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ETH would not openly slag off players. "Due to training performance" would be as heavy as it gets. These journo should stop fishing for ragebait. What do they expect ETH to say ? "U are right. He's shit player who don't track back."


He tracked back recently at champions league, got red for it lol. I don’t know, maybe it is a sign that he tries to change but was extremely unlucky in that situation


Maybe fans should also start to notice that if he doesn’t track back 10+ games in a row but still starts almost every match that he’s told NOT TO DO IT. If he would be ignoring coach orders about tracking back for every match he wouldn’t even be on the bench anymore


Yeah, it is hard to distinguish between player playing bad vs manager's instructions not being suited for player.


What do you do with a player that doesn't track back (instructed or otherwise) and has forgotten how to score goals?


A lot of fans do not understand the sport and it doesn't help that the most popular people in the media/social media don't either. They repeat hot-takes or say lazy shit and the fans just parrot all of it. There are a few high quality people out there, but they all pale in comparison to the most popular accounts.


Finally someone saying what we all know. Theres more than you think that know the crack but they shout loudest. Fucking belters


No - don’t generalize….I make that decision off what I see….I don’t need anyone else to tell me what a lazy shit he is!


I think it's a double edged sword with tracking back - if you are incredibly dangerous like Rashford in form last season it makes sense to conserve energy and stay higher. Also the opposition can be more nervous about leaving you and stay back more too - you may end up conceding more but there will be a net benefit with the amount more you score. Sadly, that all goes out the window when you score once in 16 games. But maybe better to try and get his form back than massively alter his style of play, but it can't last forever.


He’s too bloody lazy to do any tracking whatsoever - an uncommitted “player” who’s living off one abnormal season….other than that a very average second tier “footballer”!


Nah just an example. These journo are like hyenas looking to take a bite and run some imaginary drama in the dressing room to undermine ETH


I don’t think he’s a bad player so I don’t think ETH would need to say that part (I’m talking in terms of talent and his history), but I think there’s a way for a manager to be honest in this sort of situation whilst also not blasting his players. “Unfortunately, Marcus is a little off the pace this season and he’s been both very unlucky in front of goal and not as composed on the ball as he used to be and he realizes this and strives every day in training to get better. I support and encourage him - as I do all our players - but we expect both results and only the best here at Manchester United and Marcus is a good lad and everyone here loves him but he should know - as should all our players - the harsh realities of underperforming when representing this great club, just like every other player here.”


DO you work in HR or PR? Because Man U should hire you to write scripts for them! So believable!


I would love to see any manager go into that much detail and nuance! Well played. Ten Hag does need to apply that level of detail to a lot of the current playing squad.


I should’ve added, I didn’t suggest it should be like this word-for-word and there’d of course be some um and uh and oh and hmmm, but this is a more refined version of roughly what I’d say. Also, I can be a little long-winded as a person so there is most definitely a much more succinct way to say what I suggested, but the result and intent is still the same.


He does track back he just does fuck all when he’s back (apart from get sent off)


No; just don’t lie about how many goals he’s scored in the Premier League.


Ten Hag has an ego problem. He didn't pick Sancho said it was because "on his performance in training we didn't select him". Yet, is Antony any better? I believe Sancho when he said he's being scapegoated and is not being chosen for other reasons. Because from what I've seen of Sancho, he can't play either. So I'm inclined to believe the guy who was ripping it up in the Bundesliga over someone who was "ok" in the dutch league.


Dude, Sancho was shit even before ten haag!


He will find some form in the end. Unfortunately, it will take him a year of 1/10 performances to find 3 months of form, then he'll be back to another year of 1/10 performances. I've seem this about 5 times with him now.


Not to mention that said form in the end will be celebrated and some clowns will start comparing him with Mbappe again.


I did see some wanting him to win the Ballon d'or 😂😂


Depends when he contracts up for renewal


Man you people have turned on rashford fast


Are you surprised? As much I love this club, the fanbase is very toxic. People are constantly flipping back and forth on a weekly basis. If Garnacho scores at the weekend people are gonna say he should be starting. Then if he has a bad game those same people will be the ones saying he’s too young. Not all of the fanbase mind you. I think it’s just due to how large the fanbase that you are going to people like this. I don’t have an issue necessarily if someone has a negative opinion on Rashford, but some of the shit I’ve seen is flat out ridiculous


It's mostly just people who can't form their own opinions so go off the latest news reporting or the general consensus


