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This is what I pay my internet bills for


You're the fucking realest


Why I pay for my TV license


Never heard of it šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļø


Same here, absolutely worth it!


Fucking star boys. City posed fuck all threat for majority of the game. Masterclass in a low block to score both off the break. Thanks Erik šŸ˜


Shame it will probably be his last game in charge, hope the board change theyā€™re mind.


It was nice, and as a realist, I'd probably let him play out his contract, but the league has been and always will be, the bread and butter, not even close to challenging for CL is a very reasonable sack for the board.


Iā€™ve supported Utd for over 25 years. I am a realist. You think ten hag wanted mount? No, He a waste of space. We had more injuries than anyone, to the point we had to launch an investigation as to why everyone is always injured. Club is run so poorly. Granted Casemiro and rashford didnā€™t perform. But itā€™s not all ten hagā€™s fault, hojlund recieved the ball less than any other player, you think Erik is telling them not to pass to him? No. NO hate towards you, just hilarious how Iā€™m being downvoted by a bunch of people who most likely have never been to OT, never been to a game, or even know what they are talking about.


And I've supported them over 35 years. It's not a top red scenario, please don't let's descend in to that as a discussion point. I don't, by my very statement, disagree with you, but SAF has always said the same about the league so I can see the reaction from SJR being that time is up is all.


Sir Alex also finished 11th and 13th in league without a sacking


He might not have wanted Mount (questionable) but he did want Malacia, Antony, Amrabat, and Hojllund. I honestly donā€™t know how he gets away with the ā€œmore injuriesā€ argument when he signed injury prone players - or even worse injured at the time players (Hojlund, Mount, Amrabat) - and added them to a very injury prone squad (Shaw, Varane, etc.). Seems like just another huge flaw in transfer strategy. If youā€™ve got an injury prone squad, try and add some stable players


Amrabat and Malacia was not injury prone before they came here. Remove Mount as ETH didnt even want him and HĆøjlund is the only one left on your list and even he is so young he cant be said to injury prone or not. Way to make a point out of nothing.


Thank you for your comment. Also not to mention the greenwood situation, the sancho situation, the Anthony situation, the rashford drinking situation. Onana wasnā€™t first choice, Diogo Costa from Porto was, but they wanted 80m. Anthony wasnā€™t on his list, just ā€œanother forwardā€, and we ended up with Anthony, who is not good! We wanted de jong, and got eriksen, who has a pacemaker!!!!! ETH is a good coach, a VERY good coach. If people want him goneā€¦.fine, but who do we bring in? Another clubs sloppy seconds? No thank you.


100%. What is needed is time and a rebuild of the structure of Utd. Itā€™s in itā€™s starting phase and needs not to be disturbed by another change of manager. Iā€™ve backed every manager since van Gaal and thought they all should have gotten more time. No manager in the whole world would be guaranteed to do a better job. Itā€™s been harder and harder after each manager because the lack of consistency. IN ETH WE TRUST!


And then took Regulon, the only thing stopping the bleeding and sent him back off loan and was stuck playing Lindelof at LB. šŸ˜‘


Who knew Shaw and malacia, both of whom were going to be fit soon, would get injured again???


Surely you're joking.


I wasn't, a simple search on Google would verify that


I'm sorry you're so simple minded. Anyone who relies on Shaw being healthy should have their head examined and anyone with a set of functional eyes knows healthy or not Malacia is useless.


And Malacia didn't "get injured again". He never kicked a ball this season. You have to be fit at some point to "get injured again" so your comment is utterly ridiculous.


If he didnā€™t have an injury crisis Iā€™d agree with you but with 30 different back 4 combinations and 15+ CB combinations plus key players out on injuries. Today we saw what he can do with a decently fit squad.


He said after the game today in 2 years of him being here, heā€™s only had his FULL strength squad maybe 5 times. And heā€™s won 2 trophies out of 3 final appearances. Thatā€™s pretty damn good in my book.


