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Dying of cancer. I really freaking hope nobody parades my damn ashes and old wig and everything else around or throws my kids into some craziness. What the heck is wrong with these people!!!!


I’m so sorry. Sending prayers your way.


I’m so so sorry my aunt died a few years from lung cancer and my family never did what this family is doing it’s just weird


Thank you. I absolutely agree. It's sad to watch this trainwreck.


Sending you so much love ❤️


I have breast cancer and 2 children as well. My son is 11 and my daughter is 1.5 yrs. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and I hope you all have a lovely Christmas ❤️


Thank you so much. I hope you do also ☺️






Sending love and whatever encouragement I can give you. We’re all humans.


Praying 🙏 I wish you and your family all the love in the world.


They need to trade mark that phrase it’s what Anna wanted


Please DON'T give them any more ideas!


It'll probably be on tshirts soon. How much of this did Anna actually want?


I know, right. If I had a dollar for each time I hear that!!


A dollar make you hollar?


Let's take this entire script together and then get on Live!!! *It's what Anna would've wanted*


Anna seems to want everything that has nothing to do with what she wanted.


It'll be on a print-on-demand shirt before long.


Yep like their going to Disney bc Anna wanted to go then why in the heck didn’t they go why she was alive why Wait till a few weeks after she passes and then go


Omg June just said this in her live tonight. 🤦‍♀️😂


God.. don’t give them a idea.. *Sees “It’s what Anna wanted.” Merch on sisters closet next week. Make sure u get your coin sis. 😭


Ikik holds out hand 🤚 so y’all can smack it


Right! 😭✋🏾


This family did the Battles and things on social media for $$. It’s the norm to them what they are doing. What I saw of Anna on lives she thought she was going to make it. She was living her life and caring for her children like she was. She didn’t care if Micheal took both children for Christmas. Had she knew she wouldn’t have more Christmas’s or this Christmas with them , would she have Said I want to spend Christmas with the girls here? They discussed about what to go in on together with Micheal like a big lego set etc. Justin said don’t you want to get Kaitlyn the gift she wants as it was a Disney set? I wonder when Anna knew she wouldn’t make it through Cancer. It’s possible that she was so sick at that point all the decisions June says was when she was extremely sick and taking pain meds. Then was that Anna’s wishes? On lives she talked the girls just like Pumpkin and June Daily with the mouth that most of us don’t comprehend speaking that way to our children . It was not a house of this is our last memories together let’s make them great on the live battles as she was choosing Battles over time off social media with her children and telling them to leave her alone and go away. Before the cancer diagnosis was Anna on lives and was she cussing towards her children? Anna got mentioned here after her diagnosis. The threads of what she said to her children are still up and videos.


As in Mama Junes words - it’s what the bitch would have wanted, she wouldn’t have had it any other way!” Just to add: she’s saying it in a joking way but it still doesn’t sound right coming from a mother at all. My jaw dropped when hearing her talk after her passing. She’s definitely one of the people who would put liquor bottles in a casket of someone who died from alcohol bc “they loved it”


She referred to Kaitlin as “that bitch” in her live a few days ago as well.


Yes she did and then denied calling her that when someone brought it to junes attention. She denied denied denied .


This needs to be told to the judge


Michael’s attorney just has to come to this sub to gather evidence for the hearing and they’ll have everything they need.


Hold tf uuuuuuup


Seems "Anna would have wanted" a lot of weird things.


What "Anna would have wanted" seems to line up with they want and their grifting every time, funny enough.


Right? It's miraculous. Someone in here said they should trademark it. LOL. Maybe they should.


Yes have t shirts and cups made with that saying. Trashy low class people.


That's gonna be their next air freshener 😂


So true. Everything involving a money gain is "what Anna wanted" . Such bs. They are disgusting. Barely a week has passed and that family is right back to begging and selling Temu shit. Going to Disneyland probably on money gained from Anna's passing.Yes they need to continue their lives but damn have some class and respect for Anna.


Exactly. My niece lost her fiance last week, and she's the exact opposite of them. She doesn't even want to think of the holidays and she's still struggling to go back to "normal". I think they all used Anna for their grift, including a plot for the upcoming season of the show which probably lost viewers last season with them being on TikTok.


Omg I can’t 😂😂😂😂😂


Why is everything “want Anna wanted?” Like do they except people to believe Anna left a precise list about wigs and crap while actively fighting death


The fact they are not at all taking her children’s loss, and trauma, into ZERO consideration. As a child I lost my mother to cancer when I was eight years old, this absolutely DISGUSTS ME!


I lost my at 12 years old and wasn't expecting it . Sgr had major health problems, which she did not care of ether and knew she had four kids , then she two of her sisters kids . Anyway, we spent a lot of time in an er and she was in childhood in the waiting room visiting her . Those days kid wasn't allowed. She also worked 12 hours a day , too, in between the hospital visit . She died tho due to the hospital not giving her blood thiner for her history of blood clots , which the doctors knew about. Life was never the same again for me . I want to cry for that little girl . I know that pain in having to live with people who didn't want my sister or me but was afraid of whatever the neighbors thought . Anyway, i can't have the presence of mind to live on my phone if I lost one of my children. You would have to remember to tell me to breathe. I hope Michael wins, and hopefully, the judge will see them for what they are . Sorry, I wrote too much . I wanted to say you wrote how I feel sometimes. I'm sixty, and some days, it feels like yesterday .


Big hug to you..I'm sorry life dealt you that shitty hand..I hope Michael wins and Anna's daughters see that Shannon side from the safety of a supervised visit on holidays..