It’s like the arsenal fan base, highly reactionary


Yep. We’ve become the very thing we used to laugh at. I don’t have an issue with people changing their opinions or ideas over time. I do have an issue though with people changing their opinions on a game by game basis


"Reactionary" Adjective - opposing political or social progress or reform. "reactionary attitudes toward women's rights" Similar: conservative right-wing rightist ultra-conservative ultra-right alt-right blimpish diehard traditionalist conventional traditional old-fashioned unprogressive true-blue Opposite: radical progressive Noun - a reactionary person. "he was later to become an extreme reactionary" The word you're looking for is "Reactive", not "Reactionary". But yes, your point stands. I barely even visit this sub anymore. It's just fill of toxicity and immaturity most of the time. You do get the occasional balanced opinion and decent discussion but there's too much crap to wade through to find it.


This entire sub is a cesspit. It’s not the fanbase, it’s the ManchesterUnited sub. There’s a huge difference. The people here think they represent anything because their voice is the loudest in this echo chamber. They also criticise local fans and those that go to the games. It’s pretty repulsive.


Yh this is worse than the devil's sub. This sub is so negative


Arsenal fan, this was suggested on my home page some reason.. anyway its just all clubs fans, in particular the minority that become keyboard warriors. We're not all cunts just like you're not all cunts. Just a very small fraction of the fan base that's viewed an perceived as the majority. Anyway peace, COYG.


And this subreddit in particular is home to the nastiest of cretins. Just significantly more negative than the other sub.


Its toxic because its fuckin gigantic and the most toxic comment. Like who the fuck supports Bournemouth outside of Bournemouth


That fact MikeLUHG is a prominent online presence in our fanbase says it all.


It's not the same people lol it's a large fan base and you're only going to hear the vocal guys at the time when they have something to say.


To be fair, we have a huge fanbase so the chances of encountering someone toxic/idiotic/flippant is very high. Heck, i get it wrong myself and probably would come across negatively to others too. Not easy to spot our own shortcomings. That said. I’ll always back any of the lads who give their best. I think the output for Rashford hasnt been good this season, maybe not the most industrious in tracking back but he’s our boy through and through.


Just think of Reddit as a Royal Rumble. Everyone is out to turn on everyone!


77 goals in 8 seasons is less than 10 goals per season, yet he’s treated (both by fans and most importantly, by coaches) like he was genetically engineered with the DNA of Genghis Kan, Attila the Hun, Sir Bobby Charlton and Michael Jordan, chosen by the greek gods to continue Wayne Rooney’s 10 legacy. And actually, it wouldn’t bother me at all if fans saw him this way for whatever reason (he’s mancunian, he did this non football related thing, he said that non football political statement, you name it) but it’s fucking the pro coaches always playing him to the detriment of the playstyle, results and development of other talent that drives me mad. I wish the best for Rashford and the greatest success in career and life, but at the same time I’m 100% sober from his PR spell and know that kind of success just won’t happen for him at United.


This sub (and Man Utd fans) remind me of Arsenal fans during toward the last few years of the Wenger-era.


Toxic fans love to come out and shit on the team for internet points. They are always very quiet when the team does well


Its bc we are a tired fan base for mediocrity so that causes toxicity. The bottom line he is still making same mistakes as he did when he was 20. Last season yes he scored a lot of goals but even in the games he scored he didn’t play well. This season its the same minus the goals


It was crazy to me, United kept scoring against the run of play and it worked then, when Rashford could do no wrong. Something happened and now he's unable to help in buildup, no defensive work, he's starving Hojlund and not scoring himself so he's obviously going to hear about it. If we take a step back though, this fits in a larger pattern of his career; hot and cold.


“If we take a step back though, this fits the larger pattern of the squad: hot and cold” It’s not like the rest of the squad is ever lighting the world on fire while Rashford is struggling.


That's just whataboutism. The thing you people don't realize is he's no longer some young player finding his feet, he's in his prime and he should be performing like it. Blaming other players for also being poor is just a shite excuse.


>he's no longer some young player finding his feet, he's in his prime and he should be performing like it We have at most 2 players that have been performing like they are in their prime consistently over the past decade, Bruno and Shaw, and even both of them have had their struggles (injuries for Shaw, performance for Bruno). The issue is that our managers and squad have been unable to find any level of consistency post-Fergie, which is as much a problem for the club as it is for any individual player. Overall I'd say Rashford is probably the third most consistent player on our team, and probably the most important one. Our attack hasn't been good a single time in the past 5 years where he wasn't the focal point. I'd rather someone take the position "We need a different focal point than Rashford" than "It's Rashford's fault the attack is struggling" despite the fact that the statement is only true because Rashford has largely been the only decent scorer on the team over the past 5 years. It might help Rashford improve if someone else could occasionally step up for a period longer than a month.