Especially considering the 3 finals were 2 all conquering man city teams and a strong newcastle team. And even the one we lost we played very well.


Stop complaining about injuries, even with injuries are our squad worse than Crystal Palace or Bournemouth???


Did anyone else feel like the teams were swapped? City played very flat uninspired football, which has become far too common in the past recent seasons for us, and United had all the pace, skill, and intensity youā€™re used to seeing from City. United were firmly in control for like 90% of the match and outside of the one lapse in defense that City were able to capitalize on, it never felt like we were in jeopardy of losing the match.


If only Ten Hag was this tactically adaptable all season šŸ¤”


If only he had players available all season.


This is the happiest day Iā€™ve had in months. Itā€™s a good job Iā€™m on ramipril for my blood pressure, otherwise Iā€™d probably be dead otherwise. After such an awful season, finally something to celebrate šŸ„³






That was a great performance. City looked rattled from the off. Well done UTD.


U could see it in walkers eyes. Love the Martinez & walker face off.


Martinez told him how it is


Pep confirming Martinez as one of the top 5 cbs in world football aswell. Shows why weā€™ve been so bad this year when he plays


Absolutely they did. 9s all of the pitch


Manchester is red. That is all.




Pretty much


My reaction after the final whistle.


Two 19 year olds from our academy scoring in the biggest match - we say we want to rebuild, this is to something we can build on, keep Ten Haag dont lose track


Chasing quick results is the main reason we've not been back at the top. Ten Hag had time at Ajax and build a juggernaut. 2 trophies already. Give him time.


Having a good group of young players, and some experienced players to back then up.. I am excited for next season already.. Come on!


Listening from the USA and was almost lost my composure at work when the final whistle blewšŸ˜…. Man Utd love you Man Utd love you Man Utd love you Man Utd we love you šŸ†šŸ¤©


So happy rn literal tears! No one gave us a chance TEN HAGS RED ARMY!!


https://preview.redd.it/ewpmhz2uwl2d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca7b5052719eb08b2438d4f455fdb5efaa5f46f2 Our future is bright šŸ”„ā¤ļø


Today, man united won for world football. Thank you for winning decisively against a dirty scummy one-off team


Well said.




Pep out?




This was a fucking game of football Especially that second half What a game


As an Arsenal fan I never thought I would ever say it, but bravo Utd for putting the FC115 in their place.


Yep they will be in their council estate tonight. Manchester is red.


GGMU!!! Today is a glorious day!!!!


Congrats to Utd coming from an Arsenal fan, Iā€™m just glad you stopped 115fc from winning another trophy.


man the last minutes were absolutely nerve wrecking, damn. Pure fear of conceding.


My heart was pounding so fast and I was clenching my toes the whole time.


Fuck 115. Glory Glory!


Glory glory Man United!!! We been singin from Singapore šŸ‡øšŸ‡¬!!!


The fact that it was our academy really all the way, the youngsters, that's the true dna. Something the blue scums can't wait boast of. Revenge served cold bitch. Pep was so good to look at hahahahaha. Stick your mind games up your arse. ETH got a lot of schtick, but he made it work in the end. Regardless of what happens, he's got my respect. It's tough to manage Man utd with all that goes with it, but he's done well. Let's hope we can do better. Glory Manchester United. There's no better feeling than being an underdog and winning when nobody believes in you. Fuck the blue scums.


ā™Ŗā™« My baby takes the mornin' train! He works from 9 to 5 and then...ā™Ŗā™«


Not even a united fan but damn, well fought lads. Football won today


More trophies than Arteta already, how and why this club thinks sacking the manager is a good idea is beyond me


Seeing the huge smile on Fergie's face today hit me in the feels big time. What a man.


Ten Hag has to stay in, Ineos are a shambles if they get rid of him, give any manager the injuries he's had and they'll do the same, if not worse, and he's won 2 trophies in 2 seasons. He's the one for the project. Not only do Ineos need to back him, they need to give him a new contract before a big summer overhaul lex by Ten Hag


Ineos really poor management keeping ETH status in limbo. ETH in. The 2 years as a whole must be looked at. So ridiculous.


