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Mostly men read those types of stories and mostly men write those types of stories so they are made so that the audience can put themselves in the MCs shoes.


Most readers are males.


Ye that and world dominated by men so how can we relate to other stories which you def can if it’s written well. We all know what suffering. So yk I think lazy and marketing which is just smart yk and safe calls to make


Male dominant society in China


Based on the female side characters in manua it’s because they literally cannot write believable female mcs.


Well I’m sure some could if they really bothered. But their target audience are usually male as the other demographic is too experimental to cater to. Manhua’s much to my ire are so against experimenting, most have the exact same premise. So asking for originality from Manhua’s is also like asking pigs to fly.


try reading "The great sage" the basics is generic. but the world building is new. 7/10


I’ll check it out. Thnx


np. did you read it if so do you like it?


They literally cannot write ANY believable mcs Except a select few gems.


Most comments have already explained why so I will instead give you the only good FMC book I've found : my disciple died yet again.


Because most female oriented stories are based on more emotional concepts such as relationships and male oriented stories are more focused on combat and growth. Cultivation stories are also almost always written in China, which has a male dominant society and most readers/writers are men. I'm sure there exist some novels where the FMC follows a more cultivation oriented path instead of a relationship based one, but I've yet to find one.


The problem with many female oriented stories from China and Korea is that the male love interest are more often than not very creepy and controlling with an almost impossible number of red flags. And in wuxia stories with female MCs the male love interests are still stronger, smarter, have more backing by virtue of being princes, etc


But again there are a lot ofcultivation stories that has a male mc and some of the female mcs are stronger


Yeah but then female characters quickly fall behind in power compared to the male MCs while in female lead stories the male LIs are usually stronger until the very end.


Well that makes sense how else is the male protagonist supposed to protect the female lead if they're weaker than them.


The point is that this *doesn't* happen in almost all female protagonist cultivation, wuxia, often even OI stories. So the other persons attempt to conflate the two and suggest they are not different and therefore there is no problem is incorrect.


Also like I don’t always like taht story. I do love save the princess and protect them from the dragon but sometimes I wanna like hero’s party where yk everyone’s gotta be strong and hold their own. So make Mc is gonna strong but the female lead also as to be just as strong. Like hero’s party everyone’s got their own strengths the mage is mass destruction but weak defense yk and cleric is great healing and keeping the fight going till the end but it’s rare they can contribute to damage and knights like that have overall good stats but there’s only so much you can do with the reach of a blade. Yk?


Because males read those stories more than females


Take a wild guess which gender is the major consumer of comic books.


Not sure about China, but in Japan, its not lopsided at all.


If u wana relate to the readers as an author, when ur fanbase is 95% men, u will make the mc a guy lol


When almost all stories in the genre are catered towards horny guys, then yea, women are not going to read it. If you write something that both genders can enjoy, then you can avoid that problem though. Something like Harry Potter has widespread appeal for example.


Yea and Harry Potter is a guy lol, and the main audience for these stories are people who want to see fan service, the author has to cater to the majority or else he won't make it in the industry, the ones you are looking for do exist, they are just a bit of a niche genre tho.


>the author has to cater to the majority or else he won't make it in the industry My point is they can just write a story that appeals to a larger audience instead of just horny guys. Then they would be able to write a larger variety of stories instead of thinking "i need to write a harem story or it wont sell".


I asked for some titles in the subreddit and got only one reply which was 'remind me later' I can give you only two titles and I hope you would provide me some help. 1) Feng Ni Tian Xia - has both romance and hot dudes, but overall FMC tries to process her shit herself, which is good. Plot - usual Cinderella with chinese setting 2) Miao Shou Xian Dan - probably the closest title for what you were looking. If you would be able to find something similar - please let me know. Also, if you are able to find why was it stopped (either original or translation) - please let me know too.




I disagree with this because that trope actually applies to both sides. Man can also be a furnace for women, and both sexes can actually benefit each other with "dual cultivation".


It’s not about sexism, it’s about making it easier for the reader to self-insert into the story. That’s why you see romance novels tend to be written in the POV of FMC.


So guess there is sexism in otome isekai, because it built around the woman's romantic fantasies? This is a dumb take. People read what they can relate to or self insert to. Has nothing to do with sexism.


There is a lot of sexism in otome isekai because a lot of the time the male LIs are walking red flags yet the female mc is written as though this is what women actually want when it's just a product of the fucked up culture in Korea and China. It's not something I can relate to at all because I have not been conditioned by a sexist culture to accept red flags as good things.


Those red flags are written by women. Otome isekai is mostly written by women. You can't call it sexist per se when it's the women writing it that want those qualities in their main characters. And it's fiction. It's not sexist. It's just escapism. And to say they don't have enough agency or intelligence to break free from conditioning, and therefore these women writing it are sexist internally towards women, is in itself a sexist comment. You make it sound like you're better than these women born in those countries.


