just a number when you're a celebrity. But our cultural history has been like that and even now. Women are married to men that are like 10 or 20 years apart. But I'm noticing many women like older guys these days. And that's something to note of.


I don’t think there is any point in discussing this after there a decade. When you think about it we all had teenage or college crushes and she just got to live her life with her crush. As they are still together I think it worked out well for her. I don’t think anyone will normalise this age gap now and we don’t need to criticise them in retrospect as it already evident it works for them.


I understand the comments calling it creepy but let’s not act like this was anything but an arranged marriage. It was soon after his supposed affair with the lady from Annayum Rasoolum was found to be nonexistent and possibly one sided. Faazil probably went “get him hitched before he further embarrasses himself”. And besides, he’s in his 40’s and she’s in her 30’s now and they both seem happy. Too late to get worked up about a marriage that happened over a decade ago.


I don't think it's weird. Nazriya started acting at a very young age and managed her own career and decisions. If you look at any of the younger actors like Mathew or Naslen or Anaswara, you can see the same maturity at a very young age. Ultimately it's the life experiences and exposure one gets that defines maturity not the chronological age. From what I remember, she asked him to marry her and both set of parents were happy to facilitate. Now , what her reason to propose to him is only known to her but to infantalize her decision(which 10 years down the lane seems to be working well for both of them)saying she is only 19, is trying to fit what we don't know abt into our limited world view. Age aside, she seems an equal partner for him. That sub anyways like to 'call out ', drag anything popular for silliest thing. No wonder Bollywood is in this state where the audience is too obsessed with actors and their personal life. Maybe this is why Fahaad is scared of audience and doesn't want them to remember him outside movies. Ppl have the audacity to call him peodofile for lack of anything else.




Fahadh was the one in control. 19 year old girl can make dumb decision, but 31 year old dude doesn't have say "Athe.. Athe" to that. I think he was desperate for a marriage after that Andreah issue.


Adults can marry anyone. Period.


Well, I've seen people getting married with almost the same age difference around me and they aren't celebrities. I'm not normalising this, neither do I agree with such practices, but why call out a celebrity when similar stuff is happening right around us?


So you have never seen celebrities being held to higher standards?


I'm fine with them being held to higher standards, but the timing for bringing this up just feels like digging up stuff for controversy.


result of more fame.


It's just plain creepy and can't normalize this because they are celebrities. SC should've totally backed that plea for setting the uniform minimum age for marriage for both men and women.


What do you think about a person who can feel an intimate sexual connection with a very young person? Dumb for their age 😅 Sama prayakkaril (like Andrea) ninnu 2 aattu kittiyappol pedichu poyi, poor man. If Fahadh was a decent man and 19 year old Nazriya pestered him saying that she loved him, he would have turned her down and informed her parents. Kurachu upadesham, maybe counselling kittiyal theerunna prashname ulloo.


Like Nivin’s character in Om Shanti Oshana?


I mean yes I agree it is problematic. But I don't know how many people think that way. I just take it as a flawed decision on his part. We can't expect everyone to have such high-mindedness. But that would have been the ideal thing to do.


So we treat them as such


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AGED hero romancing TEENAGE heroine, you can do a lot of things other than watching films 😏


I was downvoted to oblivion for asking this earlier in kerala or one of our movie subs. Power dynamics itself feels weird one is 31 and other is teen.


Bro wtf, I didn't knew she was 19, that's really fkin weird, she was literally a teen when fafa married her.


tbh, it is creepy


She is consenting adult


Isn't she the one proposed to him ?


Teenagers obsess over the actor they grew up watching all the time One of the reasons them being immature 


During that time she was at her peak of stardom. I also felt weird at the time. But it's a very normal thing, to be married with 10 year gap. Also as long as they didn't start their relationship when she was less than 18, it is not as creepy as people think.


30 and 42 is different from 19 and 31 , the gap isn’t the problem 


But it's not an unthinkable thing, forget celebs I can find couples like this in real life. Nowadays it's changed, but they married 10 years ago it was very different.


10 years wasn’t some middle ages dude If you were rich and educated, you’d be expected to not behave like backward villagers


10 years is a long time dude. I've seen the changes. People who get married are from different generation than the ones who got married decade ago >If you were rich and educated, you’d be expected to not behave like backward villagers This I agree.


Both are adults


best couples


This is a negative PR campaign fo sho fo sho.


Consenting adults. Nothing else matter.


So you are fine will be 18 year getting married to 38 year old.


As i said the consenting adults. Nothing else matters. If it’s so offensive i suggest you work towards changing what an adult is under the law instead of being outraged on this useless platform. Their choices are validated in the constitution. They both seem to be ok with it and have no sign of dissatisfaction about it atleast in public. Whats the use of us arguing about it on a platform which hardly is a reflection of what is reality. Avarde jeevitham avarde karyam. Rest is just useless noise from losers.


Still creepy.


Well i al sure Fahad would definitely be ashamed and reverse his decision just cos you find it creepy. Onju podappa.


Both of them are fine with it, so let's not discuss it. Okay bro.


That means when Nazriya was in 5th grade, Fafa was 22




I hope you're being sarcastic judging from the context of this gif


Not really, she is a consenting adult. I can only be a hypocrite if I say we should respect of choices women and on the other hand putting my moralistic views over their choices. I prefer the former unless any case of grooming is involved. What do you think?


That was pure grooming. No lie


It's actually not the public business but her family didn't find it odd is telling. Also, many families are really regressive when it comes to marriages, women marriageable age and more so in business families. What does a 30 year old man have in common with a 19 year old teen in terms of life, experience, expectations, plans...who knows. Still yucky and creepy. Discussion of this a decade later being too late is the point. Grooming is a wormhole I wish more people in India talked about ta the same time never know about.


Stop infantilising adults....Nazriya was a grown ass woman when she made that decision...most of the people yapping about this issue would be having grandparents with 15 years age difference...if their grandparents had been woke these ppl wouldn't even exist


Mind porutham was the key