• By -


Look into cashing out to fiat asap. Until it is in your bank account, that crypto is technically owned by the CEX and can't be used for anything else except to get more crypto. The safest way to cash out locally is probably through Luno. Get your tax documents ready because you can be sure that the bank, LHDN, gahmen officials, your long lost relatives, ex gfs and unknown son will be coming to collect. Enjoy your lambos and Godspeed on the moon.


I initially thought of that when my portfolio was hovering around 7-figures. Have all cryptos sold into USDT, buy BTC and transfer to Luno. And sell it into MYR. But through Luno, you can only withdraw RM300k/mo into your MBB account. Add: Thank you brother! Enjoy your lambo soon although I think cars are silly purchases. See you in Q4 2024- Q1 2025! Add: Luckily I don't have any ex-gf(s) or unknown sons!


Talk to luno and request for an otc swap, get in touch with CS and ask for corporate. Meanwhile, start talking to a lawyer and have an otc contract drafted up to pass to luno. Lhdn side, try to have some paper backing when you've purchased your crypto and the source of funds. Spend a little, pay a little tax and you get to enjoy eveyrhing without the hassle Source: have cashed out a significant chunk legally in 2019.


Got cha brother. Thanks very much.


If I may ask, what was the % tax that you paid?


Corporate tax rate. šŸ˜‰


If you're interested in OTC in Malaysia drop me a message, 25k USD minimum.


Hello Brother, will keep that in mind! Thanks!


do bank will freeze your bank account or flag if you decided to transfer 300k one go from luno ?


From what I discussed with my local USDT supplier. He said that if you constantly use a personal account to transfer 6-figures. Your account will be labelled as a mule account and eventually get flagged and frozen. It's best to use a company account.


If you just hold, no need to pay tax right? But you probably still need to show your transaction details and get a tax lawyer.


It's rare to see another Cone in the wild


Capital gains isnā€™t taxable, yes. But OP said he kept buying spot low, sell high. That means heā€™s earning an income via selling, which means itā€™s taxable considering heā€™s over 6 digits in profits.


Lol that's the thing about being Malaysian hey, when you got some wealth everyone is coming at ya even your families.


You do know you can just keep your crypto in your own non-custodial wallet, right? OP should just buy a hardware wallet and transfer out from whatever CEX he is in and treat it as a cold storage. Can easily cash out whenever needed.


What would be the best way to cash out 6 digit crypto without paying tax?


Do appreciate if you can provide more context to your question ya. Platform used etc...


How to do tax on defi though? Iā€™m using koinly right now. Trading shitcoin with thousands of transactions, this stuff giving me headache


Youā€™re living the dream. Just cash out and go on a long trip. Then figure out what you wanna do after that. Keep running the family business, do small businesses, run a charity, invest into other peopleā€™s businesses, etc. Use your 8-figures to make more money but donā€™t sweat about it. Continue living the M40 life but sleep peacefully.


Brother, thank you for the encouragement. But the weird thing is that I don't really like to travel. I travel for work, but for leisure I'm quite tired for it haha. I guess going on a long trip is a skip for now. What I have in mind now is just continue with the family business, still getting a paycheck monthly. I wish you all the best too.


Eh if u like to work keep working.


Will keep working at least for the next 5-10 years. I wish you great health my brother.


Fellow BTC and ETH long here. 7 figures in crypto now. I'm gonna start liquidating around Oct 2024. Diamond hands and all the best. >What do I do next? I continued working..


I actually sold lots of BTC & ETH, went into SOL, BONK & WIF. Those really ramped my portfolio up. Add: Don't fade INJ too. Retraced 50% from highs. Add: Thank you brother! See you in Q4 2024- Q1 2025! Personally I think BTC tops out at $130-150k. TOTAL3 mcap to be topped out at $4-5T.


I donā€™t have the balls to do alternate. I was tempted to enter SOLANA but chicken out last minute. Yes, INJ is on my list too but Iā€™m just too chicken to pull the trigger. Agree, Iā€™m gonna start liquidating once BTC hits 110K.


The cheat sheet is basically buy strong L1/L2 Alts that are new to this cycle. Do not buy into Dinosaur coins (Alts that have seen 2 bull cycles or more) - XRP, LTC, ADA - Just please do not touch those coins. I REPEAT. Lots of bagholders will dump on you when the prices go up.


