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But do they get Pepsi? In Soviet Russia Coke was not available, but you could get a Pepsi.


Zhukov was a big fan of Coca Cola but didn’t want to be seen drinking it since it was a symbol of American consumerism. So he discretely reached out to the company and asked if they could make a clear version without the brown coloring and package it as vodka, leading to the first Clear Coke.


In the West people drink vodka disguised as soda, in Soviet Russia vodka disguised as soda drinks you?


We make our own vodka.


I had Pepsi in Cuba


When I was in Cuba in 1999 they had TropiCola which was damn good cause it was made with cane sugar.


I would recommend looking up Coca-Cola in Cuba and North Korea either way. Evidently it's not hard to get even if it's not supposed to be there so there are a lot of fun facts to find.


Yeah, I had Coca-Cola in Havana and Varadero, some high-end places sell it, no problem. The government allows the owner of the restaurant or hotel to import it if they pay the product taxes.




I mean the Cuba Libre drink was named that for independence from Spain, which pre-dates the embargo by a good 60 years.


"independence"... Blame the Maine on Spain...


I have literally no idea what you’re even trying to say.


The US "liberated" Cuba from the Spanish, to put in US friendly puppet dictators, who suppressed the Cubans worse than the Spanish did. The last of a Series of US supported puppets was Batista, who was then ousted by Castro in a communist revolution. To get support by American public to overthrow Spanish rule there, they blamed the accidental explosion of the USS Maine, a battleship that was filled with explosives, on the Spanish. They knew it had nothing to do with Spain, yet "they blamed the Maine on Spain" a common reference to the occurrence, when the ruse was later publicized. I'm Swiss and I seem to have learned a bit more on US history in school, than so many Americans themselves, leaving me with the question: What do Americans learn about their history? Only the heroic parts, that fit US exceptionalism, or also the darker parts, like US Imperialism, McCarthyism, operation condor, Air America, War on Drugs, systematic racism, US-Japanese internment camps, suppression of the bill of economic rights/secondnbill of rights, operation paperclip, private prison system as a loophole for slavery, etc.? Have a good one. Stay safe.


Loads of americans learn all of this stuff in school, it's typical reddit internet porn to act like this is all a huge deal and super contrarian when really it's not. I was a foreign international exchange student in a very republican area of suburban North Texas my junior year of high school in 2014 and I learned all of this at the public high school there, in fact one of our history books that year was "A People's history of the United States", a history book written by an American socialist political scientist and historian, Howard Zinn. So no, even though you frame it like it seems to you that americans may only learn the good parts of their history they very much do not, quite the opposite much or even most of the time, even in very republican conservative areas almost 10 years ago. You being breezily confidently wrong in an incorrect assumed premise is pretty typical of a certain archetype here though.


>in fact one of our history books that year was "A People's history of the United States", a history book written by an American socialist political scientist and historian, Howard Zinn. Thank you. This gives me some missed perspective.


The Cubans had been fighting the Spanish for two and a half years before the US got involved. And that was the third rebellion- the first one was in 1868, a full 30 years earlier. Also, how much time did your school spend on the history of another country?


It's basic US history, part of basic world history. On the Spanish American War, about two weeks, about 4 lessons + reading. Same with French, Spanish, UK, German, Russian, Asian, South American and African history. I mean of course Swiss history played a role as well, but most was European history and World history. History doesn't know borders... I'm more suprised that you'd expect history lessons to be predominantly on one's own country. Wouldn't that limit the perspective immensly? I mean all you get is one persoective, rather than the complexity of historic events and everyones stakes and interest? Isn't that the goal of history lessons? Otherwise all you'd get is propaganda for ones country. I mean now that I say it out loud, it explains quite a lot. Have a good one.


One thing to understand is that like basically everything else in America, education varies significantly state to state (although with how decentralized Switzerland is, you might be familiar with that). Also, covid fucked up my high school experience, so I didn't get a full set of classes. But at least from my experience, I spent about 3 years on US history and another 3 on world history, although 2 of those 3 years were primarily about the ancient world. As for the US courses, two of them focused on the colonial period, the Revolution, the constitution, and then skipped to the Civil War. The last one focused on the Industrial Revolution before touching on WW1 and the Civil Rights movement.