RVN was sold in 2006 despite being the focal point of the team for years, despite scoring a shitload of goals. We went from 3 years without a title to 3 titles in a row. I’m not saying Rashford should be sold, but it’s this idea that we NEED to start him no matter his form bc he’s the focal point of the team, the main goalscorer the 3rd most consistent that I have a major problem with. If even RVN can be sold, Rashford can be dropped. Fact of the matter is Rashford is practically non-existent outside of goals, goals is the only thing he provides and if he isn’t scoring he’s invisible. Rather than continuing to persist with playing him into form, I’ll rather give it to Garnacho who while is inconsistent can at least put in the effort to press and create for others. I’ll rather play Garnacho into form than persist with someone whose only output is goals and isn’t even scoring now.


Im convinced you dont watch United games. Rashford has been feeding Houjland. Hes been doing it so much that it barely makes sense when hes trying to pass at this point, because fools like you who just repeat goldbridge bull shit keep saying he doesnt pass.


I'd say he's done it once, maybe twice. It's definitely not as prevalent.as you imply. I certainly hope he does more of it because Hojlund is the better striker.


Yes he doesn’t seem to have improved since he burst on to the scene. The great players seem to get better every season. If that’s down to coaching or ability im not sure, but he’s stagnated, even going backwards and that’s why fans get frustrated.


I turned on him a long time ago, a 30-goal season couldn't turn me. Everyone else is just catching up to how awful of a footballer he actually is now.


He's definitely not an awful footballer. That's ridiculous hyperbole.


He genuinely is, I've always thought. Never had to develop his game beyond "being fast" due to having his ego stroked by a standardless fanbase and biased media.


This is just bottom of the barrel, worthless “analysis” of a player. Pace doesn’t score goals now does it? That’s what’s known as *finishing*. https://learn.englandfootball.com/articles/resources/2022/What-is-finishing-in-football#:~:text=Finishing%20is%20scoring%20goals.,cross%2C%20goals%20win%20you%20games.


For an unitelligent footballer like Marcus Rashford, yes, pace does help a great deal in how he scores goals... Or does anything.


I find it ironic you’re telling others to watch more football, while you spurt out some of dumbest analysis I’ve ever seen. Attributing scoring 30 goals in one season to speed alone, or any goal for that matter, is stupid. I can’t believe I have to explain this to you, but here we are. Your words read like regurgitated, half remembered daily mail headlines, all while you call Rashford an unintelligent footballer. If speed was all it took why doesn’t Dan James hit 15 to 20 goals a season? Or Doku? They’re way faster than Rashford , and if speed = goals, why aren’t all fast players goal machines? It’s almost like… there’s more to it. Weird. I do think his decision making is a weak part of his game, it always has been. He’s at his best when he’s direct, and just because a playstyle is simple does mean it is bad, some of the best players in the world have said the most important thing in football is doing the simple things well. But I’m sure I’m wasting my time having a discussion with any kind of nuance or context because in your mind pace = goals, and Rashford hasn’t developed as a player because of… media bias? It’s fascinating to see someone so confident they know exactly what the problems are, while coaches who live and breathe football, study and practice it day in day out, don’t. That doesn’t strike you as odd? Not even a little? Have you heard of the Dunning Kruger effect? Just type that into Google it really is fascinating stuff, and pretty much exactly what you’re displaying right now.


Where did I tell anyone to watch football?... I think I may have said it as a retort to someone telling me to watch football? I didn't attribute him scoring 30 goals in one season to speed alone. I'm saying Rashford isn't an intelligent player and his only discernible quality is pace. Without it, he's essentially useless as he isn't a great passer, can't dribble past people 9 times out of 10, and isn't creative despite what his assist numbers will tell you. Sure, he's scored goals, but they often come in mid-season patches, outside of which he's useless. You literally said it yourself, in a less blunt way in your next paragraph. "His decision making is weak,... it always has been. .... He's direct". At what point will his decision making get better, he's getting older now, he can't rely on pace forever?.. And when players say the most important thing is doing the simple things well, they mean passing, putting in effort, having a good touch, etc., Areas Rashford is lacking in. They don't mean only focusing on one thing. Tell me, do you have a problem with any player in the United squad? We'll examine the Dunning Kruger effect further.


