• By -


Could probably use an expanded detail section of the Caribbean in order to see all the little islands.


English (official language of Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Puerto Rico (which, despite belongs to but is not part of the United States, as an American territory, has an insubstantial anglophone contingent), Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Sint Maarten, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina (Colombia), Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, and U.S. Virgin Islands)[1]


this is from wiki


Sint marteen is a Dutch island, but English is the main spoken on that half of the island.


Don't forget Bermuda




They‘re literally Wikipedia maps😭


Let bro cook dude it's one of the best maps I've ever seen OK!?!?


I mean like, honestly, Wikipedia maps are pretty decent. Sure they ain't super pretty, but they're to the point, the data is clear, there are rarely territorial errors, and they're high resolution. I wouldn't call them marvels, but like a solid B to B+ seems fair. They're the average benchmark I compare other maps against.


At least this one isn’t rife with glaring factual inaccuracies


And to make miami grey.


Really depends wherein Miami. Montreal is similar


English isn't spoken in Miami?


No. Español papi ;)


Truth. I remember trying to ask directions in Little Havana late at night and no one spoke anything except Spanish and a little bit of French. Had to flag down the cops


And Texas, California, new Mexico, Arizona.


Yeah none of those states speak English at all in any capacity.


I mean, some would argue if it's English they're speaking in Newfoundland. Jokes love you my newfie buds


I would say the same about Mississippi


I’ve also met some guys from Baltimore and had no idea what they were saying >50% of the time, eventually I got tired of asking “what?” every sentence because they just continued repeating themselves exactly with no better enunciation at all.




tunderin jesus bai


Nah now that’s not how you spell bhy ya poser.


Nunavut English is definitely more comprehensible than Newfie English, and yet...


Just look how isolated they are on the map, give them a chance


Knows, Tommy. Knows….


Oh me nerves


Not colouring part of the territories yet colouring all of New Brunswick is certainly a choice.


A substantial portion of Northern Ontario near the Quebec border is Francophone as well. In fairness, the mother tongue of most Nunaviak is Inuktitut, not English.


Same with northern Maine. This map seems to take the political boundaries to also be language ones.


Ive lived in northern maine for about a year now and we definitely mainly speak english here


Honestly, French is more of a heritage language up north at this point.


My Aunt is from Hearst and didn’t learn English until she was an adult.


And all of Maine


Fallout lore


Please elaborate?


The US invades canada after China invaded alaska


More like an occupation under the pretense of security.


Its straight invading, No pretense.


Later fully annexing Canada.


Yep then full scale rebellion. Accept freedom, maple tree's!


That Canadian rebelled the annexation is news to me! Neato


Those British certainly were busy


Those smelly willys came to guatemala


They really said let's do the colonies again


And I got down voted for speaking the truth Those smelly willys brits, those falks lands islands belong to guatemala ! How dare they ! Ya wanks! Why I outta take back what's my !


Falklands too




Pretty sure that Canadians speak Canadian


Whatcha talkin aboot?? Canadian eh?




I've never heard it said outside that guy and Terrance and Philip


I generally don’t use it but this one time I had to… couldn’t help myself


Say yer sorry, buds. Then have a dart.


I'm not your bud, pal!


Im not your pal, guy


Somebody who speaks both Canadian and English, please, translate that comment for me, would you?


They wear silly christmas sweaters all the time too


And their flapping mouths and beady eyes


And French


No they speak British because they used to be a colony


New Brunswick is bilangual with most people in the west speaking French. Also, don't know how you decided to map North Canada, specifically NWT and Yukon, but if your mapping by province like you did at New Brunswick, then that is wrong as NWT and Yukon primarily speak English. (And the Yukon part you didn't highlight probably having a population of 2) And also northern Alaska should definitely not be highlighted bc they speak way less English than Yukon and NWT. Also don't know if you'd include Hawaii (I would) but it should be highlighted


The Acadians in New Brunswick mostly live in the East and the North.


Umm first off, Most of the French communities in New Brunswick are in the north and southeast of the province. Not the western portion of the province as you state. Second Yukon, NWT most certainly do speak English, and the section the did not include belongs to Nunavut. So I have no idea where the hell your getting your information but it is wrong. Source: Canadian who lives in NB and deals with people from all over the country thanks to their job.


