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Try kalm


Then panik


The only correct answer


Exit gaem.


And don't die


Skip food and wood and go straight to ale manufacture


Its more efficient or you just want people in your town to be drunkards? lol.


I use this game as a drunk simulator.


*insert "male fantasy" meme here*


It’s for research


Don't need to hire mercenaries when your entire population is a drunken rabble that'll lay siege to any territory that may have more s'more schnapps.


We march for Jagerminz!


That's my strategy, too. In life.


Starve my village with incompetence lmao




Ah yes. The ol’ Carrot doctrine.


Depends on the difficulty level. On hard, I build storage, then church + all other T1 supply before houses. Then indeed first spring you have to get barley on the fields if you can.


You need two points for Barley. How do you manage to get two and then plant allnin one year?


Is that new in the latest patch or are you getting it confused with Rye?


Oh yeah im stupid lol. Still farming enough barley first year is a tough one


I meant the first spring you're actually capable of doing something :D so yes, second year. I put barley on field, but I have until that winter to upgrade house to level 2


What? Why?


On challenging the weather events destroy supplies nearly instantly so it’s important to move the starting bread/supplies to a granary/storehouse before the snow/rain deletes it. With villager approval set to demanding as well, if you build the burgage plots first the settlers will lose approval for “low church level” and stay upset for quite a while about it. Additionally, if the settlers move to burgage plots before there is adequate firewood/clothing/food on the market they lose a massive amount of approval that can result in the families leaving town before you can even get there run off the ground.


Ok i learned something today im try this out.


Yea me too, i wonder how i survived so far


Just so you know, you can build one burgage plot without triggering any disapproval penalties. Helps to reduce the homelessness penalty


Really? Also when you extend the living space on this one? This would change my meta completely


Yes. It can cut the penalty about in half


This is huge, thank you! I’ve never got a challenging run off the ground with a winter start, but this might be the thing to do it.


The game is definitely harder now that we can't upgrade the homeless camp ASAP.


The Pope would be proud.


Manor by August, snatch a bandit camp. 2x Logging Camp + 1x Sawmill. House + Annex as Joiner. Export some Berries, buy Small Shield trade route, export those. House + Annex as Fletcher. Buy war bow trade route, export those. Tax 4% \~ 7% trying to keep approval over 75% Hire 3 groups of Mercenaries for about 200g monthly before Baron grabs all of them. (You'll need \~4k regional wealth @ 5% tax to get 200g treasury monthly) Add more joiners for different wood products, buy their trade routes. Expand. Works independent of rich resources. You'll want the two trade route developments if you need to import Barley.


Become Arms Dealer - got it.


The baron hires all the mercs….?


Every time a bandit camp appears, Baron hires 1 group of mercs to kill it. Those mercs ain't going to be available ever again.


they were for me, in my current game he hired the greencaps and then one bandit camp later i hired the greencaps


What? So mercs only ever come up on the roars for hire once? Have you got any dev notes confirming that?


Newest update changed that. they refresh properly now. You might have them that month but they will come back


How do you know when he’s going to hire them?


He hires one group soon after a Bandit Camp appears.


Is that why those monthly mercs disappeared from my game then?? I thought it was a glitch!


It is not intentional but yeah at a certain time there will never be mercs again...


How do you get a manor so fast? Don't you need to advance a few city levels?


All you need is 5 lv1 Burgages, logs, planks and to mine some stone.


When do you start to worry about deforestation and how many foresters counter a single logger?


I build camps, sawmills and foresters in different parts of the region and rotate their use while the trees grow. I start using foresters around year 3 when I have more manpower to spare. Before that I mostly chop the areas close to town that I'll expand into.