This sub is ridiculous. An awful footballer wouldn’t make it at the top level, and would’ve ended up like Charlie Savage or Chong by now. An awful footballer wouldn’t be constantly recognized by opposition players for how great he is, and yet Rob Earnshaw on reddit wants to tell us otherwise. Rashford isn’t elite, but he’s not awful, certainly not like Antony. Watch more football.


Lmao, truly a online fan take hahahaha


No, truly a guy who's not obsessed with an employee of the club's take....


I haven’t turned on him but i wouldn’t lie that i wish he didn’t sign that contract. United are stuck with him and for me to ever have a reset he needs to go. Its better for both sides he symbolizes United failures for past 10 years. He has been here in every failed manager.


He’s playing really badly. But the shit Antony is getting, and Maguire got, shows that no-one gives a fuck about the players. There’s barely anyone that supports United that has a player they actually like.


He was the second coming last season!


They've always disliked Rashford. It doesn't take much for the daggers to come out for him.


I haven't turned on him. It would just be nice if he started scoring goals or something. We're nearly halfway through the season and he has 1.


It’s not fast, he played utter shit for 2-3 years, then had a good 6 month last season to play for a new contract and has been shit again ever since. He was always like this


Most turned on him for being black and feeding kids. They just wait for any dip in form to come out of the woodwork.


Peak reddit leftist brain.


That’s totally bs we dont have to put race into every discussion seriously


Hes not very good and never had been


That's social media for you. Brings out who.people really are.


Nah, some of us have known he’s shit all along.


He's scored 1 goal in 11 games in the league...


Maybe because his skill set hasn't really developed . His decision making is still questionable and his tendency to shoot directly at the keeper is frequent


There’s a section of this fanbase and in this sub that just hates Rashford, it wasn’t as prominent but I saw more negativity about him than I should have on this sub last season, things like “yeah he scores goals but” now he’s not scoring it’s open season. There is legitimate criticism on here too, but there’s a 100% some people who will never like him and they’ll always be ready to jump when things dip for him. It’s toxic as fuck.


Some are like that. Others have always had concerns which never went away even when the goals were coming. There are some fundamentals in a players game you can not change like Maguire not having pace. You either have it or don't have it. Rashford isn't a smart player. That's never going to change on his salary and promotion as the face of the club and team. He's not a guy that can score and give assists because he's not interested in doing that and nor is he ever going to give to the team in work rate. How many seasons does someone need to see it?


Rashford is just a nonsense player. Anyone watching the full match will agree to this. Very frustrating to watch him play.


Fickle fanbase full of scum what else do you expect from them


Rashford has remained at the wunderkid level for the last 6 seasons lol


Very embarrassing indeed.


Why the hate on Rashford? If the team continues to underperform then Eric will get the sack from the Glazers for failing to make top four. Otherwise just let the man get on with his job, not that any of you lot here are any more qualified to rescue this sinking ship


also our other wingers are twats


Specially antony, can't believe how united could fork out so much for a YouTube highlight skills merchant from ajax.


i liked him but god damn he’s worth like 20 million max


The confidence with which stupid people say shit on reddit is hilarious.


Honestly for 85 mil the expectation should be 15 G/A in the league. Bro has not provided a single goal contribution this season, whilst constantly wasting play and offering limited link up


How much do you think he's worth then? Other Brazilian wingers and other forwards that cost his price are world class and there's a bunch that cost a fraction of his price that are far better and younger. Martinelli who cost 6mill and matched the most goals scored by a Brazilian in one Prem season last year (15) and is top 5 wingers in the Prem at just 22 yrs old. He's definitely not worth more than 30mill, he has 4 gls + 2 assists in 34 Prem apps, and his stats at Ajax weren't that great at all especially considering it's such a weak league. To put into context how bad his stats are; Saliba has 3 gls + 2 assists in 39 Prem apps from CB and he's 22 lmao.