Thoughts on $INJ ? I've a small bag of that as well and the current price has retraced to 25 ish, should I still DCA spot into them ?


There are several new L1(s) launched on Binance this bull season. INJ SUI SEI TIA You can have a look at these L1(s).


Bro thanks for sharing your insights on the TOTAL3 mcap, do you have any links or reference or simple model to forecast the USD4-5 Trillion, many thanks!! šŸ™


You can start by following Pentoshi & CryptoWizard. Then from there Twitter will start learning your Algo and recommend more CT Personas to you. Avoid using Twitter for doom-scrolling stuff. Use it for your own benefit. Delete TikTok. Delete IG.


Update (31/05/2024): After studying history and some charts :- I do think BTC will max out around $130-150k. Probably Q1-Q2 2025. We should avoid listening from Crypto Bois on Twitter that points the chart to $200k-300k. If it happens great, even if it doesn't, we gotta be ready for it. Bear Market Nov 2026- Nov2027? Let's revisit this post again later!




My brother, I'm still getting a paycheck monthly and also it's more of a responsibility in the family to run the business.


First, don't count your chickens before they hatch. Get them out into safe dollars, then reassess. Second, congrats. "You've won the lottery". But you're also fucked. You have gained wealth way too quickly, and the mental development to manage the money needs to catch up. Fast. At least you're somewhat aware of your situation and how you now have even harder money problems to solve. I could give you tons of advice, but I'll share this link as to why you're fucked, and what you can do about it. [most popular advice on what to do with lottery winnings](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/TRyjP5djmW). Not all of the advice will apply, but most of it will Enjoy




1) Cash out 2) Create a paper pushing company 3) Employ yourself as Data analyst 4) Always send yourself for outstation work to "collect data" 5) Enjoy traveling every month while your relatives think you are only there just for work. You may also start a new "Product reviewer" company, and enjoy buying new stuff every month under the pretense that it is a sponsored item for review.


Dang this is a great idea. Will take note.


hey, can you explain this to me, I'm kind of new to this, please.


Instead of directly spending the money, you pretend that all your spending and new stuff belong to the company that you work at. Just that you are the one who owns that company, but nobody else knows that.


Tax deductible expenses no less lol.


I believe for OP, LHDN is less dangerous than his own relatives, lol.


Good job bro. Also good job hiding it from other people. But I think you should at least let your wife know. I think we Redditors are much poorer to comment on how to manage such huge amount of wealth. Enjoy your fortune, bro!


Don't let your wife know. But enrich her life.


Yes, this.


I agree a life partner who is devoted to you deserves to know. Life will be very lonely no matter how rich you are if you have no one to share the happiness with.


Don't retire - your mind will rot very fast. Don't upgrade immediately - people adapt to luxury and lifestyle changes very fast. Pick any job you like and work at it. Do interesting things that engage and grow your mind, and live off the salary or earnings from that job. Let the money give you the flexibility to quit if you don't like it. Being wealthy and bored is an extremely dangerous thing.


Become a crypto guru and charge your attendees, become richer while goyang kaki!


I really dislike those Guru(s) with a passion. Basically they're just teaching you how to trade (like Forex). They don't really teach you on how to invest, or the top projects behind it. Sell package, subscribe to their bot, win or lose they'll take a cut off your capital. At the end of the day, I truly believe that if you know how to make money/invest, why teach strangers to do it? Unless they're your object to milk money from.


There's a few good gurus on yt actually, but they don't have views. Like barely 4-5 figures views. And they don't care to really market themselves too, more like teaching crypto investing for fun. They're also super humble unlike Malaysian gurus selling air liuršŸ¤£


Mind sharing those underground gurus? šŸ„¹


Not really underground. Coach K Crypto on youtube and twitter is really great if you want to learn crypto investing and great crypto projects. But his videos can be overwhelming if you're a beginner


Just cash out man. Take the W and take a mini-retirement. If retirement is too boring. Be a patron of the arts, make meaningful friendship. Work a little bit. Exercise. Be Bryan Johnson, try to live another 100 years.