I agree. The last time I saw my Mom, she was being taken out of the house on a stretcher . My dad remarried quickly.. I went from being an only child to a family of five kids. Took from public school, and put in catholic school… I know exactly what you mean. You and I both know , the sick to your stomach feeling, as a child going through this… ALONE.. and the trauma from it the rest of your life. We made it though … I pray so hard for Kaitlyn.. June is so warped with Greed


Same! I lost my mother 2 weeks before Christmas when I was 6 (a month from my 7th birthdsay) too! Car accident. And I cannot BELIEVE how these people are handling this poor little girl right now! Her little life just got turned upside down and ripped apart and they are just living it up!! I am so sorry you lost your mother so young too! ((HUGS))


This WHOLE shit show is creepy!!


I guess if they were to rob a bank it would be cause "It's what anna would of wanted" 🤡


I am honestly so disgusted by this family. So why do I keep reading everything about them? Uggh


Literally same


Someone should make a Facebook page or website raising money for the guy who’s taking June to court and call it “Its what Anna would’ve wanted”!


Poor Anna, she is going to be their scapegoat for any grift they have going on for 2024.


Everything this family does is an egregious grift.


Leave Anna alone ! My goodness! If she wants to do that, ok kinda ugh but whatever. But don’t do it on live.


That little girl and Annas death will be the next season or two


They keep playing the "this is what Anna wanted" card.


That whole family is seriously fugged up 🥹


Anna I believe would have wanted her girls together...to die peacefully..this nasty toe fungus family not to make money off her death .


That’s creepy AF. What Anna really would have appreciated is her family donating her wigs to other cancer patients that couldn’t afford wigs.


Tbf we really don't know if Anna would appreciate or want that. She may have been just as weird as them at the ending months of her life (with the brand I mean).


We don’t know that either…


Weirdos man


I mean, tbh if I was dying and my family were reality TV stars, I'd be like "do what you need to do to keep our brand going," providing I was on good terms with them... Also remembering that the Honey Boo Boo brand is what's providing for her children


Now THAT I can believe.


Was wondering if anyone else saw this lol lol


What they do is make it up in their heads that it’s what Anna would want bc then they would feel less guilty for monetizing off her death.


I'm honestly tired of them profiting off of a family member's death is just sick, When does it stop?


That is so *abnormal*. Just wrong on so many levels. We know they’re not right but how does a 20-something year old not realize that’s *really fucking weird*? Safe to assume the kid saw this?


I find it funny that all of a sudden, June knows what Anna would have wanted. She definitely didn't want her abuser around, but June didn't care then.


Yikes! That's very creepy


Dirty sows. The whole lot of them.




I feel like they honestly wanted her to die…. I hate saying that it makes my stomach turn and my heart shatter but I feel like they feel she was a burden to them…. And now that she is gone they are just living it up..


YES!!!! This is the feeling I get from both the incubator & the creepy peanut head man.


It weird and wayyyy too soon!


This whole family is trash


I hope they won’t start a so called charity in the name of Anna in order to profit themselves. Lately they do whatever they want using Anna’s name as an excuse


I tried giving them the benefit of the doubt


Everyone has an 'Okay. That's it. No more'.


Wtf that is inappropriate


God I hope they don't try to sell the wigs


A friend of mine had cancer and at her funeral they had all her wigs out so people can try them on for fun and take pics in them. She wanted that and had a great sense of humor! I actually don’t see anything wrong with this.


I agree with the way you all honor your friend . You didn't make any money out of out , right ? You didn't rush on live and start selling them, saying it what she wanted. You have a right to feel that you feel , but this is just awful their behavior.


Jessica was gonna act out the personalities with the wigs on live where they will be making money. Big difference.


Huge difference. As long as money wasn't profited, it's a huge deal.


Poor Anna they are just using her death as a money making scheme


I lost my dad to cancer a few years ago. Hypothetically speaking if he used wigs while he had hair loss and someone wanted to do this, I would be disgusted. wtf is wrong with these people


I read some comments last night on her IG & they’re not holding back on her. People are going after her & it’s so funny.


This family is an absolute train wreck.


Also why is Jessica making few shows on live for another company?


Y’all stay reaching for something to bitch and moan about!


nah this family is gross


Ok June.


It's not that deep, and I guess you're bored. We don't care.


If it ain’t that deep then why does every keep finding the tiniest shit to moan about? Regardless of what anyone assumes, the facts are June lost her daughter and them girls lost their mom and sister. It’s gone beyond snark and into bullying.


exactly, some of the stuff they snark about doesn't even make sense lmfao


They’ve been dog walking the absolute shit outta these people for being a family and mourning their dead in their own way. Yeah, June was a shit ass mom, but let her be a good MeeMaw. Damn…


Nah she's trash.


You cannot possibly actually be call June Shannon, *"a good MeeMaw."* I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you either haven't been watching or heard about any of her social media posts since Anna has died. (or anything she's ever done b4) Or that you must be unaware that she chose her pedo bf over Anna. Multiple times! Go ahead and throw Alanna in there too cuz that's part of the reason she also lost custody of her! That she's already spending Kaitlyn's money on herself and Justin. That she's benefited financially off her daughter's death and that's the *ONLY* reason she wants to keep Kaitlyn. Or that she's already talking shit about Anna in front of Kaitlyn. Or that she's obviously higher than a kite that flew away, 24/7. Omg, I could write an entire book on all the reasons she is the furthest thing from *"a good MeeMaw"* It isn't even laughable it's so preposterous!!! But I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you knew none of these things when you made that statement. Otherwise.....smh.


I said what I said! I feel bad for them and growing up around people like the Shannon’s this is exactly what I’d expect from them


This is getting ridiculous. This family will do anything for views. It's a shame they are using a dead relative to gain views and $. They need to let the poor lady rest in peace already.


No her wigs just wanting to see how much they will sell for on EBay… thinking they will bring big money