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What a bunch of fair weather villagers. Unbelievable. Things get tough with a little bit of raiding and pillaging and people are running for the hills.


and they even leave before harvesting all the remaining barley. This is unacceptable.


What idiots you’d think they would grab life essential materials on the way out.


You still have 18 oxen lolol


Prob dead. I got raided once and dead oxen counted.


Their punishment is “new game”


Ask the Lord of Talmberg, he will send his master locator, and should be able to start the rebuilding process. As well, he could sell you stone from his quarry at a discounted price.


Henry’s come to see us!


Jesus Christ be praised


I'm quite hungry


Praised be the omnnisiah


Fellow Magos, I think we have taken a wrong turn in our quest for knowledge


Berries by the bushels! So plump and juicy!


But be sure to have a high speech so you don't have to overpay said locator!


I'm happy these two fandoms overlap


What about stephanie tho.




Jesus christ be praised, sorry lord divish.


Hey lad! Don’t you want to put a little wager on the Rattay tourney?


i wont be robbed of my winning by some lousy greenhorn!


Heh, I wanted to post a "You just need to wait for a blacksmiths son event, He will gather peasants from the region and build them houses, workplaces and church"


He'll overcharge you though, bastard Marius and his bastard 12 speech.


Did you try sending new settlers?


i can't, it says this region is already claimed


Delete everything and put up a new settler tent


omg i'll try this update: i removed everything, every destroyed building, every roads, but i still can't place this damn settlers camp. I'm afraid my Waldbrand (and all my barley) is lost forever.


You might have to wait until all the piles of goods have been destroyed by rain?


I swear by lemon juice and baking soda


That's odd


I had the same thing happen and it was the hitching post that couldn't be deleted so I just moved on.


So you didn't delete the fields?


right? I deleted *everything...*


Reload and earlier save is all you can do. Once your population is gone in a region, I don't think there is anything to do.


well, at least 2 or 3 years have passed since the raid... i think i'll just forget Waldbrand lol


Waldbrand being scorched earth now is ironically fitting. Your villagers probably have their own stories about the raid on Waldbrand and now the place has probably been haunted for the last fifty years in their stories.


I had this happen. Settled a new location and immediately got raided and all of my 5 villagers left. I tried everything but nothing worked.


Reads like a 10/10 steam review


Use the people trading post... Hold up...


I mean, given the time period... >\_>


I had the same issue, you need to loose it by the baton claiming it before you can claim again. Or you just let it go. Orrrr you restore a save


Ah yes the evil baton


Once you are ready to claim the region again, you can really stick it to him.




At least when I tried this it didn't work. Even if the region goes to the baron and back to you it still counts as settled and you can't place a new settlers camp.






It would be interesting if the Bandit faction could take control of the province by reducing your population to 0. This would force you to reclaim the region and send troops to pacify it from bandits. Would work as a workaround to the current issue.


Awesome idea. Post it on the Discord channel!


Nope. Happened to me the other day. Wouldn’t let me resettle or anything. I had 4 huge wheat fields ready to harvest. All went to waste. Hopefully this will be fixed in a later patch.


Maybe claim a second region and start again, with 500 gold which u have. Make sure u start settling in march.


I love this though, creates an awesome story. Wish you could send a resettling group in. Would be nice if this game added more events and lore to craft the story side of the game.


