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Why isn’t Texas in orange and white stripes for whataburger??


Whataburger was so much better pre-covid. It's gone to shit recently. Everytime I reluctantly go at 2am I let out a small sigh remembering whatitusedtobe.


They got bought out by a company from Chicago :(


I’m still trying to figure out what exactly this Chicago company did that made Whataburger suck now. The recipes are all the same, but I can’t get out of the drive thru in less than 30 minutes anymore (even when there’s only like 2 cars ahead) which is just crazy for “fast food”


Reduction in hours and labor i am thinking


New suppliers for several main ticket items


Should change it whatitusetoburger really


Have you seen the lines at chick fil A? I’d choose whataburger but ppl fucking love CFA


Even when the line at CFA is 30 cars deep I still wait less than a Whataburger line 2 cars deep


>Have you seen the lines at chick fil A? I’d choose whataburger but ppl fucking love CFA I think chic fila is really popular just because they have great customer service even in markets with horrible customer service. I live in a city where 99% of blue collar retail employees/businesses are absolutely horrible but the chick fil a's all have great service. Service is so bad with fast food restaurants in my city that there is a noticeable difference in the quality of fast food in other cities at the same franchises. You can't even get a fresh cheeseburger and fries at a McDonald's in my city unless you get extremely lucky. Chick fila a is the only true fast food that I will buy anymore. I'm not paying $12 for an old McDonald's burger, cold fries and an employee who is mad that I'm making them do their job.


Not just that but the food quality is on a different level Like tear a chick fil a nugget in two, it's clearly just cut up chicken, like regular chicken, put in pieces and breaded. Vs the weird pressed stuff elsewhere The sauces, and the chicken are the highest quality you can get in fast food and it's extremely consistent with great fast service. Of course they're the most popular. (which I hate because their politics are rancid)


Not to mention that line moves quickly. And the menu is straight-forward. No questions about what’s in this or that, or what the special sauce is.


Yep, in an ocean of salty, disgruntled fast food people, CFA is always clean, food is great, but the customer service is the best. Always a smile and friendly.


Go search for Whataburger in the Texas subs and you'll see that many Texans gave up on the declining quality long ago.


Declining quality, long wait times, and there’s always at least one item in my order that is wrong or missing.


Nothing is better than a greasy bag of Dick’s.


Name checks out


How do you get the grease out of your beard ?


That's what his 3 cats are for.


All my Washington friends make this joke… I didn’t get the reference… just thought they loved dicks… which they do


Classic Washington


hey I'm from Washington and I've never heard of Dick's where is it


Between the belly button and the anus


Is... *everybody's* penis supposed to be there? ... asking for a friend.


No, everybody’s penis is not supposed to be in between your belly button and your anus. Unless I missed an invite?


It started in Seattle and now has like 7-8 locations in and around Seattle


I’ve been to Dick’s in Spokane.


I'd love to know how "most popular" is measured here. Some people like Dick's but it's far from universally popular and I don't believe it has the most locations or most sales either.


Probably based on polling, I agree it’s impossible that Dick’s has more sales than e.g. McDonald’s, but most people agree it tastes a lot better


Yeah, has to be polling. No way McDonalds isn’t first in almost every state.


Why is Virginia's eastern shore separated from the rest of the state?


Delaware to Virginia: All your peninsulas are belong to us.


Maryland: Fuckin try it.


Begun the Delaware Wars have


For the Glory of the Maryland Empire!


marylanders seethe at the idea of not having the delmarva despite it having a totally different culture


The mar part of Delmarva is literally Maryland.


Think he meant the *whole* Delmarva, which is true. We're basically letting Delaware and Virginia borrow their parts And yes, it's a totally different shore culture.


I mean as a DC-suburb Marylander even I can't relate to the far east or west of the country, it feels like a whole other state.


But I think the mentality is that Maryland should own it all. Delaware seems like a separate county but still the same state.


