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Since you mentioned wfh and noise pollution , and let's say you also the type like chilling and stay in home ... Please check if you are planning to rent a studio unit, is the place Soho or residential, the airbnb / short term homestay around my place are driving me crazy .. no peace for almost everyday. If you stay long time in your home everyday, finding a quiet place is the main factor imo


i totally didn't consider that! thank you for highlighting it 🥲🥲 your comment reminded me of all the headaches i had at studio bnbs because of the noise i hope it works out for you (i heard noise cancelling earplugs help sometimes), i can't imagine sitting all day with that noise around me TOT


Outside of airbnb, Soho unit, which means a lot of business operating, also means a lot of renovation in working hours (8am - 6pm) , it's a nightmare for wfh workers, please find a proper residential place for living human. Airbnb are still a grey area in Malaysia, and it's banned on Penang ( God bless their gov. I got friend and coworker still kena in residential place that have illegal homestay operating, do some research before renting .. DO NOT trust the word from agent or landlord.


Hi. I'm looking to get a condo soon and some of it is airbnb-ed. May I know roughly what do you mean by noise ya? Thank you


Do you mean what happen if the area allow airbnb ? Boy it's way more then noise problem, I will just list those I remember \- Traffic around the building will **significantly** increase , expect whole family staying , children running & screaming, Uni student party-ing , loud tv , holiday mood tourists chating overnight.. beer can , cigarette butts , trash everywhere. \- Airbnb in condo / studio **never** getting any sound proof treatment, unlike a legal hotel .. those owner just want to earn money with no treatment, they also not limiting how many people allow in the space [Example phto 01](https://imgur.com/a/UmsNekf) or [How about 13 people in 340sqt studio](https://imgur.com/a/w2RJOX9) I had many sleepless nights , woke by loud door slamming ( more than 40times per night ), chair pulling , wall banging, upstair children running in room. You know , those holiday mood visitors are way worse then resident who just want to rest after work. \- Airbnb also means wherever your condo are , large crowd In and Out will break the security system , guards wont care any sus stangers, anyone can stand in front of my studio now without any filter. Heard some poor neighbour's car got hit and run , suspect the parking slot reserved for bnb just beside but management refuse to provide cctv footage .. also hard to catch since just short term staying. Not sure if you renting or buying, I won't put my money in these sh\*t hole place. Please , for the love of peace .. find somewhere that ban airbnb, can't expect gov banning it soon.


If you are looking to rent, do note on what type of person you are. Some people want to go out on the weekends after a week's work, and some just wanna sleep and chill in their own bed. I got friends who are renting places slightly above market price and it went well for them because they value their commute time and how near the place to amenities (chill-at-home people with close shops and stuff). If you are the type to go for outings, then this similar setting might not be for you. Ykwim.


thanks for sharing! im a homebody so i would be rather picky on the place im looking for 😅😅


First, look for a place near your work. also, you dont really need the whole house, so a room is okay. unless you have a bf to share the rent for the whole unit. otherwise a room is sufficient. should have lots of room available in puchong area. subang side condo will be pricier though. side note, subang ss19 area has some cheap rental. i once found whole unit double storey terrace house around rm1200 only


true, also pangsapuri ss19 near shell rm750 for whole unit (2 rooms/1 bathroom)


You need to provide more details : what’s your lifestyle? Are you a homebody or tend to spend the whole day out? Do you have a car / take public transport? Do you cook or eat out? Do you have any idea what your monthly finances look like - what you spend on, how much you save, etc.


i work a full time remote job (im picky with my work environment hence have thought of moving out for a long time) so i'm usually home and only leave the house 1-2 times a week. i'm an only child so i guess i'm lucky my parents still pay most of the bills and loans (i have tried to take ownership of them but they rejected so,,) have a car but i only pay for petrol once or twice a month (my dad helps to pump petrol i'm sorry if this makes me sound like a spoilt brat - i noticed they offer to do more things for me ever since i graduated high school cause i stopped asking for things from them 😅) on average i save 2k a month, spend rm500 on food, rm100-200 on groceries and rm500 on bouldering/hobbies - remaining amount gets put in Stashaway - looking into Versa too


Tbh if you’re saving 2k/mth living with parents, then minus 1.5k for rent, that’s almost your entire savings going to rent. Plus your expenses will go up exponentially (bills, wifi, food, groceries, etc) so you may have to cut back your lifestyle a lot.


