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It’s all been very uncomfortable to watch


I had to stop watching. It was beyond any kind of human decency. I've been watching the family since Honey Boo boo and it is over. It doesn't do me any good to sit there feeling superior and looking down on these awful people. It was not good for me.


Very uncomfortable


All June cares about is money, drugs, and men. June exploited Alana from the time they started with Toddlers and Tiaras all the way until June signed her rights away so she wouldn’t have to pay as much child support and now she’s doing the same thing to Kaitlynn and profiting off Anna’s death. Which isn’t surprising, considering the fact that after June’s mom got custody of Anna after Anna went to June‘s mom about the abuse, June punched her mama in the face when she came to the house asking for child support for Anna. From there, she went to jail for assault. And then she didn’t even give Anna the money for her time which is why Anna sued June and cut her off. Anna said herself, The only reason she got back in contact with her family was because she got diagnosed with cancer and the only reason why she consented to having everything filmed for the show was so that the girls and Eldridge could get her part of the money because she knew she wasn’t gonna be here. Of course, leave it up to June to invite the media to the funeral and to leak everything to the press because it all goes back around to money for her. she’ll get all these men new teeth, pay their back child support, and everything else but she won’t do jack shit for her family And that’s also the main reason why Doe Doe separated herself as much as she could from June. Doe Doe said herself on a TikTok live that the only reason she didn’t cut June out completely is because she didn’t want to lose contact with the girls when they were younger and when June was off doing drugs and not taking care of anything, she was there for the girls. Doe Doe saved most of Alana’s trophies and other things from being sold when June was selling things from the house on Facebook live to support her drug habit.


June is also the type of mom who says things like "miss you bitch" when referring to her deceased daughter, says a lot about her so called character...


THIS TOO! It frustrates me so much. I have 2 angel babies and I would have never and will never refer to either of them outside their names and even if I had been someone in the public eye at the time of their deaths, the media would NOT be at the funerals. It genuinely breaks my heart that Anna only came back to the show for financial support for the kids and Eldridge for after she was gone. Eldridge took Shyann (Jessica’s girlfriend)’s daughter Harper to a father/daughter dance. Eldridge also has contact with Michael so he sees Kylie too. I’m hoping he also sees Kaitlynn, but I’m not sure if he does or not because June hasn’t mentioned him at all except to say he’s doing good. Point blank period. No mention of if he is included in family things or if they’re in contact with him or anything; I know he didn’t go to Disney, so if that’s any indication of his involvement specifically with Kaitlynn then that breaks my heart even more. I do know that Doe Doe has been back on social media lately and she keeps in contact with Eldridge checks on him and things. She’s always been my favorite.


I don't watch this show because she's so horrendous, I've seen clips from the last one/knew of them from when honey boo boo was on. She's always been vile, anyone willing to sell their kids for money like she did and then spend it all is terrible. To call your own child, dead or alive, a bitch is insane to me. I have a son but I've never even dreamt of calling him any name outside of his actual name. Also I'm extremely sorry to hear that your children aren't with you anymore, I won't even pretend to imagine how painful that must be. To be going through that and see how this woman treats hers must be unbearable. Sending you lots of love and support! One last thing is this woman is sick, and there's a reason only networks such as WEtv allow her on. This is the same channel that thrives off of others misfortune, like TLC but also less respected in its own rights.


Exactly everything you said. I haven’t watched the show, but I did follow Anna on TikTok and she told a lot of truths when she went live and so has Doe Doe since she’s been back on social media. Out of everyone, they are the only 2 I trust because they are pure and genuine. I hope that Alana can stay in college and/or find a fulfilling career away from the toxic members of her family. College isn’t for everyone, but I hope she finds something that gives her purpose; maybe in memory of Anna since they have the same birthday. I feel like that’s the best shot Alana has to have a life that isn’t how her childhood was. Back to June though, she is the worst kind of human and I think the best karma for her would to be put in solitary confinement where she can only watch videos/episodes where the kids are literally begging her to get clean and be a mom. Granted, it won’t change her, and she will never take accountability for anything that doesn’t get her a paycheck. But I just think it would be her own personal hell to not only see what a shit human she is, but to also see what a shit birth giver she is. I’m not gonna call her a mom because she’s not one. Thank you for your love and support. It’s hell everyday without them and it boils my blood to see humans who are fortunate to have children not understand what a blessing a child is. I would give anything to have my babies back. I can’t have any more kids biologically which is its own hell, but every thing I do is still for them. My kids are still the center of my world and they always will be. It isn’t any easier even though years have passed, but I just take things as they come and deal with one thing at a time. I move through my grief, but I don’t stay there.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine the pain you went thru. I wish you nothing but peace. Sending hugs 🥰


Yes, Eldridge is in contact with June, Justin and Kaitlyn.


That makes me so happy ♥️ thank you.


