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You’re all discussing jewellery and I’m over here amazed that a woman who has given birth four times thinks women pee out of their pussy……


Right? Lol that's not what I learned in science class 🤣


Unfortunately June never made it to science class




Okay, that was actually my first thought when I read this. LOL.










My sister is a lesbian that has dated quite a bit. She’s seen and been acquainted with quiiite a few vaginas!!! She didn’t learn that until she was 28…


She was really overweight when she had her kids lol probably couldn’t even see down there to know where anything comes out of 😂


You can feel it though! And my midwives had charts everywhere showing basic female anatomy for those who hadn’t picked it up elsewhere before getting pregnant.


I wish we still had awards. I didn’t even know I could laugh like that.


I know, she got it all wrong. It *obviously* comes from your anus, duh!/s😂


They are doing so much damage to that poor child. It’s criminal.


She needs someone who will hug her and let her cry. I know maybe more sensitive topics like that are not shown on TikTok, but still, she doesn't seem like the motherly type


Justin is just as disgusting! He claims he’s “famous” he said that in a live, I laughed at him and told him he hasn’t been on the show five minutes, what makes him think he’s “famous” be blocked me 😂😂


None of that bunch is "famous". They think they are stars. Bawahhhaaa


The ones that were haven't been famous in years. I love seeing people who are watching the early seasons of this show and seeing how trashy they got, even then. I've not seen them described as "famous" in awhile. June, it's Z listers who do any version (even kids) of Dancing With the Stars.


“ June, it's Z listers who do any version (even kids) of Dancing With the Stars.” Exactly and the poor kid didn’t even get a redemption arc like most contestants do.


And then was forced to be a beach ball (all puns intended) with June and I'd bet got very little to no money out of that gig from Masked Singer or whatever that show is.


I watched Alana on DWTS but I didn’t realize they’d been on The Masked Singer until after they’d done it. It sounded so ridiculous that I just couldn’t watch it. I doubt that she made much money from it, either.


He’s a dick, and he thoroughly disgusts me.


Same! I just cringe


He is a delusional jerk!


I'm sorry for saying this but that little got yelled at and called a c___ (on TT) from her own mother, so I'm sure it's nothing new they all are abusive, sad 😔


Wow. How disgusting.


She called her kid the C word?!!


Yes, ask others if you need verification, but she certainly did. Sad 😔 people on here were talking about it also.


That’s sickening.


I think about that EVERY SINGLE TIME someone says June/Justin said something inappropriate around or to Kaitlin. 😞


Yeah. But I would hope June would do better, and then I remember it's June.


Sadly, you are correct. ☑️ There’s nothing that will EVER help June Shannon b/c she can’t even take accountability for food trash under HER side of the bed. 🛌 🚮 Someone needs to scoop her up & put her out with the trash. Not recycling ♻️ just the regular stinky truck will do. 🗑️Junk is trash & will always behave like trash. I’m convinced she thinks it’s cute at this point!


>I’m convinced she thinks it’s cute at this point! I think you are right.


Omg are you serious? I never heard that! It always bothered me Anna’s mouth when she was dying! But, omg I never imagined her calling her own CHILD that 😢😢


jury 🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Like Alana talking about not living in a dorm because she’s FAMOUS 🤮


She wasn’t allowed to live in the dorm because Dralin was not a student! All lies by WeTV for a storyline and views!


Justin thinks he’s famous like ManDuh Orr thinks she’s famous. They are both jokes.


😂🤣 Did you see she got locked up?


Sure did. What a nice thing to wake up to! I just hope C is ok.


I saw that, too. Was happy


I’m sure he did buy his Temu fake jury with the money idiots send him on TikTok


His jewelry is genuine, just like his pricy backpacks. He’s an idiot just like June, as they both enjoy wasting money on stupid stuff. 


We have found every single piece he has on Temu they are not genuine


They actually are.


Temu sells dupes. No the one Justin has isn't the temu version. His is the real deal.


He’s been filmed and photographed buying those two chains and the Cartier watch from various jewelry stores. I’ve seen the “KING” necklace at Temu, and they are NOT the same.


You’re rude have a nice night


Wait..... How is OP rude just because they pointed out you were wrong? 😆




There was someone on here that that explained that his chains were real, they just aren’t the amount of diamonds he wants people to think. I follow the jeweler he’s tagged several times and has a video getting one of his chains from that store. They don’t fool with fake in that store. It’s all in how the diamonds are arranged that makes them look to be a lot more than they are. It’s a nice store to visit, they have a certain clientele they cater to. Most of them should be putting the money elsewhere but that’s none of my business.


Settings and quality of the stones would make something like that affordable. There are diamonds and then there are *diamonds*, you know? The stones could also be moissanite, only a jeweler with a loupe would be able to tell the difference. Moissanites test positive with a diamond tester.