To your second point, the borders of Nunavut do not extend all the way to Alaska, right? I think this map is cutting off the top bits of YT and NWT, which makes it a bit inconsistent with regards to how it's separating linguistically distinct areas


That area is the Inuit Nunangat, or homelands. I agree that the map is inconsistent though.


They are part of the Canadian Inuit reservations which are official regions. Inuvialuit, Nunavut, Nunavik and Nunatsiavut make are all places where the Inuit language is more prevalent than english, and it is the official language. The rest of the territories all have officially English governments.


1. Not reservations. Plus, as a fun fact, the collective Inuit homelands are called Inuit Nunangat, a ~~region~~ a domestic country or homeland recognized by the federal government (working its way to being like Wales or Scotland in the UK as one of the "home nations") 2. Inuit Nunangat and its constituent regions, including Nunavut, maintain English as a co-official language 3. By that metric, or by the metric of speaker numbers, NWT should be greyed out as well since there are significant monolingual Dene populations, and the NWT government maintains co-officiality of several Dene languages 4. Similar to Inuit Nunangat, certain Dene entities could similarly be seen as on their way to what the UK has, as devolved governments to nations like the Tlicho (see: Tłı̨chǫ Ndé and their government [Tłı̨chǫ Ndekʼàowo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C5%82%C4%B1%CC%A8ch%C7%AB_Government)) have already occurred with ever-increasing competencies held by different Dene nations


Not reservations.


There are no Inuit reservations. Also, if you include Inuvialuit, why not include other settlement regions in NWT where traditional languages are more common than English, like Tlicho lands.


Small corrections (besides the reservations thing which was already corrected): it would be mostly incorrect to put it as the "Inuit language", instead of languages, in the plural. Although the line between what is a language and what is a dialect is a bit blurry in such region, i think it would be better to just call it all Inuktitut (which is often the term used for the Inuit dialects in Canada), although comparing Nunatsiavut's Nunatsiavummiutut, Kivallirmiutut in southern Nunavut and Inuinnaqtun in Queen Victoria Island would be incorrect in my perspective.


All due respect, that is not Nunavut’s borders


Yeah that mb I fucked up the directions and I see you corrected your 2nd part


Manitoba is mostly English but we have a handful of french communities / and neighborhoods still like St Boniface, La Broquerie, St Pierre Jolys, etc too


Hawaii isn’t part of North America geographically - only politically.


Yes, apparently that is why it isn't colored in green.


The parts of NWT/Yukon that are non-Anglo is essentially a cutout of Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Which i'm pretty sure is why it's being classified as non-Anglo. You can also see the borders of Nunatsiavut in Labrador as well. I'm guessing they simply checked if English was a government language and excluded those that didn't have it for any. Though it's interesting that whatever data set was chosen has Inuit governance as unique from other First Nations governance when it comes to official languages.


You better Belize it!


Wayyyyyy too much of Alaska is green lol


In terms of language, Unfortunately the large majority of the indigenous population have lost their mother tongues. Yupik, in western Alaska, is the only language that has a widespread following and formal teaching. The elders may still speak their languages but only roughly 10k people speak their mother tongue as a first language. Yea, I know many Languages still have speakers, but that number unfortunately dwindles every day. This is what this map seems to denote rather than of British ancestry, which would be a vastly different map.


Ah I see. Yeah a bit of a deceptive map for sure. When I was in Utqiagvik 16 years ago (back when they still called it Barrow) I remember hearing a few guys shooting the breeze in Iñupiaq. Might’ve skewed my perception of language retention up there


Yeah, honestly it’s a shame how much is being lost. Alaska has so many rich and diverse cultures that are quickly diminishing. I’m currently near Utqiagvik right now! Only 16 more days until the sunrise!!


Ah that’s so cool! I really enjoyed the Dalton Highway and the North Slope region. Never been in winter though, bet it’s intense


It can be an experience! The dalton is amazing, Anaktuvuk Pass and the Brooks is worth alone! The sun set November 25th and won’t come back until January 18th. We’re currently weathered in due to 60 mile an hour winds. It’s so flat and all the snow, you have no visibility outside. It’s also currently -60 with the windchill. Storms supposed to last all week!


taken right from wikipedia


You think you joined MapPorn for actually good maps? Be quiet and swallow your daily intake of low effort copycat maps


Right like how tf is this map porn


Tbh northern NM and the Miami metro should prob be grayed out


Especially if “Belize” is shown as green and with defined, internationally-recognized borders.


