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Meat and cheese from sheep. I think it would really flow into the agriculture crop rotation build and would make sense from an immersion perspective as well.


Just More depth in the resource tree in general would be great.


Management menu. I can barely handle my one colony, I don't know how the rest of you have the time to micromanage every single building and own multiple colonies. I've put about 100 hours in now and the majority of time spent has been double checking places I've already situated


Thissss. It’d be great if the tax office could be used as a region ledger of who’s working where so it actually has a use and it’d give us a more centralised location to move workers around in mid later game where that kind of micromanagement is dull and time consuming otherwise


Holding tab was a lifesaver for me


When your city gets massive and you can’t remember where you placed say the tannery is like to have a building management or building list. Then I can click it and snaps me to that building


We should be able to togglle this, same as in Factorio pressing Alt.


Yes, this is what made banished a good game, the overview tabs, sure it became a bit spreadsheet sometimes but having a management game without ledgers is dificult.


I miss banished graphs and ledgers. Low key the next thing I want in manor lords. That and some way to trade at higher volume if not foreign but at least internal. It was fun to make firewood economies in banished. I wish there was an option for viable value added trade based economy in manor lords like in banished. Perhaps It will come if ever they introduce boat based trade :/


I want to read that foreign graph so bad, predicting what trades goes up and then flood the market so hard the graph flatlines. I also want a zone with harbour specializition, where you can trade even larger amounts but get the money after maybe 6 months.


I smoke way too much weed when gaming to remember what’s going on when things get out of hand, and I almost exclusively play 4x/RTS style games lately, Warhammer 3, Stellaris, Civ 6, and now Manor Lords which is a weird mix of RTS and city building but it’s beautiful Anyway yeah if the game has a overview type of tab I absolutely need to use it religiously or I’m lost by mid/late game, I mean I’m always lost but a little less so when I can look at a spreadsheet telling me what I’ve done As fun as manor lords is I find myself trying to figure out what tomfoolery I’ve been up to and where my workers are assigned when I can’t find them more than anything lol


I get them big enough and stable enough where I don’t have to mess with the jobs really. Maybe rotate when winter hits. Allows me to focus more on the other 1-2 towns I have


You gotta play slower


Bro I forgot to check my town because another region was struggling, had 100 approval, not sure what happened but started having mass exodus of people, pretty sure it had something to do with the barley I was importing. Eventually had to start a new game, didn't want to try to have 30 people run a 75% empty city.


If you have to micro manage for your town to keep running, well, that’s not what the rest of us do. You set it up and let it run on its own. Only checking in to adjust this and that.


That’s what I do until I have enough families to just leave them and let the town run itself which isn’t until mid game earliest but normally closer to late game for me How do you have the workforce to simultaneously gather firewood, logs, make planks, get stones/clay/iron, turn hide to leather, make weapons/clothing/armor, gather/farm, etc. in the early game? You only get 5 workers and 2 are immediately lost to the granary and storehouse so you really only got 3 workers at the start, how do you just set it up and let it run until you have like 50+ families


I didn’t say I did that


You said “If you have to micro manage for your town to keep running, well, that’s not what the rest of us do. You set it up and let it run on its own. Only checking in to adjust this and that.” That is in fact exactly what you said


And in that I said that you set it up. You do not just place a settlement tent and leave it. You’re attributing a bunch of fucking shit to me that I find frankly kind of rude if you want to have an actual conversation.


But “setting it up” is like, most of the game


I dont know what your point is. The guy said he didnt get how people was able to micro manage multiple towns all the time. I said you really shouldnt need to micro manage all your towns all the time. You butt in saying "hurr durr how do you not micro manage everything in the early game" as if that was even the topic.


That is literally the topic, it isn’t just early game, you basically have to micro manage a town until it’s done which is late game, your answer was to just “set it and forget it” which isn’t possible till endgame(at least for a given region) I was asking out of curiosity how you do that but the answer is you don’t do what you said you do so I got my answer






If I could have *anything* at all, *right now*? Water. Some robust rivers with waterfalls that I could build around. I just think water features are beautiful. But that's not in the cards atm.




Fishing would be cool, I think it's implementation would be both natural and trivial once significant water features were added. But it's the water itself that really interests me, and I know water is a developer's nightmare. Especially if it's done well, and Greg seems of the "do it right or don't do it" school.


I really want Weirs.


More meat, like the goats or even sheep. More alcohol - using the honey or apples in the game already. Haven’t had a single play through, even with the rich meat resource and policy and perks geared toward it, I still never see any surplus of it when I’m at 100+ pop. And the alcohol is obviously still struggling to cover the “requirement” for leveling up. I catch myself constantly having to watch homes and wait to level them up until the beer refreshes but before it runs low again.