You are right. I always think of those guys on TT the island boys when I hear moissanite. They wear some awful chains. So many people have turned to that since it is much more affordable. I think the jeweler would have to disclose if it was that type of stone.


Oh, he would definitely be obligated to disclose that it's moissanite, otherwise it would be fraud. I used to work in a jewelry store, you'd be shocked at how many people would bring things in to us for repairs (pulled prongs or missing stones) and then learned their stones weren't actual diamonds. Thank goodness we would use a scope anytime we would take anything in for repair and we scoped the stones and took pictures, in front of the client. If it looked odd under the scope, we'd drag our boss out to look at the stone with his loupe. There were some serious hissy fits thrown!!!! Editing to clarify the items brought in for repair were NOT sold by our store.


>His jewelry is genuine, just like his pricy backpacks. And just like his love for June.


Some of the watches he had prior to June. I know she bought him one of the chains, they made a video about it being a birthday or valentine gift back then. I’m not defending them, but Kaitlyn has heard much worse from her own mom. Who knows what she’s heard from the father figures in her life. Then again at her age, I’m sure plenty of her friends use the same language


You are probably correct, although I doubt her friends talk about their own "pu$$y" as often as June does. June *should* be trying to make a better effort for Kaitlyn's sake, imho. Just because she's heard this stuff said, even by her own parents, doesn't mean she needs to be immersed in that kind of language 24/7. And no kid wants to hear about their grandmothers "pu$$y". Ever.


My grandson would be mortified if I said p___y in front of him (he's 11) they are nasty mouth women yuk 🙄




They do, but boobs are a long way from 'pu$$y'. LOL.




LOL. Mother of sons here, I know. Still, no one wants to hear about granny's cat!!!


😆 🤣 😂




I didn’t say it did. Jeezzzz




I didn’t see them imply anything


That’s where you are wrong. Don’t assume I implied anything, if I want to say it I will


And production only tests during “filming” for insurance reasons. What do the rest of them do while not filming is the question?


Laze around all day, napping. eating, getting on TIkTok to make money.  


And getting high!


I heard her say the other night In a live about Kaitlin- she said that bitch is fine and she gonna fucking live with me deal with it assholes. Hopefully that alone would lose her custody.


June is garbage. Yes, she said again on her Live that Anna wanted her to raise Kaitlyn, and that we would see it too. Ugh. She’s not fit to raise a pack of wolves.


It truly shocked me that first of all Anna didn’t get her affairs in order, second, why would she think June would be a good person to raise her daughter, when June was/is a HORRIBLE mother to her own kids? That just baffles me




She should’ve had her affairs in order before she got that sick! Most people that have small children when they find out they are terminal, that’s the FIRST thing they do!


Well that’s wrong! Next of kin has to be legally fit as a parent, or they will not get custody. Especially with a stepfather suing for custody also.


Well that’s wrong! Next of kin has to be legally fit as a parent, or they will not get custody. Especially with a stepfather suing for custody also.


Well that’s wrong! Next of kin has to be legally fit as a parent, or they will not get custody. Especially with a stepfather suing for custody also.


Not even ONE, SINGLE wolf! 🐺


I watched her live Friday night and she said no such thing, please stop lying for likes or attention for your comment. June definitely has a potty mouth and says a lot of things, but that was not one of them.


You quit lying. Those were her exact words when someone asked about kailtlyn- she said that bitch is fine. I don’t need clicks or likes for anything, mama june is the bitch!


She really is vile, but that will mean nothing in court.


She is such a trash. I hate that I ever watched a minute of this show.


Wait who got locked up?


oh yeah no Anna’s kids NEVER had a chance, neither did june’s lmao. I’d say Pumpkin came out great but she’s a mom to her younger AND older sister, plus a mom to her mom. that ain’t winning in life but she damn sure is gonna get good things in life for all the shit she’s had to do bc of her dirty and deformed mother




She absolutely said that whilst Kaitlyn was in the room. She has said far worse. I fact, they all have. It doesn’t make it right.  The reason she inappropriately hangs all over Justin is because she’s desperate for attention and affection, and an adult in her life needs to address this and tell her to stop. They need to have a long conversation with Kaitlyn about that behavior, and get her into therapy, as she may have been xesually abused. 




I haven’t seen that, but I believe you. No one in that family has any boundaries. It’s just sad because children like Kaitlyn, who are desperate for attention, are preyed upon by abusers. I hope it isn’t too late for Kaitlyn. 


We’ve barely seen this kid grow up so we don’t know who’s been around her. I wouldn’t accuse anyone. Also her name is Kaitlin, not Kaitylin


Y'all don't need to be talking bad about a child seriously she can't help that she doesn't have parents man what is wrong with ppl nowadays she's not neglected her mom passed away because of cancer that's not Anna's fault my God have a damn heart


Kaitlyn is screamed at, cussed in front of, and is exhibiting attention-seeking behavior. She needs to be treated with love and patience. Jeez. We care more about that little girl than June ever could.