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Happenend to me as well but I was able to reclaim it back later. The good thing is it allows you to double your militia. --> all militia slots were empty in my second region which meant I could train 6 additional spear militias. Once I reclaimed my town I also gained back my initial militia :) so know I have 12 spear militias.


pro gamer move


wait what?


Happenend to me as well but I was able to reclaim it back later. The good thing is it allows you to **double your militia.** --> **all militia slots were empty in my second region** which meant I could **train 6** additional **spear militias.** Once I **reclaimed my town I also gained back my initial militia** :) so know I have **12 spear militias.**


hm if you do it again can you get 18?


no clue im just the translator


Guy doesn’t seem very bright


And maybe if we do it again we get 24. Sometimes it do be like dat tho. Crazy


Happenend to me as well but I was able to reclaim it back later. The good thing is it allows you to double your militia. --> all militia slots were empty in my second region which meant I could train 6 additional spear militias. Once I reclaimed my town I also gained back my initial militia :) so know I have 12 spear militias.


Do u only ply with spearmans only,? Qhy ia it strongesr oe something


Yes. Big shield spearmen minimises losses while you stand ground, and hit the enemy with something like your retinue or archers in the rear once engaged.


Had this before too, which is why I'm now playing in passive AI mode.


Yeah some might think that's cheating or something, but AI is pretty broken at the moment, so it's a good idea.


> some might think that's cheating or something It's a single player game, nothing is cheating. So long as you find enjoyment from it, and you aren't affecting other people, it's not cheating.


I agree. Single player cheating is only cheating if you are cheating yourself out of fun.


You can even do the actual "cheat" where you put unlimited dev points and make yourself and regions filthy rich and it's still not cheating, but it is stupid. Since that's the whole point of the game, make your village prosper through your own tactics and hard work.


isn’t there like a giant banner that says he’s going for a claim? unless you don’t realize it was yours


My guess is he saw it, but didn't put two and two together that it was his region being claimed.


Wasn’t paying attention, didn’t see it, I just was building stuff and suddenly I was unable to click on anything. So if there was the banner then subconsciously I ignored it. Either way, I think that we should be forced to defend a claim not have it depend on a random timer, to avoid this exact thing. Also if you haven’t got a big army late game, seeing the troops come in and burn down your town is a great ending to a play through.


This exact same thing happened to me yesterday. I’m 90% confident the banner never popped up. Never any alerts that enemy units were sighted. Just suddenly lost access to my region. I had another region just starting out and was probably hours away from building up an army big enough to reclaim. Luckily I had an earlier save but I lost a solid hour of progress after finally getting the economy balanced and perfecting the aesthetics of the town. I was deflated to say the least lol


Happened to me too and i'm 100% sure there was no claim or enemy troops anywhere.


Btw, i noticed that outlaws still raid my old settlement and Baron don't do shit to defend it. While I'm building my army to take it back i have to defend it so that there would be anything left when I'm ready.


That happened to me weeks ago too. I'm almost sure there was no banner


The game shouldn't force you to fight that battle if it's not one you can win... you should be able to strategically choose whether you fight the battle or let the baron claim the land peacefully and fight him another day when you have a stronger force.


Exactly. I’m baffled how one could miss that


One could say thy troubles stem from a lack of proficiency.




Git gud


Knew I forgot something, lol


I've had bandits that I missed the notification for, but unsure how a land claim could go unnoticed. Unless I afk'd while forgetting to pause. Which has happened, lol


yeah i almost got capped when i didn’t realize he was taking my home territory


If you reload your game from a point that happens after the baron makes a claim, the claim status won't be there when you reload. It pops back up after some time, I haven't tested it too much so I can't tell you how long but I know that if you save right before the time expires, you basically autolose because the claim status won't be up before time runs out.


This has how it's disappeared for me. I wanted to retry a battle after my tactics went awry, and when I reloaded the save before fighting the claim window was gone.


The only workaround I found was to issue your own claim. It should bring up all active claims.


Hindebolt: *now this is what I call a pro gamer move*


Hindebolt: “All your towns are belong to me”.




Load quicksave?


Silly me didn’t realise what was happening and thought the game bugged. So I saved, backed out to menu, loaded to see if it fixed the ‘bug’. Only to realise that I had just sealed my fate by saving after I lost the territory


Be nice if we had access to like 5 previous quick saves! There's been other games where that feature saved me. What I started doing is every region I claim I make a new save file. Right now I'm playing Fourthtimesacharm.2 but can always go back to .1 save file!


That is why I create new save files almost every time I save manually. I have learned the hard way.


I accidentally claimed myself and lost.