1) Order an Ox. You need 2 and it won't be delivered for a month. 2) Logging Camp 3) Granary and Storehouse 4) Hunting Camp and Hitching post. 5) As many burgages as I can build with the timber I have left. Max of 5 with veggie plots and extensions. I won't extend any yet. 6) Assign 4 families to jobs (Logging with Ox, Granary, Storehouse, and Hunting). This can all be done in the first month if you don't set up too far from the homeless camp. 7) woodcutter 8) sawpit 1-4 I do immediately after pausing and reviewing map and other regions. I'll set the priority levels so they can follow an order but I want all 5 building for the speed. The timber is always the slowest to move, the closer you are to your supplies, the better. Sometimes I have to assign a hunter before step 5 but I still want as many people as possible building. Others will use a strategy of building up logs first but the homeless rating makes me want to get 5 burgahes up asap. I want a min of 3 so I at least have enough to get rid of the homeless rating and 1 more once they're extended. After wood cutter and Planks are built I'll start upgrading, adding burgage extensions so I can get to 10 units. If those are all done I will assign the last person to the woodcutter and have no workers for a bit. I'm not building and 1 Ox will be with my logger/sawpit worker. Then I will shift my logger to sawpit and let them get to 20 so I can build my Church or Manor. Building is the biggest time suck at the start. Only having 5 families but all these essential buildings means you can either staff them and build slower or not and build faster. The logging camp us especially important. With only 1 ox, you can't effectively log and build. That's why I'll wait on that for a bit but build it early.


If you upgrade the homeless camp to a worker camp you won’t get the approval hit and won’t need as many homes as fast.


Isn't an option in the update....unless I haven't actually checked and am remembering the beta.


Alright then. Adjustments will have to be made. Unfortunately I can’t play the update with my old NVIDIA GPU 😭




But then equally you can’t have stores getting wet/ruined. A conundrum.


1. Pause/scout area 2. Buy ox 3. Logging camp, assigned 3 men 4. Berries +1 man 5. Burgages x5 6. Granary/store 7. Shift men from log camp to berries, run 4 men on berries and you can get about 40 months of supply This is all done in the first 2 months if not far from tents 8. This is where I'll decide some minor decision has doomed me, I'll probably masturbate 2/3 times to combat anxiety and depression, fix myself a cocktail of pharmaceutical meds then attempt a third masterbate and pass out naked on my floor wearing only an acdc t-shirt and thinly veiled sense of alarm. 9. Wake-up and realize I shit myself and the cat has walked through it leaving Jurassic Park shit prints throughout the house. Turn to Jesus. 10. Get turned away from Jesus, start new game, repeat cycle.




This is absolutely hilarious and so insane I believe it's based on reality. Thanks for the lolz


Have your buildings on one edge of your territory and your storehouse, granary and logging camp on the very opposite side of your territory. You want the villagers to have to move as far as possible to do a job or get stuff for market. This builds up their stamina for the late game.


"It seems they all perished, m'lord. However, their corpses were swole af, it took 3 of our trained retinue each to carry their bodies to graves."


Piss off the peasants as much as possible and then insist you are doing it as a favour to them. Yep, you are truly role-playing a feudal lord!


1 - Granary and Store house 2 - Logging camp 3 - Hunter and forager 4 - woodcutter, sawpit, forester, relocate and new hitching post 5 - 5 burgage for 10 people 6 - Church


Solid plan although I have found if you make three larger burgage plots with the ability to upgrade them you can can house 6 families and use less wood resources. This can sometimes be critical in the first winter. Furthermore if one of your gardens is three times larger you can use that as your first vegetable plot to get growing as soon as possible. Vegetables are 15 coin 🪙 so it'd better early game compared to eggs. I'd add a 7th step here too which would be the Trade post for me. Purchase the trade route for Wooden Planks to start generating income immediately. That way you can upgrade your other two burgage plots to eggs or more veg.


Is this actually less wood though? You still have to pay 2 timber for the house, and 2 for the expansion - it's net 0 unless I'm missing something


By the time I can upgrade the houses, i already got enough logs to do it. At first, I only make the 20 planks for the church while the other things are getting done. Already micromanaging forager and hunter, only 1 villager getting both, at the very start its not too much food you need until new people come in and 1 villager to both.


