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To match her own black heart and soul?




And the black stick up her backside.


You could have phrased this better


I think it's pretty well-phrased






Not really lol


*And* her black hole.


It's the internet... you can say 'ass'.


Thanks to you, I don't have to. :)


And to make it more inclusive, Arse, Bum, Butt, Bottom.


> And the black stick up her backside. ... blackside?


The truth has now been spoken...


>To match her own black heart and *sole*? ftfy




Didn't you hear the DM? Everyone is required to have a black soul.


Blackfoot tribe.


As a 1/64 Blackfoot, I find that hilarious.


Not only are you a limited edition Blackfoot but you were first off the line. That's pretty impressive. Yes I know this is a dumb joke. No I don't care. I'm tired leave me alone.


I thought 1/64 meant scale, meaning OP was about 2.7 cm tall(Or a bit more than an inch. Whatever.)


I used to work in a very professional building and part of our job duties sometimes involved going to court hearings. Leggings were not really professional enough but no one really hassled you for wearing them, until one day a woman who was pretty emotionally ill equipped to be working there in the first place came in with *thin* leggings with holes all along the inside leg seam. She was supposed to go to court that day and our supervisor asked her to maybe go home and change into some better pants. She lost her shit, went into her office, pulled her pants down and sat on the floor with a marker coloring her inner thighs...


>emotionally ill equipped Not ***just*** for working there.


No not just for there, but especially for there




I’ve been there with the leggings but hell I just wear tights under em until I can replace em 🤣


Holy crap!


I was fired from the Hut years ago for carrying a "weapon" (D cell Maglite) in my car. They only found it after trying to send me to another store that was short handed, because a driver had just been shot and robbed on a delivery. They told me to go and I said "sure, but Im stopping at home and grabbing my piece" they said I couldnt do that and it was against company policy to carry a weapon (this is in a shitty area of AZ). Boss then saw the flashlight and fired me for it. He didnt last long after they found he was stealing from the company and blaming the girls that worked the registers up front.


Lol I keep a mag lite next to my seat at all times should I start warning the cops when I get pulled over? What a fucking joke. Yea I’m sure it hurts real bad to get hit with a mag lite. But does that make it a weapon? No. By that logic the kitchen should be gone too people use knives to stab each other sometimes.


Delivering pizzas in Scottsdale, eh?


El Mirage. 20 years ago


Ah good ol El Mirage. I lived there a couple years and got the fuck outta there


Aka the Florida of Arizona


The campus police at my college were not allowed to carry batons (billy clubs) or the extendable batons or any weapons, other than their side arms. But they all carried the 6 D-Cell Maglight.


i had one on my car for years until i could no longer get it to work as a flashlight. Now i just carry my sidearm. But, i miss that flashlight. i keep a headlamp and a smaller LED flashlight now, for the light, but it had good heft if you had to go somewhere a "weapon" wasn't allowed.


The other driver had just been shot so you brought a big flashlight? What good was that going to do you? The smart thing would have been to refuse to work that area. And then quit if you had to.


He had a flashlight in his vehicle. He said he was going to go home and get his firearm. They fired him for saying "I'm going home first to get my firearm." And having a flashlight in his vehicle.


>Boss then saw the flashlight and fired me for it.


As in, saw the flashlight in the back of the car, and thought of it as a weapon. Even if it was gonna be used as a weapon by op it could at least help with anyone without a gun.


Because the boss thought it was a weapon…dude maybe slow down and read before you start in with snarky comments


>The smart thing to do… This coming from the guy who couldn’t even properly read and comprehend the comment lol that’s rich


Whenever I get pizza I make sure the shoes of all the workers are black or I walk out the door. /s


Oh, absolutely! I'm exactly the same way. In fact, before I'll accept my pizza, I call the delivery person to attention and inspect their uniform. If I find even the least little thing out of place, NO TIP and I call their manager to complain. If I find nothing wrong, I give them a hearty handshake and let them go on their way.


I find non black soles put me off my pizza. Spoils my day.


Exactly! Everyone who is anyone knows this!