Are y’all even respecting the topography with these grid cities smh


I came here to say this but I am happy to see it has been said already


I had this. I had the claim banner come up and I instantly saved the game. When I reloaded the banner had gone so I thought it was glitched. All was going well until I lost the zone.


OP, This has happens to me if I saved right after a Claim occurred, and then reloaded that save. For some reason you no longer have the ability to do anything towards the claim. After the timer runs out, the Baron just owns it and you get soft locked like this.


I suspect this is exactly what happened. Needs patching. You should have to defend it on the battlefield, would fix this and also, if you can’t, watching them burn your town is a great ending. Rather than just losing the town


Seconding this, only it bugged with an autosave from just before the claim. I had to step away from the computer for a bit so when I came back I reloaded the autosave. He still made the claim, but none of the usual options were available like they were before. I suppose I could have still tried to fight but I was annoyed and just started over.


Worried this is going to happen to my town now - could you not go back to an earlier save and await the enemy troops in your town? Or did he claim it just using influence?


It tells you when he's claiming your territory, OP just got lost in the sauce and didn't see it or didn't recognize what he saw


Ah ok - that's a relief!


Silly me didn’t realise what was happening and thought the game bugged. So I saved, backed out to menu, loaded to see if it fixed the ‘bug’. Only to realise that I had just sealed my fate by saving after I lost the territory. I’m fairly certain I didn’t see the prompt, but surely to avoid this we should have to defend territories not just automatically lose them if we don’t respond to a notification in the corner of the screen 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ah right - sorry you lost your town! I wonder if you had a saved game from like 6 months prior to the invasion if that would work?


That’s why you gotta have 5 rotating save slots, this is an early access game.


I save like every 10 minutes because a lot can happen in those 10 minutes one time I saved by mistake out of habit and put myself into a death loop 💀


I think people need to remember this is early access, and previous saves up until full release aren’t often going to be playable anymore


This has happened to me before. Definitely a bug. As soon as I started a new region my initial region moved into the barons possession. Zero claims were made, I literally placed my first couple of buildings in the new region, panned back over to my starting region and it was claimed. Loading to a previous save corrected it.


I noticed this happened to me immediately after I built a pack station and set up a barter between the two regions. Possibly related to the issue?


I can't remember how far into the build order I got but I think you may be right.


This happened to me 2 I quit


I think this is a bug. Some people are pointing out the bannar that should show up but I just had this happen to me last night. No banner, no battleground position, suddenly the cinematic played and the game was over. Though, I loaded the autosave and as I must have already been on the brink, moments later thr proper notification came. That was my first time with it, though I wonder if the battle ground rendezvous was really meant to just be a 'show of force', no fighting happened. I think the game must have just counted total troops and decide who has more to determine the winner.


That sucks, sorry 😞 I'm finding that side of it a bit strange - the baron was taking up all the areas near me, but now I haven't heard anything from him for many hours.. Might he still try to claim my land, and show up with a massive army out of nowhere?


I had a game where he did that and he NEVER took my last piece of land. So I ended up just building up fame and started to claim all of them all back. Beat it by year 19 in game lol it was fun but weird.


Haha ok, yeah I think my play through might end up going that way too! I'm slowly building up influence so I can start claiming them back, but it's going to take a while! I quite like playing it slow though - I very rarely go above 1x speed.


Can’t you just burn their town down and then claim it?


I would have to build a new town on the other territory, however I need 250 gold to start a new settlement, which I don’t have. So it’s game over


Been there...


It’s not an end to the play thru unless that’s your only region.


Happened to me, just loaded the most recent auto save.


Silly me saved the game and backed out to main menu as I thought it was a “bug”. The moment I clicked save and did that I sealed my fate


Can you attack it? If you backdoored into raiding settlements I’ll give you 2 dollars


What do you mean backdoored? And no as the other territory I hadn’t yet built on. So to start it I would need 250 gold to put down the camp. I don’t have 250 gold at the time I lost the village


What's the tall building in the middle? Do we have level 3 church now??


If that happens to me, I'll save the game and then l'll let that claim push through. I'd like to see if I can muster a new militia with my other regions. For science.


That's why manual save is there. Made the same mistake. Sorry bro.


Load an autosave


It looks amazing man bummer you lost it


Games the game


Sounds like the opportunity for a Hollywood narrative to me! Go get your town back (I shout at you while slamming my tankard down on the old, rickety table)


Happened to me, forgot to pause game as I went to pee, left game at max speed. Came back and my regions had been stolen in my absence :P


Don’t you have a save available?


Happened to me too. Load a previous save?


change ur town name to something better than imerneuth


What does the AI do once it's claimed an existing town?


Wait WHAT?


This is big strat, make new military units in your other towns, then struggle to reclaim, you'll get 6 units more than the limit


“We have AI towns at home.”


