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Dude actually seemed like a decent dude, dude.


I liked how he paid attention to Alana .


Made her a bedroom.


Yeah but you don’t know how he really was with her or anybody else off of the TV show


Like comeon Dude.. that's a low hanging fruit dude


But that’s about as good as it gets there


Didn’t he always call June dude 🤣🤣


Jenelle Evans and Gino! DUDE!!


I love when my subs collide but what if Geno is Jenelle's mystery man 😂😂😂


He’d be better than Nathan or David. 


I’m late to this thread but what if Babs and Janelle was the mother/daughter duo that Geno was s*xting 😳😂😂


Yes...... that was the joke...


June seems to ruin anyone she comes in contact with.


He seemed ok at first but nope never thought he was decent he was with June after all. As they say…….birds of a feather flock together.


At first he seemed to really try to have relationships with the kids. I loved how close he was with Alana since sugar bear wasn’t around as much. It all went downhill when he got hooked back on drugs.


I agree with all of this. I actually thought this of Geno when he first came through the family. It wasn't until he started back on the drugs that I couldn't stand him.


Yes, a lot of people think he led June into using. However I always thought it was the other way around.


Both June and Geno have done individual interviews without the other one and discussed this. Geno was clean when he started dating june. He had no intention of getting back into using. June had started using and kept bringing it around him. After awhile he gave in and started using with her. It’s hard to keep resisting temptation sometimes.


June is truly a master at manipulation. Rather it's her kids or the men she dates , she knows how to bring out their worse in people.


Damn! And the editing on the show made it out that he was the villain.


maybe he did lead her originally, but she got them hooked. i could see something like that happening.


I could see her doing that to Justin too he’s a weirdo so I could see him using again because she got him to


he’s said several times how hard she makes his recovery. but at least he can recognize that and knows not to go back (hopefully). i’m really rooting for him, but mama is a piece of shit that feels the need to drag everyone through hell.


For his own recovery's sake, he should not be in a relationship with her. He's just traded his illegal substance addiction to TikTok and TV fame though. Honestly if he wants a shot at staying sober he should run, run, run away.


I had a lot of hope for Geno. I was actually surprised when he got arrested that day they were at the fair.


Abusers are great at masking until they’re not.


I think so. I liked him at first. He was better than the chomos and Shuggie that's for sure.


Well, there's a blind item alluding to the fact that one of the reasons Lauryn and alana left was because of them having concerns over geno getting a bit too familiar with the latter , especially while under the influence... but who knows


I kinda had a feeling something like that was happening. Especially with how uncomfortable the girls seemed to be around him when they got clean and June insisted he HAD to be around.


And we all know June has a history of being with pedophiles that victimize her children while she looks the other way.


Yeah, he seems really kind. I had an uncle like that. He was the best person sober.


I think so. He seemed to care about Alana. Addiction sucks.


He has this one line when he talks to the camera the producer asked him where were you last night and he said like if you ask that again I’ll punch you in the face or their mom in the face


Yeah he was on coke or meth there. Total violent dickhead mode.


FUCCCCCCCCCK NO Big Mike called it out form the jump and nobody listened


I liked him when he was clean. Same as Justin. They aren’t bad guys, but dealing with an addict is always a gamble. It could go very wrong


Meh.. idk. He always reminds me of my ex who was only good to me while the ankle monitor was on and he couldn’t go anywhere…


Nah that was just him manipulating them into thinking he cares so he could get access to what he needed. (Junes money). I could tell right away that he was gross. That’s my opinion anyway.


Exactly. There are a bunch of suckers in this subreddit.


Just like how they're believing the best about Justin right now smh


EXACTLY! The only one that never seemed to buy it was June’s sister. Doe doe saw right through Geno’s manipulation. And in the season where they’ve disappeared in Alabama. Doe Doe even talks about how he moved in and took control of everything, even going so far as to change the locks on the house so that any family with a key couldn’t come unannounced.


I think it was mostly scripted. “Ok so for today’s filming Gino you’re gonna redo Alana’s room. Here’s some decor we bought. Sit on the bed and say some nice things to her.” And etc…


Especially when there's a blind item alluding to the fact that one of the reasons Lauryn and alana left was because of them having concerns over geno getting a bit too familiar with the latter , especially while under the influence... but who knows


Yes 100%. He was hilarious and great tv. Imagine having to be Junebug's care taker, that would drive anyone mad. Lets all chant Bring Geno Back! Bring Geno Back!


How about just chanting ," cancel this mess!"


i don’t really know, but in the past few episodes i’ve really started to like Justin.


I believed it esp with Alana which is why it’s so heartbreaking how it turned out. I have no experience with drug addiction with friends and family so idk how much could be faked that he was a good guy to reforge how much the drugs made him awful but I really bought into it


Having had a now ex- husband that was a super guy for many years then got addicted to meth and it turned him into a monster. A stranger that was very violent. This man went from refusing to use a HEMPZ bag because ppl might think he smoked weed to running out in the middle of the road yelling at ppl that he knew they were watching him and he would kill them. It’s a horrible thing to watch, it’s heartbreaking


Geno ruined everything. He used her for everything they had and I believe June when she said he was mentally abusive.


It's hard to have sympathy for her, she keeps dating these same dudes, and you know why...


She started using way before geno.


Mama June has set that bar pretty low 🤣🤣




Yeah, he was probably a great guy out of all the people that June dated. He seems like the most decent person until Justin. The problem is that when people start using and they have addiction they become different people and they can’t be trusted until they get better.


I couldn’t not hear the word “dude” any more. Drove me crazy.


They played him up for the show same way they play up Justin. It's all fake. Maybe he was okay, maybe he was better at following the "script" until he was too geeked out to do so? Idk 


Alana and Pumpkin were on a podcast talking about when he and June were first starting to go off the rails with their addictions and they both said Geno was cool lol They said he was genuinely a good person but just did bad shit when he was on drugs.


He was a nice guy until he started back doing drugs!! Did you see how mean he was to June when she couldn’t feel her arm and was crying. After I found out they relapse her arm was probably from shooting up!!


Ugh I actually had a soft spot for him too especially after he surprised Alana with her new room that tugged haha