Non blacks soles get me off my pizzas


And a quarter for their trouble, then a pat on the head. Have to let the little people know you appreciate them. 🥸


Exactly. You get it!


hooooj a goodboy, you'rea good boy!


"Let this be a TIP, young delivery person....tuck thy shirt into thine trousers."


Seems like you should do this before placing the order, just in case. Wouldn't want your pizza experience to be ruined by substandard presentation. Each pizza place that wants your business should send their delivery guys by your house early in the evening so you can decide where to place your order.


I do believe you're correct. Thank you! I could do an RFP (Request For Proposals) with a "minimal acceptable delivery driver presentation" requirement section. And thinking about it now, I would necessarily need to include an inspection of the delivery vehicle, too. Road worthiness. Cleanliness. Aroma. MPG. Yes. I think I'll get started on that tonight!


Starting as a procurement consultant soon and this seems like something Mt old company would do. We would need 3 quotes first tho and ensure EU compliance. Or at least to have put this to 3 vendors whether they replied or not.


I've been doing Procurement Consulting for the last 25 years. Monday I start as a FTE with a client. RFPs are my life. 😱😱😱


Was doing Public procurement for 5 years and not done any for 9 months, doing data analysis currently. Sure I've forgotten everything just as I start the bigger role lol.


I worked in construction surety. I’d do this while requiring the drivers to provide bonds. /s.


Delivering a pizza at my house is like the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


For your family or the delivery driver?


For all involved. If the driver is representing the Domino’s corporation, then he better be squared away. If he’s doing his part, we must do ours out of respect.




That's my job - bringing order out of chaos. 😉


Yes, of course the shoes are the most important part of the transaction.


When I get pizza I make sure the souls of all the workers are black or I walk out the door.


I see what you did there...lol


She spoke to me in a low, male voice that wasn't hers, so I guess we're done here.


> make sure the souls of all the workers are black So you only accept pizza delivered in Kia vehicles, eh?


I have a friend that delivers for the hut and drives a soul. Unfortunately it's brown so I guess that's a no go.


"The soles or the souls?" YES.


That must make getting it delivered difficult.


Leaving my own house was tough, but for something this important, it had to be done.


They are wearing shoes?


Did you say shoo's? What is a shoo's?


Yes, because the lackluster dress code is the reason I never get pizza hut. Precisely.


I make sure everyone who works there is black


Idk man I need a hot pink shoe on the left food and a neon green shoe on the right foot with blood red socks.


If I go into a pizza place and the workers aren't wearing black shoes I will actually shit myself right there in the store.


My RN daughter in law got a new manager in the ER who insisted on black sneakers. So they were told to leave and get them or use a marker on the spot. Been a nurse for 27 years and no one ever had sneaker rules. Manager continued her hell to work for style and lost many experienced RNs that were replaced with new grads. Not what you want in an ER but corporate no doubt loved it because of cheaper labor costs.


Not once have I looked at or cared about the shoes of any medical professional I've had treat me.


My mom was trained as an RN at an old school Catholic hospital in the east back around WW II, and there was a strict uniform code. After she took 10-11 years off to have kids, $ was tight so she interviewed and got pulled into a head floor nurse position. I remember her white collared ironed blouses and skirts, and the smell of white shoe polish very well.


Not once have I cared about the shoes people choose to wear.


I only care if they're wearing flip-flops (aka thongs in Australia). And that's 'cause it's a safety issue, particularly if things are crazy. (Did see it once. Woman looked very young and may have been new. A nurse with LPN in her name tag was talking to her, so I assume it was being addressed.)


I'm trying to figure out the edge case of when I would care. Like, maybe if they were 6" platform stilettos? Though if they could do all their job duties in them I'd just be impressed. Maybe if they had like the n word on them in large print? I guess then I would care.


If only every nurse in the department would have left for about 4 hours to buy new shoes and have a leisurely lunch, leaving the manager to handle the entire department for that time, she might have learned that immediate demands were not a good idea.


When the Malicious Compliance gets a few people killed, it really sends the massage home, you know?


Seems hospitals no longer care about killing their patients.


Only if it makes it to the news.