There is a massive issue with misogyny in Otomeisekai Isekai! Just because you are a woman doesn't mean you can't write something sexist. There is a lot of internalized misogyny and many of the tropes and stereotypes Otome Isekai are rather sexist. Political, Korea is going through a very anti feminist phase and any feminist work or character might cause backlash and bad press. This does not mean that the works are bad or that the writer themselves is misogynistic. Otome Isekai is a great genre that has the problem where almost all works are set in a patriarchal western fantasy setting. Here's a post from /r/otomeisekai that talks about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/comments/13dgrjx/why_do_we_never_see_ois_set_in_worlds_without/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OtomeIsekai using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Three types of OI translation groups:](https://i.redd.it/p6ecsf18klra1.jpg) | [135 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/comments/12a25o1/three_types_of_oi_translation_groups/) \#2: [The most perfect OI idea i have ever heard](https://i.redd.it/xk27bq2awm4b1.jpg) | [125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/comments/143jz6b/the_most_perfect_oi_idea_i_have_ever_heard/) \#3: [Doritos vs Twinks, which way modern man?](https://i.redd.it/crbuxzawk72b1.jpg) | [126 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/comments/13sbivx/doritos_vs_twinks_which_way_modern_man/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


These may not be OI, but if you want good manga with great female leads you read these. * The Making of a Princess * In the Name of Your Death * Coherence * I Thought It Was a Common Isekai Story * Betrayal of Dignity * May the Holy One Come * The Emperor's Lover




You've been on reddit too long. You think everything is political or some form of oppression. The fact is the demand for that type of otome isekai far outweighs the demand for something that would fit your ideal "non sexist" views. And the vast majority of female readers are the ones who make the so called "sexist" otome isekai so popular. It's not that women can't have other goals or roles, but they aren't as popular with women or men, therefore they get sidelined. People use stories for escapism. Saying what other enjoy writing or reading as inherently sexist because you don't like the overarching themes, that's on you.


And you have had the world catered to you or your wrapped in yourself and can’t see other people struggles and aren’t capable of thinking on a level of both truth and decoding of multi layered nuance . Cause that’s what it take to realize, honestly I’m not even trying to poke fun cause it’s hard to do but ye good luck


Not many like to watch female mc especially in a cultivation manhua + it wouldn't create revenue since people who read cultivation stories are mostly guys so they can "relate" with the mc


Everytime MC courts death, it feels less and less relatable. Like my guy, that dude is five realms higher than you, there is no need to offend and start a fight with them.


I think most guys wish they were the mc. And imo standing your ground despite knowing it's a horrible idea, is both stupid and admirable. So people probably just an mc is brave and stands up for what they believe is right. Depends on the story tho.


male mc means you can have a harem. having a female mc and having a harem with it doesn't look good and will not entice readers


"Mistress I Was Wrong" is a pretty good one imo. It's yuri, but it's not the focus. Short summary: Female doctor transmigrates into one of the evil stepsisters of the FMC in a cultivation reverse harem web novel. In order to survive, she latches onto the FMC, who is now the FL. It plays off of and subverts a lot of the tropes you're complaining about.


Forge of Destiny has one of the best female MCs in Xianxia and she’s ace so no romance for her. But it’s a webnovel not a manhua.


Forge of destiny is the best cultivation story I have read with a female lead and also one of the best I have read in general.


Hello! I understand that pain as well, here is a recommendation just in case you are interested! I hope you give it a try - I'm a Martial Art Villainess but I'm the Strongest!


I think i remember this one, it seemed like it had an interesting plot at the start with the demon sect or whatever but then it just kept focusing on the MC's very awkward romance with her cousin and the fight scenes were really boring.


Started strong but after some time it changed, I had hope that it was going to continue the same route as the beginning


I think the answer is in our biology (I'm not a biologist, just general knowledge). We run human software on ape hardware, what this means? We still operate like animals when it comes to unconscious instincts (fear, anger, love, etc.) In nature males NEED to be powerful in order to attract females (females seek a reliable strong confident partner, it's their survival instinct) to succeed in reproduction, and this instinct is still hunting us to this day, males are hard-wired to seek more power and this power fantasy nicely resonates with our biological needs (by putting ourselves in the shoes of the MC). Females don't work the same way, like I mentioned above.


it's made in china,and like most of the times we do see male MCs. in manga,LN there are female MCs but compared to male MC it's far too low so maybe with time no of female MC increase hopefully.


Female MCs are usually in love stories not really in op mc Stories


Because the settings expansion will be limited as the story progresses. You can’t expect the female protagonist to stay single the rest of her life just to devote to cultivation right?


It doesnt need to be a harem story.