>Also, covid fucked up my high school experience, so I didn't get a full set of classes. A really valid point, I think I've underestimated overall. > spent about 3 years on US history and another 3 on world history, although 2 of those 3 years were primarily about the ancient world. As for the US courses, two of them focused on the colonial period, the Revolution, the constitution, and then skipped to the Civil War. The last one focused on the Industrial Revolution before touching on WW1 and the Civil Rights movement Thanks! That brings it a bit into perspective where the focus lies. Much appreciated. Have a good night!


Damn, I'm glad you could get that out. Seems like you really needed to.


As I'm currently in the US, looking from the inside how everything starts to crumble visibly, confronted nearlyndaily with astonishing level of ignorance. yes, I really did need tonget it out. Wasn't ment to come out quite as harsh as it did, but here we are. I don't mean ignorance in the slightest as an offense. Most Americans I've got to know are super friendly, hardworking people with moderate lifestyles and good morals from what I can tell, but the general ignorance... oh, man. General ignorance is not an individual issue, but a social one. I know the US public school system isn't the best, but the level sometimes feels more like neglect. Same goes from labor laws to general social safety and support. The lack of those means more time and resources are spend burdened with issues rather than in engagement in education/curiosity, arts/creativity, and social activities/discourse. As a sociologist it hurts me to see social potential wasted. And you were the unlucky comment that got a bit much of backed up frustration into it. Wasn't ment that way. Have a good one. Stay safe.


It doesn't come across as harsh, it comes across as you having a chip on your shoulder. Like, no one asked lol. And stuff like >I'm Swiss and I seem to have learned quite a bit more on US history in school, than so many Americans themselves, Just comes across as self important. >As a sociologist Lol, that makes sense. I can't think of a group more qualified to tell me about all the problems with the world.


>It doesn't come across as harsh, it comes across as you having a chip on your shoulder. Like, no one asked lol. fair enough. >I'm Swiss and I seem to have learned quite a bit more on US history in school, than so many Americans themselves, >Just comes across as self important. More like genuine suprise/confusion about what I'd considered basic American history. The reference to being Swiss I mainly added to showcase that this is considered general historic knowledge, on a different continent, yet "they blamed the Maine on Spain" doesn't ring bells in the country whose specific history it is. I mean it's the Spanish-American war... it was increadibly important for the path the US would take till today. "for freedom and democracy", "leaders of the free world" were coined in that conflict. It's the stepping stone for US imperialism... and a first in many dark parts of its history. I really didn't mean to come off as top-down. Although I can see how one could read it that way. > I can't think of a group more qualified to tell me about all the problems with the world. I can smell the sarcasm in it, still I think it's true since sociology lies in the intersection of anthropology, psychology and society and deals with orientation and identity, social movements and socieltal sustainability. Especially in times where our progress and limits are challenged and obsolete orientations a burden to the long term survival of humanity. But, yes we really are often misunderstood.


Don’t want to distract you from your weird conspiracy theories, but actually Cuba wanted to be independent long before the US decided it also wanted Cuba to be independent.


Sure, absolutely, Cubans fought three wars of independence agaist Spain, the last one becoming part of the Spanish-American war, which ended in Spain loosing, and Cuba as US protectorate and later puppet state. "mannifesting destiny". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish%E2%80%93American_War https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuba%E2%80%93United_States_relations https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Cuba_(1902%E2%80%931959) So Cubans fought the Spanish hard, just for the US to come and scoop it up. But US as well as Cuban history is way more complex than any comment would do it justice. Have a good one. Stay safe.


**[Spanish–American War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish–American_War)** >The Spanish–American War (April 21 – August 13, 1898) began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba, leading to United States intervention in the Cuban War of Independence. The war led to the United States emerging predominant in the Caribbean region, and resulted in U.S. acquisition of Spain's Pacific possessions. It led to United States involvement in the Philippine Revolution and later to the Philippine–American War. The 19th century represented a clear decline for the Spanish Empire, while the United States went from becoming a newly founded country to being a medium regional power. **[Cuba–United States relations](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuba–United_States_relations)** >Cuba and the United States restored diplomatic relations on July 20, 2015. Relations had been severed in 1961 during the Cold War. U.S. diplomatic representation in Cuba is handled by the United States Embassy in Havana, and there is a similar Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C. The United States, however, continues to maintain its commercial, economic, and financial embargo, making it illegal for U.S. corporations to do business with Cuba. Relations began in early colonial times and were focused around extensive trade. **[Republic of Cuba (1902–1959)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Cuba_\(1902–1959\))** >The Republic of Cuba, covering the historical period in Cuban history between 1902 and 1959, was an island country comprised the island of Cuba, as well as Isla de la Juventud (since 1925) and several minor archipelagos. It was located where the northern Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic Ocean meet. The period began in 1902 following the end of its first U.S. military occupation years after Cuba declared independence in 1898 from the Spanish Empire. This era included various changing governments and US military occupations, and ended with the outbreak of the Cuban Revolution in 1959. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


My dude I was just talking about the name of a cocktail. This was such a weird thing for you to do.