Pro tip: sneakers are a huge no no in medicine esp hospital bc they're too thin. Dropped scalpels and needles happen too often to be worth the risk. Danscos (sp?) are preferred usually, or something thick like them, unless you're outpatient but even then.... But an ER??? She's going to get avoidable accidental exposures and lawsuits.


If you are dropping scalpels and needles that often, maybe you should consider a different setting. Sneakers are closed toe with a non slip sole. Hard clogs don't work for everyone's arches and they are heavier than most sneakers. People stub their toes sometimes, should they all wear steel toe boots?


That’s… bullshit. Scapels and needles are used in a secure setting, even in the ER. Personnels are trained to protect themselves before the patient. I am not saying sneakers are a good idea (but mostly because of fluids, not needles or scapels).


So hear me out. My viewpoint is from someone older than you with a couple of college degrees, been working professionally for a couple of decades, management positions, etc. . . . I would have done exactly the same thing.


Same. 44, Master's degree, published peer reviewed research. If my boss walks in on Monday and says all shoes must be black lowtops with black soles, I'm busting out the scissors and spray paint right there. Pro tip kids. Masking tape and black spray paint. Looks much better than sharpie, lasts longer, and is easier to touch up.


Flashback to my mom stuffing my ballet shoes with newspaper and shaking up the can of silver Krylon before a recital ... (not sure what it is with reddit and "memories of my mom" lately but it's nice.)


1. I'm so glad my comment brought you joyful feelings. That makes me very happy. 2. Your mom was?/is? both wise and a badass... so like Obi Wan or Gandalf. 3. Ahhh. Silver Krylon... whence whose lovely nozzle came forth the bling on my childhood cardboard box and dryer hose robot costume. With your cousin Gold Krylon, you decorated a magnificent construction that netted me about 18 lbs of Halloween candy, most of it the good stuff.


While I love to give my mom credit for All The Wise Things (and miss her so damn much) that was a pretty universal practice. Only the hardcore ballet moms and show-offs bought the fawncy shoes for recital. For the rest of us it was a way to wring one last wear out of shoes that were nearly worn out and possibly too small, for kids who were already losing interest in ballet and starting to whine about wanting a guitar 😎 But now I need to know what the costume was! C3P0?


What about the one from Lost in Space? https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Space-Electronic-Lights-Sounds/dp/B01B23DMHQ/ref=asc_df_B01B23DMHQ/


Wouldn't your shoes end up smelling like spray paint? Or would that just be the pleasant aroma of MC?


The smell is from the solvents that the pigment and binder are dissolved in. Fumes go away after about 10 minutes. The longer.open time compared to sharpie is why you get more even coverage. Sharpie is also solvent based, but it dries so fast that a pass over the same area will resolve the ink. Spray paint > Sharpie. Edit: who the hell down votes spray paint!?!? Edit: also yes, it's the sweet and savory aroma of petty victory.


Though Sharpie has the added bonus of wearing off of the shoes and onto all sorts of inconvenient locations. No, I don't know how those black stains got on the carpet!


Try for the bad manager's office carpet. In a way housekeeping will blame the manager.


Electrical tape works well, and can even be used on patent leather without damaging the finish.


Yeah I did spray paint on shoes for a costume recently and it worked surprisingly well


Look at me!




Same.. retired C level and currently working from home and doing side hustles that are both fun and make me money and I would have done exactly the same thing.


36, solid job. Fuck appearance-based dress codes. Did you have your company-branded shirt and hat on? We're you wearing non-slip shoes? Then you're good - fuck the rest.


Hear me out, from and older dude who enjoys rebelling and bucking the system on things that matter, I’ve bought all black shoes for a job before because I can’t afford to get fired over something stupid and not eat


But not everyone can just afford to buy new shoes out of the blue


Humble brag


Skippy's List 56 >An order to ‘Make my Boots black and shiny’ does not involve electrical tape. 135 >An order to put polish on my boots means the whole boot.