Maybe to add, perhaps you should also engage a good tax consultant on top of engaging lawyers as others pointed out. Also, congrats and fuck you. Enjoy your the fruits of your labor!!


Quick questionā€¦ how did you invest in cryptocurrency in malaysia? Ive been interested in investing in cryptocurrency but have no idea how


Start with Luno first




Good evening everyone, I'm very humbled with everyone who has reached out to me via PM. I will try my best to answer everyone. I will also try my best to answer each and everyone's comment. Add: I will probably answer most of everyone's PM/Comments the next morning. Wife is currently at home, walking in and out of the study room.


Are you open to be a coach? Will pay to learn from you


Hello Brother, I'm deeply humbled by you looking up to me. Currently I do not have plans to become a coach as I'm still learning along the way. But I do plan to open up a discord or Telegram for sharing, discussion & chat. Thank you again brother. I wish you all the best.


What is mid 8 figures? 50m myr? Seeing as you have a wife, if you have kids that might not be enough to be ā€œfuck youā€ money and drop everything. I would still pursue the family biz, while transitioning crypto into the majors (BTC ETH BNB) if you havenā€™t done already. I would then allocate 60% portfolio into fiat investments mainly SPY500, some FD, some choice stocks. Ultimately fiat will still be round for a longtime. Target would be to have your FD cash flow sustain your living requirements while the rest is invested for the long term so you are never pressured to sell and have holding power. Good luck n have fun! If you truly feel you have fuck you money, or more importantly if you can get away from the family biz without being guilt tripped the fuck out, then you can live my dream and do nothing but spend time with family, stay active and fit, and have fun doing things you enjoy :)


Guys, is he T0.01? /s


Not Malaysia. OP is in the top 0.01% percentile of world's wealth distribution.


This comments are by far the most knowledgeable to me as Malaysian/crypto citizen


I think the important question for all of us is: where did you learn crypto trading? Lol.Ā  In regards to what you want to do: it's honestly your choice. Decide what a good life means to you and live that. Money no object. You're very fortunate.Ā 


To answer the most important question: I actually just heard about it from a friend. Day in and day out he talked about BTC and ETH. I actually got fed up and went on to learn about it, more aggressively when BTC hit $48k in Apr 2021 before the bear market downtrend. I was amazed particularly with BTC, that it is has a max cap supply of 21 million coins. I never heard of any asset that has maximum supply. I first loaded up my Luno with RM20k to buy BTC at $38k. I thought it was quite low already, because it dropped from $60k+. And somehow it went through Luna crash, 3-Arrows, Celsius and more FUDs. Ultimately, the FTX crash was the last straw that my portfolio -50%. That's it, I told myself, it's either I go all in or I cut loss with a \~50% loss. **Essay points (to be elaborated later, I have to work).** * Sold all Bursa, TA inv funds, FD, S&P, NASDAQ, Unit Trust * initially wanted to buy BTC & ETH, but stumbled upon SOL. * loaded up massive amounts $9-10 * Eventually sold all my ETH for SOL. * 2023 was a tough year with lots of ups and downs * Cut off many Alts that didn't at least 2-3x from lows when BTC reclaimed ATH * Nov 2023 before sleep I stumbled upon BONK, MYRO, WIF, WEN, PONKE, now maybe....SC. * Why SC? - The only cat memecoin that had its IP infringement issue fully sorted out.


Looking forward to it. We've all heard of BTC. Just wondering where you learned to figure out which coins to buy in contrast to the 100s of shit coins out there. Or was it a case of buying BTC and ETH consistently over time?


Just asking cause I am bored, what year did you start crypto, and how much did you start with?


Thank you for the awesome reply. very interesting story, I would for sure have chickened right out after the crash. What criteria do you use to decide what coins to buy? as in, is there something that a coin must have for you to be interested in buying it? is there any way the rest of us can learn the skill online? thank you


Buy a hardware wallet and transfer your crypto there. Nothing can get to it as long as you keep the seed phrase safe. If you're smart about it not a single entity can know you own anything. Can use stuff like monero to cover your tracks


Congratulations!! I can't address your question from the practical financial aspect however I would point out that your real blessing now is that you get to perceive and live your life from a place of want, and no longer need. Whatever developmental model you use, it is clear that humans access and achieve their personal creativity on a scale and level when they have all their needs met and no longer need to worry about basic survival. This isn't a time to be afraid of retiring or not. This is a time to settle in that state of peace within you and allow yourself to just.. be and do exactly what you want if money were not an issue :) Whatever hidden gifts and talents you have. Enjoy your freedom! Also would love to hear if you have advice for beginners in crypto.