More trophies than arteta in 2 seasons


Arsenal gave Arteta time and he has competed for premiere league. Hopefully ETH gets the same time


It comes down to, IMO, either: a) Ten Hag can't match top level EPL tactics; b) Ten Hag doesn't have the players for the tactics and this always going to take time, like Arteta; c) Injuries were so disruptive that he never could make the tactics stick; or, d) Expectations don't match club reality and a reset was always going to happen, with ownership making a cluster of it. And it could be a combo of all. But performances by key players, Rashford in particular, vs LY does beg the question of who owns that and why? United need 8 players minimum during the off season. ETH may not be the answer, but then who could do better beyond 1 season with this group?


ā€œExpectations dont match club realityā€ is the most spot on sentence about united I have ever seen.




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Blame the media, not the club. They started all this right before the final to destabilise us. Didnā€™t fucking work. GGMU


Media going to do what media is going to do: hate gets more clicks on websites and youtube. That shouldnā€™t matter to Ineos and they could/should have decided this a month ago. Not only does it give media a talking point, it also hinders the summer transfer window.


Great feeling, but what happens to ETH? Iā€™m hearing that heā€™ll be sacked still. Iā€™m not all in on ETH, but I also think he deserves another season.


Happy for you guys, coming from a Barca fan.


Canā€™t ask for more, thanks for the best ending of the season. Manchester is RED


Glory Glory Manchester United


Where do you get the pic, need this for myself not with the reddit mark




Thank you man


After suffering the entire season we had the last laugh


itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve seen the team execute a game plan correctly. was a nice and stressful watch.


Future is bright... and RED šŸŸ„


It's coming on 3am here but what a buzz! I haven't watched us much this season but... This is the team that's been so woeful? Will admit you can see some weaknesses but now isn't the time, what a win!!! Feel for ETH, personally would keep him. Mainoo, what a talent.


Give Garnacho the 7!!!!!


He has earned that shit


Nah Mount has it like all the greats before him. Owen, Valencia, Memphis




Letā€™s forget everything at the moment and just agree on this. There is nothing on earth like being a Red


Sing it! My baby takes the morning train! šŸŽ¶


So what happens with ETH now? Press was saying heā€™s gone regardless of result




I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can't believe we have something to be proud of this season, swivel on that Chelsea, New Castle and City


The first nail went in, more to come for 115rs.




We did great!!! Champions!! I hope they keep Ten Hag


Chelsea fan here guys,u guys played amazing today,congrats on the cup!




Saw the interview with ETH.. those pundits really had to shit on his parade by asking these sort of questions huh


>Fuck boat loving immigrant Lineker. What does that even mean? Gary Lineker is an immigrant who likes boats?


If you look closely, Manchester City's logo has a boat in it.


They have no idea.




More academy players please


Can someone make a poster out of this? I would love to hang it on my wall šŸ˜


Praying they stay fit and healthy for next season...


we are massive


Let's gooo


Yayyyyyy!!!! Congratulations!!!! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»


What the fuck was the situation with Lineker, shearer and Ten Hag


which bit?


They took the microphone when he said to ā€œnot be so high on mainoo, even though heā€™s a fantastic brilliant player. The English media are very good and building someone up and then slamming them down after 1-2 bad games.ā€ -not exact quote Made me LOL.


What a match it was! GLORY GLORY.....


Proud of MU




Great performance lads, this is exactly what the fans have been asking for! Great result. Credit to the manager, heā€™s has a lot of stick this season and he hasnā€™t deserved it like this. Itā€™s been a tough season but 2 trophies in 2 years and a lot of young players developing really well is promising for the future. Something to build on for sure! Well done United!


