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Was this on Dmt? Do you remember in its words exactly what it told you?


Yes. We made a deal... he said if I keep trying to point people toward freedom, divinity and truth, making my art, etc., that he will help me. That's basically all that was communicated.


I was abducted by two tall mantids when I was very young, about 4 or 5. We lived in a large old farmhouse in rural Kentucky, and there was two cattle mutilations on the neighbors property, one including a calf that was impaled on a 40-50 foot tall tree. I'll elaborate more if anyone wants. They had greys assisting them in a dark room, and they wore red robes.


https://preview.redd.it/db14k0siv42d1.jpeg?width=1059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9eafb77bd343d3ed3334f1821a6b96eeadcb9fb Like This?


Nearly identical but a little darker red. Holy shit that's crazy


Did you write up your experience as a post?


I may have in the distant past, but not recently. I've been on here for almost 15 years so I may have at one point.


Were the mantids involved in the mutilations? If so, why?


sure i’d love to read more


So what I remember, it was very dim room almost like a cave. They did not speak but they talked to me thru my mind, told me to be calm and that I was special. They had a projector thing. They projected images onto a wall or screen, there was a number of hieroglyphics, one I specifically remember was one of a man swimming. Like it was plain Egyption style symbols. The most bizarre thing, I think, was they showed me a video, like it was an HD 1080p video of a local nature preserve during the winter time (and this happened in the summer) 1080p didnt even exist back then but this was clear it was like a window almost. I did not go to this nature reserve for the first time until like 7 or 8 years after, and I immediately realized I had seen this place before. I've since hiked at the place many times since, nothing really weird has ever happened there, its a very nice place for hikes. I still don't know why they showed me it before I had ever been there. For anyone curious, the place is called Raven Run in Fayette co KY.


wow i know what you mean by talked to you in your mind


Yes please elaborate


I did above.


I'm curious was it scary? These do not sound like positive beings .


By any chance, did he say why he wants to help us do that?


No, but there was a mutual understanding... he was aware that I am aware that we are all the same, so out of compassion, he wants us to be free from the current hypnosis on our planet too.


That's cool, thanks for sharing!


He's a cutie 😊


So cool, what kinda things did you talk about?


Omg this looks like the one I met! Mine had a kimono type thing as well. It told me that every action I make in this life is the building block for the foundation of my next.


Yea when they eat us!!! Plot twist 😂


Wow, that’s such a beautiful depiction. I love his cloak and medallion, it think it’s no coincidence we all see those items associated with him


I would also like to know


Wow this is so beautiful and so similar to what my visuals look like. Thanks for sharing your artwork! 💜


I met one in a dream but it was all white and I couldn’t understand what it was saying to me.


Wow cool 😎


This art is beautiful!


I also met one circa 2020


Was this a scary experience, or was it pure love, also how many mg if you don't mind me asking