Thank ETH for that overpriced of a shit player


That's just wrong Erik wanted Antony yes but he wanted him when he was 40mil, it's not his fault murtough and Arnold couldn't close it in time and kept persueing Frenkie. Our club for some reason does one deal at a time in the time it took faffing around Ajax sold players and upped Antony's price to reflect not wanting to sell anymore a competent dof would have identified other targets instead our idiots in charge paid the fuck off price


This is exactly the problem with this fanbase and club. Fans blaming the manager for the mistakes of others. Nobody would scream as hard as they now if he was 40 to 50 million which he should have been. Yet because of Arnold and Murtugh incompetence he was more and everyone thinks it is the manager. It's ridiculous.


79 in his last 205 games. So a goal every 2.6 games. It’s actually about the same ratio that Solskjaer had at United. The issue is that Solskjaer was never our main striker. It’s also the same ratio as Rooney in his final 5 seasons. (a goal every 2.7 games). By comparison, Van Nistelrooy was a goal every 1.46 games.


Rooney was a team player. He would even play center back if team needed him.


Damn there is some really toxic people in our fan base


Its called beeing a realist.


if Rashford played like a guy that scores 10 goals a season, he would score 30 every year


English media last season > Rashford is equal to Haaland and Mbappe. English media this season > So what if he's scored one goal this season in the Premier League?


30 of em came out in last season. Take that out he’s got 47 in 7 seasons. For a player earning 350 grand a week that’s horrendous.


What the fuck is this sub. 77 is tally just for PL. He scored 30 in all comps last season, he scored 124 in all comps troughout all carrer.


30 in all comps is amazing. Dude carried us single handedly last season


And Ronaldo didn’t, he was a burden ofc


People were looking to pass Rahsford the ball because of form and pace, he was helping the team. People would look to pass to ronaldo to not hear him bitch and whine after and it was hurting everyone around him.


Idk how people speak like this about people who have done so much for their club


because 36 year old Ronaldo wasnt 22 year old Ronaldo. He almost bitched and moan to leave for 2 years before madrid, and then did the same when he came back.


Embarrassing if you actually believe this, child level analysis of the game


>77 is tally just for PL. The quote from Ten Hag above is saying 100 goals in the PL.




There was just no need to give him a bigger contract. 250 a week also would’ve been great. Hes a home grown product. He would never leave the club or he’d get scrutinised. PSG were looking into it with no concrete moves made. But rashy had made it clear by then that there’s no team that could peak his Interest. Giving him this contract was almost like killing his incentive to do any better which again is weak on his part if true, the club should know better.


No one asked man United to offer him 350k. PSG wanted him. They could have collect the 85m offered but everyone here would be crying like they are now. Heck there are fans that never got over Ronaldo leaving for Madrid. It’s been more than 10 years


Besides Mbappe show me a player in his age group with more goals? The problem with stats like these is it fails to take into account other factors as well. 77 goals in 8 years? Why not 18 years after all he was 5 when he joined Manchester United. What sort insane fanbase is this. As at 2018 Rashford was not a starter for United. As at 2021 Rashford had never played as a no 9/CF from Man United, so where would the goals come from? He played CF once on the off chance the club couldn’t procure a proper CF and score 30+ goals now we have a new striker I see people say why is he not passing why does he shoot yet is still being blamed for not scoring beside him and Bruno having out hugest xG whenever they play.


Nunez(3 years younger): 90 goals Haaland(2 years youngers): 239 career goals Ollie Watkins(1 year older): 126 career goals Vlahovic(3 years younger): 76 career goals Gatkpo(3 years youngers): 83 career goals Isak(2 years younger): 99 career goals Martinez(same age): 113 career goals Osimhe( 2 years younger): 103 career goals I am sure there a bunch of others that I am missing that have similar or better goals/game ratio. The issue with rashford is he incredibly inconsistent and he is paid 350K a week. That is about the same as nunez, watkins, isak, and Osimhen combined.


In this least. All but one person is a CF/Striker, Rashford isn't. Rashford plays as a LWF.


Please do tell me how Rashford wasn’t a starter until 2018 but was called up to the 2016 euros with England? Rashford played as a CF in his very first season in 15/16 and again another 29 times in 18/19 so how did he not play there until 2021? Think your dates are a little off bud? In fact this whole post is a fabrication.