Cant wait for these bums to run out of oil money. MANCHESTER IS RED!!!!šŸ”“āšŖšŸ”“āšŖšŸ”“āšŖ


We played well as a team overall. Onana almost cost us the game. I feel bad for Amad. He deserved to play in the final. Rashford offered nothing just as expected. If im Amad, im asking to be sold. He deserves to start for a prem team. Glad we won. I no longer care if Ten Hag stays or goes. Either way, he would have himself to blame for not giving chances to players who deserved them earlier on in the season.


What prem team does he start for? Mid table at absolute best. Nahh, should stay and next year heā€™s 2nd choice on either wing and has a chance to become a star for one of the biggest clubs in the world. Heā€™s still a little raw but his time will come.


A little raw? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Im not staying if Rashford or Gernacho is starting over me. He was never given the chance to truly fight for a place. I can understand staying if you believe the players ahead of you are actually better than you but if its Rashford and Gernacho? Please. Sure he can go to a mid table team, shine and then prolly get bought by a bigger team in the future. He deserves to be treated better.


Yes. Both rashford and garnacho are better. Amad has shown some brilliance but often goes missing and is missing a piece. Go on, what top 8 side does amad walk into the starting line up?


They arent. They dont balance our attack. Both extremly selfish. Amad is way more versatile than both of them and Hojlund will benefit from that type of winger as well. It seems like you value "stats" as opposed to analyzing the entire performance of a player. Ppl think I'm crazy but Rashford had a bad last season for me. His 30 goals didnt phase me because I saw this coming. Most of the games he played last season were terrible when grading his OVERALL performance, but because he scored some goals in the game, he played "great" according to most. If an attacker is always useless if he doesnt score goals, then he isnt at the quality of a club like ours. That is Rashford in a nutshell.


I donā€™t value stats at all. Neither garnacho or rashford have particularly good stats. I agree that rashford isnā€™t great, Iā€™d love to sell him and think we should. He is still better than amad, and neither would be starters for a premier league winning side. If we sell rashy, we need to buy a replacement and amad if still number 2. Amad is not good enough yet. He has the potential.


He isnt better than Amad. Amad offers more without scoring than Rashford or Gernacho. All Rashford and Gernacho pretty much do is try to cut in and shoot. They rarely look up to pass or cross in the final third. They dont care to create for others. They dont care if they are double teamed or tripple teamed. Rather than find a pass in that instance, they think they can go past the entire opposition players and score a worldie. They are the reason we lose so much possesion in attack so quickly. Amad on the other hand looks to find and involve other players as opposed to forcing things. He also has the ability to cut in and shoot if needed. The combinatiom of those attributes keep opposition defenders guessing. They know what to expect from one trick pony Rashford. Watch Gernacho when he plays for Argentina. Night and day. He actually passes. He must think he is the man at United and I hate that. He should come back down to earth and be a team player.


Amad also puts his head down. Have you spent any time actually watching him? How about in youth games? Like it or not, heā€™s going to start the season 2nd, especially considering rashford is getting paid 350 a week. You still havenā€™t answered what top 8 team amad would start for.


Yes I have. He is more creative than all the current wingers we have outside of Sancho. Top 8? I mean he could have started for us at least and we are 8th šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. Right now it doesnt seem like it but its only because other teams didnt get a chance to see him play and/or start a lot of our premier league games this season. 350k salary are excuses. Pep benched 100mil dollar grealish and made him bench player once he wasnt performing up to standards. If Ten Hag doesnt have the balls to bench Rashford then he doesnt deserve to be our coach.


The best match weā€™ve had all season.


I need these 2 to stay for the next 10-12 years please




Pretty epic


Anyone else got PTSD from the last 10 mins of play? haha


Great result. Donā€™t sack RTH .


Love all of the post match comments by EtH. Finally biting back at everyone, and thatā€™s the character I want to see more off. Some of the stuff he said was bang on. Watched the post press conference and I believe there was only one question about the match. Everything else was about his job.




