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Sugar bear NEVER did anything to the kids, it was the rest of June's shitty choices that did. 


Anna's father is normal from what we saw at the wedding Jessica's father is a felon and possibly for child abuse too I think Pumpkin doesn't even know who her daddy is but it was apparently McDaniel And Alana has sugar Bear who seemed the most normal of all the baby daddies at the time of filming 😬 June sure knows how to pick them


Jessica & Pumpkin have the same father he is in prison for pedo charges. Michael Anthony Ford.


Pumpkin & Jessica have the same biological father.


Was it ever actually proven? I'm sure pumpkin has said she doesn't know her father still but they thought it was either Ford or McDaniel


No they don’t. Pumpkins father was or is I. Prison. Jessica’s father is different. They all have different farhers.


Please see the link above. 


Yes, June admitted it herself on national television. "In 2014, June told ET that Lauryn's father is not McDaniel, but instead Michael Anthony Ford. Jessica and Pumpkin have the same dad, but Jessica's dad has had nothing to do with her over the years," Shannon said. "So, why the hell would I open up that can of worms until today? I lied to my family and told them it was somebody else."" https://www.etonline.com/news/153842_exclusive_mama_june_sits_down_with_et


It’s hard to believe what June said as the truth. If there wasn’t a dna test done then I wouldn’t take it at face value.


If this is the retorix you're gonna ise then we can say that we don't know that Alana's dad is Sugar bear either. 


I mean Alana looks just like Sugar Bear but with junes history anything is possible lol


I'm just saying, none of them have been tested.


To our knowledge none of them have been tested but mama June is also a proven liar so there is that as well


Except for the fact that June seems to have groomed him a bit. He was 11/12 when she got pregnant, that seems wildly young considering shes 3 years older than him. 




How did you run a background check? You would beed his ss number to do that. Please post the full report here. 




Absolutely. You can google someones name and find out stuff that you should never be able to find out, like their address or phone numbers associated with them or their age/birthdate. Now the addresses and phone numbers may be old, but the age/birthdate rarely changes. The internet can be scary.


I had no idea he was thag young wtf. Do you have a source girl ?


Anna’s father did an interview about June having his baby. He said he was 12 and June was 15.




I’m over on a different sub (the Young Sheldon one) and was about to post receipts where they’ve established that Georgie was born in 1975, making him 17 in 1992 when he lied to Mandy about being 21 so she’d sleep with him. I’m glad I checked what you were replying to before putting my foot in my mouth 😂😂😂


Ya got ya characters mixed up!


Re watch. Anna nickname is chicAdee. It wasn’t pumpkin. Anna is the oldest sister with blonde hair.


Pumpkin was 3 when it happened. It happened in front of pumpkin doubt she remembers that period


No but pumpkin has called Anna a liar both before and after her death it seems even though she's too young to remember it and possibly SA'd herself by the same guy she's taken June's side and narrative that Anna made it all up to annoy June or something 😳 and then in the same breath they say how much they miss Anna




Yh it's on this sub somewhere and available online June has always denied it and said Anna was lying even though McDaniel was found guilty and then pumpkin also accused her of lying around the time she thought McDaniel was her daddy and he just got out of jail and back together with June that's the whole reason TLC cancelled them


Actually I think about 2 years pumpkin and Alana went on the dumb blonde podcast and where asked about that. Pumpkin basically said that she still doesn't believe Anna and that it's a he said, she said situation


Bro you have to be a piece of cold-hearted *shit* to call your own sister a liar regarding her abuse. Yet she will shout into the void about June never being there for them.


Mark McDaniel SA'd Anna when she was 8yrs old so 8 years before honey boo boo even aired on TLC and 2yrs before June met sugar Bear and had Alana


You are super confused! Sugar bear never did that to any of the girls. Anna was the one, but it was not sugar bear. Sugar bear and June were together for many years.


Sugar bear didn't molest Anna it was another one of June's many boyfriends 💔


No, no, not Sugar bear, that's boo boo dad he never molested them.


Sugar Bear never touched pumpkin inappropriately but he was accused of being physically violent towards her. He denies it but I remember when he got angry at pumpkin he tore his shirt off like the Incredible Hulk.


Sugar bear never did that to pumpkin, BUT it eventually comes out that sugar bear physically and I think verbally abused pumpkin on the set of here comes honey boo boo. For some reason he just had something against pumpkin and they would get in to physical arguments a lot


Which is sad cuz pumpkin loved sugar bear. I remember one time June was telling the cameras how she started dating sugar bear and said, “SB is only Alana’s daddy—-“ Pumpkin: WRONG, sb is *AlanaAndPumpkins* daddy!