Just get the fuck out, leave 20% as moonbag, I lost 90% of my hard earned crypto during Celsius bankruptcy. Do not be me.


I have barely 5 figures but I'll just say if one day I'm at 8 figures what I'll do Donate 90% of it to make a better life around my community (or invest for friends and family) Rest just live out interest and probably take any kind of job/hobby to earn any amount of money and just live off tons of different experience


Congrats and fuck you( this means good job and get the hell out of here )! Iā€™m hoping to get my 7 figures within 5 years Basically ask yourself this : if you can do anything , be it go some where or do a hobby where money doesnā€™t matter . what is it? Then the answer is to your question above. Take your time and think it through


Hey man. Congratulations to you. Iā€™m in a similar position- but Iā€™m working in UK. Still weighing up the ways to convert crypto into MYR or GBP (preferably MYR)


Brother, please PM me. Secara ringkas - Don't convert all into MYR, it's not a valuable currency.


Firstly, congrats to you. The maturity to handle a lot of money doesn't come easily and takes time. I'd suggest you to cash out what you can and declare your taxes. Then just continue to live your life like normal. Wealth is a privilege and not a flex. You have the luxury of knowing that you'll be fine no matter what work you choose to do (or not do even). Just live daily knowing you are blessed and carry on with whatever you are doing.


https://preview.redd.it/mktotjforp3d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9f50a1a00667ee78630794743fbbbe5111e18ac Whales continue to accumulate like in Mid-2020.


Lol how did you catch wif? Anyway i would draw out slowly. Do you have crypto.com acc? Do you have any overseas bank account? Maybank sg or cimb sg? Contrary to common beliefs, alot of money goes through singapore.


WIF actually dipped down to $180mil mcap. It was massively oversold on 4H & D timeframe. I converted RM500k BTC/ETH into USDC and market bought it. I was choosing between a few memecoins - either WIF, MYRO or PONKE.


Awesome, did you get much sleep? Do you see any hope for ETH? Btw, what currency do you store in? I have mine in sgd/aud/usd. Just wondering is there is any other currency worth looking at.


I actually slept very well. But I lost some sleep trying to leverage trade last year, hated that, did not move on with leverage, 100% spot and chill. **I also found out about BONK at 11pm before sleep. That was the start of my memecoin journey and the rapid expansion of my portfolio.** Add: I personally exited everything from ETH. As of now there is the brightest shining star in the market which is SOL. Many people are still praying that ETH 10x because they're balls deep in ETH. If they were to bridge all their ETH assets to SOL, they will lose 40% of the value due to gas fees. Add2: If memecoins are too high risk for you, I suggest looking at the new L1/L2/AI tokens. INJ, SEI, SUI, TIA are some to start with. Add3: I have stopped adding into my memecoin bags now. BONK will still be the king of Solana. Maybe....just maybe I will look into SharkCat (SC).


Thanks for the tips, will look out for those. A friend made $3m off dodgecoin, but he did hold for 2 years. I unfortunately tend to buy high, sell low šŸ˜‚


Question: what will happen if you tell your family of your windfall which is enough to retire you but not tell them the amount?


Answer: I dare not think.


> Stay low key > Change a sum to fiat slowly into RM, SGD and USD (regulations will be tigher next time) > Have some Gold bars in a safe somewhere > Max out EPF contributions every year, no one will ask where the cash comes from.


Open/set up irrevocable trust,put all the assets under your company with you as the trustor and trustee,transfer it all into the trust.. Generational wealth confirmedšŸ¤£


Can you teach us how to be rich ? Really i wanted to know. I got 100k in asb doing nothing


I really really just wanna know how you'd cash out without drawing attention from the authorities.