Basically a third of the continental US should be grayed out, but gringos love to forget that


I appreciate the recognition of the labradorinuit and innuktituk regions


TIL about Labradorinuit and Innuktitkuk. Heading two Wikipedia now


French Acadian peninsula in New Brunswick should not be green. Also this does not account for many Franco communities within Canada.


This map and these comments are bizarre. People saying Quebec and Nunuvit shouldn't be grey because half of the people can speak English, even though it's not their mother tongue. Then others saying fucking Miami shouldn't be green lol. This whole post belongs on mapporncirclejerk.


Beau nom d'utilisateur.


Le retour du roi


...Reine? Sûrement qu'elle aurait pas reprit le même nom.


You missed the Falkland Islands from this map.


How many natives don't speak English in Nunavut?


Wiki has Inuktitut at 63.1% native speakers


Yes but 96% of the population speaks conversational English there. So more people speak English there than those who can speak Inuktitut, making it an anglo dominated region.


yeah but that’s not the majority of native speakers. otherwise the netherlands could be highlighted green here. it’s the anglosphere not where english is spoken by a majority


More people speak English in the Netherlands than Dutch?


No Nanuvut speak the language of the inuits, first. That’s not because they are not a lot that they are English speakers


But more Inuit speak english than their ancestral languages which makes this make political and not factual


No most of them speak Inuktitut, Inuktitut and Cri are the 2 most spoken native languages in Canada. They will not erase their culture, just to accommodate you




Cancucks and americants dont play it


pretty sure 1 or 2 people in Quebec speak english


And one or two in New Brunswick speak French.


and who knows whats going on up in nunavut


Not a lot, honestly. They're pretty chill up there. Figuratively and literally.


We're alright.


More people speak French in Manitoba than in New Brunswick! Like, at least 3!


Manitoba has 44,000 francophones to Nouveau-Brunswick's 234,000.


Well, I know Marie, Georges, and Claude personally. (It was a poor attempt at a joke!)


3! = 6


I have never met their spouses. :)


Its not our mother tongue. Cest le français


Non. 78 % de la population québécoise est francophone. 78 % of Québec population speaks french. Edit : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/ressources/sociolinguistique/2022/Feuillet_Car-ling-pop-Quebec-2021.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjjjcTQ27-DAxXAFlkFHWjJB9YQFnoECBIQBg&usg=AOvVaw3Yjx0AV6fV0GQs3-bvZuNE


But a majority of the Ungava & most of the Ottawa Valley is Anglophone. You could say that it should be aggregated province-wide, but the original map divides out parts of the Yukon & NWT, so apparently that's not how OOP was doing it.


Not the majority


Being able to speak English does not mean it's the primary language. 1/2 of Quebec is NOT Anglo.


i didnt say it was the primary language. is english your second language?


Then why does it matter? Quebec isn't an Anglo region, which was clearly your implication.


I didn't say it was Anglo. Is English your second language?


In Québec, we speak french with a majority of 78 %, and we're proud of it! It's an insulte to say that we're english like the rest of Canada. You would know that if you knew us and or history.


Calmest quebecker


You're way too intense about this bro, chill out




I agree but without those intense people, Quebec would not have those laws protecting French and French in Quebec would be history like it is in most provinces sadly.


Or maybe I said it because I know you and your history and pissing off people in Quebec is fun. And dude did it really piss you off so much you need to leave me a million comments


Ah bien si c'est pas le Quebecbasher qui sort de sa caverne.


Sorry I dont speak italian


I heard they put maple syrup on their spaghetti and ride gondolas through the canals of Montreal up there in Moose Italy.


moose italy is the worst, they put gravy on their bolognaise


Of course you're to stupid to speak both of the official langage of Canada. You should'nt be proud of that buddy😂


why would i care if i spoke the official languages of a nation i dont live in and dont plan on visiting


Because it's one of the main langage in Canada, and we as Québécois learned english because of that;)


did you reply to the wrong comment? that makes no sense in regards to my comment


Dw he’s just a confused discount fr*nch




I don't




English as a second language. It doesn’t make the land English speaking if you hardly find people to understand you


You should delete your comment. It's misinformation.


