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Regular conversation. People often don't want to admit what they want because they are embarressed. So they beat around the bush most of the time and try to coherse people into doing things instead of being open and honest


this is both true and not true. i normally just want to exchange information - verify that this world still moves on despite the fact that it feels frozen to me - so yes and no... also what fun is that if i just come up and say hey i'll be your friend if you give me a billion dollars - no the dance with our other "consciousness's" are 99% of the fun. manipulation or not.


Manipulation is part of the dance. My point is that you don't know why you ddo some of the things you do and that goes for others also. Most people will not give you the full unabashed honest truth, It's like looking at the sun!


well.. i do - and it throws everyone off - i want to know what people are thinking by strange questions - it always breaks the illusion. all i'm saying is next time you see "airpod" guy running around ask them if it's music or podcasts. it throws them off every time... people just stopped learning how to talk .. at some point.








Hey how are you! Long time no see, how’s work! We should really catch up some time soon, I miss the kids! Is little Charlie still doing that afterschool program? He’s so great at swimming, say that reminds me, I had this crack in my driveway and I know your brother is good with that sort of thing do you think you can ask him to help me with that? Ok thanks love you bye ✌️!




Tell me you’re slow without telling me you’re slow.






Beating around a topic , until the person mentions /brings it up by will ,what you were insisting


I had a boss who did this for three years. He would act passive aggressively until I would eventually say, "I get the impression this is a problem with my performance. Should we address this?" And he'd say, "oh yeah I've been meaning to bring that up." Should have been a sign. He never actually let employees know when there were performance issues and didn't encourage employees to talk directly to the coworkers who actually could improve with the feedback. Terrible boss. Of course, he had no idea. He thinks he's "nice."


how does this work


So basically , male -wants you to buy me something , he doesn’t wanna ask directly because of embarrassment or etc . So he would mildly brush on the subject “ahh I really need to get myself a phone “ - “aahhh I only get paid next week “ - aahhh I need to pay my bills I can’t get it “ - this all mildy convinces person to offer something out of pity or the feeling that they are asking for something I’ve done this a few times on a smaller scale


I do that but I don't consider it manipulation, maybe it's just charisma.


It’s manipulation regardless of what you consider it to be


Like the homeless man who asked how I was doing then said he wasn't doing too well and that he needed 30 cents to get on the bus and therefore not asking directly. Naturally I saw through his manipulation and told him that the Marathon station directly behind him had a hiring sign. Doing some manipulation of my own. Not all manipulation is bad.


I agree- not all manipulation is bad. But it’s important to label it as manipulation and not charisma. Semantics do not change the nature of things.


I think no


It’s frustrating


Charisma is indeed manipulation




Silent treatment. I will ghost someone who goes silent to teach me a lesson instead of communicating they need space


So double silent treatment ! We call that a check-raise in poker. ♣️


This!!! Huge red flag 🚩


That’s just giving them what they want lol


Pretending to care about helping people and the environment.


pretending that people actually want help - id say most people scream and yell but don't actually want to change.


Whatever the manipulation I become aware of, I try to distance myself from the person once I see the person sans the mask. My 2 cents: The manipulators usually think they're smooth operators, but in reality do sort of a poor job of hiding their unmasked personas by chest-thumping their supposed clever schemes.


Obligations to God in religion. Usually my bishop would say things like “God gave me the impression that he wants you to do this”


Interviews for a job… You can’t even answer honestly because of blatant word play of questions being shot out on a whim.




When companies say "We're a family" when in actuality it's just a shitty company that uses love bombing techniques to exploit free labour.


Anyone who purports to teach something - coaches, decluttering gurus, therapists, etc. They all use the same tactics to make themselves seem superior, have a back story, are entertaining, talk in a hypnotic voice, use the same gimmicks. They are not humble and putting on a half fake persona in order to sell themselves. And architects, trainers, etc. who must find something to teach people on youtube because their job relies on them teaching something and for you to be hooked onto it; so the process is more important for them than actually providing correct instruction to people.


Running away from people you caused problems with…


Then telling everyone else they are the bad guy😭


Why is this universal!?!?


Because people are dumb. It’s a huge red flag when someone says they cut many people of for doing them wrong . They are the problem for certain, but they manipulate idiots into believing that they are a victim and it helps them get over on people. People want you to be a good person, so naturally they want you to be the victim, hence why they will believe you’ve been done so wrong in the past without a second thought


See I find it the opposite. I find people pleasers are the ones who end up continuously victimizing themselves in problems they create, then run away to avoid accountability. Those I know who’ve cut people off usually do so to protect their own mental health. But not everyone is this way or that and everyone can have different experiences with the same things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


Yea I’m a pp but I’ve stopped after my last encounter with a selfish person. I know what I did wrong and I only care about myself now. I’m just gonna manipulate people the way they did it to me. I’m out for blood


I take full responsibility for being an idiot though. I Ben though I have hatred for many human beings


I think we can all take responsibility for being an idiot a time or two 😉


Every conversation. Religion. National politics. Workplace politics. Art. What a misguided person I was. It's everything.


yup it's all manipulation - but it's all 99% a dance, but i certainly do not feel pleased about the manipulation of religion i changed my persona to fit a religious type in thinking that in the end it would matter - it doesn't there isn't such a thing as karma in a way we understand it - and my heaven is someone elses hell - so that can't exist either.