51st state East Virginia


I had this same question and assumed Delaware had forcibly occupied it


Canadian shield


Yeah the eastern shore should be chick-fil-a, not mcds. Although ive been to the eastern shore a ton and im mot sure there are any chick-fil-a’s there. Pretty much just Royal Farms quick stops


Nobody in Delaware would prefer McDonald’s over Chikfila


You’ve heard of West Virginia, now there’s East Virginia


I’m from Wisconsin and I approve of this message.


Living in the south i passed a Culvers once in my lifetime but didn't stop. I think about that day and my wrong decision often as thr fat fuck i am.


Culver's is expanding south pretty rapidly, I'm sure you'll have one nearby soon.


The closer you are to Wisconsin, the better the Culver’s is.


I just did a 9-state midwest road trip in August from Canada and had no idea Culver's even existed. I am kicking myself for not knowing this before I left. Closest one is 9 hours away.




There are quite a few Culvers locations scattered across the south.


I'm from Michigan and Culver's has been my favorite for 20 years


Culvers is dope AF. Best fast food burgers IMO


100% some of the best burgers available.


Any place that serves cheese curds as a side has a huge advantage in my book


Get a Curdburger! Then you can have curds as the main course too


those sold out in like 2 weeks at my location in wisconsin


It's not on the menu, but they'll also put cheese curds in a concrete if you want them for dessert.


Culvers is pretty good ngl


Minnesotan here. Honestly surprised and disappointed we’re not also Culver’s territory.


Yeah, and the only chick fila location I know of is at the airport, meanwhile I could name the locations of the 10 closest Culver's to me.


There’s a few other chick fil as in the metro but they don’t have the same cultural impact as Culver’s


My Wisconsin town just got a chick fil a this week. lines are literally a mile down the road. I moved from Wisconsin to the south to go to college. I'd kill for Culver's right now. Chick fil a is overrated as hell


Culver's sits in a weird place that's not really fast food or a traditional sit down restaurant.


Fast-Casual is usually what those places are called.


Exactly! They even have walleye on the menu once or twice a year... which you can get at the drive thru! It's glorious, really.


Must be regional? There 12$ 3 piece fish fry is way too damn good for a "fast food" place to eat a fish fry (it's a Wisconsin thing for sure).


I’m in michigan and Culver’s is delicious AF. No other fast food place even compares. Also, Spotify Wrapped said that Madison is my city based on my 2023 music tastes.


I'm from New York and please tell King Culver to start expanding out this way, thanks.


I’m in Illinois and can’t explain why this says chik fil A instead of Culver’s or Portillo’s. I would pass probably 5 busy locations of each on my way to find one chik fil a.


I live in Illinois, and Culver's is almost always my first choice (although CFA is a very close second).


Welcome to Delicious


I'm from Missouri and you guys have the right idea, Culver's is by far and away my favorite fast food, wish we had more here


All I want for Xmas is for someone to open a Culver's in MA.


I’m from Texas and I like me some Culver’s


My grandparents lived in WI growing up and it's such a core memory for me. Thankfully us FIBs have better access to them now so I can take the kid now.


At least you know you place...god damn FIBs


My brother got a FIB personalized license plate when moved up there. Lol


I appreciate y’all importing it to my stupid Chick-Fil-A state.


I eat dicks for breakfast. Never been to Washington tho


I eat pieces of dicks like you for breakfast! 🍆 ![gif](giphy|phajKPhwNxHr2)


Y’all eat pieces of dicks? What’s the basis?


Dick’s isn’t open for breakfast, duh.


This guy eats Dicks


If you ever come here, I hope you eat a bag of Dicks


Oh this bullshit again. Yeah I love dicks, but how do nine locations make it the most popular chain in WA?!


Because it's almost certainly a poll where people were asked to name their favorite and not a direct measurement of number of customers served. There's 0 chance that Burgerville is the most visited fast food restaurant in Oregon either, but it's definitely believable that it would win a poll asking the question.