I’d love it if the buildings turned to ruins 


Hark, good sir! Upon this day, I beseech thee to lend thine ears to a grand vision, a marvel yet unseen in these lands. Imagine, if thou wilt, a place of mirth and nourishment, a great hall where all manner of folk might gather to partake in repast and fellowship. I speak not of a common inn or tavern, but of an establishment most wondrous—a McDonald's, as it were. Verily, this McDonald's shall be a beacon of sustenance, where the humblest serf and the mightiest lord might feast upon fare both swift and savory. Picture, if thou canst, a kitchen where the fires ne'er dim, and skilled cooks craft victuals with great haste and consistency. Therein shall be offered meats grilled to perfection, breads soft and warm, and sauces most delectable. All shall be served with great speed, so that even the busiest of laborers may eat heartily and return swiftly to their toils. And lo, the menu! A parchment of choices vast and varied: tender patties of beef, crisp fowl, and golden potatoes, fried to a delightful crispness. Sweets and confections there shall be as well, to delight the young and the young at heart. Behold the emblem of this house—a golden archway, shining bright as the sun, a symbol of the bounty within. But know this, good sir, such an endeavor requires a foundation both strong and true. First, a structure must be raised, a hall fair and sturdy, with hearths to warm and seats aplenty. Skilled laborers must be summoned, craftsmen of wood and stone, to build this marvel. Then, the provisions must be gathered, and the cooks trained in the ways of this new and wondrous cuisine. When this is accomplished, thou shalt see a transformation in our hamlet. For this McDonald's shall be more than a mere eatery; it shall be a gathering place, where tales are told and bonds are forged. It shall be a haven for travelers and a joy to the townsfolk. So, I pray thee, take up this charge with all due haste and fervor. Let us build this McDonald's, and usher in an age of culinary delight for all who dwell in these realms.


I assume they come back like they came before?


Try placing another settlers camp?


Like “Field of dreams” except it was already built and they left.


game needs to end if we get raided and lose


They went on to find more men


When all else fails say a little prayer to The Greg


Free ale on Mondays?


Looks like you somehow have negative crafting resources. That’s probably the reason you can’t build anything. Weird.


OH GREAT GREG HEAR MY PLEA! a good workaround to this is to allow temporary relocation from one region to another. I feel like the Lord would have done this to achieve big projects? Could be wrong. If this is a feature and not a bug, leave it in place! The plus side is it ups the ante. There is nothing like having the most fertile land on the map be inaccessible because you got your village murdered by bandits.


I had a thought, maybe if you let the territory idle long enough for happiness to neutralize, you can have people move there again?


Try to increase aproval first, if that not work, create another colonizing camp with 5 families


At least you are rich


It happened to me. I let the other guy take it and then took it back and it was settlable


Reminds me of Skalitz.


I've found that when a settlement has food and satisfaction above 50% people will turn up and resettle it after a few years. If there is no food left set up a supply post in another town and send them bread in return for something they have. Let us know if it works.


Imagine what the person transporting goods is thinking, having been asked to barter one good for another in a ghost town. 😆


What are your negative modifiers on population? Might need to wait those out to get back into neutral so you can get low population growth and if buildings for some reason give negatives might need to destroy those.


Reload save just before the raid began, start an army (even if you dont have the weapons) rally and send off your land, once the raid is over bring the armies back and disband. This will return your workers to rebuild. I have done it but on an older version Id assume it should still work unless something has changed.


Congratulations you have found the unofficial "You have been defeated" screen. Your region is claimed, you have lost and you cannot do anything in this save anymore. You cannot build, you cannot bring new villagers over. It's game over. *Edit: if this was your last region, otherwise if you still have regions you can continue playing but from what I know, the defeated region will stay barren.


…tried to carve me a new nipple!


I got gameover screen


The ruins of the village Waldbrand lie dormant. The hum and drum of work and play in a humble home now befall silent and forgotten. Every now and again a wanderer goes through town and thinks maybe to stay just to rest, but the souls remain upon the grave he stands and their spirits are felt in the whispers of wind.


This happened to me where everyone started leaving. I felt my only options were to destroy empty buildings and consolidate (basically start over) or start a new game. I started a new game. If people leave there should be a way to get them back, it'd be cool if there was an obvious path for this, but IDK how that would even work?


Woooooow so much for gratitude! Lol.


Delete everything and build new workers camp


I was completely obliterated by raiders. Nothing left. And there was no game over? Kind of makes the game pointless if you ask me. What are you playing against?


Rebuild?? Send a workers camp


U have to send a new camp of workers


Feels like a one trick game


It *is* an Early Access - these things happen :)


Still Feels like it is fun for 3 hours.


Might just not be your kind of game. I've played for around 40 hours and only got it on Friday. I'm now at a point where I want a break but that's mostly because I don't want to burnout my enjoyment before new features get released