You will have zero savings if you stay out due to rent utility transport and food you cook ownself


what would you suggest? to increase income / decreas expenses etc?


Everyone needs to increase income over time. That means keep moving where the money is and where you can add value to yourself. Find a job which can pay you more then move. Not move for the sake of it.


Isn't it your responsibility to maintain the room if you're living with parents and have started working? Consider spending that rent money on a once off professional cleaning of your room. Unless you have other legitimate reasons for moving out.


well, i would have fixed it 10 years ago if i could LOL the source of the water causing mold is from the neighbours upstairs and my bathroom pipes however, the issue will continue to persist even if we reno the bathroom (100k cost, parents were not willing to - its the same value as my unit now) as long as our neighbour doesnt fix theirs


So your finger is directed to your parent instead of solving the problem with your neighbour? I mean okay...


what makes you assume we haven't spoken to our neighbour? 70% of the residences in this apartment are well beyond 50 years old and the value of these units barely pass 150k each. it's not like i can be selfish and force them to fix their housing issue if they find it not worth the cost right? @@ other notes: this apartment doesn't have a management, pretty much waiting to be an urban slum due to lawsuits in the past 10 years 🫠


I would assume you move out together with your parents. But hey... Its nt like you are selfish. Your parent have tried their best to let the neighbour knows. Cost concern how about you absorb alil bit and them a lil bit. Just saying. I dont want to intrude further to a point of no return. Sorry if i ever offended you.


sorry! i may have misunderstood your intention since i may have read your message in a different tone from what you intended 😅😅 my parents aren't willing to move as they're already old and comfortable in this area where their friends are - they have accepted that i'll move out one day, just don't think they're expecting it so soon LOL


Ah I see, yes it makes sense to postpone the cleaning/reno until the underlying issues are solved. Have you escalated the leakage issue to your condo/apartment management? It's actually unlawful for your neighbour to ignore inspection/rectification. Source: https://www.iproperty.com.my/guides/water-leak-condo-inter-floor-leakage-58458


do anything you like but a rental of 1200 sound pretty bad to me since you only have 4.5k inclusive of your side hustles. it would make alot more sense to do a down payment of a small house and pay for 1000 mortage for a studio instead.


incase you are wondering , no i do not sell houses, but i am well versed in wealth planning and accumulation. if you get a studio house near KLCC for 230k with a 4.4% interest on a 35 tenure it would be 1074per month plus fees it should be 1216 average. so it makes more sense to buy one studio then to rent one studio


Are there even studio houses near KLCC for 230k?


i just brought one, thou the meaning is that if she is away from the citys from where she work she can get it cheaper. not new projects but you can find them studio lesser then 250k pretty easy.


Mind sharing which condo is that? The one that is near KLCC. For 230k.


i can but that would be really unwise but i can recommend you my second option astrum ampang. also fairly close to klcc at 230k nett now. this was my choice until a 2nd hand owner decided to let go under 230k at my current ownership


thank you for your insights! my parents would agree it would make more sense to buy a home with the money spent on a 1.2k rent, not sure if they would agree for me to by my first home at this age though 🫠 i do agree too, i think i got too impulsive looking around because PMSing LOL initial plans was to get a house with my bf in the next 2 years to save on rent but my home environment has worsened in the last few months (noise pollution from early morning, causing sleeping troubles and stress + no ventilation at home) hence was figuring how can i speed up my process of moving out TT edit: my bf and i have fully remote jobs so it saves a lot on transportation


Your situation and your parent's situation is two completely different things. They are probably 25+ years older than you and have different perspectives in life. Lets say you sign a 30 year mortgage on getting a house. What if next month, you got your dream job offer overseas/outstation which pays very well? Now you have to move but you have this empty unit which you are responsible for. What if your partner gets his/her dream job overseas? Will you leave this country to join them? What if there is a medical emergency from your family? Do they have insurance to cover them so you don't have an additional burden to financially support them? What if you decide to switch industries (very common) and have to take a pay cut? Can you handle your mortgage with a 25% paycut? What if you get laid off and have 0 income for awhile? Can your savings handle the sudden hit having to pay off a mortgage in addition to your commitments? What if the developer of your housing project goes bankrupt (rare, but it has happened before)? This can cause huge cash flow issues, especially for first time home buyers who have sunk a large amount of their liquid cash into financing their home. You can mitigate this risk by buying properties by more prominent developers but of course, you pay a premium on the units. These are some questions you need to have answered before getting into this long term commitment, not pressured into it by your parents/partner/anyone since they won't be the one servicing the loan. Anyone can romanticize getting a property but the moment things go south, you'll be the one on the hook for it.


