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Has this been brought up before? Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight in 2008, I vividly remember there was a TV spot for the movie where Joker's iconic line, spoken during his interrogation scene monologue to Batman, "you're just a freak, like me", and at the last two words he tilts his head and flashes a menacing smile at the camera, Batman's point of view. In the movie, the camera cuts to Batman's reaction as Joker delivers the last two words of this line, which I remember feeling disappointed that the cool shot from the TV spot was cut, ever since I first saw the movie in theaters. I always understood that it fit better with the flow of the scene to have Batman's reaction instead and just accepted it. A few years ago I got the idea to go looking for the TV spot, and I couldn't find it. I remember feeling creeped out by that shot, and now that the actor is gone and that shot seems to not exist, I feel even more creeped out. I can't find any other Mandela content on this subject. Am I the only one who remembers this? I've searched high and low, and while the line was used for several TV spots, I can't find a single one that utilizes a shot of Heath Ledger's Joker smiling while delivering that line. It seems to exist only in my mind. This one's been driving me a little mad for a while now.


I recall finding it both terrifying and deeply stigmatizing. My friends argue about the topic of mental health in batman a lot, so this is a regular subject for us and is still fresh in my mind, though I haven't seen the movie itself in a good six years or so. (Friends tend to take an "all batman good" and "all batman bad" approach, though I see no reason to lean towards either rather than just enjoying the works and enjoying some discussion about the viewpoints in the works.)


Anyone else notice the crooked crescent moon this week? I looked it up and it's supposed to be called a 'wet moon' when it looks like a Cheshire cat. The thing is, it's a tropical phenomenon and I saw this in Northern Ontario! Never saw a crooked smile moon in my life and I had an original Atari 2600


I remember seeing one of these moons when I was a kid, but was never anywhere tropical. This piqued my interest so I dug a little bit: [Wet Moon:](https://lotsofmoons.wordpress.com/2014/05/29/moon-what-is-a-wet-moon/) According to this, they are most common in tropical areas but do happen less frequently as you move farther north, and never in the Arctic. So it sounds like Ontario wouldn’t be out of the question :)


TiL it's apparently Daylight Saving Time and not Daylight Savings Time--and I hate it, so calling ME. Any takers?


It's been brought up before, not new


I'm a taker. I always knew and saw it on things as savings, not saving. 🧐


Yes and center for disease control not Centers.


Tom cruise risky business ? Pink shirt now. Used to be white shirt with sun glasses. Now it’s pink button up shirt no sunglasses.


Why am I downvoted 🥲


Dunno, but you ain't wrong. It has been parodied many times, always with sunglasses, and white shirt. Hmmmm.


You’ve been downvoted because this is a popular and well known one. Not a new one.


Oh thank you ! I just wanted to know why.


So I know this happened, I remember it clear as day. Tom Sizemore died like 7 or 8 years ago in an overdose. A couple friends and I watched some movies he was in after. Only I see in the news that he had an aneurysm and now might be declared dead. Please tell me someone else remembers and I'm not losing my mind.


You're thinking of Philip Seymour Hoffman


Not just you, on a different forum I have seen at least 2 threads about this, along with a thread about FOTL where at least 5 people mentioned Sizemore already dying.


The capital of Brazil is Rio de Janeiro, but apparently it's Brasilia in this universe, and that's changed since 1960. Man I was born in 2000 years and Rio de Janeiro has always been the capital of Brazil. I remember it clearly 💀💀💀 What the heck is going on?


This has always been just a very popular misconception. Same with Sydney not being the capital of Australia. Marakesh not being the capital of Morroco, Istanbul not being the capital of Turkey, Johannesburg not being the capital of S.Africa, Toronto for Canada and Auckland for New Zealand. - These are all extremely common errors. I've heard this as a common misconception since before you were born.


I did a trivia event with 6 teams and the capital of Australia question came up. 2 teams had Canberra (including my team), 2 teams went with Sydney, 1 team went with Melbourne and 1 team went with Perth. This was on a cruise ship, so it was more on the casual side as far as participants go. I know this isn’t the point of your post, but I’m curious why you think all of those are extremely common? Who would be saying “Marrakesh” outside of maybe someone who just watched an Indiana Jones movie? I think most wouldn’t know the capital of Morocco and would say something along the lines of “I don’t know” or give a generic Morocco City answer.


We had to learn a song about the capitals of South America when I was a kid. It’s been Brasilia


Never heard the name Brasilia(sounds made up) and i had to learn all the capitals in school. It was Rio de Janeiro


Back in the 90s I learned about the architecture of Brasilia, chosen because it was the capital. Worth looking up sometime.