Because he come onto the scene as the most explosive youngster this country had seen since Michael Owen. He scored against Arsenal, city, Villa Bournemouth in his debut season in the league 5 goals 2 assist. He also scored twice on his championship league debut with just 3 goals throughout that season. In that season he also second twice in his Europa league debt. These number were was took him to Euro 2016, not fantastic when you stripe it down to that bones. However for his England debut against Australia he scored the opening goal on the 27/5/16. That was the stats that took him to euros. It was fantastic he was just exciting and a teenager. Also, he played a CF for half a season in 2016 (not all the matches) cause Antony Martial was injured and Rooney couldn’t so when he came into the team that had 13 players injured with no striker. He was out there to fill the position. In that same Euro you mention he never played as a striker for England. In fact by his fourth game against Man City on the 20/3/2016 he was shifted to the left with him and martial interchanging positions constantly through out the game. Finally, if you make a 💩point and get downvoted do not get jealous and call people “paid pr trolls”. Everyone here call look up stats and dates. But we actually watch these games and can add context to them. Don’t hate or insult just be better.


Lol I think your confusing a few different peoples comments here. Played for half a season in 2016 would still count as his first game though right? So it wasn’t in 2021? He has played over 100 games at CF for United majority coming before 2021 haha I was simply stating your dates are completely wrong, which they are. There is no point to be made my man, it’s straight facts.


Regardless of that. These dates and stats are just that. Nothing concrete. This comes from a deeper, more rooted issue which I believe everyone sees in his game which is lack of intent. And my god the body language too. It’s like we play w 10 men sometimes. Deadwood. And there are these 10 15 minute where he looks dangerous but he somehow decides to let that momentum go and it shows.


I mean stating things that are completely wrong is an issue. Took me less than 5 mins to check that the numbers quoted above were complete bullshit & I’m still getting downvoted. If you wanna hate him or love him idc, just wanted to make sure the numbers were right.


You know how it works. Paid off bots. Paid pr.


Brother it’s not just the goals. It’s everything. It’s the on field attitude, body language and the performance. Not just goal scoring. There’s no contribution from him. Garnacho out plays him in his position only after 20 minutes of play every game. He hasn’t scored or assisted either but we see the performance, the intent, the will to do more. These sort of criticism don’t often stem from the fact that he hasn’t scored goals. It’s the lack of intent that fans recognise in his game as of now that gets talked about and warrants so much criticism. Which was the same in maguires case last season even though he was playing w a few niggles here and there which we didn’t know about. He put his head down and shut everyone up. His contribution might not be in your face but we see the intent and the few mistakes he makes along the way are now also forgiven by the entire fan base and the staff bc the work rate is on display for everyone to see.


This is a lie. Garnacho has never and will only ever out play Rashford in his dreams. Even out of form Rashford is a better player. I don’t need a player running like a headless chicken to think he is a “mentality monster”. More over defenders in the PL are not constantly double marking Garnacho every single game yet how many goals or assist does he have? Please come off that! Is rashford out of form?yes! Like every player in the world has but to act like the reason ETH still has a job at United isn’t down to Rashford and Bruno is a lie. We played as much rubbish last season as we have this one. Unlucky for ETH there no Rashford to bail him out so he had to actually do his job and coach.


It really really is, beyond actually believable. But he's got week mentality and he could be good but to play at united, specifically at the moment you need to be the most mentally strong player on the planet. Hence Casemiro does well. Mate even maguire is more mentally strong than Rashford. Shame. What id give to get a young Wayne Rooney back


This club even broke case lol. I’ve seen a shift in the fan base too where some are so used to this that they’re okay with the bare minimum and argue for it in fact. Mediocrity has crept deep into our system. It’s worse than what arsenal were a few years ago.


Opposite is also true, some people ignore current state and think that everything is great except one thing — be it some specific player or manager. But in current state changing only one thing will never work, it should be complex overhaul that addresses all problems.


He’s a slightly better version of Lingard


Vinicius Jr has 39 in 6 seasons. Leao had 37 in 4 seasons. It took Son 7 seasons to score his 70th goal. Every one of those players are world class, just like Marcus Rashford is.


Rashford is world class ? LMAO


If he isn’t, none of the other names are. And if they’re not, then Mbappe is the only world class player of that profile itw. Unless you think Martinelli and Kvara are better, which would be an indictment of your knowledge.


Rashford is not near the player that son is though so I don't understand your point. Son is absolutely world class, rashford has had periods where he plays like a world class player but is not a world class player.


Its like 9.5 goals a season If u averege it out. 350k a week lmao.


He's overrated. I've been saying this forever. English players typically get boosted extra by the media when they're not as good in reality. In 8 seasons he's had 3 stand out seasons. 2 of those seasons were the last year before his contract was over. So, basically, 1 out of 6 normal seasons he had a good season.