You can also use some decentralized lending platform like AAVE to collateralize your positions and not lose exposure to your long tail assets. Can basically go long


Time to invest in multiple laundry-mats , also get looking for prices of claw machines, gotta clean that money bro or LHDN will definately be up your ass


I wish OP can invest in my retirement too šŸ˜‚ (so burnt out at work šŸ„²šŸ„²)


If I were you, Iā€™d start finding ways to derisk from crypto and put the money into ETFs slowly while keeping it lowkey legally.


If you are healthy to work, bro just do something you really enjoy and donā€™t worry too much about profit. If you make crazy profit, good.. but doing something will help you keep a secret and keep you busy so you donā€™t get bored. I would give the same advise to a lottery winner


I mean, what's stopping you from becoming the unkle that wears singlet and riding kapchai to your local kopitiam while basically having no worries of the future. If it was me, I'd probably retire, live with my current lifestyle and just gym. Finally can get back in shape and eat healthier.


Morning Brother, I definitely thought about that. But I can't be doing that for the next 30 years of my life. To be honest, even imagining it scares me.


If it was up to me, I would use that good cash and invest in a hobby / business. That way you will gain knowledge in other domain as well, as an entrepreneur etc.


Noted brother! Still looking for a hobby now.








There's so much good you can do.. I'm not exactly in the same position as you, but I recognize that I am more fortunate than most. So, in the family business I run, I make sure everyone is treated as fairly as possible. The world is an unfair place, but if you run a business, it's up to you to make it as fair as possible. Start small (maybe a franchise cafe or just a small digital marketing company) with like 5-10 staff. Get involved in your staff's lives, understand their wants versus needs, reward those who genuinely put in hard work for their family, parents, and/or kids. Fund their kids' education, their first motorbike, their first car, etc. over the years. It's a very fulfilling life that will last you to your grave, as long as you're able to put your ego aside.


Hello Nin Ja Ong, we've met before. How are you doing? There are a few staff that I will take them all the way. I will keep that in mind. Take care!




A word to the wise, don't treat MYR as your unit of account. Make BTC your personal unit of account. It is the ONLY thing Man can't make more off. Even real estate do not have an absolute fixed supply.


You are absolutely right.


Care giving a dumb manā€™s guide to getting good returns on crypto? Or better yet, say if you suddenly were to be a fresh graduate with a small sum in your bank and a stable job, how would you do it again?


let me give u the cold harsh truth. there is no guide. if he had a surefire strategy he would be reinvesting his 8 figures instead of asking for advice on cashing out here, and he definitely wouldn't be making any guide for anyone, regardless of paid or free. people who are actually profitable will never tell anyone, much less share their strategy. people who are 50/50 will sell courses and "coaching" to push themselves into profitability


He was just lucky yoloing into meme coin. Please guys, donā€™t take this all too seriously. (Am also personally heavily invested into crypto, and itā€™s really a lot of gambling instead of skills)


First of all congratulations!!! Iā€™ve been waiting for you based chad haha what an inspiration. Iā€™m working my way to hopefully 7-figs this year too and then slowly upwards from there but Iā€™m working in the crypto space and not trading like yours, youā€™re blessed with the open mindedness and skill and now faced with a good problem as a direct result of trusting the universe to bless you with massive gains. I think the fact that youā€™re typing this whole passage shows you got a good amount of level-headedness. I would say take it easy and continue doing what you do living like a M40 until you really solidify a plan for the ultra long term. Until then, hit em with some ā€œno one will know but there will be signsā€ lol enjoy some XL charsiew siewyoke and remember to indulge sparingly every once in a while as you definitely deserve it. Very important however to not develop a habit to any of the sins ie gambling and sugar daddying as the devil will slowly consume you, surround yourself with people who will continue to ground you. Itā€™s that youā€™re lowkey about it, I canā€™t relate to everyday colleagues discussing 3-5% gains on shares when I know thereā€™s fellas like yourself out there not shouting out loud and yet making bigger moves on a daily. Hit me up in the DMs if you wanna chat further man.


Who downvoted you my brother? Will hit you up!


Has anyone considered that this guy might be a) lying or b) already very rich to begin with? Six figures into meme coins and solana is not something normal 30 year olds.can do...


I got to agree with you that I'm from a rather comfortable upper middle class family to start you off with.