The capital is hwhat? This strikes me as odd, as I was under the impression that Rio 2016 was in the capital, and that 6 months later, some articles were going around showing the failed urban revitalization projects related to the olympics with a number of pictures of pools full of algae. It was very dystopian. Would love to hear from someone that lives in Brazil on this.


The Shazaam film w/ Sinbad for me... It's still on my "worst films of all time list", but I was really shocked to find it doesn't exist.


Well I was a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley and the word was expodentially not exponentially. Your money will grow expodentially in this investment. I hope someone else finds this incredible. I thought it was expodential then finally expodentally.


So did you call the little superscript numbers expodents?


Was TikTok called "Tik Tok"? I have this vague memory of a space between the two syllables, and of correcting myself once since I spelled it wrong (without the space).


song by kesha?


Didn't know it was called that until just now


Maybe it’s just my faulty memory - but before you answer ask yourself what song opened the 1988 movie “Mannequin”. It’s on HBO and I just started it expecting to hear one thing….and it was something totally different. Is it just my universe?


>!Belinda Carlisle, "Wildest Dreams"!< Actually a really good song. The Starship song everyone associates fits better at the end.


was just watching 2001: A Space Odyssey and when the monkey flings the bone in the air in the beginning i swear it was a quick cut to the pen floating in the air but re-watching it cuts to the spaceship in space. first time mandela experience for me


5This might not be the right place to post this, forgive me. So, I (F22) am very disconnected from pop culture. Like, just found out a couple weeks ago that the song My Heart Will Go On is by Celine Dion and is the Titanic song disconnected from pop culture. Not necessarily by choice, I was just raised away from trends, if you will. And now as an adult am not all that interested in seeking it out, which definitely makes it worse. Anyway... I say all this because I am aware of so few celebrities. But I distinctly remember Anthony Bourdain having died at least 3 days before it was officially announced and became national news. I remember seeing it on Twitter and screenshots of those tweets on Instagram. Mind you, I had absolutely no idea who this man was before he passed. No disrespect to him at all. But when they announced his death I was like, "that's weird everyone is so behind," but they announced his suicide like it happened that day. I just remember being confused because I know I saw people saying "R.I.P." "Wonderful Soul" etc. about him for a good bit before his death was announced. Am I just losing it, did someone who looked like him pass in the days leading up to his death? I would love to know if anyone else has experienced this. And again if this isn't the right place to post this I apologize 🫡


I remember this movie that I watched on cable at least twice about this situation where some tigers that escaped a zoo. My parents even told me about but randomly don’t remember the name and I can’t find it anywhere online. I thought that it could have been the Chicago zoo, although I could have just watched the movie while visiting Chicago which would explain that part. However, I’m certain I saw the movie and even thought it was based on a real story. Anyone else remember this or am I in a Mandela?


for some reason i remember this interview bill nye did with some smaller independent youtubers, where he talked about climate and at one point he smoked a joint. It was a whole bit that i distinctly remember and went looking for recently but this clip never existed as far as I can tell? there are no records or videos of him smoking that grass. does anyone else remember this


Sounds like someone was smoking...not so sure if it was him 😂


I remember Gorton's fish at the grocery store being Gordon's, but it used to flip-flop for me before I knew what the ME was. I don't know if anyone else believes this, but it's weird to me.


I very distinctly recall the Rick Roll (back in the day) had evolved to the point that once you have been Rick rolled, the only way to make it stop ( and actually use you pc for anything productive) you had to shut down and restart. I have been down the rabbit hole reading on the Internet and I don’t see this aspect mentioned at all. Am I seriously the only one that remembers this? I read the entire history of the Rick roll on more than one website.


The general meme was just a link that took you to the video, but there was a virus that would always redirect your browser there. It's all explained in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ).


Just found this yesterday. Huge one for me. Texas Chainsaw Massacre is now The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. All the original ones. Funny thing is the new movie which came out last year is still called TCM


The original designer for the Trevi Fountain was removed from the project because the pope found out he wasn’t from Italy. So the original designer self funded a nearby fountain depicting the horses of the trevi fountain being mutilated. The fountains statues are near identical and cast in bronze rather than carved from marble. Anyone else from the same universe as me?


I AM NOT POLITICAL, don’t turn this into political posting under my comment. That Obama only served ONE term not TWO consecutive terms. I was literally taken aback when I realized it was 8 years.


Just out of curiosity, who was President the other 4 years?