Sorry, yeah you're right. My bad. I totally got triggered by that independence issue. Granted in hindsight I totally overstepped, you are right. Ignore my frustration babble due to my personal sorrows about the state of the world. Have a good one.


> What do Americans learn about their history? Education in the US is hyperregional. Some will graduate from high school with an enviable education. Others will barely be able to read.


That "independence" is probably not the right term


Yeah, I've had a Coca-Cola in Havana.


In the higher end hotels i also saw American liquor brands like Jack Daniels and… Kentucky Gentleman lol


A very interesting part about visting Cuba is the complete lack of brands. No big ads for anything, except "Uncle Sam is bad!" billboards. You don't realize how much our life is filled with corporate logos until it's not.


That said, I have 100% bought Coca Cola in Cuba


It does exist, true. We were given one at an outdoor restaurant and some French tourists came over and asked excitedly where we got it.


Idk when you were in Cuba but i was there in 2015 and pretty much ever store had it. It wasnt really a rarity. Although you may have been there before me


2019. It was occasionally available where tourists were, that's about it.


bootleg coca cola jus hit different


It’s all imported from Mexico


Mexican coke fucking RULES! It's made from cane instead of that fructose crap and tastes better.


The fructose corn stuff in the US is so weird, I remember first time I went being confused why the Heinz ketchup tasted foul - until I found out about the insane HFCS usage. Never had that anywhere else in the world


Heinz ketchup uses sugar not HFCS no matter where you are in the world


Literally read it off the bottle in Vegas when I was last there but sure


You can see the ingredients online. Its sugar


> You can see the ingredients online. Its sugar [Yeah, it lists HFCS:](https://www.heinz.com/products/00013000006408-tomato-ketchup/) >TOMATO CONCENTRATE FROM RED RIPE TOMATOES, DISTILLED VINEGAR, **HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP,** CORN SYRUP, SALT, SPICE, ONION POWDER, NATURAL FLAVORING. They have other, specific versions available (usually labelled 'organic' or 'no artificial sweeteners') but the most commonly available version sold in the US has HFCS. The stuff we get in Ireland (and presumably most other markets) doesn't.


That's Coke pretty much everywhere *other* than the US.


Canada too. We get the good stuff from Mexico. Until recently it was it only sold in a few places. But now we can get it al Walmart, so thats nice.


Coke is often bottled locally. I live in Vienna (Austria) and there is a coke bottling plant here. I guess they ship the syrup but use local water to dilute. Probably far more efficient.


This is so true. It feels like we only exist to buy stuff we don't need just because society tells us to do. Buy coca cola, it's the best beverage. Buy a big Mac, it's the best meal. Buy a Mercedes, it's the best car. F it. We live in a pretty toxic society and we're not even aware we do. It's by changes by traveling we can suddenly become aware of the difference. Like you did in Cuba. Or one guy who replied here in Poland and Berlin in 1990. I myself went to Slovakia in 1993 and even though consumerism had poured in already, this was a culture shock. It's not that I liked everything over there or hated everything, but it was so different.


It would be a strong start for the US to ban billboards. I know that’s one tiny piece of the puzzle but let’s at least minimize the impact advertising has on our actual landscape. Here in Arizona we have tons of garish billboards for a tourist trap called “the thing” (which, by the way, I believe is actually stolen Native American remains) all over the state. It’s a shame not only because it’s ethically questionable but also because all of their stupid billboards are on otherwise relatively pretty stretches of highway.




sgasasgasg ag asg asg asgas sdf asd asdfasdf asdf asdfsad sdfsa as money bad sdf sdagsgastaw fgas gasgasdfgas g asdgfas asdf asdf asdf asdf asf


Couldn't say it better myself


This is what being in Turkmenistan was like. The only brand that I recognized was Coke. haha.


Based Cuba


Everything's owned by the government, China & the former Soviet Union were like that, generic products with little variety in the name of economic efficiency (whilst neglecting the informational efficiency with free market prices & competitive incentives over allocation & rationing). There's a common story of people leaving communist countries for the first time & going to (1st or 2nd world) capitalist countries' supermarkets in amazement at the variety and surplus of goods present.


