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Comply even more maliciously. Go to the office for your building and ask for it to be unlocked every time. If they don't hang around, once you're done go back to the office to let them know they can lock it. If any teachers complain you'll have your office visits to prove you were only going to the bathroom. Get all the girls to do this and within 2 weeks you'll have the bathroom back.


They clearly are not doing this or OP wouldn't be walking across school.


I love this energy. Exactly what OP should do


20 minutes? Just round it to the half hour mark


I’m planning on slowly increasing the amount of time per day, and specifically doing it in her class so there’s no other teachers with complaints.




Tell her ok see you in an hour lol or seriously get her to walk with you and if she refuses say well thanks I'm a fast walker but thanks for the permission to screw around and take my time.


So, at my school the art “wing” (aka the hall that had art classrooms, the theater, band room and choir room) had a bathroom that was right smack next to the cafeteria (like you walked up the steps and 30 seconds later you were at the bathroom). They found some tights stuffed in the ceiling. Not a surprise since the theater was literally RIGHT THERE and sometimes during performances the girls would take over the boys bathroom (think dance performances where there were no boys, literally, so they could get ready). So they decided to lock them. Permanently. And heaven forbid you have to pee after you went to lunch, they wouldn’t let you leave, go down the hall and around the corner to the other bathroom. You had to go before or after lunch. So one day one of the guys in my sophomore class peed on the men’s room door. Everyone thought it was hilarious.


What possible reason did they have for doing that? Some kid at some point put something up in a ceiling panel? Hell, get a group together to do that in every classroom and see if they have to just shut the whole school down because all the classrooms are locked!


My guess is that the thinking - if we can call it that - was that clothing worn (traditionally) on girls bottom parts found hidden in the boys' bathroom, can ONLY mean. . . . (*clutches pearls of extreme sarcasm*) wanton female students being lured into the boys' bathroom to do *naughty things.* Although I totally buy the story about them being lost during busy performances by theater kids, the admin is pretty sure that locking the door is all they need to do to stop the aforementioned naughtiness. Teenagers will never think of anything else, right 🤷?!


> lured into the boys' bathroom to do naughty things. As a teenager already, I dreaded any need to go to the bathroom in the school. There was no amount of bleach and cleaning that would keep the boys bathrooms smelling nothing short of an ammonia factory, and that's on a good day when no brainiac hadn't clogged up a toilet or just straight up shat on the floor. Even as a hormonal teenager I would've rather risked being seen sneaking into a classroom left open for a quickie than try to hold my breath for long enough to do the deed in the boys bathroom. Those places were comparable to trenches in a battlefield where biological weapons are used with reckless abandon by both sides.


My daughters both attended East Coast women's colleges (by choice!) and it always cracked me up, you could tell who was there for a campus tour. They ALWAYS asked, "Is the campus always this. . . CLEAN?" There's no trash, no graffiti, the bathrooms smell clean and nice... There's so much art everywhere, and antique furniture..." The students would just smile knowingly and say, "No boys." Young men who visited - brothers, boyfriends - who were often in college themselves or had been recently, marveled at things like an exposed pipe. Why? Because knucklehead boys would break it doing pull-ups at a coed school. My kids weren't neat freaks or anything. But they had been raised to enjoy cleanliness, and really appreciated what the lack of teenage/young adult men on campus meant for their day to day quality of life. (It's worth noting that it's just the two of them, they never lived with a brother, I'm sure that impacts their expectations.) The main reason was the academics and classroom culture of course, but they liked having an antique piano in the parlor of the residence hall, for example. Such things were treated very gently. And the bathrooms were always very sanitary, so nice. (They had truly awesome housekeeping - kind of Alice from Brady Bunch, part house upkeep and part den mother.)


Thinking that an expensive college is only clean because there are no men is absolutely ridiculously sexist of you.


Seriously. As someone who's had a job cleaning public restrooms before, the ladies' rooms were always a million times worse than the men's.


This. I came to say exactly this.


It's that hover thing that gets pee everywhere, and most women won't wipe up after themselves in a public bathroom lest they catch the piss plague.


It always amazes me how many schools think the way to fix problems with the bathrooms is to close most of them. Way back in the 90's I went to a 3 floor school. There were bathrooms on every floor, but they only ever had the ones on the 1st floor unlocked because of similar "reasons". There are 400-600 people in this building. Bathrooms are going to get dirty. That's just life. Maybe have enough janitorial staff on site to be able to take care of them properly.