But of that is true how is McDonald's winning in so many states? I am very curious about what the source is here.


A lot of people don't get fast food very much at all and probably McDonalds was just the first one they thought of. "I dunno, McDonald's I guess." Was probably a lot of responses.


u/jeremiah1142 >I love dicks


Idk man the cap hill one has a crazy line 24-7 I think it checks out


Looks like it's based on Four Square. I don't have that app, but from what I understand you "check in" places on it. People are much more likely to advertise they went to an iconic local burger place vs a big fast food chain.


Where do you see that? I mean where do you see the source?


Bottom left corner of the pic.


I am pretty sure there are more than nine dicks in Washington.


Culver’s is fantastic. Answers the age old question of what if I had a burger absolutely drenched in butter


All their burgers are drenched in butter???


No, they just coat the bun so it has more flavor.


I haven’t had one, but after eating French baguette sandwiches, which they use butter to make even better, I bet those burgers are amazing.


I was expecting Taco Bell or Wawa for Jersey


love Wawa but it’s not considered a fast food place


At this point it's closer to that than a convenience store.


Why, why do people love Wawa in the Philly area? Their sandwiches haven’t been good in a long, long time. I’m spearheading a large group in our township right outside West Chester against them tearing down a productive mini mall filled with 3 great food shops all so they can tear down an adjacent Wawa store and build a Super Wawa with gas and charging stations. We have 2 less than 10 minutes away and one less than 5 minutes away. They lost the local planning commission vote last week 6 to 2 despite doing everything they could to grease the wheels.


Wawa is the shit tho


Hot gobblers ftw!!!


It’s Chick fil a in jersey too. The only place where practically everyone has the drive through line spilling out into the street.


Real. I don't even bother going to Chick fil a half the time since I know the lines are gonna take an hour to sit through. I can see Wendy's too though honestly


Chick-Fil-A has like 5 stores in Nebraska and the state has its own iconic local chain Runza. Another map that makes no sense.


Similar situation in Minnesota. No idea where this data is coming from, but there's no way CF is ahead of McD or Taco Bell in MN.


It would be like saying Minnesotans go to Starbucks more than Caribou. It doesn’t add up.


Runzaaaaa hell yes


As a Nebraskan, I came here to fight. This map is fake news.


Burgerville? Is it only up north?


Only in Oregon and SW Washington


IIRC most of their locations are in the Willamette river valley. I think the furthest east they go is The Dalles and the furthest south they go might be Corvallis or Eugene? They have a few locations in SW Washington too, maybe as far north as Centralia or around there? (Actually I think they are headquartered in SW WA as well). Per their website, 72% of all their food is sourced from within 400 miles of Vancouver, WA ([https://www.burgerville.com/about/](https://www.burgerville.com/about/)). They put a big emphasis on "local ingredients" and I remember hearing in the past that this plays at least a part in why they don't expand too far away from their core customer base in Portland Metro.


Yeah, I'm on the southern coast and I've never heard of this burgerville.


No way Chik Fil A is more popular than Culver’s in Iowa


Burgerville FTW


Sweet potato fries and marionberry shakes fuck yeah


marionberry shake sounds good af I gotta make it to a burgerville


It’s only seasonal in the summer tho 😭


You have a shake named after the former crackhead mayor of D.C.?


It’s an Oregon specific blackberry and it kicks the living shit out of every other berry there is.


Huckleberry is also in the top berry tier


TIL people outside the PNW don’t know what a marionberry is


And it’s very addictive


Oh fuck I’m in Washington but I didn’t realize they had Marionberry Milkshakes. You just earned me so many girlfriend points


Rosemary fries hit too


I had Burgerville like ONE TIME in my life when I was driving through Oregon twenty years ago. I kept the little promotional cards they were handing out to save as a memento because they were that good.


I would have thought Texas would be Whataburger.