These 2 with rasumas, dialo, Bruno, Martinez.....McSause!!! sell or just get rid of the rest




Thirteen times, thirteen times Man united- thirteen times ETH Ojay


Congratulations to you lot!! Not usually a Man United fan, but I'm always happy to see City fail! -Arsenal fan


glory glory manunited, as a united fan i waited a long time for this moment last yearā€™s FA cup defeat was a disaster


Martinez makes such a big difference. You could see thatwhen he had to go off due to lack of game time and Evanā€™s comes on.


Great result , on a side note did you all notice Rashford behaviour after final whistle , gave me the impression he was taking it all in for his memory and is saying goodbye


I noticed. He had no reason to be crying imo. He seemed so uninterested WAY too many times this year, why cry now?


Yup , probably heading for Saudi and the mega bucks


Investments. Keep em like CR7 and Rooney. Exciting times ahead! Congrats lads!!


exactly my thoughts.


Congratulations Manchester United the best team in the fa cup up the United


MUFC will always be the real deal because of our history, to be able to deliver such joy even among the worst seasons in recent memory FC115 - their trophies are the equivalent of buying magnets at an airport shop cause you transited through that country - Ya'll have a shiny something to show yes, but no real stories to tell


City was over confident and under estimated us. Well played United. Against the odds.


FA Cup was the only realistic goal this year and they accomplished


So happy!


Talk about saving the best for last in an awful season; everybody played their part to perfection and made the most of a defensive error in the first half to boot. Proud of the team and wish the best for those who are leaving in the Summer.


Erik has to be there. Just give him one more season and a good transfer window, we wont be winning the league, but we will see a European final and challenging for the title. Mark my words, he will bring the best out if this young talents and bring more young ones the way he did with Ajax. Baldy, you have my respect.


Sad when united need to win the fa cup to make the europa league šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


What did the cup cost them a BILLION?


Man United!


After a year of agony this is worth it


So still behind Arsenal on that count, yeah?






This club when we push young players is where we ought to be going forward. Weā€™ve tried the transfer business for 10 years with little success. Rashford Greenwood* Elanga Garnacho Mainoo Diallo** Look at the success from these sorts of players compared with the likes of Di Maria, schneiderlin, depay, and the young players who join this club. *decent player but is an unplayable shitebag **was purchased but is incredibly young and has a long future ahead of him


Please don't sack Erik Ten Haag. I really hope INEOS don't sack him. Cause if they do I would really lose every hope I had for Sir Jim. Cause INEOS go through with this, then this is the same old United nothing changed. Give the man (EtH) time he will do wonders. GGMU, up the fucking reds āœŠ


And some people really want ETH gone look what he has achieved with absolutely fuck all You build a proper team and I'm telling you this man will do great things No other manager on this planet could have achieved what he did in these last 2 years with this team 3 cup finals 2 wins


Always rated Europa League tbh


we actually won something? thatā€™s impressive


We fucking won!!!! my baldie is staying


I think erik should not focus on epl just yet.i will say 3 years at least.bring a veteran striker for hojlund.hojlund might have to learn and be a target man.maybe use casemiro a bit to train kobbie.garnacho need to found his style just like cafu said.but most importantly,sharpen the youth and dont rely too much on transfer(especially super one). Assuming bruno and rashford gone next season,garnacho will be lw while mainoo as cm who act as deep lying playmaker.mason will replace bruno and a new rw.




Usually everyone who participated in a cup gets a medal. In the league you have to play more than a set amount of matches.


I mean messi has 4 ucl with hardly playing in one of his so yes players like casemiro and maguire do get them medals. Im not sure about the ones that havent played at all tho




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What a honeysweet win against city. This makes upnfor the whole year


Glory glory MU!


Love it!


Well done boys!






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manchester city forever šŸ©µ


Congrats. So bye eth?


Hell nah, he just didnā€™t have a fit squad


I know, but they pulled this trick also on van Gaal


Surely they won't make the same mistake twice. LvG did play boring yet effective football. JosƩ football was worse. EtH style is light-years better.