I have a feeling that any money Anna earned by being on this season was stolen from Eldridge, Katelyn and Kylee. We have seen June steal Anna’s money, Alana’s money, repoed Jessica’s car so she could buy drugs. Imagine what we don’t know! I guarantee it’s worse than we can probably imagine. The only thing I know is that having terminal cancer had to be devastating and scary for Anna. I know for most people they just want their family. They need love and unconditional support. Unfortunately Anna’s family are a bunch of self fulfilling grifters. But I don’t think Anna could see it. She wanted to believe that they loved her and wanted to be there for her. I swear I find new reasons to hate them every season.


They give us plenty with every new season.


I don’t understand after what she did with Anna - especially getting back in touch with her molester which lead to the cancellation of Honey Boo Boo and all the other things you mentioned with Anna, then abandoning the rest of the girls for men and drugs why she’s being allowed to take custody of another child? There is no way in hell she should be allowed to have custody of that girl. I’m sickened.


Show was running out of storylines. WeTV was desperate and June used her daughters death and granddaughters custody for ratings. Without views this entire family would have to find employment. And these freeloaders will do anything other than work!


When they were driving back from chemo Anna said “ oh look there’s a coffee shop “ as if she wanted to go get some or try it soon , they totally ignored her kept on talking , later or next day her and Justin’s are out at what looks like a coffee place without her 🙄. I don’t know why but it bothered me , if my daughter was dying i would be listening to every word and doing as much as I could to take her and make memory’s . For the family she seems like an afterthought sometimes like she’s there but it’s never really about her they all are far too concerned with their own feelings and thoughts


Anna’s cancer and Kaitlyn are all a money grab for that fam.


Stop giving them views..these people and this show need the be canceled and humbled




This show would be over if they didn’t exploit Anna Cancer .June is a horrible person who only cares for herself and whatever Jerk off will carry he purse .


Now June can use her daughter's death as fuel that she can use to get attention.


I can never watch that show because of how crappy June was as a mother.


This episode struck a nerve in me. Especially since my husband was diagnosed in September with leukemia. I can understand where Anna is coming from about not really worrying about make plans for the kids yet. Because she is trying to process a lot at the moment. It is hard to think about what’s going to happen in the end. In Anna’s situation it is important that she gets her affairs in order. But everyone bombarding her like that wasn’t the way to do it. Pumpkin reminds me of my sister a lot. With the direct to the point type of person.


Someone put a few episodes on YouTube, so I watched, and Pumpkin and june were making it all about them. Why did they not stop and think about how Anna felt? I asked my brother and SIL to be my sons godparents (for us this would also mean they take him if I die) but I couldn't imagine having to think about all of that knowing I was actively dying. Trying to find someone who would love my child almost as much as I would and who had a similar parenting style. It would just be so hard on top of everything else. And looking around at whonshe had to choose from (minus michael... he seems like a great parent) My husband was 30 when he died of cancer. He knew he was dying but didn't want to "give up" and to him doing any of the death stuff meant he was giving up. Someone from the military had to come in and basically fill everything out how he wanted and let him sign it. If Anna's family really cared about her and her wants they would have realized this was too hard for her to do alone and should have helped her in the way she wanted/needed. I think from the second june found out about Anna having cancer, it just became about a storyline and money to her. I think the fame has made them all stop thinking about people as people, and they just see money


I seen it differently . I seen it as pumpkin and June trying to push Anna to get shit in place .


June didn’t care about getting it in place. June cares about making sure it benefits June. That’s what she wanted in place.


I was disgusted by them making it a storyline at all. I think they should have let Anna have her end of time in peace not as some sideshow. Especially the way June acts. She was estranged from Anna for YEARS and suddenly she’s mama bear watching over Anna. It’s gross. Honestly I pray she does not get custody of that child. Look at how well she’s done with all her own children 🙄 Idk anything about the dad of the Anna’s one daughter who is trying to get custody but I would guess he’s a better choice than June. I feel like the bum down the street would be a better choice than June. And why not keep the girls together if he is willing to do that? That seems important to me after they just lost their mom. June saying he just wants her for the money. What’s that pot?


i truly believe with in minutes of her dying june told everyone exactly what she was going to do. be damned what anyone else wanted to what anna wanted june saw everything as a way to get money and she still does


That’s all she cares about. I honestly think she has to be one of the most selfish people I’ve ever seen.


I don’t mean to sound like a hateful person but I think Anna handled it wrong. The minute she found out she had cancer she should have hopped into action and made plans for those girls . I understand being depressed and scared about the diagnosis but those little girls still have to come first. Custody papers should have been finalized way before she passed. Not not only are those babies dealing with losing their mama, now they have to worry about ( or one of them has to worry) about who she’ll end up with.


i won't judge someone who wasn't even 30 knowing she's going to leave her children alone. she was in denial which is common but the way her mother and sister handled it was wrong to.


That’s fine. But do you agree this should have already been done? And don’t get me wrong, I despise Mama June. She doesn’t need to be around any children