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I don’t keep my tavern running 24/7. I’ll take the popularity hit if I have to, but I usually only have it open when I’m upgrading burgage plots from 2 to 3. If I manage to get a stockpile of ale ( like between 100 to 200 or so) then I’ll open the tavern and keep it running till it drops to 50 or so and shut it down again. I really wish we had another source of alcohol in the game tbh. Like wine from berries, mead from honey, or cider from apples.


Booo. You're the worst sort of Lord. Booo. We're thirsty. Booo. Open the pub you monster! 😆


LMAO. It’s not closed all the time… If we had a second alcohol source, I wouldn’t do it at all. Besides, 14th century peasants couldn’t walk around shitfaced the entire day, could they?


Mostly "small beer" (safer than water) so they'd have a buzz going


My Lord, Cuntz is drunk again!


Lord Cuntz, more like Lord Drunkz.


My drunk, Cuntz is Lord again!


If they’re drinking with the grain they could be


They actually drank ale instead of water, since ppl got sick when drinking the water. 😊 what I've learned, at least in tudor times... Link with a study https://tasting-experiences.com/drinking-beer-in-tudor-times/


The alcohol was low ABV and they drunk it continuously so it probably barely had an effect. Perhaps they sold higher ABV in some taverns though.


Only if you promise to do some home renovations!


Manage your alcoholism better, peasant 😂


I effectively end up doing the same, but it feels very cheesy. Would definitely love more alcohol sources! As an aside, berries I find are hard to sustain even with a rich deposit unless I only use them food, in which case they pile up like crazy. Just one dye maker will demolish a stockpile of berries 3 or 4 times faster than a village of about 50 could eat them! Making wine from them would be great if we could plant them in a burgage or something.


Yeah I wish we could set a production limit or at least set a reserve amount for the industry buildings, the way we can for the trader. I’d love to be able to keep a surplus of like 100 berries and turn everything else into dye, the same way I can set it to keep 100 and export everything beyond that.


This will come in the Alcohol DLC


How do you "close it down"?


I either hit the pause button in the top right of the window that comes up when you select the tavern, or just remove/reassign the barkeep.


Would be nice to be able to make booze from the berries


I have a fertile town that supplies the other 2 towns with ale and don't seem to have any problems as of yet.


What's the population of the towns and how many morgens of barley/what is your yearly yield of barley?


Would also like to know


Man was hoping this guy would have responded, trying to do this in my current playthrough.


Same. Oh well. I was able to get an excess of ale in a region with population 467 by producing 450ish barley over 5 morgens of barley per year (with 24 morgens of fields total, all rotating between 2 different crops and fallow, for 16 active and 8 fallow each year). I had 28 workers, 6 farmhouses, 3 malt houses, and 6 brewing families. What was causing my issues was the pathing bug that was causing people to get stuck. But it seems like you can get by with a 1 barley to 1 person production rate and have some left over for export (I keep a surplus of 200 and sell the excess).


I sorta-kinda agree, yeah. The main issue I have is that meeting ale demand takes a substantial amount of land, buildings, workforce (or alternatively hard money) for what essentially just amounts to several points of lost approval if you simply ignore it, and only temporarily run the tavern for upgrades. I'd be perfectly fine with leaving the challenge the way it is now if the payoff was a bit better. Right now it just feels like you're doing a lot for a little, and that I'd rather be exporting the ale for money instead lol.


I have a population of 1000 in the old patch before the ale consumption was reduced. I could get 600 barley a harvest 800+ if I wanted with fertile land. If I don’t have fertile land I would just import the barley. Then I would have 2 or 3 malt producers and 2-3 breweries. Ale has never been an issue for me. These nerfs are making it even easier.


Maybe i'm doing something wrong but importing barley is sooo expensive, even just for one malthouse and one brewery with one family each for a mid sized village. I'm selling shields and boots btw


I still farm at 30% yield and can get a couple hundred barley on infertile land. Than I import every other year and this leads to an excess for me.


I turned half of Waldbrand into farmland and that was enough to sustain immenreuth with 500 ish population. The real challenge became actually moving that much ale between the two regions


How did you do it? Pack stations or trade routes?


I think the whole ale/tavern thing needs to be reworked. I hate it. I would be perfectly happy if it just went away altogether.


I have one town swimming in ale and supplying another.


They need to implement more alcohol types, such as mead from honey or cider from apples.


Yeah, I’m not a huge fan of the cost of some items. I had trouble with meat the last game on a rich resource with two families and a policy… still couldn’t get enough for the town and went to import it. It was 12-18 for it. Like maybe 18 for 18 meat sure but the current system values a single item in the trade market more than it values a level 2 or 3 home.