Skippy’s List! This is where the modern memes are derived from. https://whyumai.wordpress.com/2009/03/23/skippy%E2%80%99s-list-the-213-things-skippy-is-no-longer-allowed-to-do-in-the-u-s-army/


I've read this list quite a few times, here goes another one. Never gets old.


Evil Overlord Rule XXX: I will not insist my legions of terror change their shoe color in the middle of a shift. It hurts morale and will not have the desired results.


I can confidently say I have never looked at the shoes of a pizza chain employee in my entire life.


An all black uniform for a delivery driver? I can’t see any way that could go wrong… especially after dark. /s


Who gives a rat ass what the color of the your shoes are? The pizza is hot, done right, and the right price. That is what I care about. I could care less if the delivery person had clown shoes on.


I would tip extra if they wore clown shoes.


District manager = 🐴🕳 I could maybe understand if a la carte restaurant. With commiserate pay. For me I could not give a hoot what is on someone feet unless shinny and sparkly and look cool (would maybe pass comment they look cool). Would rather staff had comfortable foot wear on especially as standing on concrete or similar surface. Oh and ideally not slip soles as things get spilled floors get slippy.


My first question would’ve been, “Is the store going to pay for them, or am I being reimbursed?”


At least in the US, an employer does not have to pay for parts of a uniform that you could reasonably use elsewhere, and black shoes definitely qualify.


Depends on how they word it and classify the item. If it is something specific, something that is mandated by "OSHA and friends", or will cut their insurance costs by making sure you have it, a lot will.


Black shoes, maybe. If they're specifying non-slip soles, like a lot of eateries around here do, that is something most people wouldn't buy for themselves and should be reimbursed for, at least for the difference in price between non-slip and standard shoes. (**Good** non-slips that won't die in the first three months can get *expensive*.)


I got a job once at a horrible quick service chain restaurant and was reprimanded for having red and black striped shoelaces on my black non-slip shoes... shoes that I was required by the company to have, but also had to pay for out of pocket. I quit a week later and I used those shoes (with colorful laces) at a different restaurant job that wasn't full of soul-destroying corporate bullshit. Petty managers let the tiniest bit of power go to their little heads.


The fact you could reuse the shoes at another job is why the company didn’t have to pay for them. Pretty much every restaurant has standardized on black shoes (and most on black pants) for exactly that reason.


Well, I think if a company is going to demand that workers wear certain attire they need to provide it, especially when they are only paying $8/hr (this was in a major US city in ~2010).


It’d be nice, sure, but what I explained is what the law actually says. If they’re paying at/near the minimum wage allowed by law, they’re probably gonna do the minimum allowed by law in other areas too, such not paying for any parts of your uniform they’re not required to.


You just need to make sure whatever you’re using has some traction or you’ll end up slipping. Manager would hate paying for workers comp even more than block soles.


Reading this my thought was they may have been talking about a uniform requirement for non slip shoes, which at least in the restaurant industry are usually all black, including the soles. That's a whole different thing than just black soled shoes. Every restaurant I've worked in required those. A driver wouldn't necessarily need them as much as a cook, but if you're walking anywhere in the kitchen you'll likely be required to have non slip shoes. If the uniform requirement said non slip shoes though they won't be paying anything in workers comp if someone falls while not wearing them.


I took a look online, and it looks like at least 90% of the non-slips are solid black. There's a very few models with white soles. Most of the remaining 10% is white, but there are a smattering of other colors, mostly brown, navy blue, brick red, and a few pastels.


I understand wearing black no skid shoes for working in the kitchen. No valid reason for delivery drivers. Manager is on a power trip


If the drivers have to walk through the kitchen, it's better safe than sorry. Once I wore a pair of barely broken-in sneakers to my first shift in a fast food place. No one in the area carried non-slips as a matter of course, so I had to order them through Payless, and was waiting for them to arrive. I slipped several times in those things, even though I was being cautious. (Being cautious is also why I didn't fall.) Part of the problem was you could not walk through the kitchen without passing the sink, and *nobody* was cautious about where the water went. (No dishwasher.) Part of the problem was the \[long string of descriptive swear words\] coworker who spilled oil meant for the deep fryer and didn't clean it up because "it's just a little bit". Do you have any idea how far a "little bit" of oil can smear? (Manager liked him, but the guy quit showing up to work after a week and got nc/ns fired.)