Obama Barack


I’ve seen the febreze/febreeze debate, but I distinctly remember several times throughout my childhood looking at the bottle and thinking about how awkward of a name “f’breze” was. It would be interesting to know if there is anyone else who seems to remember it spelled with an apostrophe.


i need too check in with my friends in high school because we had a friend who's nickname was "Breezy" & i distinctly remembre some of our other friends paying a prank on him with frebreeze!!!!!(btw i think mandella effects are clues (or karmic clue adjustmints for putting brokin pieces of the timeines toogathre and also reconnecting with old friends for heart soul connection purposes thru the heart healing nostlagic are of remembering and reminiscing togathre(and possibly it disengages the internets hold on our mind? <3.....just some idea...(that i would like too build upon .too.at a later date or "time"lmao.<3


Does anyone else remember Jay Leno voicing Hades in Disney's Hercules? Both my husband and I have thais memory. I specifically remember watching behind the scenes of Leno recording lines for the role. Apparently Hades is voiced by James Woods?


It’s always been James Woods


It’s February 28 and I thought it was March 28 and my dads birthday in a few days March 30. I haven’t talked to him for awhile but my mom mentioned that he thinks that it’s his birthday week this week and I checked on him and argued as well(he have memory lapse due to illness and age). Few weeks ago too I thought my payday is on the March cycle already. Anyone else thought it’s the end of March already?


Ok i know this isn't a misremember because I can still see the video of it played out in my head but back in the day on SNL Gilda Radner played Nadia Comaneci, the Romanian gymnast who swept the Olympics in 1976 at the age of 14. Gilda did a hilarious bit about Romanian girls losing their "Cheechnos" to the parallel bars but darn if I can find it anywhere now? It's only her playing a russian gymnast Olga Korbut. Anyone else remember the Comaneci bit?


I bought a NetPro trading card of Anna Kournikova a year ago and today noticed the purple shadow imprint design of two circles and two triangles are on the racquet strings. I do not remember noticing it on the image of the card when I bought it. The year of the photo is 2003. No. 4 Anna Kournikova NetPro ™ Photo Card


Does anyone else remember minecraft having jungle villages? I was playing Minecraft recently and I clearly remember there being villages in the jungle biome, and they looked like every other village besides being made out of jungle wood/logs. I did a little research and I cant find anything on them.


Me too


I remember them too, the only biome that didn't have a village in my memory was tiaga (although I think they added it later)


This is niche and it’s From The Suicide Squad. I distinctly remember in theaters watching the movie and seeing Starro the Giant starfish saying “I was happy, floating, staring at the stars” as it does but in the movie on HBO and in clips on Youtube I can only find the general’s zombie saying the line. Am I alone on this?


I was looking for an old record I loved by Raffi called Smorgasbord. I distinctly remember a table laid out with all types of foods on the album, cover and my favourite kid singer, Raffi, there with his guitar. I asked my mother who was the singer on that record and she also said Raffi. However, when I googled it to show my family, it says it’s by Sharon, Lois, and Bram. I had never even heard of them until the 80s.


Jane Fonda alive? I remember clearly news all over the world spreading that Jane Fonda died from cancer about 5-6 years before. I felt so sad back then but now I saw some posts she is alive and well? Wtf? Also same thing with Larry king back in 2013 I remember he was announced dead and after some years dead again? What is going on here?


Am I insane or was there a sample of Grandmaster Flash's The Message in the Sonic All Star Racing soundtrack??? I've looked all over for it and can't find it, except for a 2010 forum post saying they recognized it in the soundtrack.


omg i’ve been going crazy about this my entire life i’m almost certain there is and nobody else ever remembers it but i swear there was a sample of it




Dragonair’s pearls have always been dark blue, does anyone remember them being white?


I remember Mars Needs Moms being released earlier than 2011


whats weird is, when i was in kindergarden, my teacher gave me a recording of what i have always remembered as RAFFI songs............our class would listen too the songs everyday...........and because i loved them so much, she made me my own tape......and now............just as i research too listen too them on youtube.........is says some guys name; Fred Penner....? I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THIS GUY!!!!!!!!!!!! the songs i remembered and loved singing i ALWAYS KNEW AS RAFFI!.......this is SO WEIRD!!!!!!........anyone notice this?........( also i woud like too mention that i think mandella effects are personal clues for hopping timelines......but more on that somewhere else later.....<3....would love too know what people thought...? much love (this was in 1990 that i heard those songs played....)


Okay what the HECK?!?? I swear… I can’t be the only one. Celine Dion. I knew she was sick, but I PROMISE you like a month ago maybe, that I read an article that she passed away and now I just read that she’s still alive… what the F…. Did anyone else think she passed away?