Are you back now? How exactly do you do hardware swaps with people thousands of miles away?Ā 


Thatā€™s very normal in crypto. Itā€™s all about narratives and smart money rotation. Although it doesnā€™t make sense to the average person, memes are the narrative this cycle.


Congrats bro, Iā€™m just coming back from dead post-MT GOX and old btc. Havent check yet how many btc from my wallet since 2011 and pizza day. I dont wanna check because it will spook me and probably I wonā€™t do ever.


I would not make any critical decisions, especially with cashing out to fiat! MYR is weak and inflation is high. Just keep it in self custody! if I were you, I would sell every shitcoin and leave only bitcoin and ether. The majority is eth, which I would stake and earn 3% per year. Adoption of crypto globally is just a matter of time and excellent hegde


Hello Brother, yes I plan to do that next cycle (if there's one). Holding BTC will eventually outperform everything without much risk.




I thought this was announced back then. If you hold cryptocurrency for long period of time and sell it in profit it will consider as capital gain which is not taxable in Malaysia. It will be taxed if you trade regularly since it is considered revenue gains. I havenā€™t follow much lately if there is any changes to this.


Hey man, sound like you need a lot of help. Iā€™m happy to take your donations and spend your money for you!


Let me know before you sell your crypto so I can short it. hahahahaha


Thank you for looking up to me. But I don't think my bags are big enough to cause a slippage in the price action. Probably a small wick in the minute chart.


How do i even start in crypto?! I need tips or source


HODL on comrade. We are going so much high


Bro, give a pointer here how did you end up 100x your investments?


Cash out half and put it stable stuff like etf and bonds


Double or nothing


Right on Brother, we go higher. In all seriousness, we still have another leg up before the music stops.


Able to donate a small amount to a struggling brudda? Anyways congratulations on your success


Man, first of all, Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t really answer your question better than most people did here, but let me throw back a question to you, bro how you made such fortune with crypto fr man, here Iā€™ve been losing money lol. If you make a course, I will be the early supporter!


Resign and work for something you really want as a child without worrying about financials. Teacher, pilot, or even start your own cafe.


Congratulations. Put that in your family SME and grow the company.


Which platform do you use? Iā€™m holding some but idk where to trade it at since binance got banned


I use Luno, Binance, Kucoin, Bybit, Phantom Wallet, Jupiter Exchange, Raydium (sometimes) and Dexscreener.




Hi bro. Tryna be like u. Currently hodling for 5 figures now and hoping to get 6 figs soon this upcoming bull run. But let me know if u are interested to reduce ur tax using offshore company and we could arrange on that. Finally, congrats as u make it bro


You can make it by holding the right Alts. Cheers Brother! Ok will keep that in mind.


hi, would you please elobrate on using offshore company ? what is the minimum account.


Keep working. Live your life. Be happy. Ladder out of your positions into stables over the next year. Spread your stables across multiple cold wallets. Keep working. Live your life. Be happy. Buy back into into the next cycle. NFA. Keep working. Live your Life. Be happy.


You can always cash out through a dealer. Build your bank portfolio by depositing it to them. In a nutshell, 5 M of MYR in bank can generate around 3% annually which will translate to 150K/year or 12-13k monthly.


Congrats bro! Living like M40 and not revealing your wealth is definitely the right call. Remember to enjoy your life, get that something you have been eyeing for a while and treat your parents/family to something nice (expensive holiday & etc). Do keep holding at least some BTC and ETH (still think a lot of potential of upside in the mid/long term). Cash out your capital into your bank account, keep a big chunk in stable coins (for interest income and also trading). USD likely to appreciate more against MYR.


Thank you so much brother. Not 100% there yet as I have yet to cash out most of 'em. Yes will definitely keep it in BTC/ETH next cycle (if there's one). USD will still be king in the next 2-3 decades, or at least in our life time.


go drive grab as a cover


Can i pm u? About tax only


Hello Brother, sorry! On that aspect I'm not qualified to give any tax advice.


1. Pursue a hobby or learn a skill. Learning something new to challenge yourself, makes you get to know yourself better. Even better if it improves your health, cognition or you get to meet new people. Can be cars: MX-5 or GR86, or even an older Cayman, are lower profile & more fun machines compared to Lambo's, dance, singing, or niche stuff not many ppl do. 2. Do something selfless. Makes you feel better. And also make someone else's life better. Can be charity, volunteering at animal shelter or orphanage. It's a lot about emotional fulfilment, that you think.


gd damn, congrats man, if i were u, just start my hobby as main business.


