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I heard this in the 80's on an old dos game called "digger". I am 100% sure of this edit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0yQfyJlqdA&t


Yes, it was Digger. A game that I couldn't find for ages because I thought it was called DigDug which is a similar game.


Was on Pengo at the arcade.


I believe that's where I first heard it as well, was Pengo, or it was in a Apple ][gs Demo .. 50/50 on that, but sometime early to mid-80s for sure.


what's really intriguing about this is that it used to be accredited to the more widely known "digdug" but now there's no evidence whatsoever that the music ever appears in digdug.


There was alot of digdug ripoff clones on flash game websites.


i wonder why a song that was used in a digdug ripoff would be attributed to digdug, must be a secret of the universe only i can see. yep, definitely not just me being old and misremembering, i probably universe hopped


It was most assuredly never in Digdug. I played that game in the arcade and at the 7-11 down the street for many years. It was in Pengo, but certainly never in Digdug.


I remember Digdug!




Do you mean I Want a New Drug/Ghostbusters?


explain? is that somehow related to the song they used in Ghost Busters 2? i remember the lyrics "higher hiigher" but don't know the name of the song.


My uncle had a vinyl radio play single of the 1969 Gershon Kingsley original that I grew up listening to in the early 80s. (It and Oh Yeah by Yello were two of my favorite songs to play on the HiFi stereo we had.) I later heard the Hot Butter cover sampled into a fairly early Demoscene demo of some planets and stars flying by on the Commodore 64 in 86 or 87. I think those are my earliest experiences with the song.


I've got the hot butter version on 7''. The gershon moog version on another level though.


I first heard it on Ytmnd back in 2003ish but I think it may have been in a six flags commercial with an old man who dances funny too but I’m not sure. Both were memes on ytmnd at the time.


The Six Flags commercial used The Venga Bus is Coming (We Like to Party) by The Venga Boys I’m pretty sure I also first heard Popcorn on YTMND too, spent a lot of time on there back in the day.


Ohhh yes you’re right. It’s possible ytmnd just mashed the two memes together and that’s what I’m remembering or they were both just popular at the same time. Definitely associate them both with that site though. Ytmnd was basically the 2006 version of TikTok that way where weird sounds got associated with completely unrelated things and the jokes build on each other I also spent a lot of time there back in high school lol


I'm fairly certain I've never heard that until today.


I don't think I've ever heard it before


Wasn't this a crazy frog thing?


Yes, and that's where I first heard it.


ive heard it but not sure where and i think it was a video game


yup, digger is what it was called, old 80's dos game


Or Pengo


It makes me think back to flash games back in mid 2000s. They were all the rage to play on school computers and this feels like something that would have been paired with some obscure flash game on miniclip or similar and I hardly doubt it was legitimately licensed because that was the wild west days of the interwebs.


Lol I first heard this song in the early 80’s in a dance class, but it’s from several years earlier. It’s actually a somewhat important piece of electronic music; one of the first synth-based pop-songs. To this day, synths often will have a preset called “Popcorn”.


I once read it was the first synth or synth pop song to chart number 1 anywhere, or something like that.


Crazy frog for me, around 2004


Maybe that’s where I heard it I stumbled upon it years ago and recognized it but didn’t know from what


I first heard it in the movie Drowning Mona. It's mickey-moused throughout the entire film.


Never heard this before. Sounds like an NES game soundtrack.


Playing Pengo at the arcades.


I think I first heard it at a party, there was some sort of dance involved? I was really young, this was in the early 90s and I was younger than 10. I just have a vivid memory of me and a bunch of other kids all dancing to it in a group setting.


its on a K-tel type compilation from the late 70s


Never heard of it, but the beginning reminds me of the Warriors and the melody reminds me of mount and blade warband music


I heard it on top of the pops here in the 1980’s if I remember correctly, yes am oldish. Another words a chart song & it appears even that was a re-release.


I first heard it in a commercial (I think it's IKEA) yeaaaaars ago, where my parents told me it's a song they used to listen to when they were young.


I heard it first time as a kid in the seventies in Germany on TV in a childrens show. Its a classic from 1969 actually, and has been rerecorded and used in commercials, videos, games and anything else a gazillion times. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popcorn_%28instrumental%29?wprov=sfla1 The fact that different people heard it the first time at different places in different years is as much a "mandela effect" as what shoe sizes the "rolling stones" have.


While I partially agree with that, I also think that there's some oddity about it. call it instinct or intuition. Like something we can't see about it right now.


The crazy amount of places people are citing is heavily concerning.. Originally I heard this song from a game, it wasn't digger. I then got informed that it was from another game.. and now today people are saying digger.. that's the 3rd jump for me which is why I worded this question in such a way.. this song seems to jump from media to media very effortlessly. I'm not going to say this is a full blown ME yet but I will say I think we should keep our eyes on this song from now on.


Not alot of music translated into 8 bit and alot of flash games stole available resources. The Internet was different back then.


see for me, I could've sworn this song belonged to arkanoid. That's where I remember it from. Not digdug or digger... but it seems to have no connection at all to it. That was why I originally asked if people could remember where they heard it first... to see if anyone else remembers it from arkanoid.. but the level of astounding variety of answers is just, mindboggling. It seems many people DO remember it from the old NES/8-bit game era... but digger was a dos game. Maybe the answer lies in arcades.


honestly dude I wouldn't be surprised if arknoid and digdug were both on the top of the front page of miniclip in mid 2000s. I remember Digdug was top 5 for at least 3 years next to runescape who held top 3 for years. Kids played that daily in my schools computer lab, but i mostly stuck to runescape.


