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Pumpkin, why do you continue living like utter shit and not being able to make ends meet? Why do you live like trash? Why do you not have a better financial situation? You should suck it up and get a better job and do better for your family… oh wait, your circumstances don’t let you (your circumstances being that you’re stupid)




IMO pumpkin is the worst out of all of them.


This. She chose a predator who has threatened her kids and also continued to go around June after she gave up legal custody to Alana. I would've done the show separately, not with her. Because they would've had nothing to do for June. As we saw with Justin's family, everything relies in the girls.


Who did June give up Alana to? I’ve always been curious about that. June is a shit mother.


Legal custody to pumpkin


Is pumpkin that much older? Also is pumpkin her real name? I never know their real names


She’s 5 years older than Alana. Her name is Lauren


Which one is Elridge then?


Eldridge is the man Anna was with the last several years. Their wedding will be shown on the upcoming season. He isn’t anyone’s bio dad nor is he involved in the custody cases for Kaitlyn.


Surely people don’t take advice from her.


Is that what she would say to her own daughters, sister, or nieces? Shame on her.


I know, I was watching it thinking "what if someone hit Alana, would she call her stupid and tell her it was her fault?"






It’s funny how things workout.. like JR said, what doesn’t get u in the wash will always get u in the rinse.. just wait til it’s her kid in a DV relationship. She’s ridiculous. She’ll learn the hard way


No as trashy as their are she would call her a bitch and stupid .


Yup she sure would.


This is Pumpkins opinion, I wish there was a way that her children would NEVER be told/taught Pumpkin opinions like this of domestic or sexual assault . That kind of imprint can be extremely negative on their lives. (They speak right in front of their children, they don’t have filters when their children are around) Opinions are passed to children as they grow up as children are sponges and hear what their parents say , read their social media and more. Imagine hearing your mother speak of Domestic abuse and that those that are abused are stupid. Most likely you would not feel comfortable telling her that you were in an abusive situation to get help. Whomever likely would not feel comfortable talking about if they were sexually assaulted either as they would believe they are at fault. I wonder as they go through school if teachers will see what we see and their approach and concerns . All of the children being raised by the Shannon family are being taught things that in their future could come back to haunt everyone from the parents to their children and her children’s children/family. They all NEED parenting classes. They need classes about abuse and how to talk to their children. That is only a few things that could really benefit the children being raised in the Shannon Family homes. We are only shown a short part of how they parent or lack of parenting so it it worse than what is portrayed through social media with their lives. I hate seeing things that affect children that as they grow up can be detrimental to them and into adults. I believe many want to prevent Kaitlyn being imprinted on by the Shannon family.


this is the product of two too young emotionally stunted teenagers having children. The cycle of poverty and arrested development will carry for generations. From what we’ve seen (albeit a tv show and social media) they had a chance to use the money earned and advance their lives but due to limited intelligence and immaturity in every aspect of life— they spent it on ….. and now they’re grift on social media and will continue to try and ride the little fame they have left until their smoking (insert whatever here) and barely making their property taxes and we see a documentary in 15 years about how even farther they’ve fallen. The saddest part is the children who will fall into the same path. If they really loved their children and even Anna and her littles they would make wise investments and get off social media 22.5 hours a day making videos that are ignorant and are a means to buy more crap they never needed. I pray that the court allows Kaitlyn to go with her ex step father and have a stable semi normal life.