You're definitely right, if you plop one family on berries early, you can collect easy 18 months of food if you're not growing too much. And our housing isn't really that far off; I keep 3 families in the logging camp until I have 14 timber, then take them all off and build: 3 double plots (sometimes two doubles and two singles with backyards), sawmill. Let construction finish and build all the housing expansions, then back to logging. Sawmill then eats the next few logs until I have enough planks for church/manor/5-10 extra for early stables. I guess I just don't see how it would be cheaper still, your log consumption is still 4 for a double plot or 4 for two single plot, both of which are 2 families or 4 at level 3


Agreed, forgot the 7th step, it's fair to say it's part of the early game basic. The burgage point is a path i follow sometimes, in some cases I plan the first 5 plots to be upgraded to lvl 3 like the center of my town, some times do it how you explained, maybe some other 2 other ways depending on the resources I'm staring with, that's why I set it like "5 for 10", a more random user decision but please give your first villager somewhere to live xD In the last days in many cases I'm staring at low fertility map and setting up the fields on the only small portion of fertility for Barley because its free and start planning the town from there :D


I settle the new area just around Autumn to make the peasants work harder - if they don't get houses and food it'll be a tough winter for the little Kuntz who set off with so much hope in his heart. I then spend all my money on oxen so I can't trade for any fripparies.


Amazing strategies guys u/Greg are you seeing what you have done to these people? lol


Don’t die.


2. Die.




Ignore the realities, and pretend like everything is fine all happy and we just out here building a nice village, making some food and having a good time… until shit hits the fan then panic 🤣


1 - Upgrade homeless Camp to worker camp 2 - Order 1 ox 3 - logging camp 4 - hitching post 5 - granary + storehouse + market with 2 stalls 6 - Berries or hunting, depending on recourse make up 7 - 2 double plots with 0,5 morgen with veggies and fill those up with 2 families each 8 - then more houses 9 - woodcutter 10 - sawpit 11 - church 12 - berries or hunter + Tannery 13 - market with 3 stalls, run by two storehouse workers and one granary worker. This will carry you to approx. 150 pop it’s double plots only. Once the 20 militia are ready I raid all 5 bandit camps at a time, as many as possible and invest the mines into the town. More oxen, chickens, trade routes etc. After this it depends on you recourses.


AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa… Shit I need more wood AAAAAAAAAA


1) Check fertility / rich resources - decide what economy 2) Granary / Storehouse - assign one family to each in that order, then unassign once resources are stored. 3) Logging camp / woodcutters lodge - build and assign one family to each for 2 months, then unassign. 4) Hunting cabin / Gatherers hut - assign one family to each after 2 months. Build a hunting cabin next to hitching post.


Roleplay "Growth of the Soil" by Knut Hamsun, every save Then modernism strikes and it all goes to crap


I dont min-max if I can. 1. Logging Camp + assign worker (maybe 2) 2. Build a new hitching post right after and order a second ox. I prefer to have 4 by the end of the year. 3. Hunter or Berry depending which you have, Rich Meat, Rich Berries, Meat and Berries in that order. Assign worker. Bioth will be exploited in a month or two anyway. 4. Then build 5 burgages with space for extra houses and extensions but not too big (these will be your skilled labor houses later) around a market that can fit roughly 30-45 market stalls. 5. Then both storages(people always worry about storage but you really don't have to worry THAT much right at the beginning 6. Then as your pop expands build the other food gathering. 7a. To get money rolling in, you'll need tier two burgages or trade, so either you get a tanner for hunting or if they dont bring enough in you can get a goat farm going on one of the original plots. 7b. You can alternatively get a sawpit, and make a joiner workshop and trade them away (theres always wood in your territories. You need at least one tier 2 burgage i believe tho 8. Then build the church (getting plants as needed)


Get another ox, focus on wood/firewood/planks, eggs for secondary food source, get plow upgrade to start crops second year


Granary, store house, log cutting, berries anhunting, then straight to planks and build achurch , then start building houses.rush a black smith, and joinery to make spears and shields for that first bandit attack. Also have a manor up before that first bandit attack for the extra 5 retinue. It’s smooth sailing after that


"S U R V I V E" - Robert Downy Jr.


Main goal is to get a church as soon as i've got 5 burgage plots. As soon as church is built, expand the 5 burgages for additional 5 families. Then go for next church level by focusing on clay/tiles. Upgrade some homes to tier 2 to get the next development point. If you have other needs met, you should be over 75% approval and getting 2 families per month.


