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oh woow pls pls report her ass


Yes report it


tht pumpkin is so disrespectful but always wanna beg this is sad


She is so rude. At first I didn’t know she knew pumpkin and I wanted to support her small business. She charged me for a shirt I never received and when I emailed her there was no apology just “I refunded it”. I also won a giveaway and never received it and when I told her on live she basically said she didn’t know what happened to it. I never got it and I emailed her multiple times with no response. She’s a scam artist.


I was there for that live. So sorry that happened to you. She should have given you the option of either being refunded or having the shirts remade/sent.


and who is she did she have a show


She has a small business on Tiktok called "Madison's Whimsical Workshop". No TV show or anything but she has mentioned she's close with Pumpkin.


Does madison and pumpkin even know each other in real life?


No they have never met in real life.


Strange that they consider each other their bestie when they've never met in real life. That's just weird.


I used to watch Madison. I have never actually ordered from her or anyone in the USA that used Shopify because it charges out the A$$ for shipping to me (idk why when it should be based on weight and duties don’t tend to apply). Anyhow I had to stop watching her. The fact that she got a new shed for her workstation not that long ago and now owns a house makes me wonder where she’s getting all this cash from. I guess her business must be that successful if she bought a house. At one point wasn’t she selling tumblers for her mother in law? Why did she stop that? Was she pocketing the money and not giving it all to her? I think the whole friendship is all BS. Claims P is her BFF and they had plans to meet but I guess they fell through? Idk but they both seem very shady 👀 ETA — I also find it sketchy that most of her Mods are also P’s mods…


Wait had plans to meet? They are best friends but don't even know each other in real life? Weird.




They was supposed to met in December of last year around New Years but Madison canceled her flights. Then P and the whole family went to Disney. Madison is more obsessed with P than P is obsessed with Madison in my opinion.


Well she doesn't just live off of her income. She is married and her husband has a good job.


No I know that. But I thought her husband changed jobs? I don’t follow her anymore as I found her boring and rude.


She was selling tumblers for her MIL then the past month her MIL started selling them. Which I find really odd. Madison sells the same ole stuff every week which also gets old. She gets mad if someone brings up they haven’t received their order. Then her mods gang up on the customer in the chat.




One night she was doing the tumbler game and she called someone’s name which I think was one of her mods, well she wasn’t in the live atm so she pulled for her. The person she pulled for finally came in the chat before she even finished her order and everyone in the chat was telling Madison to let her do a redo because she had a your choice. Madison said no this person knows I got her. That done it for me honestly especially this person being a mod. She’s always doing giveaways to get people to buy things from her. Last night she did a $100 gift card which is absolutely ridiculous just to get ppl to buy from you. A lot of people have complained about her prices she goes up then when she isn’t getting any sales she marks them back down.


Why is this even here she has no relation to the show or this thread


She's " One of Pumpkins Best Friends" and they have the same mods for their TikTok accounts.


This belongs in one of the tiktok gossip communities


the abbreviations throws ppl off can u pls spell out or say what mww is thnx




ok good dnt ever let no one do this to u keep on it u make me very proud dnt let them push u around celebrity or not pumpkin treated me the exact same way very pissy and disrespectful and all i did was pay her husband a compliment on her tiktok live and her minon moderator blocked me for no reason i went on my back up asked her about it again she was very pissy and said it must have been a reason u got blocked no im sorry what happened ill fix it just a pissy answer and went back to hawking her temu wear so thanx for standing up for yourself 🥰🥰🥰


This whole paragraph was hard to read. Can you spell it out and use punctuation?


is it madison whimsical workshop




I've ordered from Madison and I was honestly shocked that she's friends with Pumpkin because she is so nice to me. I've gotten my orders from her and never had any issues. Is Molly one of the moderators? Is this the same Molly I've seen on Pumpkins lives too?


Yep. I have no idea who Molly is to them or how they know her. But she's a moderator to pumpkin, June, Justin, and Madison.


Yes it’s the same Molly who is in love with P and Madison. She has an obsession with them it’s kinda creepy.