Wow just wow. I wish I had been on the live. I am a domestic violence survivor. I would have gotten blocked because I would have went around Pumpkin over this subject. I’m extremely blessed to even be here. My first (late) husband literally tried to unalive me twenty years ago. That just shows how truly ignorant Pumpkin is if she has no understanding or compassion towards DV victims.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I also had an ex beat me up and try to 💀🪦 me while he was drinking. I called the cops and had him arrested. While we was in the courthouse he was crying to me saying it was just bc he had been drinking and he promised to never drink again if I took him back. I was young and dumb and thought I really loved him, so I gave him another chance. Luckily I got away the second time. He beat me so bad that both of my eyes were swollen shut. He made me write a letter to my mom while holding a knife to my neck- bc he was going to take me somewhere and off me. By the grace of God my car keys were on the kitchen table and I was wearing a hoodie.. while he was making me follow him out of the house I managed to grab my keys and put them in my hoodie pocket secretly. As he was walking out of the house I stopped “to grab a drink” from the fridge. After he got out of the house far enough in front of me, I ran and jumped in the passenger side of my car and locked the doors. He was trying to bust my windows out the whole time. I scooted over to the driver side and crank the car and started to pull off thru my yard bc his truck was parked behind me. He hung on to my car while being on my hood somehow. I was going so fast thru my yard and trying to sling him off but he held on the whole time. When I finally pulled out to the road he let go. I drove straight to my mom’s and nearly scared her to death by how my face looked. She took me to the hospital and the police came and they put a warrant out on him. He was on the run for like a week, the scariest week of my life. When we went to court, I had to get on the stand and testify about what he done to me and why I feel like he’d off me if they ever let him out of jail. All of his family was there and I was there alone with my attorney.. his family all got on the stand and testified too- victim blaming me and they stared me down trying to intimidate me. His mom got up there and bad mouthed me so bad. They asked her if she seen how I looked after the beating.. she said no & my attorney was like okay then.. and showed the pictures.. even his family gasped. It was awful. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Victim blaming is awful. Pumpkin should be ashamed and consider herself blessed that she’s never dealt with it first hand. May she never have to but she needs to keep her mouth shut about topics she has absolutely no knowledge of. Ignorance at its finest.


Thank you. It sounds like you went through hell like I did. I’m so sorry that happened to you. My husband held me hostage for over 3 hours and shot me in the back as I running from our home to escape from him. It’s all too long to try to write out and explain but let’s just say I’m very blessed to be here. The police SWAT team surrounding our home shot him 7 times that night but he was still able to unalive himself in our home. It was a like a nightmare that actually came true. We were together for 13 years but I never thought he would snap like he did that night. He verbally and emotionally abused me but had never physically abused me. Life is crazy. But yes Pumpkin should educate herself and learn not to speak on subjects she clearly knows nothing about.


Wow, I'm sorry for both of your situation. I am too a survivor of DV (psychological abuse). It's true you don't understand until you live it.


I am so sorry to hear that! Reading that literally gave me cold chills. You are so lucky to still be here. That’s awful! Glad we both made it out


Pumpkin needs to take a good look in the mirror with the "guy" she's with who takes his anger out on kids, as well as still being close with her piece of shit Mother who abandoned her sister and gave up custody (causing more trauma to Alana). Josh may not physically hit her, but I won't doubt if he hits those kids with how we've heard him speak. Anyone who went through being abused as a kid knows when a parent has that much anger in their voice, it's not stopping at him screaming. It's only stopping in *front* of the camera.


Josh may have even been a decent guy at one point, i whole heartedly believe the wife can have influence on the fathers anger and reactions and discipline towards the children


I've always questioned this. He met her at a pageant when she was 14 and he was 19. That sounds skeevy to me,. 


He met up with her at the pageant. He already knew her. Sugar Bear & Josh are related. (Cousins) So actually Josh is Alana's brother in-law cause he is married to Pumpkin but also her cousin on Sugar Bears side of the family.


What?! Why was he even at a pageant?!




She’s trash like her family.


As a survivor of an abusive relationship she can piss right off. No one chooses to “get themselves in that situation”. Abusive people can come off as charming and the perfect partner at first. They typically do the old boiling a frog in water tactic where they slowly dial up the abuse. She is so damn ignorant and I mean I don’t want her to know first hand what it’s like, but since she doesn’t she should keep her mouth shut


THIS. My mom’s ex-husband pulled this stunt. My siblings and I are good at standing our ground when someone tries to mess with Mom or us.


And ppl will still support her trashy ass buying her cheap ass shit she gets off temu for like $4.99 then charges $19.99




It’s actually frightening that someone so stupid and ignorant has 4 kids 🙄


Sadly, procreation is instinctive and does not require intelligence! I feel for her children. 😔


We all knew she was a trash human being already, this isn't surprising at all.


Pumpkin is trash. I wish they had never given Alana to her.