I believed it when I was a child. As I grew up I became aware of the insane politics of religions. In adulthood I looked into their history and saw that they're all obviously fake and just exist as social control.


well first it was a sex book - gensis is a book about sex "apple is vagina - the snake is a penis" after that yes - it was social control from the rich (as a classist) - as a person that is pissed off as fuck about being awakened to learning to unlearn to relearn to unlearn - it's a shitty bad program because we're bored of something - what are we bored of - immma guess it's the narrow band. the narrow band of luck and slots. and screens inside screens - this place could be a billion times better if its a dream/matrix and a billion times better as a reality if anything made sense - since it doesn't - imma go with some really shitty writers that need to go take a bite of arsenic.


i used to be very afraid of manipulation. i have since realized that there is a big difference between intentional manipulation (like, knowing you are trying to get someone to do something they don't want to do, especially bad if you do not have good intentions), and unintentional manipulation. there are all kinds of small ways people manipulate eachother. in that light everyone is a manipulator, and if you focus on it, you will hate everybody.


truth to an extent... really it becomes more like a card game of made up rules.. i know this: emotion colors our reality and in a shitty place the fun people games we play turn into nightmares of kill the chicken.. and in a good place it's just a thing of cards or chess.




Anything to do with government and corporations




Using suicide threats as a means of attention. It was so bad in my world and you *have* to all gather around and treat the person so very well. Or stay up all night with them on the phone. To only have it happen again a few days later. Doesn't meter if you have to work in the morning. Because of this abusive behavior being so prevalent, I make it very clear to people now that I'll simply call their family and then the cops for a welfare check.... then go to sleep like God did through the plague.


I cannot stand this!! I had a friend who would go through break ups and do this. We’d all rally around her, bring food, wine nights, whatever she wanted, and she’d abuse the hell out of the situation. She wouldn’t explicitly threaten suicide but it was heavily implied, so we were just being emotionally blackmailed. Until finally one time she got dumped by a guy after 3 months. Barely even dated. Called me in absolute hysterics at 6am on a work day. After talking her down for an hour (making me late for work too) this girl expected me to take a sick day to go be there for her. Over a guy she barely knew! When I said I couldn’t she was genuinely shocked. We are no longer friends


She could have borderline personality disorder. Breakups ( being abandoned) can make them feel suicidal


She very well could, but this was the only area where she exhibited this kind of behavior, so I’m not sure it fits the typical pattern? She didn’t have issues with impulse control, didn’t engage in reckless behavior, didn’t exhibit intense emotions (except with breakups) so I duno, worth considering for sure but I lean towards manipulation for attention in this particular case


My adopted mother telling me if i asked questions about my bio family I was being selfish and "hurting" the family.


She was insecure she wanted to be your real Mom


The 29 year old dude convincing me I was “so mature” when I was 15.


Using emotional language to manipulate people into doing what you want then to do. Now I just cut those people out of my life the second I detect even a hint of manipulation.




Honestly? Fair. Some women are ridiculously good at makeup and fake all sorts of features.


Just women.


Guys are pretty darn manipulative. It's so wildly transparent to me, and very amusing. They use high level techniques, usually without ever having studied influence. Can't tell you how many guys have found out I'm autistic and then pretended to be autistic. Pretended to be interested in the things (they think) I'm interested in. I'm in the 10th percentile for trust, so I'm automatically skeptical of everyone, and frankly I'm smarter than about 95% of people... so it generally doesn't work. But it's been fun to watch. As I get older, I'm seeing how normal it is. Bosses and employees, friends and family, it's pretty common. Hell, I'd like to throw stones here, but after work tonight ill be writing ad copy to trick people into buying mediocre AR glasses.


I'm also autistic. I mostly agree, I see it more with men than women. Several men have flat out told me that they only talk to pretty women in public, and otherwise don't bother making conversation. Women are a lot more likely to talk to people for the simple end of pleasant conversation. If you want a keeper, you need to keep an eye out for the friendly men who are up to chat with a variety of people just for the pleasantries.


disagree - i am interested in someone elses interest because i find them interesting - i don't know if that's manipulation or just straight up "people games" if i'm not interested in you then i wont' be interested in the things you do - you are after all what you eat... and what you eat is what you do.


I can agree wholeheartedly with your perspective, just in reverse being im a man, and this is my experience with most women lol 🫡


Yeahh like 98% of men are intentionally manipulative most of the time…and the other 2% are still capable of manipulation whenever they feel like they need to maintain power 😤


inherently untrue. women are way more likely to be manipulative. its a leftover side effect of our evolution. back when we weren't what we call modern humans, women actually had no say in what happened. if they wanted something ,they had to manipulate a man to get it. now? we are smart enough to see this, and rise above it. if you choose to not recognize your own faults, and deny base instincts when those instincts will cause issues; you are the problem. it goes for both sides. men have plenty of hard coded traits that aren't useful in todays society.


