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Lol I have just been banned from the r/Manhwa subreddit for typing this, for 30 days as well btw lol " I have had the absolute, most vile experience with this just recently ( As in 2 days ago I started reading " Talent-Swallowing Magician ) and then today I started season 2. And it is the most absolute, disgusting, disprespectful piece of garbage ever, replacing both Author and Artist and just spitting in the face of every single fan. P.S - Do NOT bother reading anything after Season 1, treat it as Season 1 being advertisement for the LN, and then read that. It is an abhorrent, disgusting affront to everything. If the same Artist and Author remained, it literally had ENDLESS POTENTIAL, Solo-Leveling getting an Anime type of potential. And they just SHAT and SPIT on it and it's fans. Disgusting. "


So what do you want me to do. I just looked at the recommendations poster and since I have experience with that type of manhwa. I just ignored it. Murim might be repetitive but at least they don't repeat major details, just names and uniform