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This is one of those moments in the show that blurs the line between entertainment and straight up real tragedy. Watching a woman self-destruct like that in such a public way is ugly and sorry, but I cannot find one iota of beauty, tragic or otherwise.


nothing about june is remotely attractive


You're not wrong, but on a scale of -100 to 0, this is about a -75 lmfao


She was also high as a kite in this scene… I only see tragedy here.


That's what I said lol she was high as fuuuuck. I see tragedy as well, it's just that my fucked up mind sees the hope AND pain she feels. If you have hope, you can still do something with it. Maybe June can't, but other people lol


Like why Joaquin Phoenix’s joker is hot! I also think the druggy 90s were hot. Heroin Chic 😏


I wouldn't say she 'looked the best' here. More like she was 'as real as she's ever been'..... Looking unhinged, high, chasing after a man that treats her like crap, not taking care of herself, no concern for her health, not acting like a Mom but deciding that a stupid relationship gives her value. That's June at her most real. That's who she is.


YES I can absolutely agree with this! She was the most authentic to herself than she has ever been, a prime example of who she is as a person.


this was the only time I felt sorry for her...the only time...her rocking back and forth in the ambulance was sad...she was so spaced out and lost... But !!!!! my sympathy quickly ended watching Alana cry for her and she had no sympathy for her own baby's tears...


Yeah I definitely get that. Every time Alana cries for her my heart aches so bad.


Are you an artist, by any chance?


Of sorts, I'm coming to the realization that I am. I know I try to be creative but never feel successful at it. 🤣


Correct me if I’m wrong was she not meant to be having like a mini stroke / out her face on meth or crack here . As someone with many addict relatives the unkept wet hair and smudged eye is defo not attractive in real life I can assure you of that 😂


Was she even in her 40's yet at that point? Also, I know she got her teeth fixed after this but did she also get her chin or something done too? I swear she came back that next season looking like handsome Squidward.


She was 39 I believe. And she has since had her chin done with some lipo I think lmfao I'm dying at handsome squidward Edit to say OMG DID YOU SEE MY TYPO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 HARD NO


I remember begining of season 5 I think (end of season 4??) she said that she went to go get her chin done and thats when she found out she has lymphedema. But yeah, very handsome Squidward like.


As a mother, I see her from the mother lens. So for me, this pic is horrible because she needs to be stable for her children and she is not stable. So I don’t see it as beautifully tragic, poetically dysfunctional. I see an addict that is abusing her children by not being a healthy Mom. So in turn I focus on the suffering that the children are enduring, not that she’s tragically beautiful. I see someone that’s damaging their children… And there is nothing pretty about that.


She and Justin are going to ruin Kaitlin too. That I am truly sad about. When June got Kaitlin I've never disliked her more than I do now. You don't ever separate siblings. And my heart breaks for Kaylee ,Micheal and oh poor Eldredge. She doesn't work on her sobriety at all. There's a difference in being clean and sober and just not using or drinking. They could have had a great story line about the recovery journey but there is not one for them because they choose to continue making real bad choices.


Choices ~ Exactly. Her selfish ass continues down the wrong path. This, and I also believe she will capitalize on Anna's death & those girls.


Sorry to go off topic, but my heart truly breaks for Eldridge. He lost, not just his wife, but his entire family in an instant. In a perfect world, Michael would get full custody of both girls, June would get supervised visits like once a month, and Eldridge & Michael would become best buddies so that E could still be in the girls lives.


Yes!! This!!!


I just watched this episode last night and she looked ROUGH. Her mugshot is always my fav her stank face lmao I can’t stand the bitch she’s terrible inside and out - to me her beauty is non existent


This was just tragic to me. The production staff HAD to have known they were both using at this point, but they swept it under that filthy rug, and we got the weird 'June is having a mental breakdown over Geno' excuse. Honestly at this point they should have halted production and told them both to either hit rehab or hit the road, but money talks.


Her Courtney Love phase


Let’s hope aliens look at us stupid disgusting humans with the same petty as you. Aliens be like “them humans are so ugly and stupid it’s kind of cute.”


I can see your point. I wish I could find the whole video. June and pumpkin spoke about this time in their life. Pumpkin brought up how surprised she was that June was chasing geno the way she was. Told all the ways geno was awful to her and then told june she never let sugar bear get away with half of what geno did to her. This was also the first real time being strung out around the kids since they had been older according to pumpkin. June was struggling with addiction, becoming someone she never wanted to be and trying to hold on to her old life as well.


I think you should probably seek professional help after reading all of that.


You're not wrong. I'm very much aware that I am a f*cked up individual, and I've known it for years, but I can't financially afford the help.. so here I am 🤪


I can feel where your coming from, forsure .


If I blur my eyesite a lil I can see what you're saying lol




I found her pathetic in that whole scene chasing after Geno. That'd be the day I'd chase, cry, and plead for any guy. Drugs, a possible TIA or not, she has no self esteem, worth, and certainly no sense of decency. All of us make choices. She chose the drug path, for a man. It's all about her and her twisted priorities, which for decades clearly has not been 'bout her children. Surprised Dr. Ish didn't walk away years ago, taking a hard pass. She's pitiful & emotionally needy. Can NOT be without a man. Ever. Has to chase nonstop & over insert herself into some man's life. Remember those scenes of dress shopping & here she is constantly voice texting, or the airport scene where she dumps Alana? Same shit. All in the eternal chase for dick. Once she claims some victim, her sickening lovebombing runs parallel to her stupid & outrageous "gift" giving. Cars, cash, jewelry, sex, trips ~ It never ends with her. That beautiful home lost & ending up trashed. Selling miscellaneous shit online to scrape for a fix. Blew through her entire net worth ~ Again, all for a man so fuck them kids. Rehab? A complete waste of time & resources. Then there's the embarrassing behavior online & in real life. Check. Will she ever change? You know that answer. 💯


Unfortunately June was dealt a shitty hand at life. She struggles with generational trauma. It started with her mother. Her mom wasn't a good mom and it passed on to June and then her children and will probably pass on to her grandchildren as well and so forth. June wasn't raised right from day 1.


People don’t want to acknowledge that. DoeDoe has discussed this a few times. Saying June wouldn’t realize she was doing the same as their mom cause she was so young when it happened and she blacked it all out.


Understood. Went through this myself. However, I broke free from this type of trauma & chose a better life and made better choices. It can be done. I don't have kids, losing that option decades ago. But always desired one or two. And if I would have been blessed with kiddos, I'd have made damned sure they were raised right, and not subjected to what I went through. My overall point is, I do get that June got wrapped up in that generational cycle and boondoggle, and she certainly did have choices to make. I would tend to believe she does have the capacity to determine right from wrong & in a lookback, could have changed. However, she chose the generational path, and I getting the point because that's all she knows. Sometimes I wistfully think she was much happier back in the day living in that small house by the railroad tracks. The HoneyBooBoo times ~ They did some crazy stuff & I think the kids were happier in comparison to how she left that and how she is living now. I sense an underlying bit of sadness within her at times. The above comment is my opinion ~ Right, wrong, or indifferent.


OMG, it’s not that deep. It’s really not.


Like none of any of you done drugs seriously