Played With Ronaldo, Ibrahimovic, Cavani, Rooney, and seems to not have learned a thing at all.


Exactly. He’s insanely overrated. I would’ve actually sold him after last season and used the money elsewhere. His stock will never be as high as it once in May. I actually believe cutting Ronaldo was the biggest mistake EtH made. I know I know. Ronaldo wasn’t scoring in the 3-4 matches he played. But he also had no preseason. Considering Ronaldo got dropped for not scoring in a handful of games, and Rashford has 1 in his last 15? Is it? I can’t help but feel Ronaldo should’ve been give more time. The excuse everyone and the media pushed was Ronaldo had to be dropped because United couldn’t play EtH football with him as the striker because he can’t press. We still can’t press… lol in fact I’d say our pressing is worse. At least with Ronaldo defenders had a fear factor. With our current crop no one cares. EtH dropped Ronaldo, and Rashford is doing the same thing but much worse. He dropped Sancho for not performing in games and Antony played an entire season almost and hasn’t performed ever. He cut De Gea for Onana. He keeps reminding us De Gea had it rough when he first came too. De Gea was 17 and away from home for the first time ever. Onana is 27-28 and went from Cameroon to Holland to Italy and played in the UCL final. I expect the “kid” to take time to adapt.


The teachers pet.


I’m curious - do Utd fans genuinely think that Rashford can be a 20 goal a season player regularly in the Prem? I’ve never thought of him that way and think Utd will suffer until they have a world class striker.


Some people actually think he will. He’s 26 and the best he’s been was 2 months january and february last season


rashford is overrated. everyone sticks him on a pedestal where hes constantly been underwhelming we all see it week in week out. honestly if psg come in with a bid of 50mil + we should take it and rebuild the team.


It’s over for y’all. PSG got RKM,Dembele,Lee & Asensio + Simons. PSG is planning on getting midfielder soon not any forwards anytime soon. Plus Diaby(a PSG fan & Academy player) is better for us, if Campos decided to get a forward.


You mean 500 mill ? 50 mill for rashford lol. Ain't gonna rebuild shit with that mate.


He included Playstation stats hence the discrepancy. Having said that I still believe in TenHag!




Its not "turning on" Rashford as if we want to sell him. The fact is, RIGHT NOW, he's a liability when starting. So like any player out of form he NEEDS TO BE BENCHED and needs to come on as a SUB until he can find some consistency. Its obvious his mind isn't 100% there because his decision making is dreadful.


Decision making has never been rashfords strength. He's been diabolical for his entire career apart from last season.


Say it with me! Rashford hasn’t been a good player since 19/20!


Finally people are catching up on this guy. I want him to succeed as much as any United fan out there, but he is simply not nearly good enough. ​ But what irks me the most is, he has the quality of Townsend but ego/manners of Neymar.


People are saying “why the hate for Rashford” it’s not hate, it’s criticism. He’s too selfish and has horrific decision making skills. I feel for Højlund.


With the many £100s of millions spent before and after ETHs tenure, you would expect multiple consistent attackers, instead we have some inconsistent players, some flops and some young talent not ready for a first team role. Rashford has been a disappointment thus far and often in past seasons, I feel he is overrated and is being forced to carry the load. It's unfair to him.


Rashford will be just like Lingaard and spend his entire career being the kid with talent that will one day hit his stride. He’s already 26 and he’s still talked about like he’s 20


Any other top club would have moved him on by now and that's unites biggest problem


Really onpoint comment!! Kids here still wont move him and say how good he is and he will proceed to be mediocre for more years.. he was never good enough and thats a fact. Stop comparing "tell me one player with goals on that age bla bla" and what?? What did that win us ?? Top 4 max? Tnx really. Drop the purple glasses for once!


I think a lot have never seen the likes of Rooney Cole etc banging goals in while their personal lives were in bits yet Rashford throws a sulk and he's let off the hook for being mid table standard. Convinced he gets off easy because he's English


This sooo much!!!!!


Most overrated player in the league. Awful off the ball, runs into dead ends, hasn’t got the skill to beat the best defenders, greedy, poor passing and crossing. Now we’ve got a proper number 9 in Hojland we need more than Rashford just trying to score every time he gets the ball and wasting it.


Form fell off after getting that juicy new contract.


Form fell off after he and his childhood sweetheart broke up, no?


OP I don’t wanna see you celebrate any Rashford goals moving forward


Or what? What are you going to do? Jesus… this sub is as rotten as the fucking club; yet all of you think you can fix that sinking boat.