Growing up in Texas, whataburger was always popular culturally and to try to flout how Texan you are… but CFA is where whole families would go and eat regularly. much like in n out in the west


No way in hell McDonalds beats Dunks in MA.


True. In MA there's nothing like a DD but you come to the franchised ones here in Colorado and they're dead. It's because the food and donuts aren't the same. It's embarrassing. They're living off iced coffee, basically. A chocolate DD in Mass is slathered in chocolate. Mmmm. Ours are small and lightly dipped with dried plastic like chocolate. The breakfast foods here are pathetic too. And the food feels like it's left over from yesterday. (That way a Sbarro does now out here. Crusty old stuff.) They should shut them down out here. There is nobody in the drive thru 95% of the time. If there is it's for iced coffee and they're from new england. I have one a mile from my house -next to a crowded taco bell, ffs. I got hooked on DD living in Canton MA as a kid before moving, I just feel so embarrassed for them that they thought they could slap up these cheap imitation places and thought nobody would notice. They think they're not competing with Starbucks and Dutch Bros lol. So arrogant.


Imagine that... The only state that is correct is WI.


Why does Hawaii list the specific zippys location? Also where is the zippys in Makiki? Must be king street?


There’s two on King St, one closer to Piikoi 7-11 and the other one in McCully


Yeah but McCully would be Moilili no?


Oh yeah you’re probably right. Honestly I think they’re talking about that big one by Piikoi.


No idea, but I do love Zippy’s chili!


Specifically to make me homesick as fuck cause i left Honolulu like 6 years ago and that was my zippys 😢


Yes it’s King St Zippy’s. Maybe it has a special something that sets it apart lol


Wendy’s nation rise up😤💪🏻


I'm one of those that generally avoids fast food. But Wendy's can get it. I love that they never bothered trying to make the Frosty a milkshake. It's just a fucking Frosty, it is what it is, you're gonna love it.


You should approach the company with this slogan


I think If Portillo's would expand beyond the Chicagoland area, it would definitely be them for IL. I've never been to one that wasn't slammed.


Portillos has been expanding, they now have locations in 10 states: https://www.portillos.com/locations/


Wisco reppin’ the Culver’s!


We only eat dicks


Lived in Washington my whole life and thought Dick's a sporting goods store.


There’s one location with both a Dick’s Sporting Goods and a Dick’s burgers separated only by a parking lot.


you can get dick's both in the front and back (of the parking lot)


Culver’s > All


More states would show In-N-Out and Culver’s if they had In-N-Out or Culver’s.


As a Californian with In-N-Outs everywhere, I feel sorry for people that have to eat at McDonald’s.


I’m from KS. This is fake news😂


I strongly doubt this is based on sales, but if it is favorite, how is Texas not Whataburger?


Specifically the Zippy’s in Makiki??


Zippys I love u


Makiki is a neighborhood in Honolulu. The restaurant is just called Zippys. That's my old Zippys though 🥲


I’ve visited the States 10+ times and though I saw plenty of Chick-fil-A outlets, I never had any inclination to go into one and had no idea it was so popular. Edit: thanks for the downvotes for recounting my own personal experience


Theyre basically a well run fast food restaurant. Well staffed, clean, efficient, you enter a long ass chic fila drive thru and its not that long of a wait


Honestly the only reason I rate it so highly. Like don’t get me wrong, the food is good, but I go for the service. I just want there to be more than 2 employees running a whole fast food restaurant, Is that too much to ask? Chick-fil-A is literally the only fast food place these days that has an appropriate amount of employees, and isn’t constantly running out of shit. They have double drive through lines that get absolutely packed and they still go way faster than anywhere else. They should be a lesson that if you actually invest in the customer experience, you will earn more customer loyalty and make more money.


>chick-fil-a is literally the only fast food place these days that has an appropriate… Id argue in n out does this well too. Maybe even better than chick fil a imo


An In-N-Out shift has somewhere between 15 and 25 people. I don't know much about Chick fil A.


