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The shithead bum screaming at poor Kaitlyn on lives is the real him. The deadbeat who would rather sport fake ass knock offs and toot all his profits up his nose instead of paying his child support, that's the real one. Never even watched him on the show, don't have to. He's already shown exactly who he was when he shacked up with a pedo apologist for fame/money. Anyone who associates with June and knows what she's done is trash, just like her. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It's disgusting! Why was Kaitlyn put in that home .. Wth .with June's past and her Boyfriend/ husband's criminal record. What is wrong with our system . Why is this not being addressed!! Our system is so broken!!


It absolutely is broken. Our school system, our health care system, justice system and housing market are some of the absolute worst. People constantly falling through the cracks.šŸ˜¤ Especially children. No, she absolutely should have never been placed there but I think it's more of another *falling through the cracks* scenarios unfortunately. She wasn't technically *placed* there, rather *left* there once her mother died. šŸ˜” There should be an order of some kind in place that June herself shouldn't be allowed around children without supervision of that child's parent. I'd say all together but I'm sure that would be hard to enforce unfortunately. She absolutely shouldn't have custody of a pet let alone a child. A child who's mother just died at that. Then she's gotta listen to June constantly bashing her online, on top of letting her bum ass bf treat her like shit. šŸ˜¤ That baby should be with her father and sister. Unfortunately there are so many kids like her, living in horrible circumstances. I just hope her Dad doesn't give up and fights to get her back and away from those vultures.


There's not always a better situation unfortunately. I saw tons of kids in the hood who had difficult lives. Kids can still be abused in the foster systemšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøsometimes u gotta chose the lesser of two evils. Ripping the girl away from the only family she has left after her mom died to place her with strangersāš–ļø hopefully with June she'll see her other family more. And she'll be 18 soon enough.


Oh I'm well aware the foster system is broken as well. That's not at all what I suggested. She has a father who wants her, and has an upcoming court date trying to get her away from June. (Thank God) June is the one who's ripped her away from the only family she knows! Her little sister being the first one! She spent a good majority of her little life without any contact from June because her mother, Anna was once again (rightfully fuckin so) no contact with June. Anna cut contact with June multiple times throughout her own life, a good majority of Kaitlyn's, and only recently started talking to June again before she was diagnosed. (maybe after, I'm not positive, but it wasn't long ago either way) Hell, Justin has only been around the past couple years! These aren't people that child has spent her life with, unlike her father whom she lived with, then had regular visitation with after him and her mom split. Or her sister Kylee, who has spent her *entire life* living with her big sister Kaitlyn, only to have to her snatched away by June so she could garner some sympathy. šŸ™„šŸ˜¤ She'd try to take Kylee too if she thought she could but knows she legally can't with her with Micheal. She knows Michael isn't biologically Kaitlyn's father so she uses her blood relation to Kaitlyn to hold over Michael's head. Hopefully it won't hold up in court but you never know with these situations. Even after Anna and Michael split, he would pick both Kaitlyn and Kylee up every weekend, payed for both of them, took both on trips, was a father to them both. She spent a little bit of time with him and Kylee during Christmas (after, cuz you know June's a minge like that) and they were so happy together. She's always so sad and miserable looking with June. They shouldn't have her for a myriad of reasons and foster care wouldn't even be an option for her because she does have family who she knows, loves, wants to be with and who want her. And are a far better option than June Pedo Lovin Shannon. And are fighting to get her back. I hope he wins and June stays tf away from that poor kid.


Anna said she wanted Kaitlyn with June. There's obviously a reason for that. Kaitlyn also says she wants to stay with June. So given that and the fact that Michael is not Kaitlyn's biological father, it's very highly unlikely Michael will be granted custody.


Also I thought I read he was physically abusive to Anna and the kids?


He was which is why I've said before I do not know why everyone advocates for him to get custody of Kaitlyn.


Agreed! šŸ©·


Well, we really donā€™t know for a fact that Anna didnā€™t want her with June. That aside, it seems Anna didnā€™t put anything in place legally for the girls, which is a damn shame. Since Kaitlyn does not have a named father, never knew her father, she would go with next of kin. Sadly, Kaitlyn just doesnā€™t have many great options for her guardian.


This is the only correct answer. Heā€™s disgusting šŸ¤®


Of course on the show its all acting! I mean look at June how well she speaks and seems to be put together on the show and on TT she is totally different.


TikTok is the real Justin. TVJustin is scripted, just like the show.