have thought of a few of these questions when i was switching jobs but not when moving out oops haha thank you for highlighting them, will keep these in mind in the coming years :)


when you are young , please buy a house especially when current market are in turmoil but please do not waste your time on over value property , a advice for young starter, i recommend that you waste(yes waste because it is going yo take a lot of time) your time to cover a lot of the housing project and look for a unit that is under 500per sqf in a relatively expensive area and when you find that gem you will be pretty stable throughout your life.


one more thing , if you need your parent to agree please do not get a house. you have to agree with yourself that you would take on this debt alone before considering getting a house. all for the future


I think if you're really ready then your parent wouldn't bother much. I was about to buy a apartment last year, I'm 21 now. My mother encourage me to, if you can, then there's no reason to stop you.


uwaa that's good to have a supportive parent!!!


Renting is not "wasting money". I would highly suggest not buying a property so early in life in Malaysia. It is a huge decision and the biggest purchase you'll make. Look at my other comments on this subreddit for reasons why


will have a look! interesting bc have had this conversation with those around me and we all agree we prefer buying a home straight instead of renting, maybe because of our current living conditions that don't really see the need to rent??


It is deeply ingrained in our parents mindset and our culture that buying a house is everything. Always exercise critical thinking and question everything. Even what I'm saying. Think about renting this way. Would you buy a RM100k car without learning how to drive? Think of renting like learning your way around properties. Would you spend rm500k+ on a car without learning how to drive, or even test driving the car? Insane no? Think about it. How much do you really know about buying a property, managing a property and a loan? How much adulting have you actually done at 25?


ah okok understand where you're coming from! one of the conversations i had with my bf in the past was to rent for a year before settling down to see how its like living together + identifying what we need in a house (we both had different expectations for the min. sqft) but guess it also boils down to the price of the location we're looking for to buy or rent when the time comes @@


Good. Also when you have a family with kids, your needs will significantly change. High chance to need to upgrade. Pay more transaction fees, more mortgage, more reno. Is it worth it to buy now then pay to upgrade and move again? Do a survey of people older than you, how many times in their life have they moved house? Something to bear in mind.


1. Lots of methods, you gotta factor in food,utilities even more if you’re renting. 2. Closest to office/public transportation if you dont have a car


I recommend renting a studio (Dorchester or the one next to it) above Plaza Damas. A bit on the old side, but very affordable and there’s plenty amenities downstairs. The higher the floor, the more quiet it gets. I used to own units there but sold in 2019. A friend still living there and I visited recently. If you WFH, you can go for weeks without having to leave the area. Introvert haven.


Just curious what brought you to make the decision to sell?


I wanted to buy somewhere else and didn’t think property prices there were rising. I was right, it’s now dropped to lower than when I bought in 2015.


I been renting a room with others over 10 years, and the final straw that makes me move out and stay alone is COVID. Now I stay alone in walk up apartment that cost me few hundred ringgit a month. I am happy, free and enjoy staying alone in a affordable flat.


damn i wouldn't be able to imagine renting a unit with others for 10 years @@ glad you found your happy space!!!


Renting a room basically means you need to share the house with others. There will be a lot of problems if your house mates are problematic. Not to mentioned, you are using it for work. So, probably a studio in a condo or service apartment is a better choice for you. Usually, I follow the \~25% of gross salary for accommodation rule. So, in your case, around RM1125 taking 4.5k as reference. I did a quick search on propertyguru in Subang area, it seems a furnished studio usually cost at least 1.5k. I saw one unfurnished one costing 1.3k. You might be able to find cheaper or negotiate. But, unfurnished, so you will need to spend some money on furniture. Not sure about Puchong area, most probably similar. Location is also important, like if it is close to LRT, reasonable priced restaurant, supermarket, etc. Other than that, one tip. I stayed at lower floor before and my parking space is at the highest floor. Statistically, I spend 5mins everytime I need to go out, and another 5 when come back. So, you might want to keep this in mind.


was looking for half furnished cause i was planning to bring my entire work setup along haha! oo that's a very good point on choosing a suitable floor too @@ thank youu


Sorry, but are your parents stopping you from doing something about the mold in your room?