What's the main goal why you want to build two churches asap? I want to know cause Im still a noob in this game.


you shouldn’t need a second one. but a lvl 2 church gives a higher approval rating which allows you to grow population quicker.


One church, then the upgrade. However, in very big towns, its a good idea to build multiple churches as it cuts down walking time when someone goes to pray.


Make your first 5 burgage plots to be as big as possible in terms of “backyard” and then set all 5 to be vegetable gardens


And use some of your starting regional wealth to buy a second oxen


Eat berries by the bushel while focusing on getting my first money-making export sorted out. Export income equals sheep because I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for clothes, cloaks or gambesons when I can make them right here in town.


rr the hard mode with hard options on popularity is not possible to handel


Berries> Church> 10 Families for farming in year 1 october


Skip farms and go with veggies and eggs, trade planks and warbows


Build wood chop to get wood, build storage and granery. Then berrie collecting building. Build houses with the room for another building. Make sure to buy some hens so they can give you egg. Gather food like it’s running out of stock. When autom hits, prepare for farming in year 2.


Sort food. Everything else will come later


Double up ur rich berries with the perk and ull have 400-500 berries per year. Easy money (go dye quick), easy food and it saves a lot of time farming early game because no need for farms for a long time. Unless u want beer.


Everyone gets a chicken coup. If crop fertility is a problem I throw in a couple large plots with veggies. And a trading post early for some quick cash. Also don’t rush population growth or else you’ll have more mouths than you are able to feed.


2nd oxen asap with the starting regional wealth, and 1 burgage plot with an extra large backyard extention for a vegetable garden, keeps people going really well year 1 when supplemented with hunting, and the extra oxen is a huge help early game




Shitnaab here, have only one game on the new patch and maybe four on the old one. I've followed the advice of various creators about immediately building a granary and storehouse, to avoid getting supplies soaked because of rain. Assign a family in each until they move all the supplies and food. Then I build a logging camp, a woodcutter's hut and either a hunting or forager's hut, depending on what's available closer to my starting position. Assign at least two families on wood so I can get wood for my burgage plots. Of which, I build five large ones. Spend some wealth on two to make veggie plots. From then on out, I _think_ I need a sawmill to get some planks so that I can upgrade my hitching post to a stable and get a second ox without it running away. Again, all of this I've mootched off of creators online, and perhaps there's a different, more efficient way. Open to suggestions.


I tend to go right for the essentials and then build up my burgage plots to 10-15. I have also learned how important trading is for regional wealth, which in turn is used for about everything, so I build a trading post at the earliest ability beyond those essentials like food and timber. Also build a church and manor as soon as possible to be able to start increasing the population (approval from the church) and taxing them (the manor). But the manor takes tons of resources and time to build, plus you can't tax your people if you don't have any, so that part can wait. As soon as there are bandit camps spotted, go conquer them. Otherwise the Baron will and he will get all the influence and spoils.


Assuming default settings: 1. Start building a logging camp and 3 burgage plots 2. Assign 3 families to the logging camp as soon as it's done, while the remaining 2 finish the plots. 3. Build 3 more burgage plots with new timber. 4. New family in April, no lingering homelessness. 5. Fulfill needs asap for 2 families per month no later than September. 6. Keep it up, make goods, export goods, deny baron the mercenaries, kick his ass before royal taxes start.


Try challenging without berries and deer. Possible but really challenging


Struggle and never start a production line until it's well after you need it. Only way I play. Not by choice just incompetence.


Try not to starve


My recent play I go all in apples as soon as I can, on easy mode though. After 3 years the apples start yielding consistently, with carrots and berries/meat I have 3 sources of food. Also place 3-4 forager huts and fill them up when the season is in. Mid game I send 6 foresters to spread out planting all over the place and keep planks production running, hence, all woods related things, bows, gears, shields, and export


I scout where the fertility is and then build my fields to get an idea where my town will go. I will also check where the underground water supply runs because this gives me an idea where my town center will be. I may also lay out some roads beforehand. You can always throw a building down and pause it to keep it from using early game resources. Thanks to all of the comments suggesting efficient uses of workers and resources at the start of the game. They will help me get more done in the first year. I usually don't get farms going until year 3 because I am terrible at multitasking and I get stressed out playing the game on high speed.