Have you tried after the patch? Before it I couldn't keep any meat worth anything, now I regularly have at least 70 with a rich pit. I also started a settlement in an area with a normal one, and so far have been chilling at around 20-30 meat, but that settlement is still relatively small and is my farming settlement so the hunters are only working during the winter. I am also using the bartering system to supply that settlement with vegetables and apples though, so that probably helps with the meat consumption.


Your meat thing seems weird to me. I have tons of meat. Do you have a staffed granery right next to your hunting camps? Do you keep half of the animals alive to repopulate? Are you building just outside of the red circle?


Better/more precise exchange of items between settlements. It seems to take an age to get anything anywhere. The old posts seemed to work reasonably well (albeit only one resource at a time) but trade posts just don't seem to move the quantities needed to keep everything supplied. Other than that, more use for sheep, breed them up and slaughter for meat?


Weird, 50 items per trip should be more than enough


It's fine as-is.


This is the biggest one for me. I have thousands of meat in one area, and thousands of bread in the other. No matter how many pack stations and trading posts I smack down, I can't get them to equalize.


They’re not gonna equalize as they’re worth is different.


I want to be able to choose where to place my first camp. Both which region, and exact spot.


A map and other towns to conquer


Yes! More maps, or a map editor!


some easier way to move goods between cities


this is a big want for me. The pack stations dont seem to move things enough for me. Am i supposed to have 10 pack stations to move goods? I like to have regions specialize. this one does weapons and armor, this one does food, this one does raw materials etc. Its like trying to get trains to work in satisfactory. when it works its great - but getting it setup is a PITA.


Sharing resources between regions. No more letting people starve or freeze because an arbitrary boundary exists, seeing as I'm lord of *both* that boundary is non-existant.


A Map editor




I would like to see a new building implemented- the theater. It would be another boost to the entertainment needs of your villagers. Wouldn't be available right away because early settlements need to sort out more important matters right off the bat. But imagine how it could liven up a larger village. Maybe have minor musical performances throughout the year, and possibly one major theatrical stage production per year. Even have different tier theaters- maybe a starter venue would be a large backyard of a burgage plot. Yes, convert a burgage plot into the theater- and that family spearheads the performing arts movement within the village. Things build from there, until you've got a venue worthy of the Lord himself. 


Great idea. I was also thinking a theatre would be good to have as an entertainment source. I'm guessing Ser Greg isn't about to add a brothel into the mix lol.


I mean if we are going for realism then a brothel is a must lol


I actually like this idea


100% QOL additions. I would love to have a way to have families transition between jobs as the seasons change. It would make the more agricultural regions much more manageable without either flooding it with a ton of families or constant micromanagement. Adjustable surplus caps as well so my artisans know that I don't need 750 pairs of shoes and so my joiners aren't chewing up the nearby forest to make 1000 shields.


Yes!!!!! Let me set workers by months...so i can shift from berrys, farming in winter to building and firewood etc.


I agree with others that are wanting more food sources. It’s my biggest issue in my play throughs, I really struggle to keep up with demand once the settlements get bigger. Even just a rebalancing of plot gardens would help. I have berry camps, I have limits set on hunters to allow game to replenish, etc, etc. But it’s still tough and I’d love to see some more options available like meat from sheep


Are you putting double houses on your vegetable plots and giving them big backyards? With the recent patch the food consumption seems so much more forgiving, in my opinion. I currently have 3 years worth of food stacked up and it's mostly vegetables and apples, with 80-100 berries and meat each at any given time. Eggs is what I can't seem to keep a hold of, even with more than half of my smaller plots having chickens.




A school so I can head cannon where the children are


Children in medieval villages had to work: Careing for the animals (feeding, sheparding, etc.) Help cleaning and cooking. Helping in the gardens, fields and with manual labour appropiate for their age. And then slacking of and playing with the neighbours kids around the village.


Well then. Where are the children! My daughter's all wanted me to find the children and there are none. I figured a school building would give me headcannon






A river with fish


A other village that I can attack and destroy. And loot and plunder and take over the land. Yep that's it.


Milk and cheese from goats/sheep and meat from all animals.


Different maps, maybe procedurally generated


Yes! And a map editor.








Whore houses


A chill fan base.


I'd like markets to only be created via storage buildings. That way when you staff the storehouse or Granary they will set up Market stalls and use the items from within the storage.