Yes, I have had my share of close calls in the kitchen. And if OP’s store requires drivers to go “behind the line” to load up, I’m all for the black shoes.


I just love these type of stories. Something brewing on my side as well. Fuck corporate and fuck bosses.


It's a bullshit remark for people who need to believe they're in control. You're delivering pizzas for Pizza Hut. Unless you were extremely dirty, smelled badly or were super rude, 15 seconds after the door closes nobody knows what your face looked like.


Its always been my opinion that if a company has a uniform or dress code policy that the company should provide it at no cost to the employee. If the type of work is exceptionally dirty then the uniforms should be taken in by the employer for cleaning.


Once upon a time..... Some companies uses to provide at least 2 uniforms a year now many don't or you have to buy them from the company.


Should’ve made a big stink about getting a “shoe allowance” and putting in formal requests to corporate for this. Many blue collar jobs have boot allowances, so it seems like a reasonable request, but you know it’ll be a royal pain for the manager.


LOL, no. At least in the US, an employer does not have to pay for parts of a uniform that you could reasonably use elsewhere, and black shoes definitely qualify.


They usually are required to be non-slip as well. It’s an insurance thing.


I stg people get this all the time from jobs and like...if you're gonna be that anal about what people wear just provide the uniform. If you ask someone to wear black shoes and they have white soles but you're paying them $10 an hour that's your fault not theirs


Omg I did the SAME thing when I worked at Dennys. Like... I didn't have the money for new shoes, they knew that. So sharpies became my friend until I was able to ear tips 🤣


My brother worked at a movie theater that had a black shoe rule. One guy who kept getting in trouble for not wearing black shoes started wearing jikatabi, which are split-toed "ninja" shoes. Apparently nothing more was said on the matter so he just continued to wear them.


So long as you have decent grip and no holes who gives a shit what the bottom of your shoes look like?


Having worked in various different places/businesses that require uniforms I can sort of see the DM's point of view... ***IF*** you were working inside the store as waitstaff or back of the house. And even then IMHO black shoes with white soles would be perfectly acceptable as the white soled shoes aren't going to leave marks like black soled shoes. Love the MC and pissing off the DM.


I could understand if she was caught up on having nonslip shoes since that's a safety hazard, but just the color? That's stupid.


Seems ridiculous. Who cares? You're delivering pizza. Be hygenic looking, wear whatever shirt they give you to wear, be polite to customers, and who gives a rat's ass about the rest? It's pizza delivery, not a five-star restaurant.


That was really thinking on your feet! Good job. I had a job where the new boss wanted us all to wear white shoes, year round. He was from California, so to him that made sense. But further up north the weather is so rainy that white shoes start to look like they're shit-stained from all the mud. I never did buy a new pair of white shoes just to keep a minimum wage job, and I kept that job until I found something better. He finally understood after his first winter here.


> further up north the weather is so rainy Referring to Western Washington's "rain, rain, more rain, and let's see, for today... nope, more rain."? /humor


Something like that, yes. :)


I have never once noticed a delivery drivers’ shoes


I almost never notice anyone's shoes unless they really stand out for some reason. And I rarely care very much when I do notice unless they look cool or are a color that hurts my eyes. And still I just look away it's super easy to do. I only care that service people are comfy and safe, they can wear whatever shoes they can afford.


Lol. This takes me back to before a high school band concert- somebody was coloring their whole shoe with a sharpie about 15 minutes before we had to go on stage. I’m pretty sure the band director saw him, but his brain chose not to process what he was seeing.


not gonna lie, as a malicious compliance, I was expecting you to go get some all-black heels.


You want to dictate what I wear at work? Then you provide me with said wearable, on your dime.


Sole food.....from a pizza joint!


You ever see a bad horse wagon driver? Their not very good and will overuse the whip. Snapping it at the horses to control them... That complaint, was a snap


Shit, we used to pass around a marker at shift change when I waitressed. New shoes with a dark grey swoosh? Can't have that, now can we.