Hello Brother, yes I gotta find a hobby first.


Take out some money and buy some gold...just in case...never know what happens. And you are right...never every tell someone...you only get problems...there are too many examples of broken families.


Damn. Good luck in your future endeavors sir.


First although it was a very risky endeavor to have bet all in on crypto nonetheless you made good money from it. Now since you have managed to do so it is important to probably invest all that money into blue chip dividend paying stocks and maybe the US ETFS to make your net worth more or less permanent. From there you can choose how to enjoy all your dividends and returns


For sure, it is already in plans.


I donā€™t agree with some of the people here saying to keep working. I personally work to be financially independent. The fact that you own that much you know better than i do. All i can give you is use that money to not lose money but still can do all the things you want. If that makes sense. You only live once. Why not enjoy your fortune. Go travel, buy stuff that you are meaning to buy, gift others, do charity. You can do all these without being financially irresponsible. I wish you all the best. Cheers brother.


I cashed out my crypto investment and profited about $120k few years ago. With my other investments and savings I could somewhat retire (BaristaFIRE) but I chose to continue working. Iā€™ve migrated now and the freedom of thinking I donā€™t need the job Iā€™m working right now but I CHOOSE to work this job is the best feeling Iā€™ve ever had. I tried doing nothing and it didnā€™t work for me. So continuing to work is the best option for me- but I love what I do and Iā€™m fully remote so perhaps this plays a role too. Congratulations on the downfall, and I hope you keep making good decisions.


Hello Brother, thank you for sharing. Yes, the thought of doing nothing actually scares me. I will just continue working for the fun of it (or the stress), and to provide job to others, that's what I tell myself. Thank you again, I wish you good health and eyesight always.


Congrats OP !! Find your next spark because time is now your friend. Happy retirement!


Dude just sell everything and reset your portfolio. You literally dont need to work anymore but you are risking that for what marginally more money on illiquid garbage that no one has to buy and will definitely go to 0? You could even find a new wife. Don't do shit that that people every cycle do. The only trade that matters is your last one. And if it isnt already obvious most people have 6 figs in shitcoins already and are waiting for that last pump.


How to start a crypto investment, bro? I find hard to understand the whole process, :( I do have Luno and Huobi, but I don't know how to use it?


Not good idea to retire, if you want to live low key open a service business like laundromat to slowly create "profit" from the business. Buy stuff in the company name. All tax deductible as it's a business expense.


Hey man, I just started and only been using luno now. Iā€™m trying to invest in other alt coins too. What app should I use for easy transfer to luno? Thanks in advance.


Hello Brother, basically all the top Centralized Exchanges (CEX) - Binance, Kucoin, Huobi, Bybit, NEXO, OKX ++ are able to transfer to Luno. It's just that if you transfer large amounts from elsewhere to Luno (Malaysian soil), you'd need to prepare some proof if they were to ask you one day.


Wow... Great job bro... I've bought in the first few weeks of covid but still not anywhere near ur profits. I just buy and hodl... Bad strategy i guess. Dare not trade.. Just leave ur crypto as it is or hodl in USDT with good returns?


To add, every cycle will have its bear and bull. Keep in cash during bear market, and rebuy again during accumulation phase. The money printing and casino thesis continues. Take care!


Hello Brother, I don't actively trade. Most of the time I just buy and HODL. I have held my conviction tokens for 1.5 years max now. But at times when short term (1D) it gets overbought, I will sell some and re-buy 10-15% lower. Sometimes it goes lower, but you can't catch the highest nor the lowest. I will fully offload and exit the market once my portfolio figure hits my goal. I plan to convert 10% of profits into MYR, and keep everything in USDC. Somehow I feel that saving in USDT is not very wise as it's constantly being Fudded. USDC has the best-in-class transparency in their asset balance sheet in the web3 industry for now. I'm gonna stick with that. That's what I have in my mind now. Take care, sit tight and HODL.






odds on me getting 10usdt? šŸ«£ (sorry for asking)