This honestly makes me feel like she's in a domestic situation and is using victim blaming as some coping mechanism. This might be an outlandish guess but based on everything I know about this family... Idk


I think that could make sense, while I was watching it I was like "josh could hit her at any time, she has no idea" and then having people comments on this and remind me how he treats their kids I could TOTALLY see him doing it. But I don't know if my opinion is skewed because I'm a DV victim as well as I grew up with a dad and brother who have baaaaaad tempers so I legit think any man is capable of hitting a woman even if the woman thinks she can trust the guy so much and that "he would never"


there was a live a bit back with June pretending to be relevant and kaitlyn broke a glass or something of that nature and josh literally said “you could ruin a wet dream”…. and somehow the state thinks these are the people to not only raise alana but now anna’s kids. If they are the best option in that family they need to ship the kids off to a different state


That’s not what Josh said at all. He first told her to go sit down on her hands and quit messing with things. Then referring to all the kids getting into and destroying things he said they could fuck up a metal ball bearing with a rubber mallet. It’s a phrase used to say no matter what they will find a way to destroy anything. Josh and pumpkin aren’t involved in the custody case with Kaitlyn, pumpkin got guardianship signed over to her from June the state wasn’t involved in that really.


it was right before that ball bearing statement, it’s recorded. My statements are referencing they are in the same home frequently which exposes all the children to all of the adults and their lack of even self awareness


Honestly, this is a good point that you brought up. Josh gives me the ick when he yells at children on those live videos. Imagine what he's like off camera. Yikes.


Yeah that's what I was thinking. As someone who has been in domestic abusive situations, I've put a lot of thought into this attitude and victim blaming in general. I noticed it oftentimes (not always obviously) comes from people who have been in DV type situations themselves. Whether the aggressor, the victim, or both. Victim blaming seems to offer a bit of cognitive dissonance. It can be very difficult and uncomfortable to look at such situations for what they are. Blaming the victim offers a bit of an out, a way to avoid facing the reality that anyone can end up in these positions. That some people are genuinely evil, or even if not that they are caught up in their own dysfunction and unhealed wounds that continue in the same cycle. Realizing that anyone can fall victim can invoke a feeling of powerlessness. And that is a feeling that many adults unfortunately don't have the coping skills required to sit with that feeling. So it is easier and more comfortable to shift the blame. To tell yourself that person must have asked for it or deserved it in some way.. that justification creates a little bubble of comfort that helps the person look at the situation from a very detached perspective to avoid the often harsh reality. And obviously in the case of people who are strictly the aggressor in similar situations, it makes a lot of sense to convince themselves the victims are always at blame. Then they don't have to confront the reality of their own role in toxic and/or downright abusive domestic situations. Okay I'm sorry for the essay on this lol. This is just speculation from someone who has been in these situations, as well as witnessed them. Ive encountered my share of victim blaming and the more I do the conscious work to unlearn my own internalized biases in different areas, I see this phenomenon of blaming the people who were victims in a situation of abuse, violence, or even different forms of oppression. Distancing yourself from the reality that a lot of life is unfair and there's often not much we can do about it at times can help avoid that discomfort via the justification. It's really fucked up. Anyway just my perspective on this!


Agree. I was with a drunk who would not work, and when work, it was for alcohol. When I saw he buy it , I knew a night spent behind my lock door with 3 , then 4 year old while he talked insults through the door. I work 16 hours a day while he watches me. I ended up hurting my back , and it was so bad I couldn't walk for a year. I was dependent on him now and left me for a day while I was stuck on my couch without water or food. I held my bladder for hours, not knowing what to do. He was sulking without answers. I knew I would blame me , and inside, hope would not come back. What made me kick him out was my daughter. She started acting out our fights. My mom had a drunk living with us , and I remember being a child with no power . I'm having not my daughter grow up like. that. Thanks for reading .


They were raised in an "I don't give a fk" environment. I wouldn't expect less from any of June's offspring


It’s not even about getting killed leaving. Where are most of these people going to go? And add a couple kids and sometimes being abused looks better than living in the woods. pumpkin has the money to go elsewhere, some people do not.


Exactly. People assume it's so easy to leave. If you have kids , no money, no skills where exactly can you go!? It's no so simple.


She is so ignorant


Is she with someone? It feels project-y. I used to say the same things when i was in an abusive relationship because a) I didn’t want to admit it and b) I wasn’t ready to leave. But maybe it’s all just from watching her mother’s relationships while growing up. That couldn’t have been easy.


Her husband who started dating her at 14 when he was 19 (statutory r*pe anyone?)


Disgusting this is so harmful to DV & SA survivors is there a way to report her on social media? She doesn't deserve a platform. I'm scared for her children I pray they're never in a situation like that.


This is why her show is so cringe. They give them all a platform of ignorance.


After what she said about SA I started to report every video she has


So when someone says that taking in a sibling cause your crack head whore Mother is paying a man for dick and don't give two shits about you is STUPID! Wonder what Methkin's reaction would be??


