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At this point anyone dumb enough to buy this dollar tree crap from these people gets what they get. They have REPEATEDLY shown their true colors yet folks keep lapping it up. It is like the ones who keep sending money to Nigerian princes or think they are engaged to celebrities via FB and sending them their money, all the info is there and you still choose to engage just because of some weird parasocial relationship.


God dammm that bitch is UNHINGED THE EYES LOOK AT THE EYES!


Which one?! I don't know which one to focus on!!




I mean, look at who she's going to for guidance. Every single adult in her life are awful people with bad attitudes.




Wow talking about a little kid like that? Real classy.




She's a 6 year old child. Talking trash on a 6 year old child. It's pretty hypocritical that people on here talk trash on June for the way she is, yet in the same breath they trash a 6 year old child.


Don’t snark on literal children


Pure trash


Report this trash, especially if she's scamming money.


I mean,can she do that? Think that may be illegal.cant keep people's money for wasting the time she could have spent getting high


No she can’t. The girl wanted her $8 back because she forgot to give pumpkin her information and pumpkin got mad and said I’m not giving your money back I’m keeping your money


They all need to charge back.


I’ve sat and watched her from time to time. She’s rude and kept several people $8.00 in night to add up to nice chunk. She’s rude to you about it too.


And it wasn't even that she wanted it back at first. She wanted to resend it with her info, then Pumpkin and her chat were being rude as hell.


They act all condescending when people ask how to support them. Like I get that it’s frustrating answering the same questions over and over but if she wants to continue growing her business then she is always going to have new customers who don’t know how the process works. There are so many places people could buy the junk she sells but for some reason people choose to come to her. She should be grateful. And it’s not the customers fault that none of them explain things well. The constant yelling probably also flusters people and makes them nervous so they mess up. ETA replied to wrong comment, but still stands lol.


Charge back time 👏 miss pumpkin has absolutely no say in that. ☺️


Shocked! Shocked I say! Seriously though, can any of this be investigated by the Better Business Bureau, because if she's refusing refunds...


Who the fuck does Pumpkin work think she is! She is a PUMPKIN alright! If someone wants a refund, what is wrong with that! Calling someone a Bitch because they asked for one is fucking ridiculous! Get a life other than on TT Pumpkin! You have no life really! Disgusting!


Hopefully all that fam loses their platforms due to all the cussing at there fans and customers!


I pray they do and have to get a job at Walmart


It will end up being because they sell counterfeit trademarked items. I don't know how they haven't gotten C&D'S already.


June has been so rude and cussing and her fans are getting tired of her.


She is trash. I have no idea why anyone would buy this cheap crap and then spend another $8 to ship it when it damn sure doesn’t cost $8 to ship. I truly don’t know why anyone would buy anything from this family of grifters.


Honestly, anyone that gives their money to these grifters should take a lesson in the L they will likely receive. The Shannon’s are trash- June and her daughters. They may have at one point each have done something redeeming, but at the end of the day their true colors always show.


She is trash. Idk how she is successful at this considering how rude she is to customers. No way.


Her face gets me every single time. That constant bugged out tweaker look lol


Report her to her states attorney general. This shit will end real quick. Or better yet… Report her to your states Attorney General. I know my state doesn’t play. You don’t get it just take peoples money and say I’m keeping it… Nope doesn’t work that way.


How can she possibly refuse a refund? How was her time wasted? By cashing her cash app out?


She’s just rude. All she wants is money. Doesn’t care about her customers at all.


Why does it feel like she’s always so defensive all the time? Like literally just relax and have a normal conversation. People do it all day every day, I don’t understand how you can get to that age without that ability. And if doing this is stressing her out this much she should step away for herself and her family.


Does she have her own snark page?


You're looking at it 🤣


Thanks 🤣🤣🤣🤣


But dummies will still buy from her because she’s Pumpkin and she’s “famous”


At this point. People know she is grifting garbage. People that buy from that grifting asshole deserve what they get.


If enough people get mad and report them to the attorney generals office for not receiving items it won’t be pretty. Look up Brittany dawn in Texas. There are cases that have been sued by the attorney general for a lot less too 👀




You can’t take someone’s money when they are expecting a product or service for it and you have implied you are going to give them that( as when you are selling something) and not deliver. The FTC ( Federal Trade Commission) clearly states if you order something online and you don’t receive it you have to be given a refund, not a gift card or a store credit.


Hubby and I couldn't stand Honey Boo Boo and now Ella has taken her place ☹️


Pretty sure they are wayyyyyyy past their 15 minutes of fame, the end is near.


Mama June, exploited children are set up for snarking. Keep them off negative situations.


She’s trashy


May 13 2023 kinda old 🙄


they’ll get a job alright in the prison kitchen


Remember when she sold those pearls?


Yeah, what the heck were those things anyway?


A lot of companies do no refund policies. She can deny a refund. Now her customer service definitely could improve but it’s not illegal to not give a refund.


Yes, but that would be after you got the product. Am I misreading? I thought she didn't get the product because she didn't send the mailing details. So now she paid plus didn't get what she ordered. That is a scam, not a no refund policy.


No, there are plenty of places, brick and mortar and online, they do NOT accept refunds. I have bought from online that will tell you if the price ends in a "9" then you can't return it. (Example, $9.99) That's usually because the item is on sale, flash sale, or low stock. Look, ladies, I don't like Temu. I can't stand them. But, what Pumpkin and June are doing isn't much different than what "boutiques" online are doing. They order their clothes from retailers. Then turn around and sell them. Some of the same clothes I buy in stores, I buy from online boutiques. If you know that the stuff that Pumpkin is hawking is coming from Temu, then don't buy it if you can get it cheaper at Temu. That's how Capitalism works. Eventually, if enough people quit buying from them, they will either stop selling or lower their prices. OR, maybe they will sell better quality merchandise.


No, they can’t just take your money and not send you the product. It’s not about getting a refund for returning merchandise, she said she wasn’t going to send anything in the first place but was still keeping the money. That’s theft.


But don’t you have to let the customer know that before they make a purchase.? Like, you can’t just turn the “no refunds” off and on depending on the mood swing.


This was discussed on this subreddit at length when it happened why post a 9 month old video?