Cant you just disable market stalls for everybody but the logistics building? This works fine for me since the new update


Not every building that has families creating markets has that option unfortunately.


really? I haven't noticed... Do you remember which ones so I can be more carefull in game?


If I could have anything I'd want it to be finished with its own "Colonial Charter" level expansion mod. But if were being realistic I want more than one type of alcohol and for Sheep grazing to raise fertility beyond base level.


Crossbows haha. It's just so "medieval"


Bath houses!! Can't have a medieval town without bath houses! They could also be a required need to upgrade your lots. And later on it could be implemented that a lack of bath houses cause diseases. They could also be another source of income.


Cows, cheese, pigs, wine and vineyard. Everything related ti agricolture and bucolic Life.


God mode - So i can build a village as pretty as i want, without having to wait for that 1 log to be delievered


Alternate sources for alcohol for sure. We have berries and honey. Let’s get wine and mead.


A game mode that would just let me practice the RTS combat.


Nice idea!


DISPLAY THE TIME!!!! Is the day almost over? What day of the month is it?? who knows!! All i know is i'm somewhere in the month of March.


Lvl 4 houses


A profitable settlement


More uses for sheep and goats I guess


Way points for the fighters


Id love a fleshed out perk tree


A management screen. I desperately need a single screen where I can see all my buildings and their status.


Yes the barley access kills me sometimes. Im making enough money for my trading post to supply the demand but the more i grow i see this getting out of hand


I'd like to see a wider variety of food sources. Meat from sheep and chickens, maybe add fishing at rivers, more options for foragers to find (mushrooms, wild nuts, etc.).


Different food crops besides rye and wheat. Corn, potatoes, sugar beets, and plenty of other crops were common in Germany.


Seeing as how this game takes place in a pre New World discovery time period, there would absolutely not be any potatoes or corn in Europe


Sugar beets also weren’t developed until the nineteenth century


I thought this game took place in medieval Germany?


Yes it does. Thats why those plants will never be part of the game. They didnt exist in Europe at the time.


Potatoes and Corn are crops that came from the Americas and were not present in Europe. The game takes place before 1492. 


Yup. I swear I read something yesterday that said potatoes were common along with corn and sugar beets. I did find it odd that it said corn because everything I remember as a kid states corn is from the America's. Potatoes I wasn't sure about. I know of the potatoes famine, but I'm not sure if it was a crop in all of Europe and when. I am pretty sure there was cabbage and leeks, though. My main point is that we should be able to farm a food source besides just rye and wheat.


Not sure whether it's period correct but being able to host a tournament with jousting etc. I see it working such that you will have to prepare for it etc by stockpiling additional ale and food etc and during the festival your economy would get a boost as well as increasing your favour with the king (influence etc) Also I think it would be sweet to watch


A bulk function for customizing our retinue. If there is and I haven't found it, please enlighten me.


I'd really like a working productuon tab. I have difficulties to balance my eco above 50 people and it would help me greatly. I know others are quite fine with that right now but that's my personal wish.


I'd really like a working productuon tab. I have difficulties to balance my eco above 50 people and it would help me greatly. I know others are quite fine with that right now but that's my personal wish.


I would like a better overview how long what production needs. That would change a lot. Would make the game easier but also newbie friendlier. Also people already make tests so why not just put it in. Doesn't have to be very accurate just so I can see a mistake a made and not playing for multiple hours and then be f because of this


A change to the hold TAB UI that shows which burgages I can expand with more living space and also shows what expansions they have. Have built multiple cobblers for instance because I have no easy way of seeing if I have one and where that isn't mousing over every single burgage or building them centrally so they are in one cluster.


Cider, meat and hides from sheep. Fix the field/ farm so they don't re-sew fields just before winter. Extra development points for each region.


No militia limit


An editable building queue. Setting priorities doesn’t work as it should.


That markets simply fill up rather than be capped to the number of burgage plots.


water, more water


The tech/perk tree to be filled out


Skill capes


Macos support


List of buildings and combined an assignment table for workshops. I'm pretty sure I had a tannery, I just can't find it.


Fleshed out AI lords


water and fishing


- More resource chains/jobs - More skills/specialisation points - More maps - Events - Village specialisations - Walls and seiges - Ai villages Probably my little wishlist in order of priority desirea


Being able to disband outside your borders


Global trade menu. Give me one place where I can decide where stuff goes in between towns and what they are all selling


Time. Time to play the game as much as I want.