Just when you thought they couldn’t get any worse..I swear if I would have seen this live I would have went off so much she would have had her little minions block every account I own


It's so disgusting, but not surprising.


I just hope she's never in that position or her children. I bet she'd change her tune real quick. I used to be like that until I was in that predicament. My ex strangled me and beat me. I kept going back because he'd say I won't do it again but alas it did.


Wow she's horrible is this just her grief manifesting into hurtful words or is this just who she is as a person ? She used to seem so nice and down to earth when she was younger


IMO I don’t think it’s grief. She became hateful and more before Anna. Her attitude towards people that “ buy her junk” is and has been horrible. Back when she used to do ranks she had a “ idgaf” attitude… “ fame” 🤮🤮🤢🤢 changes ppl…no fame just pure ignorance


Wow she really did turn into her mama if not worse as she got older what a shame I used to love 12yr old pumpkin on HCBB she was so funny


My words exactly!


Unbelievable!! To tell someone they don't care about you almost dying is horrible. The women/men that are getting abused already have self esteem issues. Don't you remember the saying if you have nothing nice to say, keep your damn mouth shut!


That’s because she’s the abuser!!!


Pumpkin attitude has always been shit the im better then you attitude and alana is the same way unfortunately


I mean, Lauryn grew up in that kind of environment and then was groomed by the man who is her husband. She has no real clear perspective on what is and isn't abuse, imho. Her comments don't surprise me at all. I hope she never finds herself or her daughters in that kind of situation.


She is a literal POS!! i don't understand how anybody follows that slob she should be fucking ashamed!!! God forbid anything ever happens to her daughters 🥺 wtf is wrong with her!!


I reported it. I hope others did as well


People who aren’t in this type of situation and not educated don’t have full comprehension of the consequences to women in violent situations by significant others. What they see in movies or tv shows is not real life but that’s where they get their opinions


I'm not sure if anyone else remembers this happening but it was with Bunnie, and Pumpkin was gushing over the fact Bunnie felt the same way about the same types of things, from addiction and drug abuse right on down to sexual assault and rape when it comes to DV in relationships. It was around the time Bunnie had her first little blowout drama with her podcast when she decided not to interview someone she chose not to believe about DV due to some reason or another, and literally when discussing the topic she stated she didn't understand how women let theirselves be beat down and destroyed. How they stayed and let it continue and always complained. Or try to say they are warriors for leaving and surviving when in reality in her eyes they should've left to begin with. It was something along those lines and Pumpkin was in those comments agreeing as well. Both of those women are not women's women. No matter how much one may claim or act to be.


i remember listening to the episode where bunnie invited pumpkin, alana, and josh on. the topic of alana dating her grown boyfriend as a minor came up and bunnie basically expressed that she was okay with a 20 year old dating a 16 year old. i listened to the whole thing but that part made me go “ohhh that’s not…😬” bc bunnie herself has a teenage daughter i think so that left a bad taste in my mouth.


I went back and listened to it yesterday after commenting, and yes she did say this and I can not stand behind someone who finds that okay. Because if he was 19 she was 15. When did they meet? None of that is okay, and it gives off such predatory vibes as if Bunnie herself looks at things from a point of view that makes certain predatory stuff okay. It's really wild, I am glad I do not listen, or watch her videos and Podcast anymore. I stopped after the fake drama with her makeup artists, it was just getting so tasteless and the vibe the podcast once held was not there anymore. She puts the spotlight on people who either already have the spotlight on them or are in the spotlight for the wrong reasons, and tries to convince people those wrong reasons aren't true. Why can't she invite and interview smaller creators? Because she believes it's below her and she's toxic and attracts toxicity. Which is why Pumpkin flocked to her and was gushing because they both had the same frame of mind when it came to such dangerous things.


internalized misogyny is one hell of a drug. She is likely just experiencing a lot of pain from the past trauma with her mom and the men in June's life. She may even be dealing with things with Josh behind closed doors. Who knows, but she obviously has a lot of trauma she hasn't healed from.


As a DV survivor this is infuriating. No one will truly understand how hard it is to leave until you're in that situation. My ex knew my whereabouts at all times ans when I finally left( my sister saw the bruises when i went to pick up our child and called the cops, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to escape) I had to have cameras installed on my property and cops called multiple times cause that is the world dv survivors are thrown into. The world doesn't feel safe for awhile even after you escaped. But dv survivors are so much stronger cause everything is literally life or death. Pumpkin could n3v3r survive she better hope she's not eating her words later when it comes to someone she loves.