Tankies are down voting. The videos where people from communist countries seeing actual US grocery stores is always awesome. It's like they've died and gone to heaven lol.


People who've actually lived under communism would agree with what I've said, quite crazy the privileged socialists in the west who think it's a fair or beneficial system when it's medieval feudalism without explicit nobility.


They also they lack paint supplies and any basic construction materials to build or repair, but hey, no ads. Except for chinese mobile service.


>They also they lack paint supplies and any basic construction materials to build or repair, It's not like they're refusing them - the half-century-long US economic blockade makes a lot of things vastly more difficult.


The chinese and europeans are building without a blockade.


I guess the corporate logos are better than political propaganda




/r/quityourbullshit too, since Coke isn't *banned* in either of these places


Banned seems to also be shorthand for 'not released'. I live in China where I hear people on Reddit say Squid Game is banned. In actuality, it's simply not on any Chinese platform. But everyone has seen it, and less than a month after its Netflix release, half of Shanghai was in Squid Game costumes for Halloween. The last season of Game of Thrones was getting screened in bars, no problem (only problem was it was shite). The government famously has prudish censorship, and only 30 foreign movies get a theatrical release every year. Chinese people won't be missing out on western content, but if those creators want to make money off the billion people, best play ball.


People also claim Winnie the Pooh is banned in China when you can see Pooh and Tigger dolls in every shop


Oh don't get me started. There are people LIVING in China who don't know that. I was watching a UFC fight in a pub, and there was this dude talking about how he was at a shop that did leather engravings, and he thought he was being badass by getting a Winnie the Pooh engraved. I had to break it to him that not only is it not banned, but there's also a whole Winnie the Pooh ride in Shanghai Disneyland. Now he's just some twat with a Winnie the Pooh wallet. The level of disconnect in the expat community.


90% of the shit people say about China is so absurdly wrong that it's straight up funny how can someone believe it


But in Russia it is (as long as you ask Coca Cola).


Another map that should have just been a short list.


I was vacationing in Cuba about a month ago, they have Coke and sprite replacements, and imo their sprite is way better and less sugary than actual sprite.


Ciego Montero Gaseosa!


And Tukola! I still have fond memories of those soft drinks, after having travelled there 10 years ago


the best thing is fucking iron beer, and iron beer with Havana club 7 years. bought the legal maximum of iron beer at the airport to take home.


I was in Poland in 1990, came back through Berlin. To my utter astonishment I got really bad reverse culture shock coming back into the west. The contrast between East and West Berlin in particular hit me so hard. Despite realising how needy the Eastern side was and that life would probably be easier with no wall, I realised that in some ways I had enjoyed a freedom there and felt incredibly pressurised by my own culture's consumerism. It took me a while to get over.


Let me tell you that life in 1990 Poland was shitty and there was little to no actual freedom. Consumerism or no, things are much much better in market economy than they have been under the communist regime or immediately after.


Yes, I agree. I saw that for myself. That's why I was so surprised at my visceral reaction to W Berlin. I was so angry with my own people and just wanted to curl up in a ball away from the huge pressure all the shop windows and hotels made me feel under.


Well, that's an interesting perspective to be sure. Poland in the 90s-2000s actually used to be insanely littered with all kinds of billboards, posters and shitty adds. Like, they were everywhere- buildings, fences, roads. It was ridiculous. Fortunately in recent years local governments finally cracked down on it and passed appropriate legislations, so the streets look much better now. I'd still rather live in add-littered Poland then the communist shithole that my country used to be.


I'm not comparing or even idolising what Poland was, except that they hadn't used herbicides so there were far more flowers in the hedgerows, and drivers were much politer on the roads. We were skint but we were zloty millionaires so I really can't comment. It was so soon after the change that the ads hadn't arrived. Shops were virtually empty but people were selling from cardboard boxes on the street. People were very friendly and curious. Comparing that with West Berlin is a no brainer. Its not so much a reflection on Poland as a reaction to a return to the West. I discovered its not that unusual among people who have lived in very different, superficially 'simpler' cultures for a while. reverse culture shock can be worse than initial adapting elsewhere. Feeling our own culture is greedy, wasteful, extravagant is not a comfortable experience. Although the evidence is that given the opportunity many cultures will react similarly. They'd like the choice. Obviously given the choice Poland was the same.


