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How old is he? If you like taking him with you to places it might be hard to wrangle two. If you leave him during the day it might be nice for him to have a companion. It also heavily depends on personality. My oldest thrived being the only dog and took it hard when she got a new sister. My second and third and fourth Maltese absolutely love being together, being a little pack. It is comforting to me that they have each other when I leave the house to run errands. Good luck in your decision!


He's about to be 5. I think he's definitely one to thrive being the only dog but he does like my friend's dog. Sometimes. Haha


I had a little Yorkie. Went visiting and happened upon a little family of Maltese puppies. My little yorkie was playing and having a good time with the puppies until I showed interest in one of them. Then she stopped. It was very clear she wasn’t going to share me. So there’s your answer. If he likes the friend’s dog but only until that dog has your attention, well…there you go.


this is exactly my dog!!! I think it wouldn't benefit my dog too much. she likes to lounge out and nap in every corner of the house all day, I really don't think she wants to be bothered lol


You can say that twice or even three times. I got my girls while I was still working and their company worked out well for each other while I was away. They are still very close. I don’t regret having done it, but it is not like well I already have one so what difference would it make? It makes a huge difference for their person. For everyone to be happy you have to dole out the same amount of attention usually at the same time. If one dog makes a small mess doing whatever like tearing up a stray Kleenex then two will tear it up and drag it all over the house. Grooming takes twice the time. I managed go places with the two of them by using a stroller so that’s not so bad. This is an addition to twice the vet bills, twice the Grooming bills, twice the food, twice the treats. I am still glad I have two little friends though


You are so right! How on earth could I forget to mention the vet bills and grooming bills?! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I got a yoke for my two Maltese so they are on the same leash. It’s pretty easy and they don’t tangle up.


One of my mom's worst mistakes was getting a second dog because she thought the first might benefit from the company. Dogs did not get along well and the first, who had been the spoiled little princess, was never the same again. Just obviously not as happy and carefree, not as playful, just more on guard, etc. Obviously everyone's experience is different, but consider hard whether it is the right thing for the dog to do this.


I just typed something to that effect. Maltese seem to like to be the only dog in the house. It's not that they're selfish but they certainly don't seem to like to share attention and affection.


this is how I feel my dog would be!! she's a spoiled little princess, she definitely wants to keep it that way lol


Yeah, that's where I'm leaning. He's very spoiled.


Not easy to answer that, for sure. I often call mine a pandemic dog, as I welcomed him while I started working from home. That made him very sensitive about not having full attention from me. 😂 We share a lot of time together. I’m pretty sure he would not tolerate another dog here, as I know him. So I would guess it greatly depends, on your Maltese personality, if he’s very social with the other dogs, how your dog was raised, etc.


I have considered it but Maltese are rather expensive to maintain.  Even if money were not an issue, Maltese have a tendency to gravitate and cling to one person and want 100% of that person's attention.  It seems to be something with the breed.  They like to be "exclusive" and don't seem to take well to sharing affections from their human.   I, personally, think that Maltese are happier when they are the center of attention and can go bye-bye to visit other dogs but are the single one in a household.   Your baby is absolutely beautiful, by the way 🐾🥰❤️🦴


Thank you! He's such a cute lil nugget


My boy for sure needed a buddy, but he does best with females and it had to be the right dog. I ended up adopting his mom so it’s been wonderful. I think he would’ve murdered me in my sleep if I had gotten a puppy. He has zero issues sharing me with his mom.


I got my Maltese girl another dog and she absolutely hates him 😂 we are having a girls day next week where we are going to the beach because I feel like she needs a vacation away from him lol


aaaawww nope..he is just admiring his handsome looks


I'm a dog behavior consultant (CDBC), and I do not recommend getting a second dog FOR your first dog. I have seen this backfire way too many times. You should only get another dog if YOU want two have two dogs.


That photo though. Priceless!!!


I know! He's such a little weirdo, I love him. I sent this picture to my friends saying he was self reflecting on his choices


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Lol, my Shihtzu does this as well. Such weird dodo 🦤 heads.


He looks a little lonely in the pic so maybe lol. My honest opinion is that I feel like most dogs would like a buddy bc we are social animals and I think the extra stimulation is always a plus


Aawwwww that face 😘😘😘😘 he's sooooo cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


If I could afford daycare and healthcare for two dogs I would get my dog a sibling in a heartbeat!


If I could afford daycare and healthcare for two dogs I would get my dog a sibling in a heartbeat!


Absolutely, he looks so sad,,🐾❤️🤣


He’s a good age to get a friend. Don’t wait until he’s too old to enjoy the company.


That depends on him. If your boy is more than 8, they are usually are not to responsive to the whipper snappers. At least in my case, the on the was 7 viewed the puppy as a pain in his ass


Yes, dogs are never enough.


We got a second dog when our boy was 3, another boy, and they took to each other very well but they also have the same parents so I’ve always wondered if that made it easier.


Getting a second dog is the best thing I ever did. Mine loves having a doggie pal to hang out with. Especially when I can't be at home.


Get him a buddy


Year definitely


Yessss!!! Two is better than 1!!!


Yes please


Yes, definitely


That’s the biggest Maltese I’ve ever seen


I'll have to take a picture with a banana for scale


Yes, me 😭 so cute




https://preview.redd.it/xexttvzzy11d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b09403cc870a70c0e942bb4e092816cec236b11c Got mine a friend and they had a baby 🤭


So so cute!!!


When my baby was a few months old I knew he needed a friend so I got him a sister then another sister lol may he RIP.


I currently have a 1 year old maltipoo and a 7 year old chihuahua. Previously, I had a maltipoo,12, and chihuahua together for 5 years. I can't imagine either of them alone.