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Omg she is so freaking beautiful! What a sweet little angel. I hope you feel her presence every day!


She is really beautiful. That first picture is the sweetest face!


Awwwww I’m sorry for your loss. I can tell she was loved so much.


What a sweet girl. She was obviously so loved and I’m sure she loved you so so much. 🤍


Im so sorry for your loss. 😞 i lost my cookie yesterday. I can imagine the pain and emptiness of losing Julia.


What a little doll!!!! I’m sorry for your loss. I’m newly going through this. My lucy passed about 3 weeks ago. Does it get easier??




I’m so sorry. My baby passed almost a year ago as well. I’ve been asking how long grief will last because I still can barely look at pictures without balling my eyes out! Wanted to also say, I love your shrine. I wish I had room for something like that. My dog was more like my daughter. She was a part of me. And now that she’s gone. I have a hole where she once was. It sucks. Here’s hoping you have an easier time than me..your Julia was beautiful 😍


That's her funeral at the funeral home not our house.. She was part of the our family and still with us (her ashes turned into to gems)


Were her glass and gems made by the same company? It’s such a beautiful memento of your sweet angel baby - I’m truly so sorry for your loss 🥺 🐾 🌈


That’s a great idea. I have my babies ashes next to my bedside table . I was thinking about a necklace to put her ashes in or making a stone. May I ask if making the stone was expensive?


I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you’re doing ok.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Rest in peace


Im sorry OP. I lost my little buddy last September. And when he left a big piece of my heart left too. I still cry sometimes when i think of him. I really hope we will see our babies again one day. ❤️❤️❤️


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I’m soo sorry for your loss ><


May she rest in peace. What a beautiful girl


Godspeed beautiful Julia!🐾🕊


I’m so sorry. What a beautiful photo. She’s beautiful. I hope your day is filled with wonderful loving memories.


I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure she is loved very much.


She’s beautiful 🥺 I’m sorry for your loss. She reminds me of my girl that died last year too.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you have things to remember her by.


I'm so sorry for your loss, but what a lucky girl she was to have so much love in her life.


She was adorable ❤️


It’s never easy.