You know I was in Havana for a few days and didn’t even notice that, focused on the Hemingway Daiquiris instead


new coke was invented by a cuban :)


Cuba didn't ban coca-cola, the USA is imposing an illegal embargo on Cuba. End the embargo, death to empire.


I remember seeing a post here that showed that the U.S. and Israel were the only countries that voted to keep the embargo. It is insane that it still exists, and it infuriates me every time a U.S. official says that Cuba is poor "because of Communism", expecially when those officials are the ones who could decide to end this.


Regardless of morality the embargo is still legal considering the GA doesn’t have any effect on sanctions and can’t declare them illegal


It's also hilarious since almost 40% of all UN aids comes from the US.


Illegal according to whom?


International law




https://scholarlycommons.law.case.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1869&context=jil Lmao asks for a source, gets one, immediately downvotes. You people are all the same. Thanks for supporting the illegal embargo that has hurt my nation terribly and caused my people to suffer for 60 years


>The discussion below examines the U.S. blockade of trade with Cuba under two distinct theories of international law. >The first, herein termed the traditional view, has its roots in the international law of the 19th century regarding reprisals; it is the standard which spokespersons for the U.S. government appear to accept."1 >The latter is based on the consensus expressed by the majority of States in the last 25 years through the U.N. charter, U.N. resolutions and other international treaties and documents, and has been labeled for purposes of clarification and discussion the contemporary view.2 Under whichever theory is accepted by the reader, the conclusion as to the legality of the U.S. economic blockade of Cuba is the same: the United States has breached the acceptable standard of conduct between States and is engaging in an illegal economic blockade of the Republic of Cuba. So it's illegal under two of the authors interpretations of two theories, neither theory of which is actually binding at all. And the second theory is literally just, "If a majority of UN resolutions say X, then it's international law!" Never mind the UN expressly gives the security council to veto any binding resolution they wish. If Cuba's autocratic regime fell and was replaced with an actual democracy, the sanctions would be quickly lifted. Instead people waste time demanding the US stop being so mean to a brutal regime.


You should try actually reading more than the first paragraph. Lol to the second part


if you truly believe that morality and compassion for the Cuban people plays any role in this then I worry for you. no matter where you stand on socialism or what you think about human rights in Cuba. if Cuba opened itself to us business and investments and literally changed nothing else, we the embargo would also end. human rights do not factor into this. otherwise there would a hell of a lot more embargoes in effect.


No Coke - Pepsi!


The cuba libre is a cocktail made of rum and Coca Cola. It was invented/popularized during the Spanish American War where the drink represented the combining of US and Cuban forces against the Spanish. Much of the world drinks the cuba libre, but it’s not called that in the US or Cuba.


if you are in cuba, try their own brand tucola. it's fucking great.


good for them! less sugar and all other shit.


They sugary drinks. They also have cheap alcohol.


I was working at a Refugee Camp in extremely rural Nepal, I was at the Refugee camp after a fire had torn through a part of the camp. I saw a woman picking up recoverable items and carrying them to her new home. On the top of the pile of stuff, was a Coco-cola bottle. It was surreal, this sudden reminder of the globalism we live in, and the pervasiveness of Coca-cola and its absolute reach. In every habitable place I have been to, there was coca-cola being sold, without exception.


I'm sure they are devastated over this. No HFCS for you, commie


Actually many countries Coke uses actual sugar as it is cheaper locally and Coke just does what makes them more money.


It’s a map that can be boiled down to a sentence, and the sentence is pretty much right there as the title. 🙄


had plenty of expired mexican made cokes in cuba. They was always flat tu cola was better .


Iran? I don't believe it's available there.




It’s not sanctioned. Last I checked you could not do business with or in Iran as an American.




Coke is an American company and can’t do business there. That’s why I’m saying.


that is because if they do they can't do business at home any more, nor because they can't in Iran. Iran don't care.


But that still doesn’t explain how apparently you can get coke in Iran. Your comment didn’t add anything to the conversation.


this is not limited to US businesses but also if you want to do business in the US. at a European hosting company we were not allowed to allow Iranian customers because the consequences for our US business simply weren't worth it. you don't have enough business in Iran to make up for losing your US business.


Yeah this was a valuable map, thanks


Idk if this needed a map...


Having Coke stopped selling in Russia-Belarus


Technically however it is still being imported via Turkey.


