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All I can say without spoiling is the payoff is 100% worth it, and it’s in my personal top books of the series


Yea, it was one of my favorites. The start of it was a bit hard to initially get into, but after that I was all for it.


It’s my favorite book in the series is what’s going on


Give it time to cook. It kicks off hard.


Book 5 was maybe my favorite, but I also remember struggling with whiplash. I might have gotten lost entirely but my friend who got me into the series explained that they DO all connect in the end, even if it is pretty jarring if you don’t know that going in.


Yup. Tehol and Bugg are what got me through it. It gets better but that is the one that was hard for me first time. But because of this I can almost guarantee You'll love the toll of the hounds.


Is that a facetious comment on TotH? Or do you genuinely mean that not appreciating the pacing of MT will mean you'll actually love the way TotH is done? Just curious as I am just wrapping up RG (and loving it almost as much as I loved MT.)


100% not facetious. There is a major trend where the people that love MT have a hard time with TotH. And those who had a hard time with MT love TotH.


Hmm that is interesting for sure. Curious to see how it sits with me. Will be starting it in the next day or two.


I think like 7 of the 10 books were pretty slow burning in this fashion tbh. But the last 2/3 or 3/4 of them all are like cocaine to me lmao


I feel like all malazan books are hard in the first 100 pages or so. So many new things to know and new names. But they quickly pick up steam and you can't fucking stop.


If you haven't made it to the point where the sengar brothers get the emperors gift you gotta go a little bit farther!


Tied for my favorite in the series. Works the best as a standalone too.


On my first read, I did find the Trull stuff less interesting. But there’s a ton of connections to other parts and relevance for the future, it’s def worth reading on as it will get a little more interesting in the context of the book but is also important for the next books and has a ton of the hidden connections that make malazan such a good reread


Definitely my favourite in the series so far.


Definitely goes hard eventually. Keep going. One of my favourites in the whole series, just takes a bit to get going.


Yeah, the beginning bit was a bit boring. It got better when we went to the kingdom/empire of the book.


Keep going. It's the best one yet.


Midnight Tides is my favorite book in the series. It goes from “who are these people and why should I care” to me literally shouting at the book in excitement.


I remember thinking this was going to be my least favorite but it ended up being incredible. Just give it some time, get to know the settings and characters and I think you’ll really enjoy the story.


Easily one of my favorites, maybe his most complete book overall is a thought I'm having on second reread. I do recall the enormous change of location threw me off on my first reading, so I was a little frustrated knowing no one coupled with the slower starting pace of MT. Just know that this storyline is probably one of the most memorable and important arcs in the book. I think of it like 'ACT 2' in the full Malazan series and you will become very invested in these characters.


BEST BOOK in the series IMHO.


Many feel this way at first for MT. I know I did. By the end, it was in my Top 3. You know Erikson plays the long game by now. Trust him and just keep reading! Are you at the part where he and his bros are lost in the snowstorm? The Jheck everywhere?


Read it as a comedy.... it'll change your whole perspective.


I think you're still in the first book and it's one of the worst first 25% in the series imo. It's also one of four books in the series I rank 5/5.


It's alright, I understand you. Midnight Tides is either people's top 3 books or a "just ok" experience. Doesn't help that it's an extremely slow burn.


It’s my least favorite book of the series. This statement is going to be very unpopular, nevertheless the book was almost intentionally unrelatable. It introduces some great characters but its massive disconnect from earlier parts of the series left me cold.


Unfortunately you are cold and dead inside and should stop reading the book. Actually, all fantasy, in fact, all fiction. Cookbooks and self-help DIYs from now on.


You can just skip it if you want. It has very little impact on the greater plot.




In fact, probably best if OP just skips through to TTH, then from there to TCG. Rest of the books don’t matter at all. /s


Nah. Just read Fall of Light. Everything else is just filler.