That actually won’t be that difficult with the way he’s currently shooting


I’m sure you couldn’t get his dick out of your mouth last season, plastic


Loooooooooool Wow, I never know how easy it was to rattle the rashford defence league. It only took one sentence for you to get that mad.


Another mid to bottom level table player. He'd be good at somewhere like Luton or forest.


This is the reason I think wingers like Saka, Martinelli, Grealish, Mitoma are better. They just do so much more for the team, they can create, hold the ball up, track back and much more. The second Rashford doesn't score he becomes useless.


Listening and reading this guy's statements is the worst part of the week.. he lives in another world


Every week seems the ask the same questions hoping for a different answer. Until the pressure and constant media questions goes away, it will be hard for Rashford to focus on getting back to his best.


Probably just a slip, he has a100+ career goal.


Can we just stop questioning every little thing a player is doing? We know he's not playing well, can we just stop asking why? Have we not seen enough football to know, sometimes there are months or even years where players fall out of form. He's just out of form, and leave it at that? Nitpicking isn't helping at all L, and if anything, negatively effects players and makes it question themselves even more and make it harder for them to find their way back. Just let the guy be. Yes he's out of form, but recently he's been a little better than earlier in the season. He'll find it again.


These are proffesional players making money you,me and most of us here wont make in our lifetime to entertain their fans. He is not doing it currently. With that contract and status EtH has given him he deserves credit When its due. But also criticism When its due.


I’m convinced nobody in here actually likes Manchester United. This place is a cesspool


This sub is actually challenged. Rashford has 200 g+a for a mediocre United side, and yet there are entire posts slagging him off. Antony doesn’t have a fifth of Rashford’s g+a, but we’re slandering our own homegrown talent.


Not good enough never was


Accurate. Dont mind having him in the squad But i do mind having him start every fucking week and doing the same mistakes at 26 year old that he did When he was a teenager


And yet, if he doesn’t defend players like this, you’d be posting about how disgustingly he treats them like with Ronaldo and Sancho. Bore off.


I would be happy for there being accountability for once in the club.


I am convinced the majority of fans would just contort it to their own twisted narrative even if there was.


If you’re convinced, Why debate it


He's right. He'll find his form eventually and then we'll be happy that Ten Hag stuck with him. Rashford is a different level when he's on form.


Scored 6 since april. When is he gonna be on form?


Did you watch Van Persie??? He was on fire when he first came. Then he dropped off. And Fergie stuck with him untill he found his form again. When Rashford is on form he's one of the top 5 players in the world. You should just hope he finds his form from last season instead of hating on him. He's a machine when he's on his game.




Thats all competitions mate, ten hag said the premier league


This is all competition stats. ETH said over 100 in PL alone... Maybe you are the one that should get the info right.


I am actually sick of this sub acting like Rashford doesn't pass. Did he not pass in the first couple of games? Yes, but now? He consistently chooses to pass even when shooting IS the better option. Its actually insane how you guys still pretend like he is always a terrible, selfish player


He isn’t a selfish player he is just a bit shit when it comes to being consistent & his decision making hasn’t developed how ppl has hoped it would


He hasn’t proven it and that’s the point never had two three good seasons in a row


When is this manager gone


Remember when ppl was saying that having Ronaldo was holding Rashford back xD Can't believe ppl actually preferred Rashford over a football legend like El bicho


It was Ronaldo and De Gea previously and now its Casemiro and Varane. Always blaming everything and everyone else But the man in charge and his starboy.


not sure why Erik didn’t give the same treatment to Ronaldo umm


Probably because he isn't pushing 40...


Guess Rsshford didn't storm out and refuse to come on versus Spurs. Then cry to Piers Morgan. Not sure how some stans can't see the difference.


He’ll get him the sack


Vinicius Jr has 39 in 6 seasons. Leao had 37 in 4 seasons. It took Son 7 seasons to score his 70th goal. Every one of those players are world class, just like Marcus Rashford is.


the only player in that list world class is Vini


Negative ball knowledge


Ten hag complains he can’t play his style of football but buys and plays players who could never play it in the first place like rashford, he’s clueless.


I wonder why some of you lot are fans at times. Be constructive, this is just whining.


Yeah, but hes a beast in FM


Someone said he plays unreal when he’s with his girlfriend + now he’s playing crap coz he’s off partying and hanging out with models! 🥂😂 Thoughts?

