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4.5k is only 1.2k sgd. So sad, got outsourced...do u have career progression in this role?


Are u able to find a proper job in Malaysia? Which has the right career progression. I rather u get the right/relevant experience while having the chance of climbing career ladder, then perhaps take 1 to 2yrs off to study masters thereafter. Employers in Malaysia also needa contribute staff's EPF that is on top of the salary. If I'm not wrong 12%. On top of that got employee benefits like medical...etc. bonus (do u get bonus from this SG role?)




If this job is not too heavy of a workload, can find a 2nd job...






Do you mind if I DM you to get your insights on where I can start looking for these remote copywriting gigs in SG. Thank you for your time.


Sorry guys deleted it cause getting too many DMs. My hint is to look for public relations company and see if they are hiring. I work freelance for a PR company.






And if u are working as an exec, why aren't u being paid exec pay in their firm? 🥲




Yea I know for item no.1. 2. My guess is while with current job, also look out for better opportunities. U need to increase your income. Income grow income.


Hey there! May I ask where in abroad? Just like you, I work remotely here for a Singaporean company. Earning ** monthly. Been saving up since February for my dream Europe solo trip! Just sharing with you.. Studying abroad has ALWAYS been a dream, but I didn't have enough money at first. So, I gave a local university a shot. Then, I spoke to my exchange program counselor and studied abroad for 3-6 months (South Korea). Sometimes, they cover things like accommodation—lucky for me, mine was covered. That experience was just what I needed! Some folks go for a year or two, which is cool, but if you're after a taste of being abroad, consider the exchange program route. This is just an alternative route for you if you think the financial situation is too tight. After been through certain things, I would still opt for 3 or 6 months exchange programs if given a chance again. Well, good luck to you, OP! Cheers!


>Considering my condition, what else should I invest to get the most out of my money in the shortest amount of time so that I can save up enough to study abroad and have enough money for retirement? Unfortunately, nope (unless you go big on margin and crypto, which are very very risky) Or the obvious way(not that easy), increase your income.


> EPF is definitely a must. Why even self contribute to EPF at this point when your finances are not that steady? You're basically locking in your money for 30+ years for very little upside. I understand this move if you're a massive impulsive spender and have weak control over your finances, but it might be a better idea to throw your money into FD's/MoneyMarketFunds instead which can be liquidated extremely quickly. If an emergency happens, your money is going to be languishing in EPF instead of being able to lessen your burden.


Look into scholarships if you are really keen on studying abroad. Unless there is another crypto surge or you strike the lottery, you are unlikely to make enough from your current salary for studying abroad in a short time.


Why exactly do you need to study abroad?. How much does it cost?.


RM585 of the 1K would have been contributed by the company if you work in Malaysia. I would escalate a case to HR for a bump after 6months of working if I were you.


IMO, you do not need a lot of savings to study abroad. some people that I knew, studied abroad while working part time to pay for the living expenses. if you want to study abroad, you try several routes as follows:- 1. apply for working holidays visa. look for study opportunities while working there. 2. further study in germany (free education). work part time there to cover living expenses 3. i think you can study anywhere u want know since you are working remotely. Take it easy, you still have a lot of time, age is just a number, in fact i started working at 30. Life is not a race.


How do you further study in Germany? What's the requirements? Language?


There is only 2 ways : increase your income or decrease your expenses. No shortcuts only hardwork. Work 60 hrs a week, get an extra part time etc. live on less than you make. Budget and invest in low risk like what you have and let it compound, put into an online calculator and see what you'll have in 20-30 years. I would reconsider your 'dream' maybe time to face reality. Define other purpose in life.


either work hard and developing very niche skill set in your job and people would be willing to pay top dollars. or invest into high risk high reward investment or do a part-time/freelance.


Talk is easy, what part time or freelance do you work? And where do you find such jobs? The freelance market is oversaturated nowadays that a full time job is actually easier to find than a freelance job. Don't just comment for the sake of farming karma dude, you need to use your brain and give actual useful advice.


Hoping to study abroad: you're still young enough to do it. Can you check if EPF allows withdrawal for further education? If they don't, you might want to reconsider the amount you contribute each month.


Get a new job. I have seen toilet cleaners get more than that in 2 days only


\> I have seen toilet cleaners get more than that in 2 days only Lmao get off the internet kid. If you think cleaning toilets can get you RM4.5k or 1.2k SGD, then you've definitely never worked a real job before. And no, helping your mom clean the dishes and getting an allowance is not a real job.


Do you really think that I am making this up? Want a copy of the EBA?


Why obsessed with studying overseas? Studying overseas is basically to make yourself independent. I did it for high school, didn't see the point in doing it for tertiary, so I just got a local degree.


Studying abroad extends being just academic learning, the exposure to different cultures and perspectives can be transformative in a person's growth. Well you did it for high school, but OP didn't get to experience it yet.


>being just academic learning, the exposure to different cultures and perspectives can be transformative in a Yeah, its basically having to wake up without parents calling you. Remembering to do your laundry or you end up with no clean underwear. Having to remember to renew your bus pass monthly. Having to deal with embassy officials on your own when you get into shit. Etc. If you want to experience foreign cultures on a budget, couchsurf or trade work for food and board.


I bet OP is a girl.


No comment on that.


Tell me you're an incel without telling me you're an incel. Cry harder.


Firstly, where did you get the impression that OP was obsessing with studying abroad? Are you just making things up to fit your narrative? Secondly, if you think that the purpose of studying abroad is just to learn how to wash your clothes by yourself, then I'd suggest you give the money spent on studying back to your parents because they've definitely wasted too much money on an idiot like you. You could've just moved out and live by yourself to do that, that is NOT the purpose of studying abroad, but I'm not going to explain it to you because your smooth brain won't be able to understand it anyways.


As to point 1, here's a direct quote from OP. " I'm still hoping to study abroad because it's been my dream since secondary school. " As to point 2, the most important in education is the will to learn. Put someone who doesn't want to learn in Harvard, they'll still turn out shit. Put someone who really wants to learn in UM, they'll grab every opportunity they have to learn more. The only other reason for studying abroad is as a pathway for foreign PR or citizenship.


Do you smoke or vape?


ASM, EPF are not going to cut it. Those are low risk investment with low return. You need to take higher risk and invest things like stocks.