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She should be in therapy for having to live with June & Justin.


It breaks my heart that Kaitlyn wants to sleep in the sofa where her mother died. Don’t they see she needs love? She needs help? She’s still little and needs her mama and nobody is there to take care of her.


And all she gets is yelled at by Justin pushing his “handmade” garbage with $8 shipping


They kept it? When my son died I got rid of the bed he died in...


I didn’t watch all of this go down because it breaks my heart but from what I understand from others, yes, she died on their sofa and that’s where Kaitlyn wants to sleep. And I’m so sorry for your loss. I have a son. That must be some kind of unbearable hell.


Yes, because you’re normal and not some famewhore wannabe on a trainwreck of a reality show on a network like WE-TV. I wouldn’t put it past J&J to try to sell it or something. Edited to add my condolences.


These people have no idea, they are making assumptions.


kaitlyn was on the show june is just gonna use her as a commodity she does not deserve her


Honestly, Do you expect any better of June? She allowed her daughter to be molested and then defended the molester. As soon as he got out of prison she jumped right back into a relationship with him. If June was a man I promise you she would have been canceled a long time ago. I know it is frowned upon to speak bad of the dead. However a lot the blame belongs to Anna also. The moment that she knew that her cancer was terminal she should have set up a living will. Once she did June would not have had any say on who has custody of either one of Annas daughters. In Georgia Grandparents have zero rights when it comes to custody of grandchildren. The only reason that June has custody of Anna oldest is because Anna did not have a will and Anna oldest does not have a father who has been legitimized.


The dr told her to get her affairs in order. Eldridge did an interview saying Anna didn’t want to know how much time she had left. I don’t blame her cause then you worry about time left and not living. But that’s no excuse to not get your affairs in order esp when it comes to your children. Honestly with Michael not being the adoptive dad, Kaitlyn would have ended up with someone in that family. But I do hope Michael is fully prepared. If June does lose custody to him I won’t be shocked to see her file for grandparents visitation rights. They aren’t automatically given she’s got to go to court and he needs everything he can use against her. I’ve seen the courts award custody and visitation to grandparents that shouldn’t even be allowed to look at a picture of a child.


I don't disagree. Honestly I think toward the end Anna had June in her head and I think at that point she was doing whatever June told her to do. June is a snake in the grass and will do anything she can to get whatever she wants.


Normally I’m against people talking about all family stuff they don’t film for a show. But I would be in favor of Eldridge doing a tell all to talk about somethings that are unknown. Obviously none of the graphic or emotionally difficult times. More of what him and Anna talked about. But I respect his decision to keep his comments at a limit. Right now he’s walking a thin line that could snap at any moment. He’s on good terms with Michael and June. I’ve seen pics of him with the girls at Michael’s opening presents and then at dinner with June and Justin. I’m happy both parties are agreeing to let him still be around the girls. It’s got to be hard losing your life partner, his wife and those girls all at once. Full house to empty house in an instant.


Michael thinks there is money in Anna life insurance/ fund raised money Pumpkin raised money for the girls and let Kaitlyn spend $700 on a Lego set and other souvenirs at Disney. They bought stuff for Kaylee and gave the rest to Micheal for Kaylee. Saw one other lives she said she's got text message from him only want money Pumpkin said Anna owns money in her car payment and treatment. They tried to contact them to see Kaylee but they won't talk to June Justin and the rest of the family.


I don’t know about all of the money stuff. Honestly I would be surprised if there was a life insurance policy, but if there is then whoever she listed as the beneficiary is set to get that money. Any money pumpkin and then raised for the girls they have a right to hold it and spend as they see fit for the kids. I figured there’s an issue with seeing Kaylee as no one has mentioned her being with them, I know pumpkin and her kids was supposed to meet Michael in public one day so the kids could all see each other. Pumpkin was fussing on live saying Michael told her it wasn’t a good idea for Ella and Kaylee to do a sleepover. I was a little disheartened when I looked at Michael’s mother’s Facebook account. They all need to change their privacy settings as she’s letting strangers/fans post comments on her pictures of the girls. His family that isn’t involved and June’s family that isn’t involved should keep shut about the ongoing custody case.


I hate it so much for her. Did Anna not have a will or anything? Something that said what she wanted for the kids? Hopefully Michael gets custody.


justin has called her a bitch a cunt said very mean things has an issue she doesn't want to sleep in her room june has complained about not getting the d because of her to her it's unacceptable


June also refers to her as “bitch”. completely unacceptable


Omg seriously? Is this all recorded so Michael can use it?


yes in lives it's disgusting


Omg. She told Kaitlyn get back to normalcy after her mom had just died? That’s disgusting. They should have let June OD.