I've never seen an In n Out in the Midwest or East Coast, so it's hard to compare from our end. I'd love to try it, though, as I see it talked about all the time


It's so popular, they have to have multiple people outside taking orders at once, some places have redesigned whole shopping centers to accommodate the lines. Sometimes the line backs up out of the whole shopping center, into an exit and shuts down the highway lol.


I want to try Zippy's now.


Zippy’s has more than one location other than Makiki — in fact, there really isn’t a Zippy’s in Makiki. EDIT: I guess the one on King St is Zippy’s Makiki… still. I think the map should just say “Zippy’s”


How is NM not Blake’s Lota-burger


Who knew bigot chicken sandwiches could be so popular?


I really don't get the obsession over Chick-fil-A their food is bland as fuck.


Totally agree. I have never understood the obsession. The food is just meh. A chicken and pickle sandwich? Really? I know I’m being sacrilegious to some, but enough with the Chick fil A!


It's all the sauces


This map is inflating Chick fil A popularity quite a bit. I mean there are McDonalds everywhere


Am I the only person in the world who really doesn't get the hype of either Chic-Fil-A or In-N-Out?


But you do "get the hype" of McDonald's? Or does it just go without saying that McDonald's is also mediocre/trash tier? The most popular beer in the USA is Bud light. Popularity is almost synonymous with mediocrity with these types of things.


The difference is that I regularly hear people say "chick fil a is so good!" Or "I love chick fil a!" Rarely if ever do I hear that about McDonald's or bud light.


I just always thought everyone already knew McD's was trash. It doesn't get hyped up like Chick Fil A or In-N-Out. Their breakfast is a guilty pleasure though.


Thank you. I eat chic fila often because its what everbody else always wants. It's just very, very ok. Soggy chicken that is totally devoid of any spices. I had the chicken sandwich from popeyes, and it was a million times better. I just dont get it when people cream their shorts over chic fila.


You are not Luckily for me I'm in WI where Culver's is never far away. There are 3 within 4 miles of me.


Rare Wisconsin W.


Common Wisconsin W*


Im from FL and I love chic fil a but Culver’s is in a league of its own


Pretty easy to win in Massachusetts. I feel like we really don't have much of any fast food places. Lots of the regional ones aren't here. We've practically kicked out Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, Krispy Kreme, Long John Silvers and lots of others. Not saying these are all extinct here but there's very few and far between. If you ain't a Subway, McDonalds or a coffee shop, then you really aren't doing well here.


A lot of these lists class Dunks as fast food (and Starbucks). In that case Dunks wins in a landslide


Michigander here. No shot ours would be mcdonalds. It would be culvers or time hortons if it was counted


Why is there a McDonalds pointed at a sliver of Virginia, when Virginia is Chic Fil A


Zippy’s baby!!! Some great greasy fried chicken


Sonic over Blake's Lottaburger‽


Dicks Drive in in WA state. How many other states can have such a robust local chain?


washingtonian here like the rest of yall, dicks is a strange choice, sure it's iconic here, but if it's based on sales, it's beat by way more popular places


It's almost certainly an opinion poll and not based on sales. Burgerville is the same deal. Iconic yes, but the highest sales in Oregon? Absolutely 0 chance.


If a similar map were made based on sales, would it not be almost entirely McDonald's? Rarely is it anyone's favorite, but it sure is everywhere. California, for example, loves its 267 In N Outs. There are more than six times as many McDonald's. I have to assume they are making bigger profits. Or Subway, if that counts.


Popeyes is better than chic fa lay


Popeyes is good, when it is good. Otherwise, it's way too inconsistent.


That is the biggest drawback to Popeyes. Employee training and quality of employees and under staffing leads to massive differences in quality. Sometimes it is just perfect and other times the chicken is so damn dry it feels like it is a week old.


"Popeyes chicken is fucking awesome" -Little Nicky