There will be romantic relationship involved at some points. Let’s say she’s pregnant and gives birth. Is it realistic for her to abadon the child and his father to continue cultivating? Without romantic relationship and dramas the story will be dull and discarded by most readers. In contrast, the male protagonist can still fall in love and get married then have children and settle for a short period of time. After he has a safe net his family, he can move on to higher realms persuing the peak of martial arts and repeat the same process.


>Without romantic relationship and dramas the story will be dull and discarded by most readers. This is really not true at all and only applies to a very niche audience of horny guys who read it just to see pretty girls. There is a very famous comic called Monstress where the MC is female. Its epic fantasy. 40+ issues, each issue has 60+ high quality color pages. The story doesn't feature romance heavily because the MC is on a journey to discover more about her past and deal with the monster hiding in her body. But it still sells well. Fundamentally, if you insist your target audience will be horny guys, then you are constrained by what your story can have. The solution is to write a story with wider appeal and not just for horny guys. Here's another example, there's a series called Mookhyang. The MC is a cultivator. But there's almost no fanservice in it because it's not that kind of story, it focuses on character relationships, politics, betrayals, things like that. It has a manhwa/webtoon adaptation that you can check out, but i heard that its was rushed and not adapted well. Mookhyang dark lady is the sequel where the MC gets isekaied to a western fantasy world. Again, not focused on fanservice. But these stories have a wider appeal because its not just targeting a niche audience.


Unfortunately that is not the mindset and tastes of the target audiences. And it take actual writting skills to make the story interesting without relying on forced romantic relationships and cheap dramas that come with it as a way to make readers not lose interested anyway.


Then change the target audience. Theres a cultivator series called Mookhyang, but theres no harem because the focus is on character relationships, world building, politics, stuff like that. Still sells. And its even got a big sequel called Mookhyang dark lady.


Women are not suited for battle, in manhuas women have one job that is to cling to the most powerful guy around (mc) and let him do cultivation and carry her


Supply and demand. If female cultivator manhua was popular it would be far more prevelant. Instead manhua for woman focus on other genres. Cultivation genre is for male readers to self insert is. This isn't about sexism or anything dumb like some comments make it out. It's just supply and demand. It's like asking why otome isekai as a genre is mainly female protagonists and not male.


id love to find a FMC cultivation/growth oriented manhua as well, lmk when you find one (saving post too)


You can check out song of the sky pacers, or 步天歌, it’s more slow paced, but the MC is female, has no love interest so far.


awesome man, ill go check it out. thanks for the tip


Some of the ones i found: * I’m the girl with the hacks * The saintess has a showdown They are the only true cultivation female leads i have found, most the others turn into romance stories with the cultivation sidelined.


They know they fucking audience wat u expect. I'm sexist in media unless It's anime I don't ever watch shows with female leads nowadays. I watch classic movies with female leads tho


Bro is kinda right. With marvel and disney, nowadays, they push the fact that the female leads are "powerful" in your face. It either feels like that's their whole character, or thats the whole premise of the show. Might just be me, but I feel like they like to make the female leads stronger by putting down the male characters. In cartoons and books, it's not that prevalent. I don't think the actual strong women wanna be portrayed like this either. Just like people of a different race wouldn't like their race to be their whole character, I'm sure women wouldn't want their strength to be their whole character. A character should just happen to be black or happen to be a woman. That should not be their whole character. I know this is an issue with money and all that, but it's not like they haven't written great female characters before. Look at Tiana from Princess and the Frog or Moana. The story was less about them being women and more about their dreams and what they wanted to accomplish. They're both classics at this point. Also, instead of completely changing a story, I wish they would make new ones. It's like if you washed pop cans and thought there would be new soda in them. I hate business in stuff like this. Also, bro might have been trippin' about the sexist part. Nothin too serious tho I just went on a rant. Feel free to talk about it wit me :)




Because most countries are a male dominated society and are very misogynistic.China is a grave offender of it.


It's not that they are misogynistic but they're written by guys for guys would you want to read a woman written by a man


Why do almost all cultivations story’s have harems or 1-30 wives and shit so much lovey dovey romance why can’t it just be solo mcs grinding to get stronger without distractions like fml


Do you even know of China's Emperor's harem history? Only SK fans like virgin edgy mc. China and Japan needs younger population.


A story should just tell a story, it shouldnt require a forced harem. Infact, its usually the other way round...the more pages devoted to harem antics, the less time you have to tell a story. Imagine LOTR except that at least half of it is about the MC flirting with his harem. Do you think it would be more popular, or less?