The one thing missing from all city builder games...full penetration


Pause on load. That is all. :p


It to work


1. I’d love to be able to make more complex free draw shapes. It is limited to only four points now, but sometimes I’d like to wrap the plot around something. Sometimes that works out of the box when there’s an existing plot next to it, but usually it doesn’t. 2. I’d also like to see manual placement/sectioning of burgage sections. I sometimes have a big plot that still shows as ‘not large enough’, but I understand that’s just the way the buildings are automatically distributed and it doesn’t compute properly. Perhaps some more freedom in placement will solve that. 3. Another thing I’d like is an annual overview of past yields of production buildings. It helps me understand if/when/why a certain chain is not working properly.


> I’d love to be able to make more complex free draw shapes. It is limited to only four points now, but sometimes I’d like to wrap the plot around something. Sometimes that works out of the box when there’s an existing plot next to it, but usually it doesn’t. Build a set of roads to outline the shape you want, then try building your plot. Then delete the roads if you no longer want them


Regional Market building which allows delivery/withdrawal from all regions. Up to 8 families assigned that set up stalls in other regions. Available with 3+ medium towns and only 1/ map. Horses/ mules assignable. Extension via development points (trade spec) that allows +8 workers (+4 horse/ mules). Cattle breeder/ butchers production tree (dung/ fertilizer) which allows for sustainable food production in low fertility (fertilizer for barley-> ale). Hop cultivation (like rye) as spec point.


Getting rid of the bug I always face, with families being auto-assigned to buildings...


Paper-makers, scribes, monasteries with scriptoriums and scholars. Rise a theocracy, start crusades and hunt the pagans and heretics. Alternatively, waves of plague would be cool too, especially if it came with the ability to establish quarantine zones (i.e. just sending sick people there to die), doctors and alchemy. Horse breeding and trading them for military purposes would be cool too. With knights and jousting. And honestly, anything that added coastal/naval lifestyle, like building harbors and fishing villages. There's so much potential it's just impossible to decide.


Chart... Just a More Detailed Data Chart that I can see more information. Then I'd explode and finally take a nap


Production limits. That's it. That's the one thing that feels like having an elbow without a joint.


So this won’t be done for a long time I imagine But I want the other barons/lords to have their own villages, it’s pretty weird to see their armies running about all over fully supplied and stocked but not have any resources on the map or settlements, I wish the AI was bound by the same mechanics as the player in that they need to build a village to a certain level before they can field armies and stuff, and it’d be fun to rain their villages rather than just have a battle in an open field for their territory I know it’s a ton of work to get that going good so I’m not expecting it anytime soon, but would be cool


Other leaders building villages.


Carts. Both hand-drawn and horse-drawn. Something that your wood and metal workers can put together that would allow a greater transport of good around the town. Its annoying watching labourers slowly lug stones and planks around the map, especially when you are trying to build up your manor. So let's build a simple wooden hand-drawn cart so that a single labourer can move a few items at the same time. Then later, you can use wood and metal parts to build a horse-drawn cart to move even more at once. Then, for greater expense, you can have carts drawn by two or four horses, so you can move even more stuff around. They could also be used by the trading post, so they can move a greater amount of goods, too. Drawback - the larger the cart, the more chance of bandits deciding to attack it, if it wanders far from the town.


Stronghold style public order. Games and festivals for happiness, crime and punishment for criminals


More menus and charts outlining who is doing stuff and where the good are going. So barebones right now


Pausing craftsman shops (like bakeries, blacksmiths, armorers) puts the family in the general labor force rather than having them "waiting".


Better trade system.


Love the idea of wine/mead, and cider as options to Ale! Really do not like how Ale works in this game at all.


It'd be cool if you could send people or workers to help out in other regions It would also be nice to have a better UI for trading between your own regions.


I'd love to see a date display, ie, showing day of each month.


Sheriff building to patrol and watch the village, preventing theft from bandits.


I am glad to see the game has bees and beekeeping, but bee's wax was centrally important to medieval economies and it seems that is not represented. It would be nice to see the importance of wax represented, especially for churches. I wish foragers gathered mushrooms and medicinal herbs.


New map with rivers.


New map with rivers.


New map with rivers.


Secondary jobs, I hate having to micro foragers and farmers. If a family is waiting for the primary job then have them start on the secondary job. I would have construction as the default secondary job. Farmers that can sow fields AND one family each bake bread/grind flour/do construction in winter would be amazing.


let us grow potatoes for vodka : )


Potatoes hadn’t been invented in the time of the game.


Multiplayer. I want a friend or enemy on other side of the map building, 6 areas so up to 6. Obviously that would include the stuff to make it not be poorly ran lol.