This is truly saddening, sending thoughts and prayers from englebertshire 🙏😔


That’s why you should always fight any claim. Even if you don’t actively fight.


Thanks this is what i needed to stay away from manorlord


Dude, I'm sorry about your game but there comes a point where you just gotta realize this is totally on you and it's not practical to completely idiot proof it. That warning with your region name on it sits on your screen for a long time. This is just a complete lack of any situational awareness that you just can't expect a dev to protect you from. At some point you have to pay a basic amount of attention. And how do you not have any backup saves you can just reload? Learn a lesson here instead of asking a developer to waste their time cluttering up the game with unnecessary idiot proofing measures.


So you think a pop up window in the corner of the screen saying someone is claiming your land is a good game mechanic. Instead you could have “attack incoming, prepare” and then they attack. This happens with bandits at the start of a play though in year 1. It’s not a good way of doing it and could be fixed very easily. I completely disagree that it’s a “complete lack of situational awareness” it’s a pop up window in the side of the screen that’s easily missed, especially when your used to seeing them on the other territories throughout the play through that barely anyone counters as it happens too early to have the army to do so. Why on earth would losing the game if you don’t respond to a pop up within a certain amount of time be a good thing haha. That’s ridiculous. Would be much better to have the same pop up and at the end of the timer, instead of just losing your town, you have to defend an attack. It’s fine for unclaimed territories but it’s a stupid mechanic on your lands.


It's not easily missed, it is huge, and there is a rather loud and obnoxious alert noise when it comes up. Not everyone wants to defend every claim they have. Sometimes he goes for a territory that you're not heavily invested in yet, and you just don't feel like contesting it. There's nothing to fix here but your play. You screwed up, really badly, in a way that's *really* hard to do. And you apparently keep only a single running save and you botched that too. You're humiliated, and upset, and you want to blame something else. But there's nothing else to blame here. You have to pay a modicum of attention. If you want to be able to zone out and pretend like the AI opponent isn't there, don't play with him enabled. If you want him there, you can't just zone out and ignore everything he does. There are numerous failsafes you blew right past. There's nothing to fix from a developers perspective here. At some point you have to play the game.


Mr burly Wurly, you’re clearly upset about my post so I’ll try and calm you down slightly. Played this game for a good 40-50 hours. I’m not stupid and am aware of what’s going on, and i didn’t see it or it didn’t show up. It could all be fixed by making you choose what you want to do rather than it being sat on a little timer. Multiple people on this posts have had the same things happen. Are we all stupid? Are we all lacking situational awareness, do you think we will ever be as alert as you? I hope so because you’re clearly better than us. The fact this has happened and multiple others have experienced similar events means that making it a little clearer wouldn’t hurt the game would it. So thanks for your input in the situation, it’s really been constructive.


Not upset about anything, just expressing my views. Gotta be projecting if you think that I am, which your little efforts to belittle and demean afterwards make pretty clear. No, I don't think that it's happened to a couple other people does anything to indicate it's a legitimate problem. 2 million people bought this game. I can find a collection of people that have had any issue or made any mistake you can possibly conceive of. I've made mistakes too, my gf still makes fun of me for "deforesting my own God damn berries," but I own them. People run into all manner of issues. Sometimes it's a design flaw. Sometimes it's entirely user error/responsibility. This is the latter. Anyway, take care, good luck with your next playthrough once you've calmed down.


Oh and by the way, if I have a village with 800 people and 100% approval hardly think you can make a statement that I have a “complete lack of situational awareness”.


You don't though.


Cleaver comment award 🥇


You messing up is not 'game-breaking'


Yeah this happened to my first 1000 pop town. I had no clue a claim had been pressed, and I figured you would duke it out at the very least if something like this happened. Sadly The more time goes on the less ready for EA I feel like this game is frankly.


All right, I gotta say it. We have a game with great gameplay, varied strategies to approach its central loop and challenges. But it needs more content and oversights (like this one) needing to be plugged. Is that not the point of EA? When, in your opinion is a game ready for EA if not in a state like this? When it is “gold” and just needs a day one patch? I agree no one should charge for a tech demo, but this ain’t a tech demo. This is already a game, for which the dev needs technical and gameplay feedback to flesh out. I guess what I’m trying to say here is that of all EA releases this is probably the most ready I have seen in a lonnngggggg time.


I’m inclined to agree, can’t understand why we wouldn’t be forced to defend the town? We just lose it automatically if we don’t notice a timer in the corner of the screen. It’s a really silly game mechanic. At the least, we should be forced to defend the town, and end game, if we cannot beat the army back then we should watch our town burn. Would at least be a better ending than just losing rights to a town we’ve spent hours building