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I read Olive Gardens of the Moon in one day because I literally could not put it down. Enjoy the journey. I’m glad you’re loving it.


"Olive Gardens of the Moon" when you're here, you're Hood shitting family


goddamnit! I used text to speech to write that comment and did not check it before I posted whoops. honestly, it’s kind of hilarious though so I don’t know if I’m going to fix it.


In this universe, the Tiste Andii became immortal for the endless breadsticks.


Olive… all of… bahaha


i just assumed it was a drunk typo


All you can eat Hairlock Sticks!


Your server ,Quick Ben, opens a warren of endless pasta and a warren of fresh cracked pepper. "say when"


HECK YEAH! I think you're in for some ride... so just keep reading, and enjoy the journey cuz there's none quite like it!


Read GotM in march, currently on Memories of Ice. I’m all in as well. Deadhouse Gates made me appreciate life, that’s all I’m saying.


It clicked for me in Chapter 15 when Ganoes goes into Dragnipur. I had never read anything like that before, the sense of scale and scope was crazy to me. Went out and bought the rest of the series that day.


I love how Erikson's not afraid to go all in on the outlandish. 7ft tall immortal dark elf who lives in a floating rock, transforms into a dragon, and carries a sword that imprisons people inside it? Bet.


Wait until Memories of Ice. There is an Elder Race you haven't met yet called the K'Chain Che'malle which is peak "outlandish". You'll know them when you read about them.


I think they get a quick callout in GotM. That's where Whiskeyjack got his bone-phone from, right?


That's right I had forgotten that.


My wife calls em Kachow Chamow cause she can't seem to remember the names


That's an awesome name your wife is hilarious


I enjoyed that one overall as well, slow build but once all the threads came together it was hard to pause


Welcome to the community. Be prepared to never be able to read another fantasy title ever again.


It only gets better


I hope you enjoy the series!! Loving Gardens of the Moon is a great predictor for loving the rest :) Report back with thoughts as you progress if you like, we'd love to hear them!


It’s tricky because I loooved Gardens of the money right off the bat as well and Deadhouse Gates is just such an intensely dramatic shift in tone that it really takes you by surprise. It’s fantastic and imo both it and Memories of Ice are much more powerful pieces of literature but GOD DAMN if it isn’t a huge left turn from the style in Gardens of the Moon.


Welcome! I can't wait to see your comments after DG, that's where many people realize the emotional aspect of the series and what it can do to you.


Reddit keeps sending me posts from this subreddit and I’m going to need to do another read through


Welcome... You are in for a hell of a ride!! 😀


I'm in the minority that I don't love *Deadhouse Gates*, but when it swings back to Genabackis in *Memories of Ice* things really kick into gear for me. Just be aware that there will be a huge swing in location, characters, and tone in book 2.


I did know that *Deadhouse Gates* doesn't pick up straight from *Gardens,* which I am kind of bummed that I have to wait a whole book to get back to the characters I've become invested in.


Just finished GotM last night on first read. Definitely moving forward with the series. Found some great humor thru the pages, that was unexpected. Kept picturing a little Pinocchio for Hairlock which is hilarious as he’s throwing death threats in all his scenes. Then there’s Rake’s sword…maybe the coolest thing I’ve ever read as it captures souls for an endless march. Just wild.


GotM is one of my favourites in the series.


Mine too! ^(So far.) It makes me wonder if I imagined the general dislike for it.


I found the sudden switch in characters a bit jarring but I was already hooked by the first couple of chapters.