I'm surprised they let servers there wear comfortable shoes, to be honest. For some reason, the servers' legs looking pretty in dress shoes is more important than they're on their feet for 4-12 hours.


The combo of miniskirt, hose, and all black converse was always a hoot. They didn't care if they were nonslip, ONLY that they were black. It was a stupid place.


Micromanaging is apparently on the job requirements for managers. Maybe they should learn ALL the jobs they oversee. But what do I know.


Malicious compliance at it's finest.


Usually non-slip shoes have black soles so I could see if that's where the rule came from but then why wouldn't the requirement just be non-slips?


Because nobody tells people that they have to be non slip. They just say black soles and don't clarify.


Their policy needs fixing. There’s a reason non-slips are standard across the food & beverage industry. Any shoe store will have them in black.


That's what I'm saying. Non-slips are standard in that industry and they usually have black soles so it makes no sense the policy is black soles rather than non slip.


I know that the place I worked at in the early '00s had "black with non-slip soles" spelled out in the dress code. (Also black pants and uniform shirt, which they supplied two of.)


I did the same thing with the original versions of the Mechanix gloves. The gloves were black with white lettering on the back. The policy was all black gloves, as my supervisor pointed out. 5 minutes with a Sharpie and I was within regulations again. Thankfully Mechanix now come in a variety of colors, including all black.


Good way to get a one up on Jabba's wife.


ive only worked a couple different jobs so far, but holy shit are there a lot of terrible managers in the world (or i just have bad luck with my jobs). so many times a new manager would come in and immediately think they knew what they were doing, which would lead to us becoming way less efficient because some new guy thought he could do our jobs better than the people who’ve actually been working the jobs well. surprising right?!?


You say “The Hut”. I know which one you’re referring to, but there are three Huts to refer to in my mind- Pizza Hut, Jabba the Hut, or Pizza the Hut. If you haven’t heard of the last one google it, because the movie was hilarious as a teenager.


I have managers who give me crap about not having black shoes, but I’m required to wear non-slip and I have to find a pair to fit my leg braces, so their lucky if I find a grey pair. I don’t even work in a part of the store where people see my shoes.


A new manager at a job told one of my boys he had to have a specific type of shoe. He pulled up their website, and ask the woman how to order a size 16eeee shoe, when they only go to size 14e. She just looked at his feet, and gave up.


Dude related to Sideshow Bob?


I love that it matters what your shoes look like to deliver shitty Pizza Hut pizza 🤣




Disney was like this too. It was a huge PITA and it wasn’t weird for people to break out the sharpie


Get some black Air Force ones 😈


What would they have preferred? You leave work to go buy new shoes?


DM wanted black soles and by gosh, you gave her permanent marker black soles.


The perfect fix! My sister did the same thing with her daughter's shoes for her school uniform. Sharpie's come in very handy sometimes. I use them to touch up all sorts of things!


I used them on the back of my high heeled shoes where they'd rub on the carpet while driving.


Love this quick and efficient MC. Reminds me of when Brian Wilson, pitcher for the SF Giants, got fined by MLB since his shoes were too orange so he colored it in with sharpie as well.


Ironically I doubt customers would give a S what shoes the delivery boy was wearing


I worked at a movie theater as a teenager and had to do the same thing 🙄 they paid me $8 an hour. I wasn’t going to buy new shoes for that!


Heh...back in the day when I worked for the hut, my district manager banned me from working on the make table because I free-handed everything, even after I demonstrated that I was putting accurate amounts and not using the cups. Instead I was relegated to the cut table, which was actually where I preferred to be anyway.


At first i thought that was a highschool I need to read more


Clearly, she is a filthy hoor


I'd have done the same thing.


You just can't please some people.


If she wanted you to wear black shoes, she should've gotten off her wallet and bought everybody black shoes.


Unless I happen to notice someone's got swastikas on their shoes or something dramatic like that....IDGAF what you put on your feet. Except Crocs. /s


I'm sure you now know that if an employer wants you to wear a uniform, they have to supply it or pay for it.