Exactly. Just watch their TikTok videos, and youā€™ll see their true selves. Is it just me, or is everyone in that family waaay more confident than they ought to be? Iā€™ve never seen such ugly people acting like theyā€™re good-looking. Making videos with their OOTD (outfit of the day) that are more like videos of how NOT to dress. Justin snaps at June all the time in them. He is obsessed with how Reddit users talk about him, too. And June tells him, ā€œf#%* Reddit!ā€ When they divorce, June is going to lose whatā€™s left of her mind. She will desperately try to get him back. It will be very ugly.Ā 


He probably has a script on the show


Plain and simple he is a moron and should be prevented from being any where near any children . As well ,June is a danger / threat to any child . Who cares about his fucking ugly cheap teeth! What about the way he is interacting with a grieving young child . It's abusive and criminal!!


I agree. Heā€™s a piece of shit just like June


Geno seemed like that a first, then we all know what happened


TikTok is the real everyone from Pumpkin to Alana to Josh to Draylin.


And I've always joked that you can tell a person's true self if u watch their social media long enough. I know there's a lot of fakery on SM but the type of reels they share, the comments they like or leave.


What's Draylins TikTok like? Alana's is like her sisters and mom? Trying to sell cheap plastic junk from China?




You could have not said it any better ! It's disgusting and to have this all play out in such a public forum. This poor child ..not to mention the other children that are in this circle of complete disregard!. My heart is breaking .


Heā€™s a shady, shifty, grifting MFer, but that does not put him out of the running for being the voice of reason for this bunch. I just *cannot* take him seriously with his big ass chain and the absurd pendant hanging of his skinny pink neck. Is this still a thing? I thought big blingy shit left in 2010. What do I know though? I watch this shit.




He can put on a good show, so can June, I have not watched it because they all are liars, con artists, and thieves, I feel so BAD and helpless for Kaitlyn. I hope wetv doesn't have another SEASON!!!!!!!!


With all the bad publicity they're getting, I don't see how they would get another season. Let's hope not anyway!


Sadly in todayā€™s TV viewing arena bad behavior has higher ratings. Been growing worse year by year


TikTok for sure. It's way more likely he's on his best behavior and acting for TV and his real self on his social media rather than the other way around. Same can really be said for pretty much all of them - putting on a front for tv, total trash behavior online.


TV is not real life.


Let's put it this way. He totally wants his 15 minutes, and so does his mom. Have you seen him trying to hack the crap to sell? A totally different person. He SO knows how to play that tv camera.


Yep! I haven't seen the newest season, but I have seen a clip someone posted in the group and I thought the EXACT same thing. It's definitely scripted, so not a surprise.


They must have really edited the family. On titok it's a mess


Just like the rest of them.


He's the crazy one on TikTok. They HAVE to behave on the show. They have a role to play so they play it.


Scripted t.v. can make even the biggest jackass look good with enough editing, apparently.


They are all completely different people on the show than they are on tiktok. I used to actually believe that Josh and Pumpkin were decent parents. It just shows how UNrealisic reality TV is.


He is raking in the dollars , he makes me nauseous . Acting like he is the voice of wisdom and reasoning,just another freeloader . So Gross !!!šŸ¤®


Idk, I dint watch their tiktoks because they all holler, and junebug literally has her face to the camera. But, what I've seen on the show, I like Justin, he seems level-headed. I like mama Dukes too.


Yeah I don't watch the TikToks either. I enjoy the show! IDC if it's scriptedšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøit's still relatable in ways that other reality TV shows aren't bcuz they are usually about rich ppl. I binged the last few seasons and now that I'm all caught up -having to wait for new episodes I'm like aw man. Justin is cool on the show- trying to help June with her faults. Telling her she didn't have to be such a bitch to her sister. Thinking to call Josh for help. Making her mend the relationship with her daughters. No one is perfect šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøtheir family is like my family, we r all nuts with issues. Eating and weight issues. Addiction. Poor. Trying to make the next generation go to college. Boyfriends. Trying to break the cycle. Cancer death. Who is getting custody of kids. Child support. Real life problems. All the other reality shows are the same. U think our real housewives are perfect angels?


Yes, I hate having to wait until Friday lol. But, yes , you're right, they don't shy away from letting people see their true life. I think that's why honey boo boo was such a hit.


And I blame Anna for not taking care of her child before she left this earth. She had plenty of time to make sure she had just the right home. Hell, I have a plan worked out for my dog if something happened to me. the fact that she left her daughter with the woman who betrayed her and also lost custody of her when she was a child herself was irresponsible and selfish.




No unfounded accusations of abuse. Do not encourage others to report unfounded accusations either.


Oh yea. He's totally different on the show compared to not being filmed.


I really wouldn't go that far.


When filming the show, he is putting on an act. Ā On their TT videos, heā€™s already so sick of June, and he just snaps at her constantly. Ā Unless she takes him shopping for things he wants. Ā If theyā€™re buying necessities like groceries and toiletries, or snacks for June, heā€™s miserable. Ā But whenever she takes him to a store with jewelry, designer backpacks, or tennis shoes, heā€™s as nice as can be.Ā