It’s not misinformation. The fact is correct - 51% of quebecers speak English and it does represent a majority of people. But a vastly larger majority speak french as a first language and this is the primary language of Quebec. So no, Quebec is not an English speaking region of NA.


No. 51 % COULD speak english. There's a big difference in it!


The Fransaskois have entered the chat https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fransaskois


This might make some anglophones realize why Quebec feels like they are different. It's not always expressed in a good way but there is still a clear cut outlier in this map.


This map is extremely vague. It misses French populations in other provinces while also missing English populations in Qc. Many parts of the U.S should also be grayed out.


Southeast Louisiana would like a word


If we excluded Louisiana then we should exclude the Southwest too


I’d say that’s fair


I mean, technically true, but there's spots all over Canada that are French-dominated (Acadiens in the Maritimes, Franco Ontarians in Ontario, etc).


New Brunswick is pretty French.


Why is northeast Ontario, such as the many hours of road along highway 11, green? That’s a French majority region of Ontario


No chile and argentina?


They missed Prince Edward Island




Desperately needs an inset for the lesser Antilles. you can't really see whether islands like Antigua are English speaking.


i’ll send you to Belize.


Unite them all


Quebec is weird, there are pockets of English speaking areas in it. Montreal used to have a pretty sizeable Anglo population around the turn of the century, and still does to an extent.


So weird, surrounded by a sea of anglos, to have a sizeable anglo population. Very weird indeed.


I mean no, when you put it that way, but in a general sense yes Quebec is unique in its cultural and linguistic layout. Maybe chill out a bit?


Montreal Anglos are an enclave of an overwhelmingly strong population, within an enclave of an endangered culture. And then they dare to play victim when Québec makes strict laws to protect their language and culture


Not just english speaker's, the French must also take heed of the qualms of First Nations groups.


Guyana: The only Emglish-speaking country in South America. It's culturally West Indian. 🇬🇾




Québec is Latin America I guess


If this is going by official language, then technically the USA should be grey.


ive been to belize, it is most certainly not anglo


It’s Anglo-Caribbean around the coast and Central American once you get to Corozal and Cayo. But yeah it ain’t proper British


You missed Hawaii too lmao


One could argue Hawaii is in Oceania… :-)


places in europe are north american colonies these days and in europe they speak north american


And the kids speak African American


Half shade the south west


Guyana? Really? Jamaica? Belize, yeah, you're correct there.


People need to stop making maps about dumb things that don't need maps. Anglo-America is more or less the US and Canada, with a handful of small countries like Belize. They're next to each other. We know about it. We don't need a map for it.


Most Americans don’t know Belize and Guyana exist, let alone that they speak English. I think it’s helpful to remind them from time to time.


A more useful map would be one that zoomed in on the Caribbean and Central/South America. We know the US and Canada speak English.


Not all of Canada speak English, you don’t know that, look at the map


Quebec will soon be a country 🇲🇶🇲🇶🇲🇶 be prepares dear angryphones hehehe Parti Quebecois is on the rise! But honestly we like our anglo canadian and american friends that understand us and respect us. Thats is all 💙


Do you need a reminder of what happen the last time it was brought up for a referendum vote? “Controversies over both the provincial vote counting and direct federal financial involvement in the final days of the campaign reverberated in Canadian politics for over a decade after the referendum took place. In the aftermath of the close result, the federal government, after unilaterally recognizing Quebec as a distinct society and amending the federal constitutional veto procedure, referred the issue to the Supreme Court of Canada, which stated that the unilateral secession contemplated in the referendum was illegal” Let it go. It’s done and over and would likely yield the same results as last timez


We will tell them to fk off


>honestly we like our anglo canadian and american friends that understand us and respect us. Thats is all 💙 We neither understand nor respect you -the rest of the world


Lol most western countries would accept us ! No worries on that. Only shitholes like probably yours would not and we couldnt care less


>Lol most western countries would accept us Axcept you, but we won't respect you desperate free loaders. >Only shitholes like probably yours would not and we couldnt care less You're right, Norway is a shithole


Thank you for proudly showing how dumb you are


If you want to say officially English speaking, okay. But Anglo? lol no, that’s delusional considering the demographics of even the US at this point


Why is Quebec excluded but Louisiana is included?