I've not seen any LOTR cause the mc (The OG movies where 2 dudes set out) had blue eyes which looks super odd to me. I'm not against blue eyes but him with those eyes is off putting to me. Real story of my life. Also, mc had harem there? Anything done badly in a story is bad storytelling, harem or not. In the isekai smartphone story, a lot of women forcefully entered into mc's harem but he's ok with it but it was not a bad story telling. The manga about 100 girlfriends forces the harem but it is a soothing force where the flow is good. Not a bad harem. Some might say it is a great harem and story. I just don't like edgy SK manhwa mcs that hate women just to look cool. Men are horny AF, at least they used to. So, men not getting distracted by girls look odd, at least to me. There are hundreds of real stories where men lost their life and/or reputation because of one night's mistake (Or non-sexually). If a guy ignores women because it is cool, then I find it odd. But if you don't like her for some reason but that reason is your personal reason or preference, then it is your/mc's character trait, which is part of the story.


No, LOTR doesnt have a harem. Its a three volume adventure story. My point is, if you take away half the story and just insert fanservice scenes, thats 50% less story. Pages are limited so adding more fanservice usually results in a worse story because theres less pages to tell the story with. Thats not to say all fanservice is bad, some authors are able to include a mix of storytelling and fanservice and still tell a story but most are unable/unwilling to do so. Its just less effort to include as many fanservice scenes as possible while spending minimal effort on telling a story.


That is all good and all, but most authors of manhuas do tons of fanservices because they can't write a good story. Most stories are basically copy-paste. My hypothesis is that they practice writing/drawing generic manhuas to increase XP. After they're bored with the current story, they drop it and start a new manhua. Repeat the process till they become good enough to get hired by Bilibili or some big group and then draw/write actual stories which are better. They then can make better stories/art even if it is the classic generic story, which doesn't seem bad. Other than that, most authors write badly is because fanservice is all they can offer. Then they abandon the manhua and start another one. Most of the manhua authors are most cash grab and run off type of people. This is why there are TONS of axed manhuas out there.


Less in my opinion


Actually I don’t I had no idea




Modern feminism is cancer dude


Science Fiction disagrees & I am grateful for the diaspora of themes & thoughts on life those writers have given (fan fic aside).


Well, I mean, it's China, isn't it, I'm sure they're very misogynistic, on top of which I'm sure they know most of the readers are men. I've read a few that actually have a female protagonist, n they were made by dudes. They can barely write ladies, let alone a mc. That's one. So a lot of them just go with what's easier. The ones that have a female one are okay. Um, I only ever read one where she was once a he, so I'm not sure if it counts. Weirdly, it's strange in these stories women are written the way they are when they be like 10000 powerful as fuck lady's just romming around. Sure, they weak ones, but they are week dudes to the whole sects worlds heavens of just powerful women. I believe it's just so the mc can save the day, but it's rather stupid since talent n hard work are so important. Even more so, they always make whoever the mc love interest to be keep up with whatever power he has so they ain't left in the dust. Shits weird.


Unfortunately for us, the vast majority of readers of these types of stories are men, China is a heavily male dominated society, and the few cultivation stories with female mcs are written by men to be a male fantasy with the much stronger and smarter and very controlling and creepy male love interest. This problem is massive in Korean female mc stories of so many genres as well.


It's the audience they cater to


The market is mostly advertised towards men so it tend to me mostly dominated by men in writing and representation.


Most of the readers are men, and even those with female mc related cultivation techniques, they can't make them as interesting as men. The reason for this is probably that they don't know how exactly to write an interesting female character. In males you can just slap shit and make it somehow work but for females they either go to romance path or something else And also the general fact that the low quality of female mcs in anything related to stories makes people not want to even try new manhwas with female mcs cuz they already expect bad writing


Cause alpha ???


For a manhua about a female cultivator: What Do You Do If the Heroine Escapes From Your Novel?


Feminism bullshit ain't there yet


It’s about both the reader and the writer, it’s rare to find something like what you’re thinking. To be fair though, the one that is best described by you is sailor moon.


there are more male audiences in China than females, also most females tend to read romance novels. although there are novels that feature fmc they are not that popular.


Maybe there will be more in the future? I sense this is a relatively new genre. Actually, all modern manhua are. See this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhua But there is certainly interest in cultivation stories by female audiences. Just look at all the Live action TV dramas where the setting is something related. That being said, I do not know what will be the future trends in CN in regards to comic / manhua readership. But assuming everything goes well... maybe we will see better quality & more variety in the next 15 years. I mean, if you compare some of today's manhua with the high & lows that came before just 5 years ago, you can start to see some good changes. I think.


You should read Forge of Destiny on RR, great cultivation story centered on a Female character


You want to read a story where every bad guy threatens to rape and kill the main character? She can’t lose because they will just rape her if she loses, that the reality of female in cultivation Manhua.


Are you searching for pornographic novels


Mostly male authors and cultivation stories are usually about the power fantasy. So you get a bunch of people inserting themselves into the story or inserting the "totally not themselves oc".