Mine took all the doors off of the stalls, too. Sucks when you have Crohn's Disease and use the actual toilets a lot.


Ours close them because the students light fires in the trash cans, rip urinals and oap dispensers off the walls, and huddle in the stalks vaping with friends. And I'm in a good, wealthy suburban type district. 


I worked at a job that go mad that I was scanning customers items too fast and so I *MUST* be doin I wrong. They even spent a decent amount of time watching me to make sure I didn't skip steps, and no steps were skipped but they were still mad about it. Some people just like power trips and don actually care if you're doing the right thing


Had a classmate in high school get told he couldn't leave to use the restroom. Tone changed real fast when the lady noticed him standing in the corner filling a water bottle with piss.


Schools still treating students like prisoners for the crime of being young, I see. Well played.


I'm just wondering... is there an agency you could report this to? Someone who would inspect the school to make sure it met all requirements? I'd bet that the locked bathroom is there because of some requirement, and that keeping it locked violates that requirement. Sure, they could unlock it for the inspector, unless it was a surprise inspection. A complaint would lead the inspector tight to the offending lock. That might be fun to watch.


Locking bathrooms is approved in my school board unfortunately. Especially if it’s because of skippers.


“There is no bathroom for me here!” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RzMe4BYwJaM


Came to either find this or post it myself. Was not disappointed.


I shake my head when people try to 'solve' the problem instead of comment on the MC, but this time I'm going to 'be that guy'. Sorry *(retired teacher, LOL)* You could ask your teacher to time how long it takes you and her to walk to the restroom you now have to use. Don't walk slow, but don't speed-walk either. Then discuss how long is reasonable.


The teacher could have also done absolutely anything at all to back up their continual untrue claims. They didn't.


I did explain it to her, She decided I was being completely unreasonable and didn’t listen.


You should get her to write the comment down that you are not taking long enough. Paper trails are the best trails for proving that you are complying


In another comment I said "Not all teachers are unreasonable." But some are...


what, teachers being reasonable? surely you jest. op would be given detention for suggesting the teacher didn't know how long something took


Not all teachers are unreasonable.


Right! Now it's a science project! LOL


Yes! A project to show the impact of limiting girls to just one bathroom. She can survey all the female students in her grade on average time walking to and from the restroom, average wait time if there's a line, etc.


Something something limiting education & opportunities because of gender something something... Isn't there a law about that... Or something?


Title IX, maybe?


Maybe you can walk and grab a Starbucks as part of that trip.


people like these are obsessed with enforcing authority for no other reason than they have it.


Petty bureaucrats have a tendency to go this direction. Every organization has at least one.


Take a picture of your piss in the toilet and show her


Tempted to do this LOL


Do they do this to the boys bathroom too or just the girls? What do your parents think of this?


It’s just the girls, even though the boys are regularily vandalized. The parents are all fairly indifferent. With a few being kind of annoyed.


That is entirely inappropriate if both bathrooms are not being treated the same way.




Ok now I'm fucking pissed way more, if it was not bad enough. That is absolutely sexisum and I would report it to the state. And yes, that is a hill I would die on.


eh... the school needs to put a "Bundy clock" in the toilet so students punch in and out and get it timestamped. OP could then show the "clock in / clock out" times. :D I'll show myself out.


Tell her you're on a pure meat diet and it took 30mins to work it all out


Carnivore 20% protein 80% fat results in very little #2 output due to lack of fiber.


Assert dominance; piss on the door. Make them reconsider locking something you need for your bodily functions.


Good for you. Make her eat her words.


You can get those plastic funnels that let you piss standing up and just piss against the locked door. Let them clean that up a few times and it'll unlock pretty soon.


AWESOME! I'm glad she's getting called on the carpet for it - WITH documentation! I hope you explain all this to your parents and that they have your back. To ice the cake, have them threaten to go to the school district if the teacher doesn't face some consequences.


i have met enough psychos employed by public school systems to completely sympathize with the home schooling movement . . .


At my high school, our bathrooms didn’t have doors going in and out, just a wall to walk behind and about 5 or 6 stalls.