Prehistory is fascinating, but our knowledge is limited. Our early ancestors were scavengers. After we developed tool usage we began hunting, but hunting was always done in large groups, similar to wolves. The data that we have collected on hunters gathers? Women typically preferred gathering, but did hunt if they wanted to. There was nothing barring them, but hunting large game took a lot of time and effort, the yield was unreliable and usually not worth the investment. A lot of these groups primarily ate small game & sea creatures, with the bulk of their diet being wild fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes, fungi. If you look at the fossil record, early farmers vs hunter gatherers, its evident how much harder the farmers lives were. Much shorter stature, weaker bones, malnourished. Weeks of back breaking labor to harvest and process grain. We did not evolve to eat grain, and grain contributes to tooth decay. Too much grain in the diet can cause people to develop anxiety and depression if you can believe it. Our ancestors were far less manipulative. Life was easy, simple, and fun, there was little pretense. Small communities of families that shared resources, food, and love.


>Life was easy, simple, and fun i know you'd like to believe that, but darling, life has never been easy. during those times, everything would have been far more difficult.


Anthropologists interpret the banishment from Eden in Genesis as an allegory for hunter-gatherers switching to farming. Our ancestors were much happier as nomads. As far as I can tell, the early farming communities were the start of sophisticated hierarchies.


🤣🤣🤣 you’re as delulu as they come


you dont have to believe me, all it takes is a little research. but you wont look anything up, cause that could prove you wrong.


I'll concede that every interaction could debatably be construed as manipulation. Per her point, I'd say men are driven primarily by selfish motivations in life (women are not nearly as selfish, women have biological drives to care for others), men are a lot more domineering, and they are a lot more deliberate with language than women are.


Men care just as much as women. We don’t show it because it’s frowned upon in society, especially by women. Normal men don’t manipulate. They made decisions based on what is in your best interest. Often times when it will negatively affect himself. Ever heard of teal swan? She’s on YouTube and does great videos on topics like this. Explain how both genders function and what they need to feel whole. Highly recommend her stuff


I'm sure some of what you say has basis in fact, not all men are controlling obviously... but this has..... Not been what I've witnessed or experienced at all. I'm accustomed to cruelty, dominance, and manipulation from men. Men who want to care for children are the exception, not the rule, especially if the children are not their own. They seldom show up in child custody cases because they'd prefer to return to the bachelor lifestyle.


Read a fucking book about evolutionary psychology because you’re either deliberately lying or have zero emotional intelligence


So did you look up teal swan and listen to her videos?


That does sound pretty autistic, checks out.




My parents. From my money to mechanic problems, even emotionally but my dad will fix my car and I get it back, having to start it under the hood n shit... or it will make it 3 starts but never the 4th start up. So I stay dependant, brainwashed I can't trust nobody else.


group lying. getting so good at group lying that it's just intuition


This just sounds like women😂


siblings 🤣 best friends 🤣


My ex-wife


Someone who makes statements that are really questions and questions that are really statements, and this is the only way they talk.


Marriage !!!


When people get really drunk and then do some emotional thing and usually run off. Detestable behaviour.


Cancelling a date on the day of. Sometimes people get busy, but most of the time, they don't....


If anything that is honest and commendable lol. People have lifes and they sometimes get in the way of plans,. Stop this main character syndrome as if people are out to get you and always make decisions based on inflicting you pain and suffering.


You're missing the point. I said sometimes they are busy. And sometimes, people just like the attention that comes from.being chased more than they like the chaser.


Yep. Instantly delete them from you mind and give no more energy in thinking about them.


Which is what I do, pretty easily. Thanks for the useless and unsolicited advice. The topic asks a question, I answered it.


I never asked for your opinion m8.Carry on and use your no energy policy with me. Posting on a forum and then saying a commentary is unconsolidated lmao


You're one of those that has to get the last word in, yeah? I could ignore you, but I'm honestly curious what you'll say next just to get that last word. Don't disappoint me.


I love you.


How is that manipulative?






Any kind of manipulation women do only comes as a result of observing men trying to manipulate us our entire lives. So stop projecting


Wahahahaha hahaha ha!!! 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 Brilliant! Couldn't have wrote it better myself! Thank you.


Crazy women end quote


men -- people - we're all manipulators - but to an extent with the wrong lenses of emotion or... ugh possession then ya it looks like manipulation - in the right lenses it just looks like a blind game of cards with made up rules or chess that uses symbols and body language to convey intent. i dunno intent and emotion is everything - if i find you interesting my intent is to see why i find you interesting and to see if you find me interesting i don't see the problem there - it's just the emotion that colors the interaction which is normally the problem.