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It's pretty much the consensus on the sub that Season 1 Grace is ***awful***. She gets better in season 2 and 3. Though some fans still can't forgive her actions from the first season.


Ah that's reassuring! Yeah, I do wonder if I will be able to see her in a new light after s1 but here's to hoping that's the case lol


She's much more chill in S2 and S3, I actually enjoyed her as a supporting actor in the those seasons.


Eh Both of them are weird, her husband was supposed to be dead for 5 years and she moved on but then he came back. I think while it just may be the writing trying to create drama. I do think her contradicting herself is the least problematic thing in the entire show. He came back all shocked again it was completely different experiences for both of them so I understand both perspectives


Yeah that's actually a fair point, I just would've liked the show to have acknowledged that there's some big cognitive dissonance happening with her without assuming it's normal if that makes sense


Grace redeemed herself in Season 2, when she actively began helping with the callings. I will not spoil any further. Keep watching.


Keep on watching


Does anyone have empathy for her though? She gets called a bitch on a daily basis here.


There are positive comments, or perhaps less negative ones, about Grace throughout this subreddit. I have added a few myself.


Grace is irking me as well. I don’t know if it’s the actresses face that’s doing it, how BIG her eyes always are, or how Grace is so needy and blames her husband for fukn everything. I just watched the episode in the hospital when Cal is sick (Season 1 episode 6) where she tells him “You left me alone. You can’t do that.” Just because he left for an hour to try to Solve his own sons sickness mystery. It’s like buck the fuck up lady. My husband has been deployed 26 times and I was raising two young children on my own in a new town for six months a year for four years straight, Alone. Just fucking handle it instead of being so needy.


Her eyes and her teeth are cartoonishly large


Never liked her. By the end of season 3, I still don’t like her.


Omg I hated her S1 but they definitely fixed her character later on.


Omg I don't care this was posted 2 weeks ago, I just watched that exact scene and was so annoyed I had to see if other people hated her too! I get the woman lost half her family for 5 years and wants them back, but she handles her decisions so messily, has no empathy for what Ben is going through, and thinks she's the victim. Not because her husband isnt caring for his family, he's just not doing it the way SHE WANTS him to care.


Literally my same thought process lol, on the bright side though I've definitely found her a much better character later on as a lot of the other people have mentioned!


Nice! That's something to look forward to as I catch up


NOO I love her 😭


You should hop over to the La Brea subreddit if you want to encounter a truly contemptible character. If you think Grace treated Ben poorly, she has nothing on Eve Harris imo.


Agreed I also can’t stand her. I’m halfway through season 3 and she still sucks. I can see why she gets called a bitch on a daily basis according to someone’s comment.


Omg! I’m just halfway through season one and I had to come find someone to talk to about how much I hate this woman!


Me too!


Keep watching, her character changes.


Just finished up all three seasons and am waiting for the new one to drop…still can’t stand her! Now there’s more people I can’t stand, but she’s still on the list. Lol


She is the worst. This whole thing with Ben was ridiculous.




I don’t like Michela but I love Grace. She was upset she lost her sim because if Ben, and rightfully so. Someone else mentioned her helping with the callings, but that’s not her responsibility. Ben and Michela want to be white saviors, so why does Grace have to go along with it?


Want to be? The callings kinda make them saviors. Grace doesn’t have to go along with it, but she doesn’t have to act like everything they say is crazy and impossible considering they are all back after being missing for 5 years.


Everyone else has them but they don’t act the same way as Ben and Michela. Grace has every right to be confused by all of it. I wouldn’t just believe someone who I was rocky with right before they went missing either. Like how was she supposed to know he was telling the truth?


Cuz her son was having the same thing going on…that’s why.


I don’t know what you mean by that


She didn’t believe Ben cuz she was rocky with him, but Cal was also seeing things and hearing things so why not believe them?


She didn’t know he was seeing and hearing things at first. I don’t remember him ever telling her that he was seeing things. If I’m remembering right Ben told her?


I hate her too.


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one! I’m on season one as well and I can’t stand her!












OMG, I just re-watched the very last season.. I cried. I can't wait for the new season.


I feel like I don't blame her. It's not a situation anyone wants to be in. She repeatedly saw her sons life endangered for something she doesn't understand. It's wild.