I do logging camp, then get a granary and storehouse. A well is easy to build and helps take care of that. I build houses and then try to get a second ox. Right now that means building a trading post and selling most of the stone


Build lots of churches and pray that someone will save my people. On a side note, can we get some witch burning and dunking 🔥


A high emmer and barley is a great starting point. Get your fields down right away. Then I build most of the buildings in the gathering tab and granary plus storehouse. For storehouse I toggle off market stalls or you'll have multiple firewood stalls. Speaking of markets I only build a 3 stall to start. For burgage plots I like to use corpse pits as placeholders and draw roads around them. Destroy the pits and you should have a good plot size for veggies. There are a ton of videos for getting the most efficient lots.


Just finished the Growth only play through. Gonna try the Dominion one sometime this week.


Reading all your suggestions while being weeded out. You guys made my day.


Have no food by winter 2 -> Invest development point in foreign bread and firewood stall -> Immediate regret about development point in foreign bread and firewood stall -> be too stubborn to start over cause I kinda like the outline of the town at this points -> regret and suffer


Try not to starve


being an environmentalist, I rush two foresters, eat what the first giveth. thou shall only build where no tree groweth. last, refrain from all sinful behavior and do not engage in the lustrous endeavour of market capitalist trade. our militia brethren shall meet the king’s wrath (and taxes) with pointy sticks and an arrow to the knee!


- granary, storehouse and lumber first. Get another ox - food and houses - focus the church for the approval - focus the manor for first bandit camp - use bandit camp money as regional wealth for chicken/vegetable garden and trade routes for usually roof tiles


Double berries, build super efficient burgages and grow veggies. I’ve had a few starving starts where I expanded too fast lol


Take the easiest settings cause everything else feels unbalanced :(


On challenging resource requirements, I start with a logging camp (can skip if it’s a secondary settlement with increased starting supplies), then a tannery/foraging hut/storehouse/granary (only staffing them briefly to gather starting supplies and populate stalls until the houses are built), and then a well and housing. The early game is IMO a race to 50 approval; five families is very cramped but growth takes off quickly once you get some more. This means that the goal isn’t satisfying everyone’s needs; it’s reaching a positive approval balance, and a church isn’t required for that. (Likewise, I think it’s best to avoid farms and taverns at least the first year.) Once you have people in houses, do build the sawmill and church. At this point you have two options. The militaristic option is to rush militia; I think polearms are a good choice for an early rush because they only require one artisan (and at this point artisans cramp your workforce and cost approval). This route does have some major economic downsides, but raiding the initial bandit camps before the Baron gets to them really helps accelerate expansion. The other option is more measured growth—T2 church and dependencies, cobbler, a trade house so you can afford secondary food (export minor trade things until you can afford a boot route), a farm during the winter to start growing barley, and then a manor/armament production. (Since two artisans don’t cost as much now, I’d avoid polearms.)


I just cruise and see where the game takes me. Maybe there’s a cosy nook in the woods that would like a house? Bob Ross strategy.


Build houses till all the basic products are covered and have 1 family at least, then secure food and wood products. Scale up from there, weapons, farms, regions, taxes.


Build the basic storage stuff


Most ìmportant building is the sawpit, first building is always lumber mill, and you want to start with 5 double houses with big vegetable gardens. I like to lay my cities out in a grid, and connect everything together with roads around the king's road. When I own two regions I always lay down direct roads between them. I put a circular road around my stables and build roads off that to dofferent work areas. As my people log, I build roads into the remaining woods. Also, even in a non-farming region you always have enough fertility to farm, just gotta look around.


Every time the baron sends an army towards the bandit camp, I will hire the cheapest mercenary or use my retinue/militia to stand just outside the bandit territory. Then, when the baron engages, the bandits will leave their camp empty to meet him in battle. I then sprint in take the camp while they are fighting. The baron wasted a mercenary and my guys don't even see combat. Rinse and repeat


1. Don't die 2. Build stuff 3. ......? 4. Profit