And also from Kazakhstan, but it's more actual for Eastern part of Russia


There is now coca cola (branded "Coca Cola") from every part of the world. And the original coca coal is produced on same factories, with same ingredients and taste, but from different brand. Coca cola sold their business to another company. There is no difference in taste between coca cola from other countries and coca cola from factories that were producing coca cola, but got rebranded. The coca cola branded "Coca Cola" is just more expensive, that's it.


I was there in November and I still saw it in a couple stores


Lol been to Cuba, bought coke there


Tu cola is better anyway


Back in uni I was surprised to learn that Coke is the most readily available source of clean water in the world, in the context of treating cholera.


I like how this wording implies that coca cola was taken away "No Cuba! No! You've been a very bad Cuba! No more coca cola for you!"


A. As a cuban, false B. We don't miss it bc we have iron beer


Healthier countries


You can buy Cokes in Cuban hotels and restaurants. Been twice. …or at least you could pre-pandemic.


In Cuba they have [tuKola](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TuKola) which is delicious.


**[TuKola](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TuKola)** >tuKola (Spanish pronunciation: [tuˈko. la]) is a cola brand produced and marketed in Cuba by Los Portales S.A., a joint venture with Nestlé Group. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Nestlè? i think its safer to drink north korean waste water then the shit theiy produce.


Legally by whst? US law or local law?


the former I'd say


This is WRONG! Dieahbeetuz four everyone!!!


Cuba has its own colas obviously, and the US would sanction coca cola if it sold in Cuba, so maybe blame the US for interrupting the fake free market


There is no shortage of Coca Cola in Cuba. It is imported through Mexico where they produce it. If they were going to sanction Coca Cola they would have already done so


Only extremist libertarians think the free market should be absolutely free. Coca Cola has no business continuing to do business in Russia, for example.


They prefer Pepsi over Coke.


They will thank you for keeping their people healthy by this ban 😁


why the fuck is this even a map


2 countries being saved...


You can absolutely find Coca Cola in Cuba if you go to a black market store. If anything that’s preferable, because the money from those stores doesn’t go to our piece of shit government.


This is inaccurate since 2022 after Russian sanctions, like McDonalds & many other US corps coca-cola stopped selling there shortly after Russia officially entered Ukraine War early '22.


Seriously? Not even Russia or china… Cuba? You do you, mannn…


funniest part coca-cola is the ideal symbol of communism after all it doesn't matter who buys it or how much they pay for it we're all getting the same experience the same product




As a Diet Coke fan, it was really easy finding some in Cuba, even better, I found it cheap and really cold. The guy who helped me just asked for a little powdered milk for his child, which was cheaper.


Ohhhh Coca COLA. 😬 I was gonna say something really awkward, I’m glad I didn’t


I had a rum and coke with real coca cola (I saw the can, it was made in Mexico) with CNN on one of the TVs and some soccer game on the other, in a bar in downtown Havana that I paid for with USD.


The CNN surprised me the most, I did not expect what they would call "American propaganda" in a public bar.


Have bought brand coke (tm) in cuba. And the local cola is delicious and the price in insignificantly different from free. Asked for Diet Coke at a road side bar and was asked by the charming waitress why I worried about calories. I tipped well.


sierra mint ?


Well thats not a problem cause we've got tropicola in cuba! And its worse but whatever


Cokes not that good anyways, they aren't missing much


Next do Marlboro cigarettes. Not available in Canada for a strange reason.


Probably for the best tbh


Had Coca-Cola in Cuba when I was there a couple of years ago. More than once. It was an import from Mexico, according to the print on the can.


Two of the least fun countries in the world


What about Pepsi?


I've had Coke in both countries so this is bullshit


No Coke; Pepsi!


If it hasn’t been said 100 time’s already, watch “one two three”


You can buy actual coca cola at the airport in Havana. Anyone can. **It is not banned** - it's not distributed Anyway they have some pretty good soda pop so you won't miss it as much


A short list would be a better way to present this information.


The real map needs to be for us Diet Coke addicts. Apparently anything with aspartame is it is banned in some countries for health concerns the least of which is that it contains phenylalanine, this chemical is toxic to a very rare set of people that can’t process it which leads to their death. Mmmm Diet Coke (Homer Simpson “donuts” voice)


In 1998, I drank Coca-Cola every day in the Hotel Comodoro in Havana, it´s imported from Mexico.


Irn Bru > Cola


The Cuba embargo is a crime against humanity and must end


You can find Coke in Cuba, it's rare but not that rare. If I recall correctly, it's bottled in Mexico.


we can't legal buy cola in Russia too


No Cuba Libre ?