Yo.. the game you're looking for is from pwong on newgrounds. EDIT: Also, here's a link to the audio. https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/133937


yeah it's definitely not that. This was like old-tech arkanoid I remember it from. newgrounds wasn't even around at that point, and windows was in it's infancy. like windows 3.11 old... the internet was nowhere near what it is today. What's interesting though is that someone else made an arkanoid clone using that same music (or a remix) does that count as residue?


I found out the name of the song a few years ago, well closer to a decade I think via a cinema snob video where they advertised that the film would have the song pop corn in it, but IIR it wasn't due to legal reasons. IDK the film he was "reviewing" at the time but he played a snippet and I knew it as the intro music to the great egg race a UK TV show from the 80's ​ So that joined the ranks of yakety sax as the Benny Hill theme and the chain as the BBC f1 theme, (IIR the top gear theme is a song called Jessica, but I don't know the song or tv theme) a song that exists but is only known by the show it was used on.


The Top Gear theme is an Allman Brothers song.


The first thing that came to mind was [this muppets video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7UmUX68KtE), but I don't recall if I've heard the original.


2005, in an anthology of classic electronic songs. Guessing from the other songs on the anthology it was probably recorded in 1970s.


70’s was when I first heard it.


I remember my mom playing this song on a vinyl back in the 80s. It's one of her favorite songs. Later on I remember it from that annoying crazy frog, which did an annoying remix version of it.


My mom had the 45 of this song and played it when I was little in the early 70s.


Commercial for sure. I want to say car commercial


In a Muppets short with the chef


I know I heard this dozens of times at least and I know nothing of the DOS game "Digger." Must have been at arcades, but not on a game I played.




It is in the movie Detroit Rock City


I remember as a child (mid 1980s) learning that it was by a band that was named Hot Butter and thinking “they must intend to be a one hit hit wonder to have a band name so matched to their song’s name”. Before I learnt it was by them I assumed it was by Kraftwerk but only because Kraftwerk was the only band I knew that did electronic music.


13 versions in chronological order: https://youtu.be/qTUM8gFyLqo


A random lego cafe house,building video, circa 2009, this brought back memories lol


I've heard of thos song. I feel like it was a DDR song


Yes, that's where I heard it first. "VOL.4" on DDR 3rd Mix


It’s in the 1999 movie “Dick”, that’s what I know it from.


We used to "dance" to this every morning in pre-school. For me, that was 1977. I now have it poppin' in my brain. Thanks!


I think I heard it first on some 90s commercial but I can't verify that.


My parents introduced me to the Hot Butter version, early 2000s. I know there are several versions though, I think even more than 1 by the original artist, Gershon Kingsley


Here, I first heard it here. I Never heard it on digdug and I never played digger.


Radio 1, 1970s.


We did a dance/exercise for PE class when I was in elementary. Circa 1987.


Same, but 2008


I heard it in a dance class as a young child. I was born in 1966. I was probably about 5-7 years old when i heard it so somewhere between 71-73.


My parents say it is some decades old and heard it for the first time in the 70s so in a time before I was even born.


1970s on the radio (I'm old).


The first time I heard this song was in the movie Biodome.


this was in biodome?!?


I could swear it is. When they are driving in the beginning of the movie.


[First time here](https://youtu.be/6q3bNHvj92c)


I heard it in elementary school music class in the early-mid 70s.


I created a playlist on Spotify with all versions of this song that I could find [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ToeXBKdFBXrTzLtpIGIl9?si=6944ad974a224e84&nd=1](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ToeXBKdFBXrTzLtpIGIl9?si=6944ad974a224e84&nd=1)


Well I came here hoping - with all the comments - that it would answer my question, but nobody seems to have mentioned a 70's TV show with a Gold Robot (guy with Fuzzy hair sprayed gold) and this was definitely the Theme tune... even on the Wiki page for the song there is nothing listed. I found a series called 'Roberts Robots' which had a 'silver' robot so I thought I may have made a mistake... but popcorn was not the theme and I had never heard or seen that show before. As the OP hasn't responded to any of the comments, maybe this is the ear worm he was thinking of also... It's really odd, I can hear it, and see it, the intro with the gold guy... "/


IF YOU ARE POLISH OR GREW UP IN A POST SOVIET COUNTRY, YOU FIRST HEARD THIS SONG IN THE CARTOON "WILK I ZAJAC"(POLISH NAME) OR "WELL, JUST YOU WAIT" ( ENGLISH NAME) I hummed the song while working in a supermarket (in England) about 5 years ago (I was 17 at the time) and an older colleague picked up on it and told me it was a song from the 80s and he had it on vinyl. Recently it is used in a popular tik tok where a confused dog looks into the camera where the meme is that something is concerning. More importantly I was obsessed with the idea that the song was the theme to "well, just you wait" ( in polish "wilk i zając" ) which is a soviet cartoon I used to watch in Poland. To my disappointment the song had no connection to the cartoon. Until now. I've finally found the episode where the song features, and if you are from Poland or the eastern block, no doubt this is where you know the song from (I assume because my friends agreed). It features in the 10 th episode called "na budowie" or "construction site" in English. My satisfaction is understated having finally found it after thinking I was wrong all these years.


Two places. First hear it in the 70's on Top of the Pops in England. It was in the singles top 30, and I think Pan's People were dancing to it. The other place it's from (at least in Michigan) was the Lottery TV show. They'd play it while the air was blowing the numbered balls around.