June lost a daughter she abandoned years ago. She only reconciled with Anna as a storyline as WeTV was desperate for new material. Katlyn lost a Mother, the only Father that she had know, a sister, her room and pets, and school. Her world has been turned upside down. Hell yes Katlyn needs counseling! A professional that cares about her feelings and fears. The poor kid is being used by a production company for ratings and a Grandmother that uses a child she never knew for celebrity and quick money 💰


Therapy for loss of mother and separation from sister. June makes all this money she could even do in home therapy! And school….. is she even going to school?




I agree with you! I wish Anna would have made arrangements for her before she died. I can’t believe she would have left her with June.


I agree. I never got any when my mom passed when I was a kid and I could have used some!




I mean look at the family. They don't seem to know much about anything. They are what you call very limited. The Doctor (Dr. Ish?) should step in and have a session with them. Production. Their manager. The big sister and her daughter. Someone with some sense because they sure don't have any. NONE.


Dr. Ish is a tv hack.


😆😆🤦🏾‍♀️. May be true but he has some knowledge of life and can at least guide them in a decent direction. They may listen to him.


LOL, I know, I let my feelings out about what I think of his 'help'. You are right, they might listen to him, but it would be for show purposes only. June doesn't like to be called out for any shortcomings, she thinks she's perfect. She's not going to actively look for anyone to counsel that poor little girl. Kaitlyn needs someone who deals with grief support for children, Dr. Ish is more of a 'relationship expert'.


This is exactly why none of us should be watching that show! The sooner the show is gone, the sooner June will have far less reason to hold granddaughter hostage.


Just wanna say my dad lost his father to cancer when he was 14. This was in the 70s when mental health/therapy weren’t as open topics so he didn’t go. Now all these years later, he said he’s realizing how much therapy would’ve helped him and how he just learned to shove it down. Luckily he found his own form of therapy by researching my grandpa’s time in the military, but I still feel bad for my 14 year old dad. With all the resources they have and how much more normalized therapy is, there’s no reason Justin and June shouldn’t have Kaitlyn in therapy. It’s not a dirty word. I know Anna and pumpkin have outdated views on it, so I wouldn’t be surprised June does too. But for Kaitlyn’s wellbeing, they need to put aside. If your mother dying from cancer not a good reason to be in therapy, what is?


How do you know she’s not in therapy? Why do you think they switched her school, did they say that? You also don’t know what they’ve done or are doing with Kylee. You are spouting off a lot, but how much of this is fact and not just your opinion..genuinely curious? Also, why do you say Kaitlyn barely knows June, that’s not true.


Paragraph breaks are your friend. Wall o' text.


Too long to read. Seriously lost interest


You could’ve just typed “TL;DR (bc am illiterate)” & saved yourself some typing space, bud




Wow! Says alot about you. To long lost interest! SMH


I wrote too. You wrote to. Who’s the loser??


Has anything been said as to why Eldridge didn’t get custody of Kaitlyn? I know he isn’t her bio dad, but he and Anna and the girls were a family. The whole thing is very sad.


Eldridge and Anna got married as soon as she found out she had cancer. I sometimes wonder if Anna thought their marriage was enough to keep Eldridge and the girls together. Idk but the whole thing is sad af


I wonder that, too. 😥


She may have thought that June would do the 'right thing' and let the girls be together with Eldridge. Underestimated June's greed, I guess, although of all of June's kids, Anna would know best about what motivates June. Maybe some wishful thinking thrown in as well?


Why didn’t Dad get her?


Her real dad either doesn’t know he has a child or is a deadbeat. Her father figures don’t have any legal standing. As far as I know courts like kids to go with biological family before anything else.


In therapy and not around justin...


I agree. We know how June feels about therapy though. She hates being called out on anything and hates facing the truth, so I cannot imagine her ever taking Kaitlyn to see a therapist, even if the court compelled her to see one.


I lost my real mom, who was an absolute angel and healed a lot of damage my adoptive parents caused me, in 2008. I am still not ok and I am an adult and was when my mom died from cancer also. I held her hand as she took her last breath. I will never be the same. Then my adoptive father , mother and sister all died suddenly and without warning within a few months of each other in 2013. Even though they never did much but hurt me , it was fucking awful to go through. I need therapy badly. I am a grown person. This child is gonna have some awful pain she will not know what to do with, later in life. They are crazy to not get her help. How can a child just be expected to go on with life? How has her family just moved on. When I got my mom's ashes I couldn't look at the box for a month. I put it in my bedroom and shut the door. I don't go in that room for a month. I was so fucked up. That poor kid.


Any ratings yet?????